cheat description | size | |
SAVEGAME FOR US VERSION Dec. 08, 2010 | 655KB | |
GUIDE Nov. 29, 2006 | 14KB |
Koffin | Effect | Cost or location |
AA | Quan Chi Attack art | 221 Sapphire |
AB | Golden Desert arena | E-2 Netherrealm |
AC | 297 Gold Koins | 63 Sapphire |
AD | Edenia Realm Map art | 148 Platinum |
AE | 371 Jade Koins | 137 Platinum |
AF | Chou Jaio video | Punch Mokap at C-6 Orderrealm |
AG | Puzzle Fighter Ladder art | 121 Ruby |
AH | Torture concept art | 159 Ruby |
AI | Kabal Storyboard art | 201 Gold |
AJ | Sindel alternate biography | 186 Sapphire |
AK | Konquest Layout art | 127 Sapphire |
AL | Liu Kang Tomb Render art | 227 Platinum |
AM | Nightwolf alternate costume | A-4 Netherrealm |
AN | Noob Storyboard art | 179 Sapphire |
AO | Scorpion Kata Test video | 612 Onyx |
AP | MK4 Scorpion Render art | 202 Platinum |
AQ | Jade alternate biography | 352 Platinum |
AR | Ermac Early concept art | 192 Ruby |
AS | Sub-Zero alternate biography | C-3 Earthrealm |
AT | Sindel Storyboard art | 155 Platinum |
BA | Kira Storyboard art | 193 Sapphire |
BB | MK4 3D Test video | 681 Platinum |
BC | Dragon King Render art | 108 Sapphire |
BD | 602 Sapphire Koins | 117 Gold |
BE | MK Chess concept art | 213 Platinum |
BF | Scorpion vs Sub-Zero art | 113 Onyx |
BG | 297 Sapphire Koins | 352 Ruby |
BH | Liu Kang's Tomb arena | Bridge at Earthrealm H-6 at 4 a.m. on Friday |
BI | Liu Kang biography | Complete Konquest mode, then go to Earthrealm H-4 at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday and look in the bigger building behind Liu Kang's Ghost |
BJ | Chamber Death Trap concept art | 198 Gold |
BK | 4 Player concept art | 106 Platinum |
BL | Evil Yin Yang concept art | 87 Jade |
BM | 659 Platinum Koins | 97 Gold |
BN | Nightwolf concept art | 88 Onyx |
BO | Bo' Rai Cho alternate biography | 269 Ruby |
BP | Live at Kuatan music | E-5 Netherealm |
BQ | Nethership Stern art | 227 Sapphire |
BR | 461 Gold Koins | 129 Ruby |
BS | Chess Kombat concept art | 56 Jade |
BT | Arcade Select music | 488 Onyx |
CA | 722 Ruby Koins | 202 Gold |
CB | 374 Gold Koins | 338 Platinum |
CC | Beetle Lair music | A-6 Earthrealm |
CD | Beetle Lair concept art | 212 Onyx |
CE | Dariou alternate biography | 422 Jade |
CF | Weapon concept art | 178 Platinum |
CG | Raiden Torpedo Shujinko's Move | E-5 Edenia |
CH | 254 Sapphire Koins | 154 Gold |
CI | Li Mei concept art | 210 Sapphire |
CJ | Falling Cliffs concept art | 135 Gold |
CK | Chamber of Artifacts Lower Level art | 101 Jade |
CL | Raiden Lightning Test art | 1004 Jade |
CM | Undead General art | 177 Platinum |
CN | Havik's alternate costume | 1114 Jade |
CO | Dragon King's Throne art | 256 Platinum |
CP | Carlos Pesina photo | 267 Jade |
CQ | Ermac Storyboard art | 255 Gold |
CR | 150 Gold Koins | 125 Ruby |
CS | Martial Arts Moifah video | 521 Platinum |
CT | Jim Terdina photo | 781 Gold |
DA | Kabal's alternate costume | Complete Konquest mode and Kabal's mission, then proceed to fight Kabal at Chaosrealm B-1 |
DB | Shujinko biography | 331 Onyx |
DC | Havik concept art | 176 Ruby |
DD | Shujinko's Foot Grab move | Edena D-8 Monday 12:00 a.m. behind house |
DE | Ermac alternate concept art | 207 Sapphire |
DF | Falling Cliffs concept art | 205 Ruby |
DG | Danny Guitierrez photo | 111 Platinum |
DH | Chaos Realm concept art | 143 Ruby |
DI | Tanya unlocked | A-3 Outworld |
DJ | Sub-Zero Promotional Render art | 185 Jade |
DK | Outworld Guard House art | 137 Sapphire |
DL | Shang Tsung's Destroyed Palace art | 255 Onyx |
DM | Noob-Smoke unlocked | 3643 Onyx |
DN | Li Mei Storyboard art | 177 Gold |
DO | Dragon Mountain arena | H-8 Outworld |
DP | Tanya biography | 306 Platinum |
DQ | Slaughterhouse Sketch art | 66 Onyx |
DR | Marketing and Media Team photo | 601 Platinum |
DS | Living Forest arena | 1694 Sapphire |
DT | Cinematic Scorpion art | 301 Sapphire |
EA | Ermac Masked concept art | 207 Platinum |
EB | Ed Boon photo | 144 Sapphire |
EC | Portal Arena music | 871 Jade |
ED | Order Realm City Center art | 215 Platinum |
EE | Ashrah's alternate costume | Complete Konquest mode then go to H-4 Netherealm |
EF | Shujinko Promo Render art | 236 Platinum |
EG | Thank You! art | 291 Ruby |
EH | Nethership Interior map | 245 Onyx |
EI | Nethership Hanging Bodies art | 165 Sapphire |
EJ | Noob-Smoke alternate costume | 1494 Platinum |
EK | Slaughterhouse Death Trap art | 288 Gold |
EL | Dairou Storyboard art | 199 Jade |
EM | Raiden's alternate costume | Train with Raiden at Outworld, then go to Edenia F-3 |
EN | Falling Cliffs Fatality art | 294 Onyx |
EO | Opening Movie Animatic video | 793 Platinum |
EP | Falling Cliffs Fatality art | 227 Sapphire |
EQ | Voice Actors photo | 316 Onyx |
ER | Liu Kang's alternate costume | Edenia H-5, first day of month at 12 p.m. in tree area south side of waterfall |
ES | Sektor and Smoke art | 234 Onyx |
ET | Mileena concept art | 141 Jade |
FA | Hotaru Character Sketch art | 206 Ruby |
FB | Martial Arts Monkey video | 565 Onyx |
FC | Old Shujinko concept art | 217 Onyx |
FD | MK Mythologies video | 628 Ruby |
FE | Liu Kang's Tombs concept art | 301 Sapphire |
FF | Raiden Character Studies art | 116 Ruby |
FG | Outworld Chess concept art | 222 Gold |
FH | Game Balance Testers photo | 138 Platinum |
FI | Martial Arts Zha Chuan video | 596 Gold |
FJ | Red Dragon Sword art | 153 Sapphire |
FK | Cliffhanger concept art | 293 Platinum |
FL | Player Capture concept art | 126 Jade |
FM | Cinematic Team photo | 154 Sapphire |
FN | Hua Chuan video | Earthrealm E-2 |
FO | Sky Temple concept art | 456 Jade |
FP | 378 Ruby Koins | 107 Sapphire |
FQ | Quan Chi's Realm Detail art | 198 Gold |
FR | Double Character concept art | 288 Onyx |
FS | Slaughterhouse concept art | 122 Ruby |
FT | 418 Platinum Koins | 224 Jade |
GA | Baraka alternate biography | Earthrealm A-3 |
GB | Noob-Smoke alternate biography | 390 Sapphire |
GC | Jade alternate costume | G-4 Outworld |
GD | Mileena Storyboard art | 133 Ruby |
GE | Jon Vogel Painting art | 216 Gold |
GF | Kuatan Palace arena | In a house at A-4 Orderrealm |
GG | Quan Chi' Skull Wall video | 610 Ruby |
GH | Raiden Promotional Render art | 299 Sapphire |
GI | Kira concept art | 182 Ruby |
CJ | San Diego Creative Team photo | 251 Ruby |
GK | Hotaru's alternate biography | 267 Gold |
GL | Darrius concept art | 99 Sapphire |
GM | Mileena (Puzzle Fighter) unlocked | Netherrealm C-6 at 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. behind Shinok, to the left behind the building |
GN | Chaos Realm Water Center art | 217 Ruby |
GO | Jade (Puzzle Fighter) unlocked | 2911 Ruby |
GP | Portal arena | G-5 Earthrealm |
GQ | MK4 Sonya art | 154 Sapphire |
GR | Jon Greenberg photo | 209 Gold |
GS | Kira biography | 202 Sapphire |
GT | Sexy Mileena art | 217 sapphire |
HA | Adisak Pochanayon photo | 186 Onyx |
HB | Yin Yang (Puzzle) arena | D-1 Earthrealm |
HC | Yin Yang Statue art | 111 Gold |
HD | Jennifer Hedrick photo | 168 Ruby |
HE | 434 Gold Koins | 173 Onyx |
HF | Shujinko Sword concept art | 183 Gold |
HG | 434 Jade Koins | 317 Gold |
HH | Sareena Render art | 54 Jade Konis |
HI | Noob-Smoke biography | 312 Gold |
HJ | Tiles of Death and Whimsy music | Chaosrealm E-7 in a house |
HK | Sub-Zero Render art | 668 Jade |
HL | Mileena alternate costume | From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at F-7 Earthrealm |
HM | Scorpion concept art | 136 Ruby |
HN | Tanya Character Studies art | 194 Jade |
HO | Scorpion wire frame from MK4 art | 172 Ruby |
HP | Sindel Character Study art | 156 Platinum |
HQ | Liu Kang's Tomb (Puzzle) arena | 1515 Jade |
HR | Outworld Cottage art | 401 Onyx |
HS | Herman Sanchez photo | 213 Platinum |
HT | 361 Jade Koins | 324 Sapphire |
IA | MKGold Baraka and Mileena art | 144 Jade |
IB | Bo' Rai Cho alternate costume | 2086 Onyx |
IC | Animation Sketches art | 243 Sapphire |
ID | Shujinko's Spear move | A-1 Edenia, defeat Scorpion |
IE | Darrius Promo Render art | 216 Sapphire |
IF | User Interface Team photo | 682 Ruby |
IG | Mian Chuan video | E-8 Netherrealm |
IH | MK Deception Teaser Trailer video | 556 Jade |
II | Konquest Production art | 200 Sapphire |
IJ | Quan Chi's Realm Portal art | 144 Sapphire |
IK | Arena Weapon concept art | 224 Platinum Koins |
IL | Slaughterhouse concept art | 199 Ruby |
IM | 286 Ruby Koins | 133 Platinum |
IN | Shujinko's Ice Blast | Orderrealm E-4 in a building at 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday |
IO | Good Yin Yang concept art | 194 Platinum |
IP | Kobra alternate costume | Fight Kobra at G-2 Earthrealm |
IQ | Dragon King Ending Part 2 art | 139 Onyx |
IR | Jade Storyboard art | 256 Jade |
IS | Raiden Solid Model art | 164 Gold |
IT | Information Technology photo | 189 Sapphire |
JA | Jim Bulvan photo | 324 Onyx |
JB | Jay Biondo photo | 29 Ruby |
JC | Nethership Fight Intro art | 376 Sapphire |
JD | Nightwolf Storyboard art | 186 Ruby |
JE | Mythologies Bloopers video | 793 Sapphire |
JF | Noob alternateernate concept art | 217 Platinum |
JG | 357 Onyx Koins | 175 Ruby |
JH | Baraka Render art | 235 Platinum |
JI | Dead Pool arena | 2191 Ruby |
JJ | Early Promo art | 200 Platinum |
JK | Kenshi alternate biography | 245 Jade |
JL | Tanya from MK4 art | 63 Onyx |
JM | Baraka vs Mileena Animatic video | 640 Jade |
JN | John Nocher photo | 159 Sapphire |
JO | Shujinko's alternate costume | Edenia F1 at 3:30 a.m. to 4 a.m. on Tuesday, located inside a building |
JP | Scorpion Storyboard art | 134 Jade |
JQ | Nexus arena | A-4 Chaosrealm; go around to the outside corner of the cliff where the other chest is and wait from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. It appears on the right side of the other chest |
JR | Deadly Alliance Exhibit art | 187 Ruby |
JS | Havik unlocked | In a house at H-4 Chaosrealm |
JT | MK Mythologies Sub Zero Dies video | 804 Gold |
KA | Tanya alternate biography | 253 Jade |
KB | Noob concept art | 225 Sapphire |
KC | Shujinko's slam move | Edenia C-8 Wednesday 5:00 p.m. |
KD | Art Crew photo | 212 Onyx |
KE | Sindel Promo Render art | 178 Sapphire |
KF | Quan Chi Realm Approach art | 260 Gold |
KG | Raiden alternate biography | Train with Raiden at Outworld, then go to Outworld G-1 at 5 p.m. |
KH | Liu Kang's Tomb concept art | 273 Onyx |
KI | Scorpion alternate costume | In the town at B-6 Earthrealm |
KJ | 477 Sapphire Koins | 161 Onyx |
KK | Shujinko's suicide move | Earthrealm A-8, cave on Sunday from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. |
KL | Shang Tsung Attack art | 200 Gold |
KM | 242 Platinum Koins | 145 Ruby |
KN | Shujinko "Powerfist" | From 4 p.m. to 4 a.m. at D-3 Netherrealm |
KO | Quan Chi Cinema Model art | 186 Ruby |
KP | John Podalesak photo | 401 Gold |
KQ | MK Mythologies video | 683 Onyx |
KR | Ashrah Character concept art | 145 Gold |
KS | Kabal alternate biography | 233 Onyx |
KT | Liu Kang's Tomb music | Earthrealm C-7 |
LA | Facial Animation Test art | 165 Ruby |
LB | Brian Le Baron photo | 170 Onyx |
LC | 489 Jade Koins | 182 Onyx |
LD | Shang Tsung's Chess concept art | 67 Jade |
LE | Nightwolf alternate biography | 265 Platinum |
LF | Shujinko's Fatality 1 | Outworld C-8 in cave |
LG | Face Damage Demo art | 155 Gold |
LH | 297 Jade Koins | 217 Sapphire |
LI | Animation Sketches art | 206 Sapphire |
LJ | Edenia Realm House art | 196 Ruby |
LK | Ashrah concept art | 170 Onyx Konis |
LL | Havik biography | 398 Sapphire |
LM | Luis Mangubat photo | 178 Gold |
LN | Baraka Storyboard art | 232 Gold |
LO | Hotaru biography | 342 Jade |
LP | Tools Group photo | 136 Platinum |
LQ | MK Universe Logo art | 125 Sapphire |
LR | 299 Ruby Koins | 201 Jade |
LS | Dragon King Face art | 200 Jade |
LT | Konquest Mission Maps art | 200 Platinum |
MA | Raiden unlocked | Orderrealm E-3 |
MB | Mike Boon photo | 639 Jade |
MC | Fatality concept art | 280 Onyx |
MD | Order Realm City Center art | 99 Jade |
ME | Darrius Character concept art | 66 Jade |
MF | Noob Saibot Demo art | 385 Jade |
MG | Nethership Plan art | 192 Platinum |
MH | Sindel's alternate costume | Outworld H-6 in hut behind Frost at 2:45 p.m. on Friday |
MI | Kabal (Puzzle) unlocked | 2425 Platinum |
MJ | Chaos Realm Ruins art | 139 Sapphire |
MK | Kira alternate biography | 283 Platinum |
ML | Tanya alternate costume | Fight Tanya at Outworld C-2 |
MM | Shujinko alternate biography | Chaosrealm G-8 |
MN | Dragon King Ending Part 1 art | 164 Gold |
MO | Dragon King's Temple arena | Chaosrealm D-7 in house at 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. |
MP | Quan Chi voice test | 815 Sapphire |
MQ | Mary Qian photo | 128 Onyx |
MR | Dark Prison music | In a house at Earthrealm C-3 |
MS | Raiden Demise video | 528 Platinum |
MT | Mike Taran photo | 529 Onyx |
NA | 476 Onyx Koins | 126 Jade |
NB | Sky Temple concept art | Unknown |
NC | Nigel Casey photo | 148 Gold |
ND | Bo' Rai Cho (Puzzle) unlocked | C-6 Earthrealm |
NE | Scorpion Render art | 196 Platinum |
NF | Li Mei biography | 281 Ruby |
NG | Ashrah Render art | 166 Sapphire |
NH | 461 Onyx Koins | 144 Platinum Koins |
NI | Scorpion's Katana art | 227 Jade |
NJ | Kombo Krusher music | 561 Gold |
NK | Jon Vogel photo | 245 Jade |
NL | 357 Gold Koins | 105 Jade |
NM | Rock Crusher Death Trap art | 129 Sapphire |
NN | Nightwolf Promo Render art | 499 Ruby |
NO | Liu Kang's Tomb concept art | 188 Gold |
NP | 325 Ruby Koins | 144 Onyx |
NQ | Bo' Rai Cho Storyboard art | 243 Gold |
NR | 348 Sapphire Koins | 115 Ruby |
NS | Nick Shin photo | 124 Ruby |
NT | Netherrealm Shull Rock art | 162 Onyx |
OA | Sub-Zero Storyboard art | 128 Onyx |
OB | Courtyard arena | A-1 Netherrealm |
OC | Outworld Map art | 211 Sapphire |
OD | Hell's Foundry art | 209 Platinum |
OE | Slaughterhouse Render art | 152 Platinum |
OF | Shujinko "Flip Kick" | Orderrealm D-1 |
OG | 322 Sapphire Koins | 148 Jade |
OH | Sky Temple Elevation art | 178 Jade |
OI | Jade unlocked | 2417 Jade |
OJ | Hotaru unlocked | Orderrealm H-1 |
OK | Silat video | Chaosrealm B-1 |
OL | Online Team photo | 211 Platinum Koins |
OM | Noob and Smoke Demo art | 181 Onyx |
ON | Kenshi unlocked | Earthrealm E-4 (unknown time requirement) |
OO | Commercial | 452 Platinum Koins |
OP | Kobra Storyboard art | 282 Sapphire |
OQ | Quan Chi Fortress arena | In a house at Orderrealm H-5 |
OR | Alan Villani photo | 272 Sapphire |
OS | Havik alternate biography | 395 Ruby |
OT | Liu Kang | Complete Konquest mode, go to Edenia G-8 Friday 12:00 a.m. to 12:05 a.m. behind the tent |
PA | Raiden concept art | 346 Jade |
PB | Nightwolf and Sonya from MK3 art | 194 Gold |
PC | Goju Ryu video | 592 Sapphire |
PD | Li Mei unlocked | In a house at Outworld F-7 |
PE | Nethership Interior art | 212 Ruby |
PF | Kenshi Storyboard art | 260 Ruby |
PG | Paulo Garcia photo | 45 Jade |
PH | Wheel of Death Concept art | 188 Jade |
PI | Ashrah Storyboard art | 280 Sapphire |
PJ | Ermac alternate biography | 254 Gold |
PK | Pav Kovacic photo | 128 Jade |
PL | Slaughterhouse Death Trap art | 255 Onyx |
PM | Outworld Map art | 312 Onyx |
PN | Noob concept art | 161 Sapphire |
PO | Konquest Missions Team photo | 227 Ruby |
PP | Raiden (Puzzle) unlocked | 3604 Gold |
PQ | Animation Sketches art | 103 Onyx |
PR | Kenshi biography | 288 Gold |
PS | Shujinko's kick move | Chaosrealm G-4, 2:00 a.m. on Sunday |
PT | Shinnok from MK4 art | 171 Sapphire |
QA | Quality Assurance, Chicago photo | 467 Sapphire |
QB | 463 Platinum Koins | 189 Sapphire |
QC | Havik concept art | 169 Platinum |
QD | Darrius alternate biography | 392 Gold |
QE | Chaosrealm concept art | 178 Gold |
QF | Nethership Cross Section art | 126 Gold |
QG | Chamber of Artifacts Render art | 210 Gold |
QH | Li Mei alternate biography | 296 Onyx |
QI | Dairou's alternate costume | Chaosrealm D-8 |
QJ | Chaos Realm Koffins art | 207 Ruby |
QK | Liu Kang Storyboard art | Chaosrealm F-7 |
QL | 348 Jade Koins | 134 Ruby |
QM | Animation Sketches art | 377 Jade |
QN | Ashrah alternate biography | 324 Sapphire |
QO | Scorpion Pawn art | 197 Sapphire |
QP | Ermac alternate costume | Netherrealm A-8 |
Quality Assurance, San Diego photo | 374 Jade | |
QR | 227 Gold Koins | 123 Platinum |
QS | Nethership Bow art | 231 Platinum |
QT | Hotaru alternate costume | 1064 Ruby |
RA | Dragon King Storyboard art | 169 Platinum |
RB | 258 Ruby Koins | 215 Onyx |
RC | Midway Media, Chicago photo | 263 Platinum Koins |
RD | Frozen Katakombs art | 167 Platinum |
RE | Mileena alternate biography | Earthrealm F-6 |
RF | Sub-Zero concept art | 213 Gold |
RG | Young Shujinko art | 288 Sapphire |
RH | 397 Onyx Koins | 163 Gold |
RI | Sky Temple concept art | 320 Onyx |
RJ | Falling Cliffs Fatality art | 159 Jade |
RK | Sludge Pit concept art | 148 Sapphire |
RL | Beetle Lair Attack art | 166 Gold |
RM | Sub-Zero's alternate costume | From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Earthrealm F-8, small path |
RN | Alexander Barrentine photo | 137 Gold |
RO | 343 Platinum Koins | 124 Jade |
RP | Jade biography | 258 Jade |
RQ | Evil Yin Yang concept art | 131 Sapphire |
RR | Ryan Rosenberg photo | 88 Gold |
RS | Dead Pool Arena music | 398 Platinum |
RT | Scorpion alternate biography | Earthrealm D-4 |
SA | Raiden biography | Earthrealm C-4 |
SB | Steve Beran photo | 327 Platinum |
SC | Kenshi alternate costume | Earthrealm A-6 |
SD | Deception Preview video | 675 Platinum |
SE | Liu Kang alternate biography | Orderrealm G-5 |
SF | Good Yin Yang concept art | 167 Onyx |
SG | Kira alternate costume | 990 Sapphire |
SH | Kira unlocked | Earthrealm H-2 in house |
SI | Jade Character Studies art | 244 Gold |
SJ | Sindel unlocked | Netherrealm D-1 |
SK | Bo' Rai Cho art | 52 Onyx |
SL | Val Tudo video | 615 Ruby |
SM | Edenia Realm Palace art | 195 Gold |
SN | Shujinko Character concept art | 155 Jade |
SO | Sound Team photo | 198 Jade |
SP | Baraka concept art | 244 Sapphire |
SQ | Shujinko Fatality 2 | Orderrealm D-4 |
SR | Baraka alternate costume | 2252 Gold |
SS | Production Assistance photo | 219 Ruby |
ST | Chess Piece concept art | 298 Ruby |
TA | Todd Allen photo | 104 Jade |
TB | Darrius alternate costume | In a small hut at Outworld F-8 at 10 a.m. on Friday |
TC | Living Forest music | 682 Sapphire |
TD | Noob Demo Version 2 | 289 Platinum |
TE | Li Mei's alternate costume | Defeat Li Mei at Orderrealm A-5 |
TF | 434 Onyx Koins | 150 Sapphire |
TG | Tony Goskie photo | 135 Onyx |
TH | Havik concept art | 257 Jade |
TI | Sindel biography | 269 Onyx |
TJ | Death Trap Chamber art | 239 Sapphire |
TK | MK Deception Trailer Animatic | 547 Ruby |
TL | Golden Desert music | Netherrealm City D-8 |
TM | MK4 Promo art | 191 Onyx |
TN | Early Quan Chi art | 191 Onyx |
TO | Tony Zeffiro photo | 126 Gold |
TP | Kobra alternate biography | 283 Onyx |
TQ | Lower Mines Death Trap art | 274 Gold |
TR | Kenshi puzzle fighter | In shrine at Earthrealm F-4 |
TS | Taaron Silverstien photo | 365 Sapphire |
TT | Choy Lay Fut video | Edenia F-4, in the house |
Close: As close as possible to opponentAshrah: Moves
Sweep: From close, tap [Away]x2.
Outside Sweep: From sweep, tap [Away] once more
Far: Full screen away
Heavenly Light: Press [Down], [Away], [Circle].Baraka: Moves
Lightning Blast: Press [Down], [Towards], [Circle].
Spin Cycle: Press [Down], [Up], [Triangle].
Nature's Torpedo: Press [Towards]x2, [Circle].
Fatality 1: [Down]x2, [Up]x2, [Triangle] (when close).
Fatality 2: [Towards], [Down], [Towards], [Down], [Triangle] (Sweep).
Hara Kiri: Press [Up], [Down], [Up]x2, [Triangle].
Flying Shard: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].Hint Bo Rai Cho: Moves
Mutant Blades: Press [Towards]x2, [X].
Fatality 1: Press [Towards], [Up], [Down], [Triangle] (when close).
Fatality 2: Press [Towards], [Down], [Away], [Towards], [Triangle] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Down], [Away], [Up], [Away], [Circle].
Puke: Press [Away], [Towards], [Triangle].Dairou: Moves
Monkey Flips: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].
Belly Bash: Press [Towards]x2, [Circle].
Earthquake: Press [Towards], [Away], [X].
Fatality 1: Press [Down], [Up], [Towards]x2, [Triangle] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Up], [Away], [Towards], [X] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Away]x2, [Towards]x2, [Triangle].
Tombstone Drop: Press [Towards], [Away], [Down], [Circle].Darrius: Moves
Stealthy Shadows: Press [Down], [Up], [Triangle].
Iron Leg: Press [Down], [Away], [X].
Fatality 1: Press [Down], [Up], [Away]x2, [Square] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Down]x2, [Away], [Circle] (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press [Away]x3, [Down], [Square].
Tricky Blast: Press [Away], [Towards], [Triangle].Ermac: Moves
Twisty Kick: Press [Down], [Away], [Circle].
Chest Cruncher: Press [Away], [Towards], [Square].
Target Practice: Press [Down], [Towards], [Circle].
Fatality 1: Press [Up], [Down], [Away], [Towards], [X] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Down]x2, [Away], [X] (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press [Away], [Towards]x2, [Triangle].
Mystic Float: Press [Down], [Up], [X].Havik
Mystic Bomb: During the Mystic Float move, press [Down], [X].
Dive Kick: During the Mystic Float move, press [Towards], [X].
Telekinetic Throw: Press [Towards], [Away], [Triangle].
Telekinetic Slam: Press [Away], [Down], [Away], [Circle].
Hado-Energy: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].
Fatality 1: Press [Down], [Away]x2, [Down], [X] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Away], [Down], [Away], [Down], [Circle] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Down], [Up]x2, [Down], [X].
Torso Spin: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].Hotaru
Diving Corpse: Press [Down], [Towards], [Square].
Crackling Legs Projectile: Press [Away], [Towards], [Triangle].
Head Snap: Press [Away], [Towards], [Triangle].
Corpse Taunt: Press [Towards], [Away], [Circle].
Fatality 1: Press [Down], [Towards]x2, [Up], [Circle] (when close).
Fatality 2: Press [Towards]x3, [Away], [Triangle] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Towards], [Up]x3, [Triangle].
Grasshopper: Press [Down], [Towards], [Circle].Jade: Moves
Lave Burst: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].
Fatality 1: Press [Towards], [Away], [Up], [Down], [Square] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Down], [Towards], [Away], [Towards], [Triangle] (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press [Up], [Away]x3, [Triangle].
Vanishing Winds: Press [Away], [Towards], [Square].Kabal: Moves
Blazing Nitro Kick: Press [Away], [Towards], [Circle].
Razor-Rang: Press [Down], [Away], [X].
Dodging Shadows: Press [Away], [Towards], [Triangle].
Fatality 1: Press [Away], [Towards], [Up], [Towards], [Square] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Away], [Towards]x3, [Triangle] (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press [Towards]x3, [Away], [Triangle].
Raging Flash: Press [Away], [Towards], [Circle].Kenshi: Moves
Plasma Blast: Press [Down], [Towards], [Square].
Nomad Touch: Press [Down], [Away], [Triangle].
Fatality 1: Press [Towards], [Up]x3, [X] (when close).
Fatality 2: Press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Triangle] (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press [Towards], [Up]x2, [Down], [Triangle].
Telekinetic Slam: Press [Away], [Down], [Away], [Square].Kira
Telekinetic Toss: Press [Down], [Away], [Circle].
Telekinetic Push: Press [Towards]x2, [Triangle].
Tele-Fury: Press [Away], [Towards], [X].
Mind Warp: Press [Down], [Away], [X].
Fatality 1: Press [Towards]x2, [Away]x2, [Triangle] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Away], [Towards]x2, [Away], [Triangle] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Down], [Away]x2, [Towards], [Circle].
Black Dragon Ball: Press [Away], [Towards], [Circle].Kobra: Moves
Kiss of Death: Press [Towards], [Down], [Away], [Square].
Night Shade: Press [Down], [Towards], [Square].
Fatality 1: Press [Away], [Towards]x2, [Away], [Circle] (Far).
Fatality 2: Press [Up], [Towards], [Down], [Away], [X] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Towards], [Away], [Up], [Away], [X].
Windmill Kick: Press [Towards], [Down], [Away], [Circle].Li Mei
Burning Fist: Press [Down], [Towards], [Triangle].
Tele-Punch: Press [Down], [Away], [Triangle].
Chi-Blast: Press [Down], [Towards], [Square].
Crouching Chi-Blast: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].
Fatality 1: Press [Down], [Away], [Towards], [Down], [Circle].
Nova Blast: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].Liu Kang
Carnival Spin: Press [Towards], [Down], [X].
Flying Furry: Press [Towards], [Towards], [Triangle].
Flipping Heel Kick: Press [Down], [Away], [Circle].
Fatality 1: Press [Towards]x4, [Square] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Up], [Away], [Towards]x2, [Circle] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Up], [Down], [Up], [Down], [X].
Move 1: Press [Towards]x2, [Square]Mileena: Moves
Move 1: Press [Towards]x2, [Triangle]
Move 1: Press [Towards]x2, [Circle]
Move 1: Press [Down], [Towards], [X].
Fatality 1: Press [Away]x3, [Towards], [Triangle] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Up], [Away], [Towards]x2, [Circle] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Down]x3, [Up], [X].
Rolling Thunder: Press [Away], [Down], [Circle].Nightwolf: Moves
Soaring Sai: Press [Down], [Towards], [Triangle].
Kick From Above: Press [Towards], [Towards], [Circle].
Fatality 1: Press Toward, [Down]x2, [Square] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Up], [Up], [Towards]x2, [X] (Far).
Hara Kiri: Press [Away], [Down], [Towards], [Down], [Square].
Spirit Arrow: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].Noob Smoke: Moves
Rhino Charge: Press [Towards]x2, [Circle].
Lightning From Above: Press [Down], [Up], [Square].
Reflector: Press [Away], [Towards], [Triangle].
Fatality 1: Press [Away], [Towards], [Away], [Towards], [Square] (Far).
Fatality 2: Press [Down], [Towards], [Down], [Up], [Triangle] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Up]x4, [X].
Smokeycut: Press [Towards]x2, [Circle].Raiden
Dark Assassin: Press [Down], [Away], [Triangle].
Death From Above: Press [Towards]x2, [X].
Dark Shadows: Press [Down], [Away], [Circle].
We Live: Press [Down], [Away], [Triangle].
Darkness: Press [Up], [Down], [Square].
Fatality 1: Press [Away], [Towards], [Away], [Towards], [Square] (Far).
Fatality 2: Press [Up], [Down]x2, [Towards], [Triangle] (as Smoke outside sweeping range)
Hara Kiri: Press [Down], [Up]x2, [Down], [Triangle].
Static Teleport: Press [Down], [Up], [X].Scorpion: Moves
Lightning Bolt: Press [Down], Away, [Square].
Shocking Touch: Press [Forward]x2, [Triangle].
Flying Thunder God: Press [Forward]x2, [Circle].
Fatality 1: Press [Away], [Down], [Towards], [Down], [Square] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Up], [Down], [Towards]x2, [Square] (Far).
Hara Kiri: Press [Towards], [Up]x2, [Away], [Square].
Bloody Spear: Press [Away], [Towards], [Square].Shujinko: Moves
Hellfire: Press [Down], [Away], [Triangle].
Awayflip Kick: Press [Towards], [Away], [X].
Teleport Attack: Press [Down], [Away], [X].
Fatality 1: Press [Towards], [Down], [Towards]x2, [Square] (when close).
Fatality 2: Press [Towards], [Away], [Towards], [Away], [Square] (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press [Towards], [Up]x2, [Away], [Square].
Icy Breeze: Press [Down], [Towards], [Square].Go to the following locations to unlock all of Shujinko's moves:
Flaming Fist: Press [Down], [Towards], [Triangle].
Flying Jinko: Press [Towards]x2, [Triangle].
Flip Scissor Kick: Press [Down], [Away], [X].
Telekinetic Slam: Press [Away], [Down], [Away], [Circle].
Throw Spear (Scorpions Bloody Spear): Press [Away], [Towards], [Square].
Slide (Sindel's Foot Grab): Press [Towards], [Away], [X].
Bike Kicks (Lui Kang's Bicycle Kick): Press [Towards]x2, [Circle].
Fatality 1: Press [Up], [Down]x2, [Towards], [X] (when close).
Fatality 2: Press [Away], [Up], [Towards]x2, [Square] (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press [Down], [Away], [Down], [Away], [X].
Torpedo: Directly in front of Edenia PortalShujinko: Greater side
Bicycle Kick: Chaosrealm G-4 between 12 a.m. to 1 a.m. on Sunday
Ermac Slam: Edenia C-8 Wednesday at 5 p.m.
Freeze: Orderrealm F-5 at 11 a.m. on Wednesday (in building)
Foot Grab: Edenia D-8 at 2 to 3 a.m. on Monday (behind house)
Kobra Fist: Edenia G-6 (behind building)
Scorpion Spear: Edenia A-1 (Defeat Scorpion)
Flip Kick: Orderrealm E-1 at 11 a.m.
Fatality 1: Outword C-8 (in cave)
Fatality 2: Orderrealm D-4 at 9 a.m.
Banshee Scream: Press [Towards]x2, [Square].Sub-Zero: Moves
Star Screamer: Press [Towards]x2, [Square].
Sliding Foot Grab: Press [Away], [Towards], [Square].
Fatality 1: Press [Away], [Towards]x2, [Away], [Square] (when in sweeping range).
Fatality 2: Press [Up]x2, [Away], [Towards], [X] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Towards], [Up]x2, [Down], [Circle].
Ice Clone: Press [Down], [Away], [Square].Tayna
Freeze Ball: Press [Down], [Towards], [X].
Fatality 1: Press [Towards], [Away], [Down], [Towards], [Triangle] (when close).
Fatality 2: Press [Away], [Down], [Towards], [Down], [Square] (when in sweeping range).
Hara Kiri: Press [Down], [Up], [Down], [Up], [Triangle].
Human Cannon Drill: Press [Towards]x2, [Triangle].Easy fatalities
Air Fire Blast: Press [Down], [Towards], [Triangle].
Surging Blast: Press [Down], [Away], [Triangle].
Split Flip Kick: Press [Down], [Away], [Circle].
Find Me: Press [Up], [Down], [Square].
Fatality 1: Press [Towards], [Down]x3, [Square] (when close).
Fatality 2: Press [Up], [Away], [Towards], [Up], [Triangle] (when close).
Hara Kiri: Press [Down]x2, [Towards], [Up], [X].