Red vs. Blue: Season 4 Cheats - DVD Movies

 All cheats for this game by platform: DVD videos
Check out these Red vs. Blue: Season 4 cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Hidden features
Enter the "Scene Selection" menu. Highlight the 'Episode 60- Flight or Fright" option, then press [Left] to see Grif whining about how you found his Easter Egg.

Enter the "Scene Selection" menu and select the option for "63-68". Then, highlight the "69-74" option and press [Down] to see Simmons in maroon, with spots of blue (instead of blue with maroon spots).

Enter the "Scene Selection" menu and select the option for "69-74". Highlight the option for the episode "70 Sneaking In". Press [Up], [Enter] to see Church talking about how your wasting your time looking at all of the Easter eggs.

Enter the "Scene Selection" menu. Select the option for "75-Credits". Highlight the "Intro-62" option. Press [Up], [Enter] to see Tucker trying to get rid of his baby.

Select the "Bonus Features" option at the main menu, then select "Outtakes". Select "The New Guy" option and press [Right] to see Andy painted like an Easter egg.

Enter the "Bonus Features" menu. Select "Deleted Scenes", then highlight "Episode 59.7-Alien Hunt". Press [Left] to have Caboose tell you that you should go hide now.

Enter the "Bonus Features" menu. Highlight the "Deleted Scenes" option then press [Left] to see "Tex's Menu".

Select the "Character Profiles" option at the main menu. Then, select "Menu" and press [Left], [Enter] to see the profile for "PVT. Jimmy" from Season 1.

Note: All the secrets can be found using a DVD drive. Go to a menu where an secret is located and move the mouse around in the black margins on the top and bottom of the screen until a link is found. Click to see the secret.

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