Hidden clips
Select the "Bonus Features" option at the main menu. Select the "Coming Soon" option. There will be four movie posters for you to select. From the first one on the left, "Redicus Verse Bluetavius", press [Up] until the words "Coming Soon" are highlighted. Press [Enter] to see a video about a Barenaked Ladies concert.
Select the "Bonus Features" option at the main menu. Remain idle for about thirty seconds until a clip featuring a yellow Church starts. After it ends, the menu selections will be yellow and have a yellow Church.
Enter the "Character Profiles" screen. Highlight the option for Sarge, then press [Up] to view a hidden profile about Chupathingy.
Enter the "Character Profiles" screen. Select the option for Doc. On Doc's profile screen, select the "Next Character" option to view O'Mally's profile.
Highlight the "Replay Intro" option at the main menu. Press [Right] to view a clip of Sarge talking about the new things in
Halo 2.
Enter the "Scene Selections" menu and choose the "Intro - 43" option. Highlight the option for episode 40 then press [Up] to view a clip of of Simmons talking about how to kiss up to a commanding officer.
Enter the "Scene Selections" menu and choose the "44 - 49" option. Highlight the option for episode 47 then press [Left] to view a clip of Griff's list of prison cheats.
Enter the "Scene Selections" menu and choose the "50 - 55" option. Remain idle until the background begins to fill with copies of Church from the game
Enter the "Scene Selections" menu and choose the "56 - Credits" option. Highlight the "End Credits" option and press [Left] to view a clip about The Church of the Red Zealot.
Enter the "Special Videos" menu. Highlight the "Christmas Special" option and press [Left] to view a clip featuring Church and Griff talking about holidays.
Enter the "Outtakes" menu. Highlight the "Sword Play" option, then press [Left] to view a clip of Geoff being punched by a toy.
Enter the "Deleted Scenes" menu. Highlight the "Bonus Features" option and press [Down] to view a deleted scene from f Episode 57.1337 called Finding Shisno.