Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of The Lions Cheats - PSP

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Downloadable Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of The Lions Cheats
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Unlock Balthier (from FFXII)
1. When you reach Chapter 4, head over to The Mining Town of Gollund.
2. Check the "Rash of Thefts" rumor from the tavern.
3. Drop by The Merchant City of Dorter's tavern and read the "A Call for Guards" rumor.
4. Leave town, and you'll automatically enter a battle.
5. Win with the help of Balthier, and he'll join the party.

Unlock Luso (from FFTA2)
1. Go to the Zekalus Desert after the Orbonne Monastary battles in Chapter 3.
2. Once there, watch the FMV and complete the following battle.

Character Job Classes
Gain job levels in the following classes to unlock more advanced ones:

Archer - Level 2 Squire
Arithmetician - Level 5 White Mage, level 5 Black Mage, level 4 Mystic and level 4 Time Mage.
Bard - Level 5 Summoner and level 5 Orator (Male only)
Black Mage - Level 2 Chemist
Dancer - Level 5 Dragoon and level 5 Geomancer (Female only)
Dark Knight - Completely Master Knight and Black Mage, kill (crystallize) 20 units, and reach level 8 with Dragoon, Ninja, Goemancer and Samurai
Dragoon - Level 4 Thief
Geomancer - Level 4 Monk
Knight - Level 2 Squire
Monk - Level 3 Knight
Mystic - Level 3 White Mage
Ninja - Level 5 Thief, level 4 Archer, level 2 Geomancer
Onion Knight - Level 6 Squire and level 6 Chemist
Orator - Level 3 Mystic
Samurai - Level 5 Monk, level 4 Knight, level 2 Dragoon
Summoner - Level 3 Time Mage
Thief - Level 3 Archer
Time Mage - Level 3 Black Mage
White Mage - Level 2 Chemist

See Monster Before It's Birth
On the editing screen, put an egg in the bottom row. Place the cursor on top and press right or left slowly or rapidly. You should be able to get a glimpse of fhe monster's face that's going to be born.

Unlock Secret Characters
There are five secret characters that can be attained in the game, six if you count the two forms of Reis. The following list shows how to get them all. NOTE: You must have Mustadio in your party to get all of the secret characters, and all of these characters are aquired in Chapter 4.

Beowulf - Read the rumors at Goland, go to Lesalia, then agree to accompany Beowulf to Goland. After a series of plot battles, he joins the party.
Biblos - Aquired after clearing all ten levels of the Deep Dungeon.
Cloud - After returning Reis to human form, go to Goug. Cloud will run off to Zarghidas after a scene. After clearing Igros, go to Zargidas and win the fight.
Dragon Reis - Accompany Beowulf through Goland Coal City; Reis is rescued during the final battle in the series.
Human Reis - Read the rumors at Zeltennia, buy a flower in Zarghidas, then return to Goug. This unlocks a battle in Zeltennia, and Reis takes human form afterward.
Worker 8 - After rescuing Reis from Goland, return to Goug Machine City. Worker 8 joins the party after a small scene.

Hidden Sound Test
When starting a new game, enter your name as PolkaPolka and you will be taken to a sound test menu.

Secret Characters
There are 7 secret characters in the game that are not met during the normal course of the storyline. The following must be done in order to obtain these characters. Also, you must be in Ch. 4 before starting this, and Mustadio must be in your party.

Balthier - After Bervenia, read the "Rash of Thefts" rumor in Gollund and "Call of Guards" at Dorter. Try to move and you will enter a battle. Win this battle.
Beowulf - Go to Goug. Read the rumor at Gollund, go to Lesalia, then invite Beowulf to Gollund. After a series of battles, he joins the party.
Cloud - Visit Goug After Zeltennia. After returning Reis to human form, return to Goug. Then go to Sal Ghidos and win the fight.
Construct 8 - After rescuing Reis from Gollund, return to Goug.
Dragon Reis - Accompany Beowulf through Gollund; Reis is rescued during the final battle in the series.
Human Reis - Read the rumors at Zeltennia, buy a flower in Sal Ghidos, then go to Goug. This unlocks a battle in Nelveska Temple. Win this.
The Byblos - Acquired after clearing all ten levels of Midlight's Deep.

Unlock Onion Knight
To unlock the Onion Knight as an option for any given character, that character must be a level six Chemist and a level six Squire.

Unlock Second Battle at Lionel Castle
To unlock a second battle at Lionel Castle, you must have Beowulf and Human Reis in your active party. When you return to Lionel Castle, a cutscene will play. Aliste Rosenheim will appear and kidnap Reis. Then, the battle will ensue. Win this battle, fight Celebrent Bredmondt, and you will get Reis back after you're victorious.

Friendly Fire
During random battles (not story-driven battles), getting experience and JP are vital to the growth of your characters. Since enemies in random battles can almost always be handled rather easily by your party (as they grow with the strength of your party), you can eliminate all but one member of the enemy party rather easily. Leaving that enemy alive, you should then have your characters attack one another, healing with Chemist skills and White Magic if you can, until you can no longer survive without killing off your party. Then, go after the final enemy and eliminate it to finish the battle. By doing this, you can create experience and JP you wouldn't have gotten in the battle otherwise, lessening the amount of random battles you'll have to fight to build your characters' levels.

Friendly Fire & Chocobo
If you have a Chocobo in your party, you'll no doubt know that they have Choco Cure, a useful skill that can be used over and over again. Choco Cure restores some of the Chocobo's HP, as well as characters in front of it, behind it, and to the left and right of it. If you try executing the hint entitled "Friendly Fire", having a Chocobo in your party to heal characters grouped together each round will allow you to survive the fight even longer, building experience and JP levels even higher.

JP Boost
Although it's tempting to immediately branch out from the Squire job, stay with the job until you earn enough JP to purchase the JP Boost skill. With this equipped on any other job, JP earned in battle will be increased significantly, allowing you to acquire skills for other jobs more rapidly than you otherwise would have been able to.

New Jobs
There are two new jobs in this release of the game that weren't in the original PSX release - Onion Knight and Dark Knight.

Unlock Dark Knight
Unlocking one of the two new job classes in the PSP version of Final Fantasy Tactics is a bit of a chore. The Dark Knight has many pre-requisites to unlock, but once that's done, you'll have a powerful job on your hands.

To unlock the Dark Knight class, you must completely master the Knight and Black Mage classes - that is, learn each of their skills. Also, achieve the eighth level with the Dragoon, Geomancer, Ninja, and Samurai jobs. You must also must have killed twenty enemies in battle to the point that the enemy disappears from the battlefield (three rounds).

Experience With Toad
If you have a Black Mage, have him or her learn the spell Toad. Then, transform all of the enemies on the field into toads. Kill any enemies that aren't able to be turned. Then, you can attack and heal your own party to build experience and JP for as long as you want with no threat from the enemies. When you're done, you can then kill the toads for an easy victory.

You can actually turn everyone into Toads using your Black Mage (or whomever), killing anyone who can't be turned. Then, use the AI mode to let the battle progress, pressing the Triangle button every so often so that the PSP won't fall asleep. When you do this, the Toads will attack and do their functions without you having to participate (like the Lete River in Final Fantasy VI). You can easily get ten or fifteen levels per character in a single battle. Give it a try!

Focus Farming
If you have the Squire ability Focus, you can get experience and JP even if you're unable to attack during any round. Learning Focus and giving it to characters, even non-Squires, is a great way to utilize each and every round of combat in a productive manner. If you have nothing to attack, are out of range, or whatever, using something like Focus will still give you JP and experience points each round.

Monk Experience and JP
Here's another great way to level-up easily. Have a party of five, with one of your characters playing as a Monk. Have that character learn the skill Chakra. Then, take them to a map where a "plus sign-shaped" area can be found. Have your five players stand in this area, with the Monk in the middle. Then, simply have them attack each other, using the Monk's Chakra ability to heal everyone each round. This will rack up some easy JP and experience points if you have some patience.

Kill the Undead
If you're having difficulty defeating undead monsters, or simply want an easier way to eliminate them, try using healing spells and items on them. Instead of healing them or helping them out, these items will actually damage them. Potions, Phoenix Downs, and healing spells like Cura will damage these foes, so give it a try!

Skill Crystal Glitch
Here's an interesting glitch. When you kill an enemy (or when an ally falls), they turn into a Crystal after three full turns. You can then pick up the crystal, which will usually result in a restoration of HP and MP for the character who grabbed it. Sometimes, however, skills and abilities can be learned from the Crystal. If this happens and there are multiple options, always choose the last skill listed. Your character will then learn all of the skills and abilities listed, not just the one you selected.

Tricking Doom
Doom can be a pesky spell, since it gives you three turns to win the battle before you're automatically killed (even less time if you have the misfortune of having something like Haste cast on you at the same time). If you want some tips on how to stay alive with Doom, try the following:

1.) Cast Slow on the character afflicted with Doom. It will slow the Doom Count down.
2.) Cast Stop on the character afflicted with Doom. It will temporarily stop the Doom Count.
3.) Use Induration (a Mystic Art) to turn the character afflicted with Doom to stone. This "heals" Doom, though the character will be encased in stone until you heal him or her.

Find Cloud's Materia Blade
A weapon called Cloud's Materia Blade can be found at Mount Bervenia. When you head there to battle, send any character in your party equipped with the Treasure Hunter skill to the highest peak on the stage. When you head there, you'll receive the blade you seek.

Ultima For Ramza
Here's a great way to acquire the Ultima spell for use by Ramza. Have Ramza in the battle at Limberry Castle and make sure he's a Squire (no other class). With some luck during the first or second battles there, Ceilia or Ledw will cast Ultima on Ramza. As long as Ramza is a Squire when this happens, he'll learn Ultima as a Squire skill which can then be reproduced at will.

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