Ballz: The Director's Cut Cheats - 3DO

 All cheats for this game by platform: 3DO
Check out these Ballz: The Director's Cut cheats and stay cool!
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Codes note
Codes must be entered during a fight, and only last for the duration of that fight.

Camera man (one player game)
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [A], [Down]x2, [A], [C], [A], [B], [A], [Right], [A]. This code will give camera control to controller two during a one player game. The camera operates in the same manner as during an instant replay.

Camera man (two player game)
With three controllers available, enter [B], [A], [Left]x2, [A], [Down]x2, [Right], [A], [Down], [A], [Right] on controller one. This code will give camera control to controller three during a two player game. The camera operates in the same manner as during an instant replay.

Unlock Bosses
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [C], [Right], [A], [C], [A], [Left]x2. All Boss characters will be unlocked for player one.

Infinite time
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [B], [Left], [A], [B], [Left], [A], [B], [Left], [A]. This code may require several attempts before it takes effect.

Swap power bar
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [Down], [Right], [A], [C], [Up], [Left], [A]

Lamprey morph
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [A], [B], [Right], [A], [C], [A], [Down], [A], [B], [Right], [A].

Bounder morph
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [Right], [Up]x2, [Right], [Up]x2.

Kronk morph
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [B], [Up], [C], [A], [B], [Up], [C], [A]. Use when playing a Boss character to morph to Kronk.

Lethal hit
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [C], [Left], [Up], [B], [Up], [B], [A], [Down].

Translucent balls
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [B], [Left], [Up], [Right], [B], [A], [Left]x2.

Large balls
Press [B], [A], [Left]x3, [A], [Right], [Down], [B], [A], [Left]x2. This will increase the size of the balls each time the code is entered.

Black and white character
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [Down], [Right], [A], [B]x2, [A], [Left]x2.

Black and white opponent
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [B], [Left], [A], [C], [B], [A], [Left]x2 [Up].

Shrink balls
Press [B], [A], [Left]x2, [Right], [A], [Down], [A], [Right], [Left], [Up], [Left], [Up]. This will give your character a skeletal shape.

Close quarter attacks
Repeatedly press [A] to win a Grapple. Keep the button pressed to get a special attack. Push [B] when close to an opponent to grab him and get a special attack.

Whenever your character is being held or is dizzy, press [A] rapidly to escape or recover.

Morphs may be done at any time during the match by any character. If your character is hit during a morph move, it must be repeated. A chime will confirm correct entry of a morph move.

In order to perform a taunt, press [A] + [B] + [C]. This will increase the damage of the next attack as long as your character does not get hit first. Taunts are additive, and will award the last player that completed a taunt move the bonus attacking power. The more taunts completed in succession, the more damage given to the opponent.

When low on life, press [Down] x3 rapidly to begin begging (restores life). The more times [Down] is pressed, the more life is restored.

Attacks that do damage to both players/Tangles
Some special attacks cause damage to both players (e.g., explosions, and cyclone attacks). , Some attacks when repeated too often can cause the player to become tangled and helpless. If your character misses with one of these attacks, or becomes tangled, he will be helpless until hit by the opponent.

Fatality moves are available in the two player game. When your opponent's power bar is critical, stand nearby and press [Up], [Up], [Up]. After your opponent shatters, press [A], [A], [A], [A], [A], [A] to execute the post-fatality move.
Boss hints
Guggler (the ostrich)
Wait until its head is in the ground and taunt it multiple times. Then, successfully attack once to win.

Bounder (the kangaroo)
Jump in, punch several times, then jump away and repeat. His tail has a long range. If playing as Turbo, do repeated Super Blows until he is defeated.

T-Wrecks (the dinosaur)
If playing as Divine, use head attacks. Perform a jump and then aim so that Divine's shadow overlaps his. When your character lands, she should be riding on the back of his head doing damage. T-Wrecks roars before executing his ground stomp attack.

Lamprey (the blue genie)
He morphs into other creatures (a bull, scorpion, and snake), and will regain his health during his first morph. Since he does not have strong jumping moves, aerial attacks work well against him.

The Jester
Perform aerial attacks as Turbo or Kronk after taunting him.
Divine and Yoko combination
While in a Grapple, have each player take turns pressing [A] (first Divine, then Yoko, then Divine, etc.).

Standard moves for all characters

A + DownLow punch
Toward + ALunging punch
Away + AShort punch
B + DownLow kick
Toward + BLunging kick
Away + BShort kick
AwayBack-pedal and block
Away + DownCrouch, stationary block
Away + UpHigh block
A + Up or DownRoll away when knocked down

Morphing moves

BoomerRight, Left, A + C
BruiserDown, Left, A + C
CrusherDown, Right, A + C
DivineUp, Left, A + C
KronkLeft, Left, A + C
TsunamiLeft, Right, A + C
TurboRight, Right, A + C
YokoUp, Right, A + C
ZombieDown, Down, A + C

Special Moves:

Away, Toward, AHead hurl (shoulder level)
Away, Toward, BBowl head at opponent
Up + AJack-in-the-box
Right, Down, Left, Up, ASelf destruct
Left, Left, BLeft handstand kick
Right, Right, BRight handstand kick
Down, Up + CDive bomb
Down, A + BPunch at three times arms length
Toward, Toward, TowardCharge
C, A + BKick with both feet
B (when close)Finger spin
Down, Toward, BPower kick
Grapple winKick in the pants
TauntBut waggle
Jester prizeLamprey Boss
Left, Left, BCartwheel left
Right, Right, BCartwheel right
Down, Down, BSlide tackle
Right, Down, Left, Up, ATornado
Back, Toward, BKick ball at opponent
Back, Toward, AThrow ball at opponent
C, Down, DownStomp ground and shake opponent off feet
C, A + CKick high with both legs while in air
Down + A + B (when close)Reach out and sweep opponent off their feet
Up, Down, Up, DownDo jumping jacks (heal)
Toward, Toward, TowardCharge
Right + B + CSidestep to right
Left + B + CSidestep to left
Down, B + CDuck uppercut
Down, Up, ABuckle heave
Away, Toward, ABuckle toss
Away, Toward, BBuckle kick
C, A + BKick with both feet
B (when close)Grab opponent and break them over knee
Toward, Away, TowardSpin around with arms outstretched
Grapple winHeadlock pummel
TauntFlip off
FatalityHead plant slam
Post-fatalityPlay soccer
Jester prizeLamprey Boss
Toward, Toward, TowardCharge
Away, Toward, AUnderhand horn heave
Away, Up, AOverhead horn heave
Toward, Toward, AUse horn to stab at opponent
Away, Away, ALean back and crank arm
Away, Toward, CHorn slide
Up, Down, AGrand slam
Up, Toward, BackFoot stomp
Up, Down, UpGround shaker
B (when close)Lift opponent up and gore them
Left, Down, ACharge left, then at opponent
Right, Down, ACharge right, then at opponent
Grapple winUpside down headkick
TauntFlip off
Post-fatalityRhino bounce
Jester prizeT-Wrecks Boss
A + B when closeFlip and throw opponent
Toward, Toward, TowardReverse cartwheel head scissors
Down, Down, UpSing a high pitched note that makesopponent dizzy
Down, Down, AwayFakes dizziness, can be exited by pushing kick or punch
Down, Down, Toward (when close)Knee opponent in groin
Toward, Away, Toward, AwaySwivel hips and whistle at opponent. Opponent will automatically move close to be flipped and thrown.
Away, then arc to Down + AUppercut
Up, Up, BToe leap at opponent
Hold B + C and Down x3Drop back onto arms and perform flying kick at opponent
Away, then arc to Down + B + CDrop back onto arms and perform flying kick at opponent
Away then arc to UpSpin on one foot with arms outstretched
C, B at top of jumpGuide Divine to land on opponent and gnaw on the back of their head.
Down/Left + B + CSidestep to left
Down/Right + B + CSidestep to right
Down, B + CLow lunge kick
Away, Away, BSpring attack (jump away from opponent, then bounce back in a kick)
Toward, Toward, BSpring attack (jump away from opponent, then bounce back in a kick)
B (when close)Nutcracker
Down, Toward, ADucking uppercut
Down, Toward, BSide thrust kick
Away, Up, TowardBallet spin
Grapple winSpanking
TauntCan't touch this
FatalityForgetful throw
Post-fatalityBalloon blow
Jester prizeRandom Boss
Up, AOverhead club
Away, Toward, AThrow loogie
Away, Up, ALoogie fly
B (when close)Tee off
Toward, Toward, AFencing
C, Down, DownFlying spear
Toward, Toward, TowardDuck, dive and roll
Down/Away + A + BBone sweep
Down, Down, A (when close)Groin attack
Toward, BLunging kick (impervious to ground attacks)
Toward + AJumping club attack
Down, UpClub uppercut
Grapple winBaseball bash
FatalityStake driver
Post-fatalityPlay pool
Jester prizeT-Wrecks Boss
Toward, Toward, TowardBelly charge
Away, Away, CFlying somersault kick
Right, Right, BJump right then kick left
Left, Left, BJump left then kick right
B (when close)Hold opponent down and pummel them
Up, Up, CHover and meditate (heals, and may protect from ground attacks)
Up, Toward, AKarate chop
Away, Away, CFlip away, then do double flip at opponent
C, A + BSumo slam
Up, BFlip kick
Grapple winSumo toss
TauntBelly grab
Jester prizeGuggler Boss
Toward, Toward, TowardCharge flip kick
Away, Away, AwaySuper retreat
C, B + C, tap CFlying/Hover
Toward, Toward, ASuper Blow
C + Down, DownJumps then performs flying kick
C, A + B (when close)Spinning pile driver
Up, Toward, AHead pound
Toward, Away, AUppercut
Away, Toward, CTorpedo
Away, Toward, ACrank right arm for a wind up
Away, arc to Down + BDrop back on arms and kick out at opponent
B (when close)Super punch
Grapple winBicycle kick
TauntDefiant dare
FatalityUp, up, and away
Post-fatalityPlay baseball
Jester prizeLamprey Boss
Up, BBackflip
Up, AUppercut
Down, BLeg swing
Toward, Toward, TowardForward roll
Away, Away, AwayStun fart
C, Up, UpGrab bar and swing
Right, Right, BGrab pole and swing counter-clock-wise
Left, Left, BGrab pole and swing clock-wise
Right, Right, UpJump back and grab pole
Left, Left, UpJump back and grab pole
Toward, Up, UpSwing attack
B (when close)Dizzy throw
Grapple winScrew opponent's head into ground
TauntSmell this
Jester prizeGuggler Boss
Away, Toward, BCoffin Chase
Away, Toward, AwaySpin
C + Down, DownJumping attack
Down, Down, BGrave digger
Away, Toward, ABoomerang
Up, Toward, AShoot eyeballs
B (when close)Pogo
Toward, Toward, BSomersault 1
Toward, Toward, TowardSomersault 2
Down, Toward, BPower kick
Up, ADucking punch
Grapple winDeadly knee
FatalityZombie's minions
Post-fatalityGrave dance
Jester prizeBounder Boss

Boss moves:

Down + A + BTail sweep
Down + B + CTail whip
Down + ADuck punch
Down + BDuck kick
C, AJump punch
C, BJump kick
Toward, Toward, TowardSpring roll
B (when close)Spin
Up, Up, Up, ATail bounce
A (when close)Chew and spit
BTail sweep
A + BStomp and chew
Down + BTail stomp
A (when far)Roar
A + BTaunt (Butt wiggle)
B + CFlip Kick
Down + BToss
Down + CHead in sand
Toward + CJump attack
Up + BJump turn kick
Toward + CSlither charge
Down + AMorph to Byte Viper
Left + AMorph to Spike
A + CMorph to El Ballz
CSlip flip
BForward punch and tail flip
Toward + ACorkscrew
El Ballz the bull)
AHead butt
BHind leg kick
Up + ARear up
A + BMorph to Lamprey
Spike (the scorpion)
AGrab and sting
BTail strike
Toward + BSuper tail strike
Up + CJump flip
A + BLunge
B + CJumping sting
Down + AJumping arm attack
A + CMorph to Lamprey
Byte Viper (the snake)
BTail whip
CJump up
Toward + BRoll
Up + CDive into ground
Toward, A + BEat opponent
A + CMorph to Lamprey

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