Linkin Park: Frat Party At the Pancake Festival Cheats - DVD Movies

 All cheats for this game by platform: DVD videos
Check out these Linkin Park: Frat Party At the Pancake Festival cheats and stay cool!
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Hidden songs
Advance to Title 3, Chapter 1 to view backstage footage and concert highlights featuring "Off Crawling". Alternately, play the DVD, press [Stop], then press [Menu], "3", [Enter]. Another way to see it is to advance until the credits, then press [Back] to go back one chapter.

Select the "Disc Set-up" option at the main menu. Remain at that screen for approximately one minute. Press [1], [Play], [4], [Play], [8], [Play], [9], [Play], [7], [Play], [1], [Play], [2] to view a live version of "Points Of Authority". Alternately, after waiting, press [9], [Play], [4], [Play], [7], [Play], [7], [Play], [5], [Play], [5], [Play], [2].

Turn on the subtitles and play the "Beginnings" chapter and wait for the scene featuring Chester talking about his bit marks. Shortly after then Brad will appear with the message "From the beginning" at the bottom of the screen. Press [Enter] to view "A Place For My Head".

Select the "Disc Set-up" option at the main menu. Turn on the director's commentary, then play "One Step Closer" to hear the song backwards.

In the "One Step Closer" video, (Chapter 11) press [Audio Change] to switch to "Audio 2". You will notice the song is being played backwards. Watch the screen, and between the middle and the end of the video the words "Shut Up!" will appear. When this happens, press [Enter]. You will then get to hear a re-mixed version of "One Step Closer" by the Humble Brothers. Alternately, do everything previously mentioned, but keep pressing [Enter] throughout the video.

Select the "Special Features" option at the main menu. Then, select the "Main Menu" from that screen. A fake main menu will appear with the "N" in "Linkin" facing the correct way. Without selecting anything, press [Up], [Up], [Down], [Down], [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right]. A clip featuring the entire band in London doing funny things will begin.

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