The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Cheats - GameBoy

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Check out these The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Apr. 15, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Free bow
Purchase the bow and press [A] + [B] + [Start] + [Select] and save the game as the rupees appear from your hand. Continue the game with the bow and your rupees.

Save a life
When Link is about to lose a life and begins to spin in circles, press [A] + [B] + [Start] + [Select] and save the game. Start again from that save to resume the game with that life intact.

Configure the bombs and arrows as the two button items, then press [A] + [B] to shoot. An arrow with a bomb on the tip will appear and explode when it hits something or while in mid-air. This can also be used to destroy certain enemies in the game.

Stronger weapon
Set the boomerang as the "B" weapon and the hookshot as "A" weapon. Press [A] + [B] for a strong weapon.

Bonus music
Enter "ZELDA" as a case-sensitive name.

Easy money
In level three, the Boss will taunt you and say that you will never find him. To get unlimited rupies, get to the Boss, but do not ram the wall with the Pegasus Boots. Kill the blobs that fall on the screen for easy money.

Cheaper purchases
Select an expensive item from the counter, and begin payment. As your character's money is being deducted, quickly press [Start] + [Select] + [A] + [B], then save and quit the game. Reload the saved game to keep the item and most of the money used to purchase it.

Stealing items
Your character can steal from shop by taking an item, and standing above the store keeper. As he looks towards of the top of the screen, use the door to leave the shop. Note: Your character will be branded a thief and may never return to the same shop. However, the game can be saved and reloaded if your character is killed by a store keeper, which allows the store to be re-entered without penalty.

Name change
Steal an item from the shop in Mabe Village. Go back in the store and get killed. When the you start the game over, go to Marin. Instead of your name, she call you "THIEF".

Bonus seashells
Find exactly five secret seashells, then go to the Seashell Mansion. Enter, then walk right until finding the water flowing up a big pipe. Another bonus shell can be found by doing this with exactly ten seashells. Note: Return to the Seashell Mansion with twenty seashells to obtain a level two power sword. This sword can shoot when your character's life is full.

When you get twenty secret seashells, do not go to the Seashell Mansion. Instead, look for five more seashells so you will eventually have twenty five secret seashells. Once you have that number of seashells, go to the Seashell Mansion. Instead of a level two sword, you will get a powerful dagger. If you first go to the Seashell Mansion to get the level 2 sword and then look for the extra seashells, you will only find rupees in their place.

Obtain the Boomerang and the Rooster. Throw the Boomerang and pick up the Rooster. The Boomerang should hover below you. You cannot get attacked by normal enemies but you may attack them.

Heart piece locations
Refer to the game map as a grid with 1 to 16 going left to right and A to Z going up and down. The heart pieces are located at the following coordinates:
1: 1-K
2: 2-I
3: 5-E
4: 3-G
5: 15-M
6: 9-H
7: 15-C
8: 14-M
9: 7-H
10: 8-A
11: 2-A
12: 7-I
A heart can also be found surrounded by holes in the forest when trying to rescue Bow-Bow

Always have Marin
Complete the first three levels and get Marin as a follower. Use the teleport hole to travel to the animal village. Move to the left, then press [Select] just when you are about to enter the next screen. Your character should move across the screen. Marin will now remain in your party for the duration of the game.

Wall check
Use the sword to stab at the walls. If a hollow clank is heard, a bomb may be used to open the wall.

Screen skip
Approach the edge of any screen and press [Select] (for the world map) just before it scrolls to the next section. Return to the game from the map. If done correctly, your character will appear to the other side of the screen. This can be done almost anywhere in the game, however take care to avoid jumping into stone walls or other locations that may cause the game to become stuck. This may also cause the game to display levels that do not normally exist. Note: This trick does not work on the DX version of the game for the Color Game Boy.

Go to the Dark World. Go to Castle 4 to get the Titan's Mitt. Go to the Smith's House in the Dark World and move to the corner near the trees. Do the "Screen skip" trick to get be behind the fench of the Pyramid Of Power. To get out, you have to use the Mirror, then the Flute and choose you destination.

Go to the Boss room in the first dungeon. Do not fight the Boss. Instead, fall down the hole. As soon as the screen shows the underground thing, jump with the Roc's Feather. It will take you to a weird world. You can walk through walls, and the enemies will look different. To get out, just save and quit. While in the weird world, you can get the two power bracelets. Note: To be safe with your game, get all of the items, then copy that file. Do this trick on the copied file. You can do this at the very beginning of the game.

Use the following trick to go to Level 8 (Turtle Rock) without having to get all the weapons. Go to the library and look in the book "Atlas Of Koholint Island" and match up the point where Turtle Rock is to a point on the beach. Match up the points and go to the beach. Do the "Screen skip" trick and you should be transported to Turtle Rock without needing any of the required weapons or an introduction from the turtle's head.

Crane mini-game
Position the crane on the top left side of the screen, with the shadow over the left moving conveyer belt. Wait until the desired item in the bottom right corner before dropping the crane.

Put the crane over the north-east part of the belt. When the item you want in the south-west corner, drop the crane and you should get it.

Owner prize in crane mini-game
When you have Marin in your party, go to the Crane mini-game. She will ask if she can play. If you let her, she will pick up the owner as a prize.

Alternate ending sequence
Successfully complete the game without using any continues to view Marin flying across the screen during the ending sequence.
Cucco attack
Keep attacking a cucco with your sword and a group of cuccos will appear and attack you. Leave the screen and they will go away.

Kill Mutts and Cuccos
In Mabe Village, you can actually kill the Mutts and Cuccos. Equip either the Wand or Magic Powder and use it on the Mutt or Cucco. They will burst into flames and die. You can get rupees and hearts from them. Also, if killed in this manner, they will not attack you.

Getting getting rid of a Zola
Go to the Zola in Animal Village and talk to him, then hit him. Note: In Oracle of Ages and Seasons, there are two kinds of Zoras. Ocean Zoras andRiver Zoras. Nintendo has officially named the River Zoras as Zolas.

Dog fight
When you finish Cave 2, take Bow Wow to the monkey that you trade bananas to in order to get a bridge to the castle. The monkey displays an angry message and both of them will fight.

Defeating Aganihm (final Boss 2)
Reflect his large beams with your sword, and jump over the small ones.

Defeating Angler (Boss 4)
Hit his antennae with your sword.

Defeating Blob (final Boss 1)
Powder him.

Defeating Catfish Snake (Boss 5)
Hookshot his mouth to pull him to you, then hit his heart.

Defeating Dethl (Nightmare Boss)
Shoot arrows at his eye or use the boomerang. Note: The boomerang is a little slower but stronger.

Defeating Eagle Rider (Boss 7)
Defend against his winds and feathers with your new shield, then just hit him.

Hit its beak with the Hookshot or Boomerang.

Equip the level 2 sword and the shield. Hold the shield button down and use the beam sword to attack. When it is out of sword's reach, attack it before it dives down and attacks you. You can use the shield and press [Forward] when it blows and shoots feathers. Repeat until it is defeated.

Defeating Eyes (final Boss 5)
One shot with the Flamerod.

Defeating Facade (Boss 6)
Hit the objects that fly at you with the sword. When they are gone, stand on Facade's face and drop bombs on it.

Defeating Ganon (final Boss 4)
Ram him repeatedly.

Defeating Hothead (Boss 8)
Use your Flamerod.

Defeating Meanie Genie (Boss 2)
Throw the bottle so it breaks, then hit the Genie.

Defeating Moldom (Boss 1/Final Boss 3)
Hit his tail.

Defeating Facade
Just bomb his face. Note: His holes never appear over where is face is located.

Defeating Moldorm
Hit his tail.

Defeating Slime (Boss 3)
Ram the center of his eye so he breaks apart. Then, hit each half until they die.

Defeating Bosses
In order to defeat Bosses very easily, fight monsters in the temples and receive the piece of power from one. You can then go to the Nightmare's Lair and fight the beast within four to five shots. It works easier in the first four temples because the beasts are weaker. The following a list of Nightmare's and the approximate number of shots needed for the final defeat.
First cave: 2 to 3 shots
Second cave: 3 to 4 shots
Third cave: 4 to 5 shots
Fourth cave: 5 to 6 shots
Fifth cave.: 6 to 7 shots
Sixth, seventh and eight caves: 7 to 8 shots
Turn Marin into a ghost
Use "Screen skip" trick to pass Walrus in Yarna Desert (without having Marin). Then, get the key and use the trick to exit the screen again. Get Marin and start the next dungeon. Marin will remain outside while you do so, If you took long enough when doing the dungeon, when you emerge Marin will tell you how long she waited for you -- and look like a ghost. Also, there is no need to get rid of Marin now and she will follow you around the entire game. Note: There is an glitch after you get the flying rooster, you can have two Marins or two roosters following you around.

Ocarina song
The ocarina can be used get unstuck after using the "Screen skip" trick. First get the ocarina, then go to the cave near the water with two fish above the cave. You must have the flippers to do this. Enter the cave and talk to the big fish. It will ask you if you have an ocarina. Answer "Yes" and it will teach you a song. Play that song after getting stuck to teleport to a pond outside of the "Crazy Tracy's Health Spa".

Getting the Bracelet Of Power
Go to the cave where the sleepy toadstool was obtained. Go in the entrance that has the little monster guarding it. Go to the third room and stop. Use the "Screen skip" trick to warp while moving east and keep walking after this is done. You should enter the room that contained the magnifying glass. Warp down and walk off of the wall. You should enter a room that resembles Eagle Tower (level 7), with chest in the top left corner. Jump off of the wall and off of the ledge, then go to the right. Once the screen changes, stop. Then, warp to the left. Jump off the wall and onto the little ledge and open the chest at the top to get the Bracelet Of Power.

Second Bracelet Of Power in Animal Village
You can get the second Bracelet Of Power by going to Animal Village. Once there, go down to the walrus and then go up two screens. You will find a secret cave. Blow up he cave entrance so you can enter. Go to the far left of the screen, but do not go to the next screen. Then, use the screen warp trick and press [Left]. You will end up on a roof with cracks. Do not make the cracked blocks fall or it could ruin the trick. Go to the top left, and go up. Once there, you should find a chest. Open it to get the second Bracelet Of Power.

Free Magic Powder
Go to the witch's hut, with the Bracelet Of Power. Pick up all of the pots to get two powder uses each time. Repeat this to get as much powder as needed, without using toadstools or rupees.

Extra life
Go left of the graveyard and go in the house. Once inside, you will find a lady. Talk to her and she will ask you if you want a potion (40 rupees at the most). Accept, and if you die it will refill your hearts.

Getting the master key in the second level
When you are in the room with a bat, a rabbit-like creature, and a arrow shooting skeleton, pick up one of the pots in the corner and move the blocks so you can throw a pot at the rabbit. Then, kill the bat hanging on the wall next to the rabbit. After that, kill the skeleton. A chest should appear by the door.

Retrieve instruments
Enter the room that contains the instruments by using the "Screen Skip" trick. Either skip yourself and the fisherman in Mabe Village (exit the screen and often the fisherman will be dragged out with you), then go fishing; or go into a cave that has some part of the screen that is outside the walls of the cave then screen skip to that part of the cave. Wander about this special area and you will eventually reach a room that resembles the room after a Boss that contains the instrument. Pick up the instrument as normal. You do not need to defeat the Boss or get the weapon or item of that level. This special area or level of the game makes it much easier to steal from the store, as you can simply swim through the walls.

Trade shovel for boomerang
There is a place on the shore that you can blow up . When you complete all eight levels, go to the cave on the shore . When you walk in, equip your shovel in the "B" spot . Talk to the person who is in there and he will ask you if you would like to trade your shovel for his boomerang . You can trade back and forth at any time .

Trading shortcut
Once you get the Yoshi Doll at the Trendy Game in Maybe Village, do not trade it. Keep it until you have to get the five Gold Leaves for Richard. Warp past Ki-Ki the monkey, by pressing [Select] as the screen scrolls upwards towards him. Then, get the leaves and complete level 3 (Key Cavern). Next, meet Tarin at the Beenest (Yuyuku Praire) and say, "Yes" when he asked if you have a stick. Suddenly, he will have one.

Above Bow Wow's house is a clearing with a chicken and two trees in the center. Equip your Pegasus Boots and charge at the tree at the top. One bomb will fall out, which you can pick up. Leave the screen, go into Bow Wow's house, then go back up and repeat to get as many bombs as needed.

Eaten ghost
If you take the ghost to Catfish's Maw, the Boss will sometimes eat it. The ghost will then appear at the hole that the Boss will appear from next.

Secret area
After getting the Pegasus Boots, go to the library. You will see a book that is hign upon the shelf. Use the Pegasus Boots to let it fall. Read the book and go to the place with all the graves. Go to the screen with exactly five graves in it. Number the graves as follows. <PRE> Grave 3 Grave 4 Grave 5 Grave 2 Grave 1 </PRE> Then, push the graves in this sequence : Grave 1 down, Grave 2 to the left, Grave 3 up, Grave 4 to the right, and Grave 5 up. If done correctly, stairs will appear where the fifth grave was located.

Item trades
The following is the list of items to be traded and what to do with them.
Banana: Give it to the Monkey near Richard's castle.
Bow: Give it to the Talking Chain Chomp inside of the Chain Chomp Ladies house.
Broom: Give it to Grandma Ulrira in Animal Village.
Can Of Dog Food: Give it to the Alligator who collects canned food near the beach.
Fish Hook: Give it to the Fisherman under the Bridge in Martha's Bay.
Hibiscus: Give it to the Goat at the desk in Animal Village.
Honeycomb: Give it to the Bear in Animal Village.
Letter: Give it to Mr. Write near the forest.
Magnifying Glass: Use it on the unreadable book in the Library.
Necklace: Give it to the Mermaid in Martha's Bay.
Pineapple: Give it to the Quadruplet's dad at Tal Tal Heights.
Scale: Use it on the Mermaid Statue near Martha's Bay.
Stick: Give it to Tarin near honey comb.
Yoshi Doll: Give it to the mother of baby in the upper left corner of the village that it was received in.
Glitch: Move anywhere
This glitch will work as early as when you complete level 1, but its better to do once you have the Flippers. Go to the Boss room in level 1, and equip the Feather. Go to the top left corner, and jump into the hole. Continue jumping and press [Up]. When you appear in the dungeon room below, jump up and you will hear a door sound. This may require a few attempts. Now you are in the glitched part of the game. Do not go up at first, or you will leave it. You can wander through most of the levels, and they will be all glitched. You need the Flippers because many of the walls are water. To reutrn to normal, just go through any staircase or door. You will be where that staircase or door comes out in the actual level.

Glitch: Hidden area
First, get the Flippers then return to the first dungeon. Go to the room where you fought the Boss. Equip the Roc's Feather to either equip slot. Fall off the ledge (which will take you to a side-view area with three hanging skeletons). The moment you appear in that screen, you will be in mid-air at the top of the screen. Use the Roc's Feather at that exact moment. This will require practice. Once you successfully jump, you will jump up and off the screen. You will hear a noise, as if you entered a cave. You will now find yourself standing on a door, and there will be several doors all grouped together facing various directions. You will be able to walk on the doors, but if you step off them, you will be forced to swim. You may swim through all the walls you see in this special area. Remember where this room with the doors-for-floors is located; when you walk off the top of this screen, you will exit this place. If you swim through walls and go off the screen (except at the first room), you will pass into another room, most likely with four full walls on all sides (that you can swim through) and a floor that you can walk on. If you do this repeatedly, you will find rooms that slightly resemble those of other dungeons. You can explore these strange dungeons and can find all the weapons from the real dungeons in the glitched-world. However, the monsters that plague the dungeons will still produce a problem for you.

Glitch: Flying Ghost
Play through the game until you reach the fourth dungeon (Angler's Tunnel.) Get the Flippers, and leave without getting the instrument. Go through dungeons 5 and 6, collecting the Hookshot and level 2 Bracelet, but do not collect the instruments there either. Next, get the Frog's Song and the Flying Rooster. Do not finish level 7 or you will lose the Flying Rooster. Return and finish level 4. When you exit, you will see the Ghost that normally asks you to take it places hopping around like the Flying Rooster. You can even pick up the Ghost and fly around with it. Note: The graphic of the ghost glitches when the Ghost/Rooster is facing north or south. The rooster returns to normal if you enter a warp hole.

Glitch: Fly with boomerang
This trick requires the rooster and its flying capabilities, a level 1 2 Power Bracelet, and a boomerang. First, equip the bracelet and the boomerang. Then, move to an area with or without enemies. Throw the boomerang and before it returns, pick up the rooster. If done correctly, you should fly around with the boomerang under you, twirling. It can still pick up items, and most enemies cannot touch you.

Glitch: Things in inventory
After you complete the first level and get the instrument, walk around for about an hour, but do not complete the second level. Save the game, turn it off, then turn it back on. You will have Marin, the first four instruments, and the flippers in your inventory.

Glitch: Enter Face Shrine
Find the level 2 Power Bracelet, then go back to Mabe Village and push the stone up by where Marin was located. A staircase should appear. Go down, then go up one screen then down. Do not use the screen skip glitch. Then, go back up and use the screen skip glitch. Note: This works best without Marin. Next, go up and you should end up in Face Shrine (level 6). It will be glitched. Go left and through the door that did not close. Jump down from the ledge that you appear on. Go down the stairs and go back up. It should appear normal again, but do not exit or it will not work.

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