Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Cheats - GameBoy Color

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Downloadable Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Secret passages
A secret passage can be found on the first floor. It is one of the statues. Press [A] and go through it. It will take you to a silver door on the fourth floor next to the Hospital Wing. There is another secret passage on the sixth floor. It is the Golden Statue furthest north in the hall. It will take you to the Dungeon. You can also go backwards through the passages.

In the dungeons, the gray gargoyle is a secret passage to the sixth floor.

Look in the radar at the bottom right side of the screen. Once you have seen the Snitch in the radar, search for it in the match. Press [A] to speed up. Press it repeatedly. Once you have sighted it, press [B] repeatedly to make sure you get it.

Uncommon Witch's And Wizard Card locations
Queen Maeve: Slytherin Common Room. Go down into the dungeon and you will run into Snape. Once he is finished, go straight ahead and you will find Malfoy outside the Common Room. Go to rate beside Malfoy and press [A] or [B] while facing the table to get the Queen Maeve card. Note: This is the only place to get it.
Godric Gryffindor: Go to the Womping Willow tree and move one screen down, to your left, and to the second path. Look by the base of the tree inside the bottom right corner of the map to find the card.
Lord Stoddard Withers: Go to where you found the Godric Gryffindor card. Next, go back to the path and down to the next area. In this area go straight down into the tree (not the pointy one). At the base of this tree is the card.
Go to the nurse's office. There will be a girl on your right as soon as you walk in the door. Talk to her. She will say that she wants her magical storybook and she thinks she left it on the Common Room table. Go back to the Common Room. There will be somone next to the table. He will tell you that he last saw Ginny Weasley with it in the third floor corridor. Go there, and find her. She will ask for something, and you must talk to different people to get it. When you get what she wants, she will give you the storybook. Go back to the girl in the nurse's office. When you give it to her, she will give you a Witches And Wizards Card.
Witch's and Wizard cards list
1. Hesper Starkey
2. Parcelsus
3. Archibald Alderton
4. Elladora Ketteridge
5. Gaspard Shingleton
6. Glover Hipworth
7. Gregory the Smarmy
8. Laverne DeMontmorency
9. Ignatia Wildsmith
10. Sacharissa Tugwood

11. Gianmore Peakes
12. Balfour Blane
13. Felix Summerbee
14. Greta Catchlove
15. Honouria Nutcombe
16. Gifford Ollerton
17. Jocunda Sykes
18. Quong Po
19. Dorcas Wellbeloved

20. Merwyn the Malicious
21. Morgan le Fay
22. Crispin Cronk
23. Etheired the Ever-Ready
24. Beatrix Bloxam
25. Alberta Toothill
26. Xavier Rastrick
27. Yardley Platt
28. Dymphna Furmage

29. Fulbert the Fearful
30. Wendelin the Weird
31. Tilly Toke
32. Carlotta Pinkstone
33. Edgar Stroulger
34. Havelock Sweeting
35. Flavius Belby
36. Justus Pilliwickle
37. Norvel Twonk
38. Oswald Beamish

39. Cornelius Agrippa
40. Gulliver Pokeby
41. Newt Scamander
42. Gienda Chittock
43. Adalbert Waffling
44. Perpetua Fancourt
45. Cassandra Vablatsky
46. Mopsus
47. Blenheim Stalk
48. Alberic Grunnion

49. Merlin
50. Elfrida Clagg
51. Grogan Stump
52. Burdock Muldoon
53. Almerick Sawbridge
54. Artemisa Lufkin
55. Gondoline Oliphant
56. Montague Knightley
57. Harry Potter

58. Derwent Shimpling
59. Gunhilda of Gorsemoor
60. Cliodne
61. Beaumont Marjoribanks
62. Chauncey Oldridge
63. Mungo Bonham
64. Wilfred Elphick

65. Bridget Wenlock
66. Godric Gryffindor
67. Miranda Goshawk
68. Salazar Slytherin
69. Queen Maeve
70. Helga Hufflepuff
71. Rowena Ravenclaw
72. Hengist of Woodcroft
73. Daisy Dodderidge
74. Albus Dumbledore

75. Donaghan Tremlett
76. Mudsidora Barkwith
77. Gideon Crumb
78. Herman Wintringham
79. Kirley Duke
80. Myron Wagtail
81. Orsino Thurston
82. Celestina Warbeck
83. Heathcote Barbary
84. Merton Graves

85. Bowman Wright
86. Joscelind Wadcock
87. Gweong Jones
88. Cyprian Youdle
89. Devlin Whitehorn
90. Dunbar Oglethorbe
91. Leopldina Smethwyck
92. Roderick Plumpton
93. Roland Kegg

94. Herpo the Foul
95. Andros the Invincible
96. Ulrich the Oddball
97. Lord Stoddard Withers
98. Circe
99. Mirabella Plunkett
100. Bertie Bott
101. Thaddeus Thurkell
Magical Cards
First Row: Magical Creatures Cards. Collect all of them and you can view the Bestiary in your notebook.
Second Row: Potions Cards
Third Row: Quidditch Cards
Fourth Row: Charms Cards
Fifth Row: Hogwarts Historical People Cards
Quidditch Cards
The following cards are referred to from left to right. All are available in the Quidditch shed on the grounds.
First card: Beat the record in Ring Practice 1.
Second card: Beat the record in Flitterby 1.
Third card: Beat the record in Ring Practice 3.
Fourth card: Beat the record in Ring Practice 2.
Fifth card: Beat the record in Flitterby 2.
Hogwarts Historical People Cards
The following cards are referred to from left to right.
First card: Defeat Bean Challenge #4.

Second card: Defeat Bean Challenge #2.

Third card: Defeat Bean Challenge #1. You also get a shortcut to the second floor from one of the portraits in the Portrait Room.

Fourth card: Defeat Bean Challenge #3. Talk to George Weasley.

Fifth card: Collect all of the red/orange beans in the castle and on the grounds. There is a total of 100 beans. Some are hidden behind pictures and other objects. Go up to the picture or other object and press [Action] to get to the bean.
Save Points
To the right of Gringotts
In the Leaky Cauldron
In the entrance of Hogwarts
In the Gryffindor Common Room
In Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom on the second floor (first door on the right)
Dueling Club rewards
The following are the items that you get after defeating the Dueling Club people.
The first one will give you a Witch And Wizard Card.
The second one will give you a Witch And Wizard Card.
The third one gives you a Card Attack Combo.
The fourth one gives you Steel Mesh Gloves.
The fifth one gives you Dragon Skin Boots.
The sixth one gives you a Rabbits Foot.
The seventh gives you a Dueling Trophy (does not do anything)
Card Collector's Club Room Chests
*If you do not know the "Uno" spell it will teach it to you, then upgrade it.
Alchemy: 10 of every potion (even Polyjuice; does nothing though).
Charms: Mini-Game "Flitwick's Boogaloo".
*Curses: Mucas Adnauseam and Petrificus Totalus get upgraded to maximum power.
Protection: Dragon Skin Cloak.
Divination: Gain 5 levels.
*Generalist: Lapin Pin and Flipendo Upgraded to maximum power.
Healing: Moon Stone and gain 2 levels.
*Hogwarts: Receive Tri-Corner and Dragon Skin Gloves. Incendio upgraded to maximum power.
*Musician: Verdimillious is upgraded to maximum power and receive Dragon Skin Boots.
Quidditch: Receive Quidditch helmet, jersey, boots, and gloves.
*Transfiguration: Mini-Game "Transfiguration Challenge", receive House Ring, and Vermillious is upgraded to maximum power.
Get past giant spider
To pass the giant spider in the Dark Forest, be at level 32 or higher and use the Vermillous Tria spell.

Buy lots of Revive Potions. When Ron or Harry get knocked out, revive him.

Get past Aragog
Be at level 30 to 40 and have Incendio Tria.

Make sure you have more than one of the last two cards in the CAC, Weak Point, and buy lots of WGPs and RPs. Use Weak Point, and Vermillious Duo/Tria on him. It does about 60 to 100 damage to him.

Get past Basilisk
Use Weak Point. This makes the damage From Fawkes go from 20+ to 90+. Also heal a lot, but do not try to heal Fawkes, as you cannot do so.

Move around Hogwarts easier
To get around Hogwarts School easier, press [A] when you are by statues or other objects. Most of them are secret passages, or will give you Wizard cards. For example, the Egyptian statue will take you to the dungeon. The mirror by the nurse's office will take you to the first floor.

Getting leather gloves
When you get the book out of Filch's desk, bug him and he will want it back. He will trade you a pair of leather gloves for it.

Defeating Aragog
Aragog is weak against Vermillious (Tria would do well) and Incendio (Duo and/or Tria would also do well).

Defeating the spider
To do a quick 45 damage to the spider, use the Broom Of Doom (card combo).

Defeating Professor Lockhart
Use the Mucus Andnesium spell to poison him, then keep using the Expelliarmus spell.

Glitch: Move through Crabbe and Goyle
When you put Crabbe and Goyle in the cupboard you can step through the one closest to the door.

Glitch: Disappearing suitcase
After you battle Professor Lockhart, you will see a suitcase. It then states that you can get a card combo. The suitcase will disappear. Press [Start] and it will reappear

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