PC Cheats Index - Cheats List

Game Cheats List Updated on
Harley Davidson: The Road to SturgisHex Cheat2000-11-13
Harley Davidson: Wheels of FreedomHints2002-08-27
Harry Potter 2: The Chamber of SecretsCheats, Hints, Walkthroughs, Savegame2003-10-16
Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsCheat Codes, Hints1999-04-13
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1Cheat Codes, Trainer, Savegame2011-07-30
Harry Potter and the Goblet of FireTrainer, Savegame, Hints2009-09-23
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceTrainers, Savegame, Hints2009-08-03
Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixTrainer, Savegame, Language Menu Enabler, No-intro Patch2007-07-31
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanTrainer, Walkthrough, Map, Hints2005-11-11
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneCheat Codes, Hints1999-09-07
Harry Potter: Quidditch World CupTrainer, Savegame, Hints2011-04-04
Harry Potter: Sorcerer's StoneCheat Codes, Cheatss, FAQ, Hints2003-03-15
HarvesterCheat Codes1999-02-21
Harvester of SoulsWalkthrough1999-02-20
Harvest LinesTrainer1999-06-08
Hateful Chris: Never Say BuySavegame Editor2001-08-28
Hatoful BoyfriendHints2014-09-11
Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday StarHints2016-11-22
Have a N.I.C.E. DayCheat Codes1999-11-09
Have a N.I.C.E. Day 2Cheat Codes1999-08-19
HavocCheat Codes1999-04-23
HawkeyeCheat Codes1999-11-10
Haywood TowersTrainer2001-04-23
Hazen: The Dark WhisperTrainer2010-05-22
Head RushHints1999-10-23
Health and Fitness Club TycoonTrainer, Savegame1999-09-23
Hearthstone: Heroes of WarcraftHints2016-08-02
Heart LightCheat Codes1999-05-14
Heart of ChinaUHS Module1999-02-18
Heart of DarknessWalkthrough, FAQ2001-01-25
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