Hidden clips
Enter the "Technical" screen and allow the DVD to idle there. The
"Story Of A Spirit" clip will eventually begin. Alternately, enter the "Technical" screen, then press [Up], [Down], [Left] or [Right] followed by [Enter].
Enter the "Credits" screen and allow the DVD to idle there. A short film by Thomas Edison will eventually begin. Alternately, enter the "Credits" screen, then press [Up], [Down], [Left] or [Right] followed by [Enter].
Enter "The Residents" screen and allow the DVD to idle there. A clip featuring Eskimo facts will eventually begin. Alternately, enter "The Residents" screen, then press [Up], [Down], [Left] or [Right] followed by [Enter]. To view the same clip without the facts, allow the DVD to idle at the main menu and it will eventually begin.