The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Cheats - GBA

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Check out these The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring cheats and stay cool!
Unlimited money
At the start of the game, you will hear the riddle of the bog shoes from a man. Near that man him is a Hobbit hole on a hill. Go up two steps to reach it. Inside are three bookcases. Two are on either side of the fireplace and the third is on the other wall. Search the lone bookcase to get a gold coin. Exit the room and reenter. Search the same bookcase to collect the coin again. Repeat this process to get unlimited money.

One of the graves in the Barrow Downs has a gold coin in it. After it is collected, keep exiting the room and returning to get as much money as desired. Note: The room is the one where you need the acorn to get into the next room.

Unlimited items
Drop any item and save the game. Go back to the current game, and where you last left your items, there should be another extra item. Do this as many times as desired to get the best item for all players.

When you are in the dwarf's castle, drop an item, go through another door, then go back again. The item will be multiplied.

Unlimited Old Toby Weeds
At the dock where the Ferry is located, you will find an Old Toby Weed on a button. Exit, then reenter. Another Old Toby Weed will be in the same location.

Hobbiton: Willow Willys
When in Hobbiton, you will find some Willow Willys. Keep them -- you will get stuck in the old forest later and have to free Pippin and Merry. You still have to talk To Tom Bombadil, but then will not have to search for the Willow Willys.

Lothlorien: Finding Gollum and getting the Bow of Galadriel
Start by talking to Celeborn. He is in one of the tree houses. He will tell you that a strange creature (Gollum) has been seen in the woods. If you see Gollum, he will give you a reward. If you find an Elf in the woods, you can pay him a coin and he will play a tune (low note, high note, medium note, high note, low note). After that, go west to find some musical stumps. An Elf that has been blocking a ladder will now move. Next, go west, then north. When you enter to the north, you will see Gollum running around by a stream. Return to Celeborn and tell him the creature is Gollum. He will give you the Bow of Galadriel.

Passing without paying
When someone will not let you pass and asks for Pipe Weed or something else, save the game. Select "Continue" at the menu. When the game resumes, just walk past them.

Never die
After you get the Miruvor from Eldron, duplicate it when ever you get hurt from a battle and drink it. Note: It heals 40.

Aragorn: Level up
1. When you are outside of Bree, go straight to the Midway Marshes and complete the quest here, where you have to kill a Wight. If you go northwest before going across any bridges you will find him. Next, find the woman here that is complaining about him. She will give you a sword and a gold coin. After you have completed Midwater Marshes, go just below the mountain to Weather Top (just outside of Midwater Marshes). Go down a little and to the right. You will enter a screen with a big dog running around. Before or after you battle him and if you are in the correct location, Aragorn should level up. Note: If this does not happen, try again or after you have completed the Bandit quest for Arthur's necklace.

2. Kill one of the trolls at the last bridge.
Frodo: Level ups
1. While you are in The Shire, defeat the scarecrow.
2. After you avoid the Black Rider.
3. Deliver message to the dwarves on the last bridge.
4. Bring Arwen her amulet.
Merry: Level ups
1. Free him from Old Man Willow, then talk to Tom in his house.
2. Solve the button puzzle in Mordor.
Pippin: Level ups
1. Do not steal crops from Farmer Magot; instead, talk to him in his house.
2. Free him from Old Man Willow, then talk to Tom in his house.
3. Deliver the message to Amos Appledore; he is in Bree.
4. Bring the Elfstone to Glorfindel; he is in Rivendale.
Sam: Level ups
1. After you meet the elves.
2. Bring old boots to the dwarf in The Prancing Pony.
3. Solve the last puzzle in Midwater Marshes.
Glitch: Rivendell
There are a few glitches in Rivendell that can force you to restart your game. The following are some tips on how to get past them. Note: Save the game or before you enter this place.
Missing sword Sting: If you have gotten everything in this level besides Gimli's axe, save your game. Talk to Bilbo. If he does not drop Sting and Bilbo's Mithril Coat, you have a problem. Go to the exit of the level and pick up the Normal Shield. Drop it on every screen and make it show up on each one. If it does not, restart. When you get to Bilbo, walk up a little before he walks up and talks to you. Drop your shield or any other useless items. If they show up on the floor, you have a chance of getting both items. If they do not appear, restart and try again. If this does not work, try dropping an item in the room Biblo is in and sneak around him so that he walks past you and drops the two items. By dropping your already held items, the game will take action and make most dropped items appear. Do not forget to pick them up afterwards.

Bilbo's missing armor (Bilbo's Mithril Coat): If you have gotten everything in this level besides Gimli's axe, save your game. Talk to Bilbo. If he does not drop Sting and Bilbo's Mithril Coat, you have a problem. Go to the exit of the level and pick up the Normal Shield. Drop it on every screen and make it show up on each one. If it does not, restart. When you get to Bilbo, walk up a little before he walks up and talks to you. Drop your shield or any other useless items. If they show up on the floor you have a chance of getting both items. If they do not appear, restart and try again. If this does not work, try dropping an item in the room Bilbo is in and sneak around him so that he walks past you and drops the two items. By dropping your already held items, the game will take action and make most dropped items appear. Do not forget to pick them up afterwards.

Gimli's missing axe: After you have obtained Sting and Bilbo's Mithril Coat for Bilbo, save the game. Next, talk to the Elf that wanted to see a weapon that stings. You now have "Sting", and he should give you Gimli's axe if he does not, try getting the Normal Shield at the exit to the level and dropping it beside the Elf. If it shows up on the floor after you dropped it, you have a chance of getting Gimli's axe. If this does not happen, restart from where you saved last and try again until you get it. It will eventually show up. By dropping your already held items, the game will take action and make most dropped items appear. Do not forget to pick them up afterwards.

Missing Gandalf, Legolas, or Gimli: See Elrond and speak to him. After speaking to him, go to the exit and see if there is anyone there besides Gimli. If there is, your game has not glitched. If they are missing, restart from your saved game (when you first entered) and try again.
Glitch: Mines Of Moria
There is a glitch in Moria that causes your game to freeze and prevent you from further progress. Use the following steps to avoid this problem. In the Mines of Moria, there is a large open room with an Orc. When you approach the door to the northeast, Gandalf tells you that the passage is blocked and that you must go deeper into Moria. Save the game at this point. If the game freezes, you can reload from here, then walk towards the doorway that causes the glitch. Press [Start] as your character is walking toward the doorway and the screen is fading. If done correctly, the save menu will appear as the screen is fading. Save the game, then continue it. The game will resume at the other side of the doorway.

Glitch: Old Forest: Ghost Tom Bombadil
When you are in the Old Forest, find the blue feather for Tom Bombadil. Go to the screen with four musical stumps (keep going east then south). Touch the stumps in this order: west, east, north, south. Then, wait for Tom Bombadil to appear from the left side of the screen. When he is just slightly in front of the first stump, save the game. When you load your game again, the Tom Bombadil that walked in when you saved will walk past you and flash different colors. Then, a second normal appearing one will appear from the left side again, walk in the same path, and stand in the same place. Note: This will not force you to restart the game.

Glitch: Float in mid-air
When you reach Weathertop and are on top of it, go to the bottom corner where the end of the corner is missing. Walk into it, then turn left or right and you will float in air.

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