Distract opponent
When playing against a friend, hold [Right Analog-stick Back] + [Left Analog-stick Back] to make their controller shake during a free throw.
All-Time Greats
To select the desired All-Time Great player, hold [L1] + [L2] + [R1] + [R2] and press [Circle] + [Square].
How To Make It Hard To Hit Free Shots
When playing 2 player mode first foul a player. Then wait until the clock says 01 then hold the anolog sticks all the way up. It will make your oppenent lose concentration and will miss 98% of the time.
1985 Micheal Jordan
At the main menu, hold R2 and press [X], [Triangle] and [Square]. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a whistle.
Infinite creation points
Choose rosters from the main menu then select create player set the first name to muscoy and the last name mike when you advance to the attribute screen you'll have unlimited points.