Final Fantasy V Advance Cheats - GBA

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Downloadable Final Fantasy V Advance Cheats
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Nov. 22, 2006
Perform the task and you will be able to choose this under "Bestiary" on the main menu. This will allow you to see the facts about the enemies you have defeated. Save game after defeating at least one enemy.

Extra content
The GBA release of FF5 has some extra job classes and dungeons thrown in that are unavailable in previous releases of the game. Getting to all of it is detailed in the following chart.

??? Cave - Available once you get all 12 legendary weapons from Kuza Castle.
Cannoneer, Gladiator, and Oracle jobs - Available when you first enter the ??? Cave.
Cloister of the Dead - Available once you earn the Necromancer job.
Necromancer job - Defeat Enuo in the Sealed Temple.
Sealed Temple - Beat the game once.

Music Player
Beat the game once, then the music player will be available in Extra at the main menu.

Save a Character (spoilers)
As the world is collapsing on the Floating Continent, and you have six minutes to get off, make your way to the very end where you can jump down to the airship. Instead of jumping, wait and do not move. When there is five seconds left on the clock Shadow will appear and jump down to the airship with you instead of dying.

Save Cid
When you're supposed to catch some fish for Cid, be sure to catch the fast ones that moves around in the water and give those to Cid so he can live. If you catch the slow ones and feed them to Cid, he'll die because the slow ones are the sick fish and the fast ones are the healthy ones.

Glitch: No forced runs from Chicken Knife
The weapon Chicken Knife has a "special" ability to force the user to run away from battle every now and then. But, there is a way to trick the game into NOT activating this effect while still using this powerful weapon.

1. You must be a Ninja, Thief with Dual-Wield, OR Freelancer with Dual-Wield.
2. Equip the weapon Twin Lance in your right hand. (Twin Lance is a Ninja/Thief exclusive weapon)
3. Equip the weapon Chicken Knife in your left hand.

Because Twin Lance has the inherent ability to attack twice, you will be attacking a total of three times with this setup. However, the game is tricked into thinking that all the attacks have already been performed, so it does NOT check the Chicken Knife's special ability when it is the third attack. Remember, Twin Lance must be in your RIGHT hand, not left hand, or this will not work.

Glitch: Easy Walse Castle Basement Looting Glitch
This works only on the Gameboy Advance version of Final Fantasy V. After so many steps, you are automatically thrust into battle. However, if you quicksave, exit and continue, the step counter is reset. If you take only 5 steps, a few more if you're feeling risky, save and load, you can get all the treasures and get out without encountering a single Jackanapes. Like this, you don't have to run if you are going for the Brave Blade and you do not have to encounter the Jackanapes on your first visit to the castle.

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