Unlock cheat mode
Press [Up], [Triangle], [Down], [X],
[Left], [Circle], [Right], [Square] followed
by one of the following codes during game play to activate the
corresponding cheat function. Note: Code effects only last for
one race.
Adrenaline Boost
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Down], [Left]x2, [Right] during game play.
Always Stoked
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Down], [Square]x2, [Left], [Circle] during
game play
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Down], [Triangle], [Square]x2, [Up] during
game play.
Combat Free
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Left], [Square], [Circle], [Square], [Left]
during game play.
Combat Upgrade
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Up], [Down], [Left]x2, [Right] during
game play.
Extra Smack Time
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Left], [Right], [Down]x2 during game play.
Energy Restore
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Down], [Right]x2, [Left]x2 during game play.
Infinite Water Bottles
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Up], [X], [Left]x2, [Circle]x2 during
game play.
Mega Flip
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Right], [Up]x2, [Right]x2, [Square]
during game play.
More Cash
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Right], [Up]x2, [Circle]x2, [Square]
during game play
Speed Freak
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Down], [Triangle], [Right]x2, [Square]
during game play.
Stoke Trick Meter
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Down], [Left]x2, [Right]x2 during game play.
Super Bounce
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Left], [Square], [X], [Up], [Triangle]
during game play.
Super Bunny Hop
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Up], [X], [Left], [Square], [Up]
during game play.
Unlimited Energy
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Down], [Triangle], [Left]x2, [Square]
during game play.
Upgrade To Bottle
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed
by [Up], [Down], [Left]x2, [Right]x2 during
game play.
Play as Brain Lopes
Successfully complete a specialized mountain cross
career under the hardcore difficulty setting.
Play as Eric Carter
Successfully complete a specialized mountain cross
Play as Missy Glove
Successfully complete a specialized technical downhill
Play as Richie Schley
Successfully complete a specialized freeride career.
Play as Tara Lianes
Successfully complete arcade mode.