Snow Job Cheats - 3DO

 All cheats for this game by platform: 3DO
Check out these Snow Job cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Development team information
Use the surfer icon on Wires' computer and enter "". A screen displaying the production team will be displayed.

Phone sex
Dial 1-900-772-6563 to hear the first part of a phone sex service message.

Daily hints
Use the surfer icon on Wires' computer and enter "http://www.daily.hint" to display some basic hints.

Additional money
Use the surfer icon on Wires' computer and enter "" to get more money.

View the introduction to the game to get background information. Note: The times noted in this walkthrough may be randomized in each new game. Therefore, please use them as an approximation as to when certain events occur.

Monday 5/1
Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>The game begins outside Wires' Loft at 5:00 p.m. Enter the loft and walk towards Wires, who is sitting next to the computer. <LI>Talk to Wires, and select the "Why do you think Lara's in trouble?" option. Note the "" address on the computer. Read the decrypted message note the term "Rockslide" and that someone plans to kill Lara on her birthday. <LI>Talk to Wires using the "You got that on the Internet?" option. Note that "North Shore Marine Repairs, Inc." is associated with Talk to Wires using the "What is this Snowman?" option. <LI>Talk Wires using the "Where can I stay in New York?" option. Wires will allow Jock to use his equipment and give him the Electronics Shop's address, which will now appear on the map. End the conversation and look at the equipment to the right of Wires. Look at the Super Tracker to learn that it needs a mini-battery. Look at the TeleTap to learn that it needs a new headset. Look at the SnakeCam to learn that it needs a new lens. Look at the Remote Logon to learn its function. Look at the 35mm camera to learn that it is worth $300.00. Look at the ShotGun Mic to learn its function. <LI>Turn around to face the door to the loft and look at the newspaper on the coffee table. Wires will tell Jock about the Newspaper Kiosk, which will now appear on the Map. Read about the shooting of Juan (Johnny) Santos. <LI>Open the inventory and examine the items in Jock's File for additional background information. Examine the Personal Phone Book to get Bull Dozier's phone number (555-6500). Use the telephone located to the right of Wires to call Bull and get his assistance. Select the "Reestablish camaraderie" to learn about Bull's Bar, the Bar Nun, and that he arrives there after 11:00 p.m. Select the "Fish for information" option to learn about the district attorney, Terry Fahn. Select the "Ask for help", "Ask for Deloro file", and "Ask for Santos file" options. Bull will agree to get the files and tell Jock to meet him at his bar tonight. Bull's Bar will now appear on the Map. End the conversation and go to the Newspaper Kiosk. </UL> Newspaper Kiosk <UL> <LI>Look at the newspapers and buy Monday's paper. Open the Inventory and look at the newspaper to learn more about Raul Gonsalves and Terry Fahn. (The crossword puzzle for today's paper does not need to be solved. However, the answer is "MARS" and may be used to as the password to read the encrypted message on <LI>Wait until 11:00 p.m. and go to Bull's Bar. </UL> Bull's bar <UL> <LI>Walk into the bar. Talk to the dancer sitting at the bar and select the "You're here on business, remember?" option. Select the "What happened six months ago?", "How'd you get out?", and "Yeah, is he around?" options to get access to the kitchen. <LI>Walk between the bar and the stage to get to the kitchen. Talk to Bull and select the "Ask about Lara's investigation" option. Select the "Ask about Santos case" option to learn that a token coin from the case is in Lara's possession. Select the "Ask about Deloro case" option. End the conversation and take the Santos and Deloro files from the briefcase that is on the bucket next to Bull. Note that Bull is having trouble with his stove. <LI>Open the inventory and look at the Santos and Deloro files. End the current day. </UL> Tuesday 5/2
Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Talk to Wires to view today's encrypted message. Go to the Electronics Shop. </UL> Electronics Shop <UL> <LI>Look at the pay phone outside the shop to learn that it is functioning. <LI>Walk into the shop. Note the sign on the wall that states that the shop buys, sells, and trades. Jock can sell or trade some of Wires' equipment instead of spending cash to make a purchase. Look at the items hanging on the wall to the right of the sales clerk. Buy the headphones located in the upper right corner. Look at the cardboard box in front of and to the right of the sales clerk and buy a mini battery. <LI>Look to the right of the box of mini batteries and try to take a fiber optic lens. The sales clerk will tell Jock that it must be ordered. Select the "How soon can you get it?" option to learn that it will be available tomorrow. Select the "Okay, I'll take it" option to order the lens and end the conversation. Go to the DA's Office. </UL> DA's Office <UL> <LI>Look around the lobby and enter the door next to the keypad. <LI>Look around the reception area until Jock faces the door to Lara's office. A conversation between Lara and Terry Fahn will be overheard. Jock will learn that Lara will be meeting Skate, an informant, tonight. <LI>Enter the office after the conversation ends. Jock will talk to Lara. Select the "You need my help" option and Lara will show Jock the token she checked out of the police property room. Select the "Just listen to the facts" option to warn Lara about the message on Wires' computer. End the conversation and Lara will leave the office.. Walk to the rear of the office. Look at the desk drawer and it will open. Take the Santos Token from the drawer. Leave the office, and exit the reception area to enter the lobby. <LI>Return to the reception area. Lara's secretary, Cynthia, is no longer at her desk. Walk towards Cynthia's desk. Look her desk top calendar to learn Lara's birthday is Friday, May 5th. Look at her Rolodex to the right of her computer monitor. Select different portions of the Rolodex to find the following addresses:

Terry Fahn, 4701 Wintry Place, Scarsdale.
Tony Frost, North Shore Marina, Queens.
Lara Calabreze, 249 W. 24th St., Apt. F. <LI>Go to the Murder Scene. </UL> Murder Scene <UL> <LI>Walk to around the left corner of the graffiti-covered wall. <LI>Talk to the man standing next to the wall, Luis. Select the "Show some muscle" option to take his gun and get his attention. Select the "Ask about Johnny Santos" option to learn why Johnny was murdered. Select the "Ask about the token" option and Luis will say that he will only give more information if Jock plays a game of craps. Select the "What's it cost?" option to learn that the game will be for $10 a throw or information. Select the "Okay I'll play" option to start the craps game. <LI>When Jock wins a round of craps, ask for information instead of cash. Luis will reveal one clue per winning round. The first clue is that Jock should not be scared at the Empire arcade, which will now appear on the Map at Avenue A. The second clue is that Jock should play Phaser Tag. The last clue is that Jock must play the newest game. Quit the craps game after obtaining all three clues. Go to Avenue A. </UL> Avenue A <UL> <LI>Look around the street and note the open manhole cover and learn that all the phone lines in the city are underground. Walk across the street to the Coffee Shop. </UL> Coffee Shop <UL> <LI>Look at the orange sign to the right of the door to learn that the telephone lines in the neighborhood are being maintained between May 1 and 5. <LI>Talk to the woman behind the counter and select the "I'll have a coffee" and "Here's a buck and a $10 tip" options. Next, select the "What do you know about the arcade?" and "Have you seen anything unusual?" options. Jock will learn that a brunette with very curly hair (Dusty Connors) parks her car in the loading zone in front of the arcade every day. Select the "What kind of car does she drive?" option to learn that the car is a small red two door sedan. Select the "What time does she usually arrive?" option to learn that she shows up at 12:30. End the conversation and exit the shop to return to the front of the Empire Arcade. </UL> Empire Arcade <UL> <LI>Enter the arcade. Look at the green sign (in standard view) on the front of the desk and note which day is "2-for-1" day (Saturday, Sunday, or Monday). Look at the sign on the wall above and to the left of the desk and note that Knock-Out! is the newest game. Walk towards the rear of the arcade and talk to the girl behind the counter. Select the "$5.00" to buy some game tokens. Walk to the front of the arcade. Open the inventory and use the game tokens on the machine to the right of the man with the yellow shirt. <LI>The Knock-Out! game will start. After winning the game, the High Scores screen will be displayed. Note the first name listed on the screen (Sled, Berg, or Chill). Walk to the rear of the arcade. <LI>Open the inventory and use the Santos Token on the coin slot on the wall to play Phaser Tag. Win the game by shooting the other players. A secret door will appear. Enter the name from the Knock-Out! High Scores screen on the keypad. <LI>After the correct code is entered, Jock will enter the back room of the arcade and overhear a conversation between Icepick and a new dealer. Jock will enter the room after Icepick leaves to use the bathroom. Jock has a short amount of time to explore the back room. Jock must leave the room when he hears the toilet being flushed. Note the old pizza on the couch. Take the beeper list that is on the printer to the left of the computer. Take the crossword puzzle that is in front of printer. Note the business cards for Hermes Car Rental And Leasing (555-3605) on the left side of the desk. Take the key and Santos Token from the left side of the desk. Quickly walk up the stairs after all items are collected. <LI>Leave the arcade and open the inventory. Look at the key and note it is from the telephone company. Look at the crossword puzzle and note that the solution to the first down question is circled and was used as yesterday's password for the special messages on Go to the Newspaper Kiosk. </UL> Newspaper Kiosk <UL> <LI>Buy Tuesday's paper. Read the paper to learn that garbage is being exported to South America on barges, which then return to New York empty. Also read the article about Terry Fahn's political ally Tony Frost holding a fund raising dinner at the North Shore Marina Club. <LI>Solve the 1 Down question on the crossword puzzle (HADES) to decrypt today's message from The book on Greek Mythology at the kiosk has clues to solve today's puzzle. </UL> Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Select the Surf The Internet option on Wires' computer to access Select the Special Messages option and enter HADES as the password. Read and print the message stating that Skate will be taken care of during his meeting with Lara at Central Park at 8:00 p.m. Also note that she will be killed on her birthday if not tonight. <LI>Use the headphones from the inventory on the TeleTap unit. Place the TeleTap unit in the inventory. Take the Remote Logon to learn how to operate the unit. Use the mini-battery from the inventory on the Super Tracker. Place the Super Tracker in the inventory. Go to Central Park. </UL> Central Park <UL> <LI>Wait until 8:00 p.m. to witness the meeting between Lara and Skate. Jock will learn that Rockslide is a large cocaine shipment that will be arriving in New York. After Skate is shot, select the "Help Lara escape" option. Select the "Investigate the scene" option. <LI>Take Skate's gun and beeper. Look at Skate's wallet to take his money. Walk up the stairs to the right of the body. <LI>Note the Iceberg Gum wrapper and 45mm cartridges on the ground. End the current day. </UL> Wednesday 5/3
Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Walk to Wire's desk. Take the 35mm camera. Go to the Newspaper Kiosk. </UL> Newspaper Kiosk <UL> <LI>Buy Wednesday's paper. Read the stories about crack cocaine and the murder of Skate (Michael Williams). Solve the 1 Down question on the word square (TASK). Go to the Electronics Shop. </UL> Electronics Shop <UL> <LI>Enter the shop after 10:00 a.m. Open the inventory. Use the 35mm camera on the sales clerk to sell it for $300.00. Buy the RAM simms hanging on the wall to the right of the clerk. Buy the fiber optic lens on the table. <LI>Wait until 10:30 a.m. to get a page on Skate's beeper. Open the inventory and note the phone number on the beeper. Use the pay phone outside the shop to call the number (1-516-555-4510). One of the drug gang members (IC) will answer the phone. Select the "Yeah, it's me", "Yeah", and "Right" options to keep him from ending the conversation. He will tell Jock that he made a pick-up at Riverhead and will be late getting back. Select the "So what?", "Okay", and "Okay" options to tell him that you will take care of tomorrow's delivery. Jock will learn that he has to deliver a pizza to the dockhouse at the Marina by 4:00 p.m. Select the "Okay." option to end the conversation. Pizza-Real will now appear on the Map. Go to Wires' Loft. </UL> Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Walk to Wires' desk. Open the inventory and use the fiber optic lens on the SnakeCam. Place the SnakeCam in the inventory. Open the inventory and use the RAM simms on Wires' computer to install them. <LI>Select the Surf The Internet option on Wires' computer to access Select the Special Messages option and enter TASK as the password. Read the message to learn that Icepick murdered Skate and that a client from Rhode Island will meet Sled at 11:00. <LI>Make sure the Super Tracker, SnakeCam, and Shotgun Mic are in the inventory before leaving the loft to go to Avenue A. </UL> Avenue A <UL> <LI>Wait in front of the Empire Arcade until just before 12:30. Dusty Connors' red sedan will appear in front of the building. <LI>Look at the license plate and note the number (AZ69 945). Look at the North Shore Marina parking sticker on the lower right corner of the rear window. Open the inventory and use the Super Tracker on the left side of the rear bumper. The device will beep three times to indicate that it is activated. <LI>Dusty's car will leave the area at 12:45 p.m. Wait until the Super Tracker beeps at 1:30 p.m. Look at the Map to see that the car is now at Downtown Video. Go to that location. </UL> Downtown Video <UL> <LI>Downtown Video is one of the places that the drug gang uses to launder money. No useful information can be found here. Walk into the store. Talk to the sales clerk and customer and look around. <LI>Wait until the Super Tracker beeps at 2:00 p.m. Look at the Map to see that the car is now at The Grant Building. Go to that location. </UL> The Grant Building <UL> <LI>Turn to face the building and note that the car is parked on the street. Open the inventory and use the Shotgun Mic on the second floor of the building (on what appears to be a flag to the rear of the tree). Note the conversation between Dusty Connors and Braden Howard. A tape of the conversation will be placed into the inventory. <LI>After the conversation ends, enter the building. Take the piece of paper that is on the floor. The "easy as 1,2,3" refers to the code to the outer door of the building, which will be used later. Look at the building directory on the wall to the left of the elevators to see that the office of Howard & Fine, Inc. is in room 202. <LI>Wait until the Super Tracker beeps just before 3:45 p.m. Look at the Map to see that the car is now at Times Square. Go to that location. </UL> Times Square <UL> <LI>The car will be gone by the time Jock arrives. Look around and wait until the Super Tracker beeps at 4:00 p.m. Look at the map to see that the car is now at the 48th St. Fountain. Go to that location. </UL> 48th St. Fountain <UL> <LI>The car will be gone by the time Jock arrives. Look around and wait until the Super Tracker beeps at 5:00 p.m. Look at the map to see that the car is now at the Plaza Hotel. Go to that location. </UL> Plaza Hotel <UL> <LI>The car will be gone by the time Jock arrives. Look around and wait until the Super Tracker beeps at 6:30 p.m. Look at the map to see that the car is now at a West Side Condo. Go to that location. </UL> West Side Condo <UL> <LI>Walk across the street to the condo. Walk towards the hallway on right side of the lobby. Turn to the left and look at the mailboxes. Note that the apartment 110, which is next to the one belonging to Dusty Connors is vacant. Return to the lobby. <LI>Enter the mirrored elevator in the middle of the lobby. Jock will face a painting after exiting the elevator. Turn to the left and walk down the hallway. Turn to face the vacant apartment and walk inside. Walk out on the balcony. Open the inventory and use the SnakeCam on the window of the adjacent apartment. Watch the scene between Dusty Connors and Tony Frost. Note that Braden Howard is known as Polar Bear to the drug gang and that Rockslide is coming on 2-for-1 Day <LI>The day will automatically end at this point. </UL> Thursday 5/4
Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Walk to Wire's desk. Talk to Wires and select the "Ask about Howard & Fine Inc." option. Wires will give Jock the Internet address of the New York DBA ( Select the "Ask about North Shore Marina" option, then end the conversation. Go to the Newspaper Kiosk. </UL> Newspaper Kiosk <UL> <LI>Buy Thursday's newspaper. Read the story about Terry Fahn's strongest supporter being his wife, Maureen, formerly known as Maureen Katherine Stemple. Solve the first question on the down the ladder puzzle (ROCK). Go to Wires' Loft. </UL> Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Walk to Wires' desk. Select the Surf The Internet option on Wires' computer to access Enter "howard and fine" in the company name field and read the information displayed. Note that Demeter Reality Company and P. Braden Howard, Jr. own the company. <LI>Select the Surf The Internet option on Wires' computer to access Select the Special Messages option and enter ROCK as the password. Read the message to learn that Braden Howard suspects a leak in the system because too many people have read the messages. <LI>Drop off the SnakeCam and ShotGun Mic at Wires' desk. Go to the DA's Office. </UL> DA's Office <UL> <LI>Enter the reception area and turn to face Lara's door. A conversation between Terry Fahn and Lara will be overheard. Jock will learn that Terry Fahn is discouraging Lara from personally investigating the drug gang. Entering the office and speaking to Lara at this point is inconsequential, as Jock does not have enough evidence for her to review. Go to Pizza-Real. </UL> Pizza-Real <UL> <LI>Enter the restaurant. Open the inventory and use the Santos token on the pizza to the right and behind the man at the counter. <LI>Open the inventory and look at the pizza. The inside cover of the pizza box contains a message that reveals where the gang's drug shipment (Rockslide) will arrive. The possible locations are Staten Island, Manhattan, or New Jersey. <LI>The North Shore Marina will now appear on the Map. Go to that location. </UL> North Shore Marina <UL> <LI>Jock will take a cab to the marina. He must arrive there and deliver the pizza before 4:00 p.m. or Snowman will change his plans for Rockslide. Pay the cab driver when he asks for advance payment. Give the cab driver a $7.00 tip after arriving at the Marina. Note: The game will end if Jock does not have more than $10.00 at this time. <LI>Turn to the right and walk towards the boats to that are visible to the left of the trees. Turn left and walk towards the building at the end of the pier. <LI>Jock will enter the dockhouse. Look at the poster to the left of the ice machine to learn the parts of the ketch. Look at the clipboard hanging on the wall next to the corner between the windows. Note the middle entry which states that the vessel Persephone, owned by Tony Frost, once had the Leeward Marina in the Cayman Islands as its destination. Open the inventory and use the pizza next to the handle on the large steel freezer on the floor. Jock will place the pizza on the freezer. Leave the dockhouse and return to the marina's parking lot. <LI>Walk towards the large glass enclosed building. Note the working payphone, another poster of a ketch above the stairway, and that further entry is restricted to marina members. <LI>Return to Wires' Loft. Pay the cab driver when he asks for advance payment. Give the cab driver a $2.50 after arriving. <LI>The day will automatically end at this point. </UL> Friday 5/5
Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Go to the Newspaper Kiosk. </UL> Newspaper Kiosk <UL> <LI>Buy Friday's paper. Read the story about a hacker using a remote logon device. Solve the 1 Down question to the crossword puzzle (KETCH). Return to Wires' Loft. </UL> Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Walk to Wires' desk. Select the Surf The Internet option on Wires' computer to access Select the Special Messages option and enter KETCH as the password. Read the message to learn that communications have been moved to the Empire Network. <LI>Talk to Wires and select the "Ask about the Empire Network" option. The Empire Network is a private computer network that the drug gang uses to transmit messages. Select the "Ask about Rockslide" option. Jock will be told that he must find more information on the gang's finances. <LI>Place the TeleTap unit in the inventory. Go to Avenue A. </UL> Avenue A <UL> <LI>Walk towards the manhole in the middle of the street. Jock will enter the sewers. Follow the wall to the right and walk through the maze. Jock will use the utility key to open the panel at the end of the maze. <LI>Move the red clip to the spliced wire at the bottom right side of the panel. Press [A] to attach the clip. Press [LS] to switch to the black clip. Move the black clip to the second screw from the left in the top row. Press [A] to attach the clip. Enter the last four digits of the arcade's phone number (1252). The TeleTap will record the drug gang's data transmission on a diskette that will be placed in the inventory. Return to Wires' Loft. </UL> Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Walk to Wires' desk. Select the diskette icon to read the TeleTap data. <LI>Use Wires' computer to read the diskette. Note that Icepick will be at Bull's Bar tonight. Press the feet icon to display the next page. The time that Rockslide will arrive (6:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., or 8:00 p.m.) will be displayed. Print the file to place the information in the inventory. <LI>Place the Remote Logon device in the inventory. Go to The Grant Building. </UL> The Grant Building <UL> <LI>Walk towards the building. If Jock arrives early, wait inside the lobby until 5:30 p.m. to bypass the entry code for the outer door. If Jock arrives after that time, a code combination must be entered from the crumpled diagram that was previously found in the building's lobby . (Set the top row to "123" and the bottom row to "321"). <LI>Enter the elevator and press the button for the first floor. Walk out the elevator and turn right. Take the keys from the top of the cleaning cart. <LI>Enter the elevator and press the button for the second floor. Walk out the elevator and turn left. Walk down the hallway to the door to the office of Howard & Fine. Use the keys from the cleaning cart to unlock the door and enter the office. <LI>Look at the telephone on the desk and note the phone number (555-3000). Note the polar bear statue next to the telephone. Look at the fax machine on the left side of the desk with the computer. Note the fax to Raul Gonsalves that states that "F" has authorized payment at 9:00 a.m. on Monday. <LI>Use the Remote Logon device on the computer. Set the DIP switches at the bottom of the Remote Logon card to switch 1 on (up), switch 2 off (down), and switch 3 on (up). Take the modem card (with the silver dome) that is currently installed in the only 16-bit (long) slot in the computer and move it up to an 8-bit slot. Take the Remote Logon card and install it in the 16-bit slot. If there is a serial conflict, reverse the DIP switch settings and re-install the card. Take the jumper cable and place it between the Remote Logon and modem cards. <LI>Exit the office and return to the cleaning cart on the first floor. Drop the keys back into the cleaning cart. Go to Bull's Bar. </UL> Bull's Bar <UL> <LI>Wait until 11:00 p.m. Move around the front of the bar to the alley. Walk into the bar through the back door. <LI>Quickly take the items from Bull's briefcase, which is on the floor to the right of Lara. Bull's badge and his ID card will be entered into the inventory. A conversation between Jock and Lara will begin. Icepick will enter the room. Select the "Stall for time" and "Distract him" options. Jock and Lara will escape from the bar when the defective stove sprays Icepick. <LI>An overhead view of the streets will appear. Jock and Lara must move to the fire escape in the upper right corner before Icepick shoots them. Move north, face west and enter the alley. Turn north at the intersection and move in that direction. Turn west at the debris blocking the alley and move in that direction. Follow the alley as it turns north, then follow it east at the intersection. Move between the debris in the lot to reach the street. Move east past the green light and between the yellow barricades. Move south down the alley between the rooftop parking lot and the building to its left. Turn east at the street and move in that direction. Turn north and follow the alley between the rooftop parking lot and the building to its right. Move a short distance to the west, then follow the alley that leads north. Turn east at the debris blocking the alley and move in that direction. Turn south at the intersection and move in that direction. Move to the south side of the street that is running east to west. Move east to enter the alley just off the south side of the street. Follow the alley as it turns north and move east at the intersection. Move south at the alley between the triangle-shaped building and the building to its left. Turn north-east and follow the alley as it twists to the north-west and back to the east. Turn north and run to the fire escape, which is the white ladder in the top right section of the map. <LI>Jock must now position two boards across the gap between two buildings to escape. Drag the first board over the square gap and turn it until it is horizontal. Position the board so it is even with the edge of the building. Drag the second board and position it so that one end overlaps the first board and the other end is at the tip of the triangle formed by the second building. When positioned correctly, both boards will form a "T" and allow Jock and Lara to escape. Note that the appearance of the buildings may be inverted from game to game. <LI>Lara will tell Jock that Terry Fahn sent her into the bar. Jock will insist that Lara follow him to Wires' Loft. The day will automatically end at this point. </UL> Saturday 5/6
Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Talk to Wires. He will tell Jock that he needs the account number for the bank in the Cayman Islands to track the Snowman's money. <LI>Walk to the back of the loft and talk to Lara. When Lara asks to see what you have obtained, select the "Dusty/Braden surveillance videotape", "SnakeCam surveillance videotape", and "Printout of arcade phone tap" options. End the conversation. <LI>Lara will be convinced that Terry Fahn is involved with the drug gang. Select the "Get the goods on the D.A." option. Lara will ask Jock to find someone that will talk about the drug gang. Go to the Newspaper Kiosk. </UL> Newspaper Kiosk <UL> <LI>Read the story on secret off-shore bank accounts. The crossword puzzle does not need to be solved since the drug gang has moved its communications off the Internet. Go to the West Side Condo. </UL> West Side Condo <UL> <LI>Return to Dusty Connors' condo. Look at her door to knock. When she answers, select the "Police. Open up!" option. When asked for a badge, select the "Yea, right here" option. Jock will enter the condo. Select the "No, it's what I can do for you" and "I know something..." and "Dusty/Braden surveillance audiotape" options. <LI>Select the "I want what you've got on the Snowman" option. When asked about the identity of the Snowman, select the "Anthony Frost" option. Dusty will tell Jock about Tony Frost, the Deloro case, and Terry Fahn. <LI>After the conversation ends, Jock will be outside Dusty's condo. Return to the lobby, and walk to towards the hallway on right side. Turn to the left and take the items from the shopping bag in the trashcan. Look at the credit statement and note the authorization number (573980) to Island Bank. Go to Wires' Loft. </UL> Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Walk to the rear of the loft and talk to Lara. Lara will tell Jock the code to enter the DA's Office (2591). Go to the DA's Office. </UL> DA's Office <UL> <LI>Look at the keypad to the right of the door. Press the 2, 5, 9, 1, and asterisk buttons to unlock the door. Walk into the reception area. Walk to the rear of the secretary's desk. Look at her desk drawer and it will open. Take the keys from the drawer. <LI>Walk to the front of the reception area and use the keys to unlock Terry Fahn's office. Walk to the rear of Terry Fahn's desk. Look at the photo on the cabinet in front of the window. Look at the burned Santos file from the garbage can to the right of the desk. Look at the desk drawer to open it. Look at the paper containing the numbers "715". Take the Stemple bank statement. <LI>Look at the lower center section of the cabinet in front of the window to view the safe. Look at the safe. Move the left tumbler to 7, then move the right tumbler until the handle moves. Move the left tumbler to 1, then move the right tumbler until the handle moves. Move the left tumbler to 5, then move the right tumbler until the safe opens. Take the key, gun and equipment from the safe. The Police Academy will not appear on the map. <LI>Return to the back of the secretary's desk, open the drawer and drop the keys back inside. Look at the drawer to shut it. Go to the Police Academy. </UL> Police Academy <UL> <LI>Face the row of lockers that are next to the bathroom. Use the key from the DA's safe to open the fifth locker from the left on the top set of lockers. Take the DA's passport, the Deloro video, and $50,000 in cash. Go to The Grant Building </UL> The Grant Building <UL> <LI>Walk towards the building. Enter the code combination from the crumpled diagram that was previously found in the building's lobby. (Set the top row to "123" and the bottom row to "321"). <LI>Enter the elevator and press the button for the first floor. Walk out the elevator and turn right. Take the keys from the top of the cleaning cart. <LI>Enter the elevator and press the button for the second floor. Walk out the elevator and turn left. Walk down the hallway to the door to the office of Howard & Fine. Use the keys from the cleaning cart to unlock the door and enter the office. <LI>Use Braden Howard's computer and solve the sliding picture puzzle. Log onto NorthEast Bank and print the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable screens to place them in the inventory. Note NorthEast Bank's telebanking number (212-555-1118), and that Demeter Realty is a holding company that the drug gang is using to hide ownership of their other businesses. Log on to Island Bank and print out the Transaction Record screen to place it in the inventory. Note Island Bank's telebanking number (809-555-9080), the account number (1796112), and that the name of the account (Persephone, Ltd.) is also the name of Tony Frost's yacht. <LI>Exit the office and return to the cleaning cart on the first floor. Drop the keys back into the cleaning cart. Go to Wire's Loft. </UL> Wire's Loft <UL> <LI>Talk to Wires to find out that he is setting up an on-line account for Jock to use to transfer funds from Island Bank. He will also tell Jock that he needs to find network phone numbers on Sunday. End the current day. </UL> Sunday 5/7
Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Walk to the rear of the loft. Talk to Lara and select the "Videotape from the DA's locker" option. (If this choice is not available, open the inventory and discard items until it appears.) Jock and Lara will view the Deloro surveillance tape. <LI>After viewing the tape, select the "End Conversation" option. To view a bad ending, view the "Show evidence to the FBI" option. To end the game by seizing the drug shipment, select the "Notify the DEA about the drug shipment" option. Answer the questions asked by remembering when 2-for-1 day is at the Empire Arcade (day of Rockslide); the information written inside the special pizza box (location of Rockslide); and information from the arcade tap printout (time of Rockslide). <LI>When given the choice of going after the Snowman, intercepting the drug shipment or getting the goods on the DA, select the "End Conversation" option. <LI>Start hunting for discarded network phone numbers by going to the United Nations. </UL> United Nations <UL> <LI>Turn to face the large dumpster. Walk inside the dumpster and take the UN printout. Open the inventory and look at the printout. Reassemble the shredded pieces of paper and place it in the inventory. Go to New York University. </UL> New York University <UL> <LI>Look at the recycling bin in the rightmost opening of the building. Take the university printout from the bin. Go to the Telephone Company. </UL> Telephone Company <UL> <LI>Turn to face the blue garbage dumpsters inside the building. Walk towards the dumpster and take the phone company printout. Go to NorthEast Bank. </UL> NorthEast Bank <UL> <LI>Look between the bars at the dumpster with the red sign. Walk to the dumpster and take the NE Bank printout. Return to Wire's Loft. </UL> Wire's Loft <UL> <LI>Walk towards Wires' desk and use his computer. Select the Read E-mail option (smoke signal) on Wires' computer. Use the foot icons at the bottom of the screen to display messages from different dates. Print the message from 5/5 that lists network passwords (fcoj, hippie01, alpine, policy, sorbonne, quetzalcoatl, magnacarta). Print the message from 5/6 that contains more network passwords (fontleroy, scarlet, saturn05, spacearray, johnpaul). Print the message from 5/7 and note the account number at GenevaBank (343491) and its telebanking number (41-22-555-1001). Log off the computer. <LI>Talk to Wires to find out that his network account is ready. The day will automatically end at this point. </UL> Monday 5/8
Wires' Loft <UL> <LI>Go to Wires' desk. Talk to Wires to find out that Jock can begin using HackNet. <LI>Use Wires' computer and enter HackNet. Access the following locations in order:

New York (Howard & Fine), 212-555-3000
Chicago, 312-555-5656
Berkeley, 540-555-4541, password: hippie01
San Jose, 408-555-3773
Boulder, 303-555-0932
Houston, 713-555-7111, password: saturn05
Miami, 305-555-1009
Barcelona, 34-3-555-7120
Geneva, 41-22-555-1001, password: alpine <LI>Select the "Accounts" option on the GenevaBank screen. Enter the account number that was given by Wires' hacker friend (343491). Select the "Transfer" option. Enter the telebanking number for Island Bank as the source bank (8095559080). Enter the account number for Persephone, Ltd. (1796112). Enter the authorization number (573980). Enter the telebanking number for NorthEast Bank as the receiving bank (2125551118). Select the first account number on the list to receive the funds. Enter 1000000 for the amount to transfer. After the transfer completes, select the next account number from the list and transfer another million dollars. Repeat this process until the entire twenty million dollar balance has been transferred from Island Bank. Log off the GenevaBank system. Select Geneva on HackNet and log off. Continue logging off from each location and exit HackNet. Log off Wires' computer. <LI>Soon after this point, the telephone will ring. Execute the use option on the telephone while it is ringing. Terry Fahn will tell Jock and Lara to meet him at the office of Howard & Fine. Go to The Grant Building. </UL> The Grant Building <UL> <LI>Walk into the building and watch the scene between Tony Frost, Braden Howard, Icepick, and Raul Gonsalves. Go to Lara's Apartment. </UL> Lara's Apartment <UL> <LI>Watch the game's ending scene. </UL>

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