All items and $200
Press [Black], click [Left Analog-stick], press [R], [A], [Down], [R].
Unlimited sprint
Press [Down], [X], [Left], [A], [R], [Back] during game play.
Unlimited rage
Press [X], [B], [Y], [Back], [A], [Left] during game play.
Unlimited health
Press [Up], [Y], [White], [Back], [A], [L] during game play. Note: Activating rage while this code is enabled will cancel the unlimited health.
200 Bones, 3 Flash, and Cans
Press [Black], click [Left Analog-stick], press [R], [A], [Down], [R] during game play.
Upgrade Flash capacity
Press [L], [A], click [Left Analog-stick]x2, press [B] during game play.
Upgrade combat stamina
Press [A], [R], [Down], [X], [Up], [A] during game play.
Upgrade sprint stamina
Press [L], [Back]x4, [Y] during game play.
Upgrade Flashhead
Press [Down], [Left], [Up]x2, [X], [Right] during game play.
Upgrade bum advice
Press [B]x2, [Down], click [Left Analog-stick], press [L], [B] during game play.
Upgrade hobo allies
Press [Black]x2, [R], [Black], [R], [Up] during game play.
Complete current mission
Press [Down], [X], [A], [Back], [Black], [Left] during game play.
100% completion in story mode
Press [R], [Back], [X], [Down], [L], [Right] during game play.
Lose police
Press [Up], [Back], [A], [Y]x2, [B] during game play.
Cuff key drops
Press [Left], [A]x2, click [Left Analog-stick], press [R], [Down] during game play.
Cuff drops
Press [Up], [A], [Up], [Back], [White], [R] during game play.
Uncuff self
Press [Y]x3, [Back], [Y], [Black] during game play.
Get knife
Press [Down]x2, [Back], [Up]x2, [White] during game play.
Get bat
Press [X], click [Left Analog-stick], press [Down]x2, [R]x2 during game play.
Get unbreakable bat
Press [White]x2, [B], [Up], [B], [Back] during game play.
Get brass knuckles
Press [B]x3, [R], [Back], [Y] during game play.
Get pipe
Click [Left Analog-stick], press [B], [Back], [Up], [R], [Right] during game play.
Get machete
Press [R], [A], [Black]x2, [Back], click [Left Analog-stick] during game play.
Get Molotov cocktail
Press [Right], [Back], [B], [Left], [B], [X] during game play.
Get steel-toe boots
Click [Right Analog-stick], [Left Analog-stick], press [Black], [White], [L], [R] during game play.
All weapon dealers unlocked
Press [Right], [Black], [B], [A], [Back], [X] during game play.
Armies Of The Night mini-game 99 credits
Press [Up]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Right] during game play.
Disable HUD
Press [Back], [X], [Left], [X], [White], click [Left Analog-stick] during game play.
Armies Of The Night mini-game
Successfully complete the game under the Bopper or greater difficulty setting. A playable Armies Of The Night arcade machine will now appear at the hub. It features a side-scrolling 2D game in the style of Double Dragon. One or two players can control Swan and Ajax as they try to rescue Mercy, who has been captured by the Riffs.
Ghost characters
Successfully complete the Armies Of The Night mini-game to unlock Ghost Swan, Ghost Ajax, Ghost Cyrus, Ghost Fox and Ghost Cleon.
Bonus Coney Island missions
Successfully complete the game to unlock bonus Coney Island missions. In these missions you can uncuff yourself without keys and rage with use of Flash.
Credits mini-game
Successfully complete the game. You can play as the Riffs and fight against the Rogues on the beach during the ending credits.
After completing the last story mission, "Come Out to Play", you will view the credits. Watch them and you will be able to play a brawling mini-game in the background after a while as the credits roll. It is the scene on the beach after you defeat the last Boss and the Riffs show up. You will play as the leader of the Riffs and beat on the remaining members of the street gang that framed the Warriors. If you look closely, you have the same fighting moves as the deceased Cleon.
Unleash The Fury difficulty
Get a 100% completion under the Hardcore Soldier difficulty. In this mode, you control the Baseball Furies in the original story line, with increased difficulty.