Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu Cheats - GBA

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Check out these Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Android 16
Successfully complete tournament mode as Android 18.

Successfully complete tournament mode as Piccolo.

Successfully complete tournament mode as Android 16.

Successfully complete tournament mode as any character.

Alternately, successfully complete tournament mode with every character, including the ones that you have won.

Successfully complete the Time Challenge as Vegeta.

Successfully complete the Time Challenge as Gohan.

Successfully complete tournament mode as Vegeta.

Successfully complete tournament mode as Gohan.
Hold [L] + [R].

Easy Kamehameha
When playing as Goku, Gotenks, or Krillin hold the D-Pad diagonally, then press [B] about five times.

Android 16: Moves
????: Press [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right] + [B].

Rocket Punch: Press [Left], [Down/Left], [Down], [Down/Right], [Right], [L].

Self-Destruct: Press [B]x2, [R], [A], [L].
Android 18: Moves
Positronic Beam: Press [Left], [Right] [Left], [Right], [B].

Triple Rocket Attack: Press [Forward], [Down], [Back], [Forward], [L].

Multiple Ki Blast: Press [Right], [Down], [Left], [Right] + [B]. If done at the correct moment, you can take out a third of your opponent's health.
Broly: Moves
Hover Punch: Rotate the D-Pad in a half circle + [B].

Super: Rotate the D-Pad in a backward half circle, then a half circle, [L] + [R].

Seismic Punch: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Down], [Back], [R].

Super Charge Up: Rotate the D-Pad in a half circle from [Back] to [Front], then in a half circle from [Front] to [Back], then press [R]. Broly will go Super Saiyan and charge up, causing several explosions to go off around him.
Broly: Easy win
Choose Broly in any mode. When it is time to fight just use the move "Super". It will only take two hits to defeat your opponent.

Buu: Moves
Explosive Punch: Rotate the D-Pad a quarter circle [Forward], then press [B].

Pink Beam: Press [Left], [Right], [Down], [Right], [L].

Human Extinction Attack: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward],
Buu: Easy Endurance mode
If you play in Endurance or Endurance 2X mode, Buu is very helpful. In the fight, keep using the Pink Beam. By using that attack, it will increase your health. This will decrease your chance of losing, and your opponent will lose health. This will be useful whenever your health is low and whatever mode you play.

Cell: Moves
Absorption: Press [Left], [Down], [Left], [Right], [B].

Ultimate Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [L].

Uppercut/Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Down/Right], [Right], [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [B].

Uppercut/Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Down/Right], [Right], [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [B] when close to your opponent.
Frieza: Moves
Destructo Disk: The same move as his Eye Beam, except replace [B] with [L].

Death Ball: Press [Forward], [Down], [Back], [Forward], [L].
Gohan: Moves
Masenko Ball: Rotate the D-Pad in a half circle, [L].

Multi-Ki Blast: Press [Down], [Back], [Forward], [B].

Super Kamehameha: Press [Down/Forward] + [B], [Down/Forward] + [L].
Gohan: Easy win
As Gohan, power up with Ki. The other character may also power up. However if they do not power up, stop charging, bend down, and trip them with a Roundthehouse Kick ([Down]. [A] or [R]). When you finish powering up, use Gohan's Masenko Ha.

Goku: Moves
Kamehemeha: Press [Down], [Forward], [Down], [Forward], [B].

Super Kamehameha: Press [Up], [Down/Right], [Down]x2, [L].

Spirit Bomb: Rotate the D-Pad in a half circle forward, then press [Up] + [R].

Spirit Bomb (alternate): Press [Right], [Left], [Down], [Up] + [L].

Alternate Spirit Bomb: Quickly press [Down]x2, [Left]x2, [Up] + [L].

?: Press [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [B].
Goku: Easy win
Power up with Ki and use Goku's Super Kamehameha. When done, use your Spirit Bomb. This should deplete your opponent's health by half. Repeat this as many times as necessary.

Gotenks: Moves
Kamikaze attack: Press [Down]x2, [Left], [Right], [L].

Buu Buu Volleyball: Press [Right], [Left], [Left/Down], [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [R].

Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Down/Right], [Right], [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [B].

Kamehameha (alternate): Press [Down], [Forward], [Down], [Forward] + [B].
Krillin: Moves
Kamehameha: Press [Down], [Down/Right], [Right], [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [B].

Destructo Disc : Press [Half Circle Forward], then [Left] + [L].

Super Heat Butt: Press [Down], [Forward], [Down], [Forward], [A].
Nappa: Moves
Mouth Beam: Press [Left], [Down], [Right], [Left], [B]

One Hand Power Throw: Press [Back], [Forward], [Down], [Forward], [L].

Earthquake Slam: Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Up], [Back], [R].

Opponent Slam: Press [Back], [Forward], [Down], [Forward] + [L] when close to your opponent. Nappa will pick up your opponent and throw them against the far wall.
Piccolo: Moves
Special Beam Cannon: Press [Left], [Right], [Down/Right], [Down], [Down/Forward], [Forward].

Kamikaze Balls: Press [Down], [Down/Left], [Left], [Down], [Down/Left], [Left] + [L].

Sonic Kick: Press [B]x2, [A]x2, [Forward], [R].
Radditz: Moves
Flying Elbow Drop: Press [Down], [Down/Right], [Right], [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [B].

Karate Chop Beam: Press [Left], [Right], [Left], [Right], [B].

Fireball Somersault: Press [Back], [Forward], [Down], [Forward], [R].
Trunks: Moves
Super Attack: Rotate the D-Pad in a half circle [Back], then half circle, then [L] + [R].

Sword Slash: Press [Down/Left], [Down], [Down/Left], [B].

Triple Sword Blast: Press [Forward], [Down/Forward], [Down], [Down/Back], [Back], [Up/Back], [Up], [Up/Forward], [Forward], [L].
Vegeta: Moves
Big Bang Attack: Press [Down], [Down/Right], [Right] + [L].

Ozaru Attack: Rotate the D-Pad in half circle from [Forward] to [Back], then rotate in a half circle from [Back] to [Forward] then press [L]. You must have maximum energy for this attack.

Ozaru Attack (alternate): Press [Back], [Down], [Forward], [Up] + [L].

Garlic Gun: Press [Down], [Down/Forward], [Forward], [Down], [Down/Forward], [Forward] + [B].

Ki Blast: Press [Down], [Right], [B].

Final Flash Attack: Press [Down], [Right], [Down], [Right], [B].
Easy sky battles
If you want to win sky battles easily, choose Krillin. No one can reach him and you will not get hurt.

Start a sky battle ([Down]x2, [Up], [B]). As it starts, continuously press [A], [B]. Within seconds, your opponent will crash to the ground with less health.

When you obtain Gotenks, select "Tournament". In the round 1 sequence, use the Sky Battle controls ([Down], [Down], [Up], [B]). When the battle begins, you will instantly go up for a hopeful sky battle.

After obtaining Gotenks, go to "Tournament". Start a sky battle. Continuously press [A] and [B]. Try not to press them at the exact same time, as your meter will drop to a low point.

Easy wins
Unlock "Instant Death" on the bonus settings in the Z-store. Turn that option on, then go to the options and set the rounds to 1 round only. Then, go to tournament mode with any character. Do a special move before the fight starts. Immediately after the fight begins, you will do a move to kill your opponent. Repeat this to easily win the game.

No damage from Sprit Bomb
When Goku launches Spirit Bomb, just defend and you will receive no damage from it.

Glitch: Stay alive in a different dimension
Go to Zstore, select "Bonus Setting" and put Explosive Touch on after you have unlocked it. When playing in any mode, choose Gotenks. When you fight, use the Buu Buu Volleyball. Your opponent will turn into a ball, and when Gotenks kicks it, he will explode and be thrown away. Try to get up quickly. The background will be black. If it is not black, press [Up]. After you do that, the background will be black and everything will disappear except for the time. In the middle, there will be a kamikaze ball and your opponent will lay there and never get up. If you want to change the color of the ball to blue, do a Kamehameha. For a white ball, do kamikaze Ghosts, however after you do that you will stay in SS3 form and cannot move.

Glitch: No winner or loser
Go the tournament mode and get Android 18. Make sure you have it set to "Instant Death". Then, use Self-Destruct. Both of you will win, however nobody will actually win or lose. The person you are fighting will get up and it should say "Perfect" or "Super Winner". Then, after about two seconds, you will get up and the person you are fighting will get knocked down. Even though it shows the winner coin on your opponent's side, it will not matter. After you come back to the battle, the coin will be on neither side.

Glitch: Opponent head at bottom of screen
When in sparring mode, choose Cell as your character. Then, select Nappa or Android 16 as your opponent. Use Cell's Uppercut Kamehameha attack on your opponent. When the uppercut is performed, look at the bottom of your screen. You should see part of your opponent's head. This may also work with other opponents.

Glitch: Broly's light
In order to do this, turn on the bonus feature "Explosive Touch". Enter one of the battle modes where the CPU fights you. Make sure that you are close enough to the opponent so that they can attack you. Before they do so, use the "Broly's Super Charge Up" attack. If done correctly, they will attack you while you are doing the move, and both of you will be knocked down. Notice that the light that appears behind Broly when he charges is still there. Do this once more and it will change color.

Glitch: Broly's Wave
In order to do this trick, turn on the "Explosive Touch" bonus feature. Enter any battle mode in the "One Player" option and use Broly and any CPU character. Then in the battle, use Broly's Hover Punch attack ([Back], [Down/Back], [Down], [Down/Forward], [Forward], [B]) and when you hit your opponent. Both characters will fall to the ground and there will be a wave behind Broly (which is the wave that follows behind you when you use Hover Punch). If you repeat this, the characters will become glitched and game play will slow down. If you do it four times, it will become very glitched and slow. To exit this, is either charge ([R] + [L]) or jump ([Up]).

Glitch: Radditz leaps across screen
Select Radditz for sparring mode and any tall fighter such as Piccolo, but not Nappa (due to the fact the Elbow Drop does not work on him). Continuously use Radditz's Elbow Drop. Do not let your opponent stand up or you will have to start all over. Keep hitting them with the Elbow Drop and it will push them off screen. Do not stop. The opponent will eventually come back out on the other side of the screen, and you can go all the way back to the side that you started on. When you get there, you will leap across the screen a few times to get to him or her. Note: Radditz's Elbow Drop is [Down], [Forward], [B].

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