Fluttabyes Cheats - PC

 All cheats for this game by platform: PC
Check out these Fluttabyes cheats and stay cool!
Achievements (Steam)
4-by-4 - Create a 4x4 shape.
5-by-5 - Create a 5x5 shape.
6-by-6 - Create a 6x6 shape.
4 in a row - Get a line of 4 butterflies.
5 in a row - Get a line of 5 butterflies.
6 in a row - Get a line of 6 butterflies.
7 in a row - Get a line of 7 butterflies.
7-by-7 Hairstreak - Create a green 7x7 shape.
7-by-7 Clouded - Create a yellow 7x7 shape.
7-by-7 Emperor - Create a purple 7x7 shape.
7-by-7 Holly - Create a blue 7x7 shape.
7-by-7 Viceroy - Create a red 7x7 shape.
Been There, Seen That. - See all 4 backdrops.
Coccinellidae - Place your first ladybird.
Combo! - Get your first combo bonus.
Completionist - Obtained all achievements.
Double Combo! - Get your first double combo.
Endless Millionaire - Score 1,000,000 in Endless.
Endless Apprentice - Play Endless for 5 minutes.
Endless Expert - Play Endless for 10 minutes.
Endless Master - Play Endless for 20 minutes.
Endless Multi-Millionaire - Score 5,000,000 in Endless.
Endless Survival - Play Survival and Endless in the same hour.
Endless Multi-Multi-Millionaire - Score 10,000,000 in Endless.
Endless Newbie - Play Endless for 2 minutes.
Four Fuwch Goch Gota - Create a 4 ladybird bonus.
Hat Katicabogarak - Create a 6 ladybird bonus.
Siedem Biedronki - Create a 7 ladybird bonus.
Somewhere, over the... - Get your first rainbow butterfly.
Hungry for more - Re-start a survival game.
I'm Famous! - Upload your score to the online leaderboard.
Plenty of Time - Refill the dandelion.
Scatter! - Place a rainbow butterfly on a ladybird.
Survival 100K - Score 100,000 in Survival.
Survival 500K - Score 500,000 in Survival.
Survival Apprentice - Survive for 2 minutes.
Survival Millionaire - Score 1,000,000 in Survival.
Survival Expert - Survive for 5 minutes.
Survival Newbie - Survive for 30 seconds.
Vijf Lieveheersbeestjes - Create a 5 ladybird bonus.

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