Harvest Moon 3 Cheats - GameBoy Color

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Color
Check out these Harvest Moon 3 cheats and stay cool!
Unlimited money
Note: This trick requires any number of two objects, for example a Cherry and an Egg. First, call the Farmers Union and select your first item (Cherry). When asked to specify the amount, press [Down], [B]. Select your other item (Egg) and press [Down]. You will have one item less than the first item (Cherry). Sell these to the Farmers Union. Call them again and you will have about 50 of the second item (Egg). Select your second item (Egg) and press [Down] until you have 0. Press [Down] again and you will have 99 of that item. Sell them, or you will lose them. After you sell them, you will have about 20. Repeat the trick.

Easy money
When you start the game, turn around to look at the fireplace. Walk to it and press [A] to pick up the savings from inside the fireplace.

When you start the game, get the money from the fireplace. Plow all the ground out in the field and in its place, grow grass. It should only take one day and you will have more than 7,000.

Go to the grasslands and equip the Miracle Gloves. Then, pick up a berry or mushroom and throw it. It will go straight to the produce bin. This saves the tedious job of going to and from your farm.

Unlimited fruits and vegetables
Go to the grassland and pick all the fruits and vegetables there. Leave, then return. The fruits and vegetables you just picked should be there again. You can pick them until your inventory is full. Go home and put them into your storage area to sell. You can repeat this several times.

Chickens are the cheapest and the first animals that you should buy. Only buy one male, because they are worthless. Once all the chicks are hatched, sell the male and buy another female. They will lay an egg every day and your wife may make it into Mayonnaise. Once they are at ten hearts, wait a few days and they will become Golden. The Golden Eggs are worth more, but do not make better mayonnaise. If you put them out in the rain, even for a moment, the chickens will become unhappy. If you forget to feed them or are unable to do so, they will be unhappy for 3 days. They will not lay eggs while they are unhappy.

Cows are one of your better choices for an animal. When you buy them, only get one male. They are useless except for breeding. They produce Small, Medium, and Large Milk; Cheese if you give the girl the book or buy the machine; and Butter if you give the girl the book or buy the machine. She may know how to turn it into this, but she will not always do so. Cows are available in two colors, brown and white; and black and white. There are also two different patterns in spots. Only the female can give milk. They take 35 days to mature to adults. They are calves for 14 days, young cows for 21 days, and adults until they die of sickness or you sell them. Do not get any of your cows rated at the Farmer's Union until they have all ten hearts. If you forget to feed them, they will not produce milk for three days and you will have to wait three days longer for a calf to be born if one is pregnant. Sometimes you cannot avoid not feeding them, such as during blizzards or typhoons. If you put them out into the rain, even for a moment, they will become unhappy.

Horses are totally useless unless you enter races or just want to ride them. They are available in three colors, black, brown, and white. They will be unhappy if you let them outside in the rain, even for a moment. If you do not feed them or are unable to, they will become unhappy. They will remain unhappy for 3 days.

Sheep are also a good investment. They take 21 days to mature. The happier the sheep, the better the Wool. If you give the girl the correct books, she can make Yarn and Sweaters out of the Wool. Your wife may know how, but she will not always do so. As with cows, only females can give Wool. You cannot make them mate if they do not have Wool. If these are your first two sheep, check the animal section in the morning so that your wife does not shear the Wool and you can mate them. You can not shear the Wool if they are unhappy. If you forget to feed them or are unable to, they will stay unhappy for 3 days. If you put them out in the rain on accident, even for a moment, they will also become unhappy.

Fishing pole
Befriend the fisherman. He is the man directly to your left (when facing the screen) who always talks about fishing at the beginning and end of the day (not the girl who wears the red bandanna and loves fish). One day he will ask to borrow your hammer (or another tool). Answer "Yes" and return to him in a week or so. He will give you back the hammer as well as an old fishing pole in thanks.

Secret Power Berry
Wait until the mountain/volcano erupts. Go to the mountain. Go inside the mountain and look on the far right side to see two pillars off the screen. Try to go in between them, and keep going to the right in the dark until you get to a point where you cannot walk any farther. Then, go up until you see a Harvest Sprite from the original Harvest Moon game. Talk to him and he will asked to be left alone and give you a Power Berry. Note: Do not try to give him anything, as it is a waste of time.

Free movies
When you have enough money to see a movie, go to the movie theater and save the game. Then, pay for the movie and watch it. After its done, shut off the Game Boy Color, turn it back on, and resume playing. You will be outside the theater, with nothing missing.

Quicker jobs
Hold [A] then release after three seconds. You will do things much better then before. Note: This only works when your chosen tool is over level 1.

Easy tool level ups
First, equip the axe, sickle, or hammer, then go to the grass land and destroy any weeds, stumps or rocks. Leave and return. The stumps and weeds will still be there. This is also a quick way to get lumber.

Give lots of gifts to you partner in farming/ranching. Give her eggs every day, or something that you harvested (higher points). Never be mean to her. Eventually you will get an item or something else that will allow you to marry her.

If you are a boy, after you get married you still can play the game, unlike girls. If you continue to give your wife things after you marry, she will eventually say she had a dream about a stork. In a few days she will say she is pregnant and will not be able to work for two months. You have to do all the work. In two months she will have a boy and you can name him. If you give her gifts again, she will have the same dream and in a few days tell you she is pregnant again. Once again, she cannot work for two months, but it is most likely the end of the two years will happen before the second baby is born. However, because after your rating, everything goes back to normal and you can continue. The second baby will be a girl. By now your son will walking around, and in a month so will you daughter. This is all the children you can have.

Sometime during the first year around the 16th of Spring, go to the forest where you normally can fish for the King Of The Lake. You will find an egg. Approach and try to pick it up. Text will appear stating something similar to "If you don't take it, it will be eaten by wild animals". Select "Yes" and take the egg. After about a year it will hatch. Once again, text will appear. Your partner will say "Oh..??? An egg hatched... How cute! He thinks you're his mom... Oh! Why don't we name him 'pak' ?! Yes! He's a pak!". Pak lets you talk to animals on the farm and perhaps makes all of your crops (Tomatoes, Corn, and Watermelon) ripe for harvest on his date of birth.

To get a boat, become friends with the two fishers. Give them something everyday and always talk to them. Eventually you will get your own boat and can go to Mermaid Island and the Market any day.

Red lake water
The water of the lake in the forest turns red on the 24th of every Fall.

Unlimited water
Charge up your watering can (level 2 or 3 needed) and it is empty, it will still give out water.

Watering with the sprinkler
Once you finally get the sprinkler, dig the trench to the location to be sprinklee. When done, drop the sprinkler where desired and fill in the trench with rocks, leaving one space for the sprinkler. Next, till the soil around the sprinkler. It will automatically water a 9x9 area until you are ready to harvest. This way, you will not have a mini-river snaking through your garden.

See Meteorites
You can see meteorites from the cliff every other year on the 7th of Winter at 11 p.m.

Glacier that never melts
You can find the Glacier that never melts sometime in spring of the second year. Note: You may have to be married.The screen will shake and your wife (or partner) will say that a volcano has erupted. Go to the mountains and look for a cave. At the end of the cave is a glacier that never melts.

Mermaid cave
After getting a boat, sail in the following directions: left four times, up three times, then right. Note: If that did not work, make two lefts instead of four.

You can see the fireworks show by going to the cliff on the third day of every summer at about 8:00 p.m.

Once the volcano has erupted, go into the cave with the glacier that never melts. On the right, there is a space between some stalagmites. Go as far to the right as possible. You can see two stalagmites in the black section. Once you can see them, go up slightly then to the right right so that you go into the black section. Once you have gone right as far as you can, go up and talk to the leprechaun. He will offer you a "golden apple" that you would normally find while using your hoe if you do not tell anyone where he is.

Good farmer reputation
Once one of your cows has ten hearts and is not pregnant, go to the Farmer's Union and get it rated. By the end of the two years you should have all your cows at a ten and rated. They can only be rated once.

Fastest and worst ending
Start a new game and select the boy character. When the Mayor asks you to help with the farm, answer "No" to every question. The game will state that the farm on the island was closed down and the game will end.

"Mortal Kombat"" style clothes
"When you first start the game, you may change the color of your clothes. Use the following information to match the corresponding fighter costume from Mortal Kombat. Note: When changing outfits, your partner's outfit also changes and may appear strange.
Clothes: Red 31 Green 31 Blue 00 (Yellow)
Bandanna: Red 00 Green 00 Blue 00 (Black)

Sub Zero
Clothes: Red 00 Greeen 00 Blue 31 (Blue)
Bandanna: Red 00 Green 00 Blue 00 (Black)

Clothes: Red 00 Green 31 Blue 00 (Green)
Bandanna: Red 00 Green 00 Blue 00 (Black)

Clothes: Red 31 Green 00 Blue 00 (Red)
Bandanna: Red 00 Green 00 Blue 00(Black)

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