Select the "Select Selection" option at the main menu. Repeatedly press [Down] to highlight chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 in order, then press [Right] to highlight chapter 8. Press [Right] to highlight the hidden "8½ - Hidden Chapter' text. Press [Enter] to view the outtakes.
Hidden picture
Select the "Biographies" option at the main menu. Select the "Creative Light Video" option. Press [Right], [Right], [Right] to highlight the Creative Light Video logo, then press [Enter].
Hidden chapter
Select the "Biographies" option at the main menu. Display all screens in the William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy sections. Return to the main menu, then highlight the "Chapter Selection" option. Press [Enter], then press [Right] eight times to highlight a hidden chapter. Press [Enter] to view it.
Hidden email address
Select the "Subtitles" option at the main menu. Return to the main menu and highlight the "Biographies" option. Press [Enter] and display all screens in the William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy sections. Return to the main menu, then highlight the "Chapter Selection" option. Press [Enter], then press [Right] eight times to highlight a hidden chapter. Press [Enter] to view it. An email address will appear at the end of the sequence.