Pokemon Crystal Cheats - GameBoy Color

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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
In-game reset
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Alakazam will learn Psychic at level 38 and Reflect at level 45.

Go to the area between Mahogany and Blackthorn. Headbutt every tree possible. Eventually a sleeping Aipom at level 10 will fall from it.

You can find a Chansey on Routes 15, 14, and 13. It will be at level 20 or higher.

Clefairy: Dancing
In Kanto at six o'clock, you can find dancing Clefairies on Route 4 (outside Mount Moon ), but only on Monday nights. They are in the patch of grass with little flowers. When the Clefairies notice you, they run away, but will leave a rock that one of your Pokemon can Rock Smash. Underneath, is a Moon Stone, which that can evolve Pokemon such as Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Nidoran (male and female).

Fish at the Day Care Center below Goldenrod City with the Super Rod. Eventually, you will find a Corsela. Other than Corsela, you will find high level Krabby.

Go directly south of Blackthorn and search in that location.

Go into the house in Dragon Den and answer all the questions correctly. He will give you a Dratini.

To get wild Dunsparce, find Anthony the hiker on Route 33. Battle him and get his phone number. He will call when the Dunsparce appear in the Dark Cave.

When you get Eevee from bill in Goldenrod City, catch a Ditto and give them to the day care couple at the same time. Go in back and check to make sure that they are interested in each other. Wait two days and then pick up an egg -- the man will be in the yard and you do not have to take Eevee or Ditto back. A couple of hours later, return for a second egg, and later again for a third. It takes two days to hatch them, and you can now get four evolutions. Breed another Eevee with another Ditto for the last evolution

The field before the Moo Moo Milk Farm has a Wild Entine. Catch it or it will not appear again until you go to fight it.

Use a level 50 Golbat with Mean Look to catch Entei easier.

Fly to Ecruteak City, then go to Route 38 at night. Search in any patch of grass for Entei.

Buy a Max Repel at Blackthorn City, then go to Violet City. Go to the right, then go in the grass at Route 31. Use the Max Repel and search to find an Entei.

You can catch Entei at Lake Of Rage when you get all eight badges.

Level up your Eevee until it trusts you very well. Then, level it up in the day or morning to get Espeon. Note: Your Eevee will not automatically evolve as soon as it trusts you. It will most likely be above level 42 when it evolves, when it learns Take Down. To see how tame it is, go to Goldenrod by the gym. There is a lady in a house there who tells you how tame your Pokemon is. As long as she says, "I get the feeling it really trusts you," you are doing well.

An easy way to get Espeon and Umbreon is to get an Eevee to lay an egg in the Daycare Center and hatch it. When the level 5 Eevee comes out of the egg, go to Goldenrod's Pokemart and buy ten of Calcium, Iron, Carbos, and Protein. Use all of them on the level 5 Eevee. Train the Eevee until it grows one level. If its day or morning it should evolve into Espeon. If it is night time it should be an Umbreon. Note: You should save before using the items on Eevee just in case it does not work, and restart the game. It also helps to take it to the Salon after using the items on it.

Feraligatr learns Hyro Pump at level 58.

Flareon learns Flamethrower at level 52.

To obtain Flareon, you will need to go south of Goldenrod. You will battle a kid named School Boy Alan on Route 32. After the battle, you can register his phone number. After a few phone calls, he will pick up a Firestone. After you have the Firestone, go back in Goldenrod and talk to Bill, after you have met him in Ectureak City. He will give you a level 20 Evee. To have a stronger Evee, you can catch a Ditto and breed them in the Daycare. Hatch the egg for a stronger Flareon.

To make a very powerful Furret, save your money and go to the Goldenrod department store. They sell three Punch TMs, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, and Thunder Punch. Furret can learn all three and get an advantage on Ghost, Bird, Grass, Water, and Dragon type Pokemon.

You can find a wild Gastly in the grass on routes 30 and 31.

Teach a Gengar Thief and take it to the battle tower. Use it to steal the opponent's item.

You can encounter Golduck surfing in Ilex forest, and along route 35.

To find a Grimer in the water, go to Celadon City. Find the house that has a pond in the front. Then, Surf across the pond. Speak to the man in front of the house. Surf in the pond until find a Grimer.

Look in grassy areas and use Headbutt on bushes.

If the Tyrogue that you got from the Karate Master in Mt. Mortar has already evolved, you will need a Ditto to get the Hitmontop. Take your evolved Tyrogue (Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee) to the Daycare Center and make sure they like each other. You will know this if you talk to them when they are in the backyard of the house. Have them lay an egg. After getting the egg and hatching it, train the baby Tyrogue to level 19, then save the game just in case it does not evolve to Hitmontop (and you can do it again). Check its Attack and Defense status. If one is higher than the other, go to the Department Store and buy the necessary Protein or Iron to make the lower one equal the higher one. Then, go back to training it. When it gets to level 20 and evolves, it should be a Hitmontop. Note: If this does not work, reset the game and repeat the procedure.

To catch Ho-oh you must get the Rainbow Wing.

If you capture Ho-oh and want to use him in the Battle Tower, he will only be able to fight against level 70 Pokemon because of his high status.

Catch Suicune, Raikou and Entei. Then, go back to the place when you caught Suicune. Talk with all the people that are there. One of them will give you the Rainbow Wing. When you have it, a ladder will appear. Go down to enter a labyrinth. Find the correct way through the labyrinth. Ho-oh can be found at the end.

You can catch Hoothoot in the early parts of the game. To level him up, take Hoothoot to the Sprout Tower in Violet City where the Bird Gym is located. Most of the trainers have Bell Sprouts, which cannot do much damage to Hoothoot. However, beware of Ghost Pokemon. Have a Poliwag slightly leveled up to battle, and watch for the Hypnosis move. At this stage, only Poliwag's Bubble move is going to do much damage to a Ghost Pokemon. Note: One daytime Pokemon, Butterfree, has the power to defeat both Bellsprouts and Ghosts in Sprout Tower.

To get a very powerful Houndoom, defeat the Elite Four. At night, catch a Houndour on Route 7 and give it a Exp. Share. Battle the Elite Four until it reaches level 35 then let it evolve. Have it learn Crunch, Faint Attack, Bite, and Flame Thrower.

Kadabra will learn Confusion (at level 16), Disable (at level 18), Psybeam (at level 21), Recover (at level 26), Psychic (at level 38), and Reflect (at level 45).

When Abra evolves into Kadabra, it is level16. It should have two attacks, Telelport and Confusion.

Every Friday at Union Cave there is a wild Lapras in a secret place. Get at least 20 Heavy Balls and a Pokemon at level 25 that knows Surf and Fury Swipes. When you get into Union Cave, go near the end of the cave. Instead of going to the exit near Azalea Town, go to the other side on the left. Instead of going to battle the man to the north, go south. You should see a pond. Surf down the pond, and there should be a staircase. Use it. After you go down the staircase, there is an other pond. Go near the pond and Surf across. There is an other staircase. Use it. Next, go south and Surf all the way down. When you reach the bottom, go left and get on the land. Go all the way down, then save the game. To catch Lapras, look on the right side of the land that you are on. Use Surf on the pond you just saw and look for Lapras. Battle Lapras and bring her down to the red zone by attacking her with the level 25 Pokemon. Then, catch her with a Heavy Ball. If you kill her, turn off the game and resume from the saved location.

During the morning or the day, you can catch Larvitar. It takes quite awhile find it, but is worth it when Larvitar evolves into Tyranitar.

Legendary Birds
You have to transfer Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow to get them.

Legendary Dogs
The Legendary Dogs are Raikou, Entei, and Suicune. You will find Entei and Raikou after you have scared them away from the Burned Tower, but you will have to do more to find Suicune. Suicune can be caught at the Tin Tower in Ecrukteak City after you have received the Clear Bell from the Station Manager, have defeated the Ecrukteak City Gym Leader, scared away Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, and have defeated the Wise Trio. Only when the those tasks have been completed, will you be able to fight Suicune.

Find Suicune (Suikun) in three different places (right out of National Park, below the bush by Mount Mortar, and up in Cianwood). Then, go to Tin Tower, and Suicune will appear to fight you.

To capture Suicune, make sure you have the Ekruteak Gym Badge, Clear Bell, and 20 Fast Balls. Then, go to Tin Tower and enter the battle. First, send out a level 40 Red Gyrados and use Dragon Rage two times. Then, switch it with a level 39 Typhlosion and use Cut two to three times. After that, keep using Fast Balls. If you put him to sleep one time, you should have seven Fast Balls remaining if you catch him. Note: Save before you go inside in case you lose or make Suicune faint.

You can catch Suicine by getting a Master Ball and going to Eckruteak City. Go to the tower and three people will battle you. Defeat them, go to the tower, and Suicine will battle you. Use the Master Ball to capture it.

The three Legendary Dogs have a special song when they appear. That same song is used when your find Raikou or Entei, which is a trick for capturing Ho-oh.

To capture Raikou, Entei, and Suicune easily, first catch a Scyther from the Bug Catching contests on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Raise the Scyther to level 40 and make sure it knows False Swipe. False Swipe will always leave one HP on your opponent. Make sure it has high speed (use as many Carbos as possible) to be able to get a first hit. Also use Quick Claw. When you have one of the dogs in your area, use Max Repel to keep unnecessary Pokemon away. When you see your opponent, use False Swipe. They will get away but you do not have to worry about them fainting and lose your shot. After their health is low, raise a Poliwhirl to level 40 with Hypnosis. Try a Politoed if possible. Boost its speed up with Carbos and go on the hunt. When you see your opponent, make sure Poliwhirl is at the top of the line and has Quick Claw. Use Hypnosis and try your luck. If it falls asleep, try an Ultra, Great, and Fast ball. If unsuccessful, try again. If they wake up, try Hypnosis again. Also consider having Scyther on your line for False Swipe.

Use the following trick to find Entei or Raikou easier. After you battle Suicune, Fly to Mahogany and go to the grass field east of the town. Use any type of Repel to find Entei, then go to the area east of Ecruteak City and use a Repel to probably encounter Raikou. When you hear the music from the battle with Suicune, you will know that you have found one of the other two Legendary Dogs. After you see them for the first time, look in your Pokedex to track their movement through Johto.

Buy some Max Repels and use one. Then, use Sweet Scent if you still have it. About 50% of the time, a Legendary Dog will appear.

Entei, Suicune, and Raikou are found randomly in a location after you free them in Ecruteak. From then on, they will move to any area near them every time you change an area.

If you have already seen Entei and Raikou once, open your Pokedex and find their entry. They should be near the bottom, in new and old modes. Open the entry and choose the option area. This will show you where Entei and Raikou are located. However, they will move every time the Route changes or you enter or leave a city, building, or cave.

Go to the cave nearest to the city with the light house, or just follow the wall on the right-hand side while in the water. You will encounter two trainers and then a whirlpool. Use the whirlpool to get into the cave. Once inside, you will see a small walkway with jump-able bushes on one side. Jump over then go up and right. Go down the ladder. You will be on an island with an item nearby. Get the item and SURF down. Once down the waterfall, you will see an entrance in the cliff and a ladder. Go into the entrance. Then, Surf up to find Lugia, Use the ladder to exit the cave. Note: Lugia are at level 60 and are very hard to catch with any Pokeballs other than the Master Ball.

Use Hypnosis at the beginning of the battle with a Poliwhirl or Politoed. Make sure you have a Scyther or Scizzor that is at least level 60 and use False Swipe. Bring at least 50 Ultra Balls. Save the game before you battle, in case you Lugia faints.

Find Lugia in the top right whirpool island. Move directly next to it and save the game. Make sure you have at least 25 of each Pokeball, Ultra Ball, and Great Ball. Weaken Lugia with a Thunder type attack (Thunderpunch or Thunderbolt) or Aurora Beam. Teach your Gyarados Zap Cannon, the attack you get in Kanto after you find the machine part for the generator. This attack will paralyze Lugia. Send out a strong Pokemon that does not have much effect on Lugia and keep it standing until all of Lugias recovers run out and the occasional Pokeballs. Next, use all your balls.

There are Marill at Mount Mortar. You will need a Super Rod to catch one.

Meowth learns Pay Day at level 20.

Go to mt. Mortar at night. Go to the room that is two away from where Red (Ash) is located. Walk around and fight every Pokemon you see and Misdreavus (level 45) will appear.

Mew and Celebi
You cannot catch Mew or Celebi on any of the Pokemon games. You have to get them from Nintendo in one of their contests or tours.

Go to Mt. Silver at night. Go to the room before the room where Red (Ash) is located. Walk around and fight every Pokemon you see and Misdreavus (level 45) will appear.

Go to the little patch of grass outside of Celadon City. Note: Go out the door closest to the Pokemon Center.

Go directly south of Blackthorn and search in that location.

Travel towards Cherrygrove. A gate will be near the town. Go there between the hours of 4:00 a.m. to 9:59 a.m. to catch Phanpy. It is best to use a Hoothoot's Hypnosis attack so it does not run away.

Go to the grassy area just before you enter Viridian City. Pikachus are usually in the top row of the grass at about 10:00 am.

Go to Ilex Forest at night. Headbutt a tree just next to a trainer Pineco should appear.

Get Headbutt, then go to either New Bark Town exit the National Park. One tree behind the plant the contains Ice Heal; Pineco should be there. Note: you can also find Eggsacute.

Go to the Ilex Forest and headbutt every tree. A level 10 Pineco will eventually fall from the tree. Be careful -- it is awake and will use Explosion on its first move.

You can catch either Scyther or Pinser at National Park on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. You can only keep one of them because it is a contest.

Pinser always wins the Bug Catching contest.

You can find a wild Poliwag in the grass on Routes 30 and 31.

Save 9999 game coins, then go to the Celadon Game Corner. Go to the place where you redeem the prizes. Go to the one where you get the Pokemon. Make sure you have a spare space. If you cannot get to 9999, spend money on the gambling machines.

You can find a wild Psyduck on Routes 34 and 35 and in the ILex Forest.

Psyduck learns Confusion at level 16

Use a level 50 Golbat with Mean Look to catch Raikou easier.

First, capture a Scyther in the Bug Catching Contest or trade for a Scicor with a friend if possible. Then, go to Route 31 and use Max Repel. Look in the grass where you released the Max Repel and a Raikou should appear. If not, keep using Max Repel.

You can catch either Scyther or Pinser at National Park on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday. You can only keep one of them because it is a contest.

Scyther learns False Wipe at level 18.

To make a very powerful Sentret, save your money and go to the Goldenrod department store. They sell three Punch TMs, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, and Thunder Punch. Sentret can learn all three and get an advantage on Ghost, Bird, Grass, Water, and Dragon type Pokemon.

You can find Shuckle by doing one of two things. First, you can use Rock Smash on one of the rocks to the south of the Pokemon Battle Tower. Second, you can get one free from the kid in Cianwood City who had his other Pokemon stolen by your Rival.

Go directly south of Blackthorn and search in that location.

Get all 16 Badges and all Onown Pokemon. Teach your Pokemon Surf and go to Azalea town, Union cave and go down to the ladder. Go farther north, then exit. If you see a tall grass you may find a Smeargle.

You can encounter Sneasel by the end of Ice Cave, although they are very difficult to find.

Gind the generator piece in Cerulean City. Then, go over to the Power Plant through the Rock Tunnel. Give it to the man at the generator. Then, Fly to the Lavender Town Radio Tower and the President will give you the EXPN Card. This allows you to listen to the radio in Kanto. Next, go over to Snorlax in Vermillion City. Put on your radio and tune it to the Pokeflute channel. Snorlax will wake up and attack you. You only get one chance to defeating it. Save the game before starting the battle.

Squirtle evolves at level 19 or 20 (transferred from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow).

When you go to capture Sudowood (the "tree" blocking the way between Violet and Goldenrod cities) make sure to have a Pokemon that knows Hypnosis and a level 28 Fearow. Have the first Pokemon cast Hypnosis, then use Fearow to slowly lower Sudowood's HP . Sudowood is a rock type, and Fearow is weak against him. This will help avoid a K.O. as there is only one Sudowood in the game in the wild. Save the game before you start the battle, just in case.

Use the following trick to get more then one Sudowood. Capture the Sudowood blocking the way to the ruins. Then, catch a male Graveler and put them both in the Day Care. The next day, go to the Day Care and make sure the old man is in the back of the house. Approach him and he will give you an egg. After a few minutes, go back to get another egg.

Use Hypnosis at the start of the battle with a Poliwhirl or Politoed and keep using Quick attack. Make sure you have a Scyther that was raised to level 20 or higher and use False Swipe. Bring at least fifteen Great Balls.

Get 20 or more Great Balls and go to Tin Tower. Save the game in front of the stairs then go inside and battle Suicune. Make sure you have a Pokemon that knows an Ice type move so you can freeze him. You can now take all the time needed to throw Great Balls at him. If you run out of Great Balls, turn off your Game Boy Color and repeat the steps. Catching Suicune may take some time.

Use Hypnosis at the start of the battle with a Poliwhirl or Politoed. Then, switch to a level 40 or higher Scyther or Scizzor. As soon as you send it out, use False Swipe. Make sure you have a lot of Fast and Ultra Balls. If Suicune wakes up, use Hypnosis again. Also, save your game before you enter Tin Tower.

This trick requires an Electrode at about level 25 that knows Screech and SelfDestruct. One can be caught in Mahogany Town, during the Lake Of Rage crisis. This is the point where you and Lance are working together to shut down Team Rocket. Go to a Pokemart and buy Ultra and Pokeballs. Send it out first. Use Screech three times, followed by a SelfDestruct. Then, send out a level 33 Kadabra and use Confusion. Psybeam is a bit too powerful. Let Suicine kill Kadabra, by any means necessary. Do not hurt Suicine in the process at all. Send out a level 33 Ariados and use Constrict. Watch closely and determine exactly how much damage you are doing. It will take off very little, but do not let Ariados die. Switch to a level 30 to 33 Swinub. Use Powder Snow on Suicine until he has very little life, or until he uses Bubblebeam, in which Swinub is dead. When Swinub dies, switch to a Pokemon, such as Poliwhirl, with Hypnosis or Sleep Powder. Use Hypnosis until Suicine falls asleep. Use your Ultraballs first. Then, use your Pokeballs.

Typhlosion is a very powerful Pokemon. It can take Ground, Rock, and Water Pokemon down easily. Teach it Flamewheel, Mud-Slap, Solarbeam, and Sunnyday. If facing a Water type, use Sunnyday, then Solarbeam. If facing a Rock/Ground type, use Sunnyday, then Solarbeam. If facing a Rock/any other type, use Mud-Slap. If using Water/Ground type, use Sunnyday, then Solarbeam. If facing a Grass type, use Sunnyday, then Flamewheel.

For an almost unbeatable Typhlosion, get it to level75 and have it learn Thunder Punch, Flamethrower, Earthquake, and Strength. Use Thunder Punch on Water, Flying, and Dragon types; Flamethrower on Grass, Bug, Ice, Steel and Normal types; Earthquake on all Ground, Fire, Poison, Rock and Ghost types; and Strength on all other types.

Level up your Eevee until it trusts you very well. Then, level it up at night to get Umbreon. Note: Your Eevee will not automatically evolve as soon as it trusts you. It will most likely be above level 42 when it evolves, when it learns Take Down. To see how tame it is, go to Goldenrod by the gym. There is a lady in a house there who tells you how tame your Pokemon is. As long as she says, "I get the feeling it really trusts you," you are doing well.

An easy way to get Espeon and Umbreon is to get an Eevee to lay an egg in the Daycare Center and hatch it. When the level 5 Eevee comes out of the egg, go to Goldenrod's Pokemart and buy ten of Calcium, Iron, Carbos, and Protein. Use all of them on the level 5 Eevee. Train the Eevee until it grows one level. If its day or morning it should evolve into Espeon. If it is night time it should be an Umbreon. Note: You should save before using the items on Eevee just in case it does not work, and restart the game. It also helps to take it to the Salon after using the items on it.

In the back of each puzzle room in the Ruins of Alph is a word formed by Unowns. They require you to do things in order to get into a back room. In one place, you must equip a Water Stone. In another, you must put Ho-Oh first in your lineup. In another you must use an Escape Rope. In another you must use Flash. Once in the back room, pick up the items and fall down the hole to find a room with a message about Annon/Unown. Fall down the hole there to return to the Unown shrine.

To catch an Unown easily, first catch a Ditto and train it to level 27. Go to the Ruins Of Alph, and have Ditto transform into the Unown you want to catch. Use Hidden Power once. This should bring the enemy Unown into the orange zone and make it easy to catch with the Pokeball. Note: This works about 99% of the time. For the other 1%, the enemy Unown is KOed.

To catch an Unown easily, catch a Scyther at the National Park Bug-Catching Contest. Train it to level 18, when it learns False Swipe. Then, go to the Ruins Of Alph and get into battle with an Unown you do not have. Send out Scyther and use False Swipe. Catch the enemy Unown with the Pokeball. Note: This works best if the enemy Unown is Paralyzed, Asleep, etc.

Once you get Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod City, go to Mahogany town. To the west of Mahogany Town, you will find a man named Tully Fisher. After battling him, register his phone number. Eventually, he will call you and give you a Water Stone. Give it to your Eevee and it will evolve into a Vaporeon.

Wartortle evolves at level 36.

To get wild Yanma, find Arnie the bug catcher on Route 35 and battle him . Get his phone number and he will call when wild Yanma appear.

Celebi (Japanese version)
Note: This trick requires the mobile adapter for your cell phone which is available only in Japan. Go to the Communication Center (Pokemon Center) in Goldenrod City, and read the message on the lockers to the right of the room. They will talk about a present from the future. Leave and the blue-haired nurse will ask you to defeat all sixteen gyms in order to obtain the GS Ball. Once you have done so, give the GS Ball to Kurt. The next day, he will give it back. Put it in the shrine in the Ilex forest and a level 30 Serebii (Celebi) will attack you.

Shiny Pokemon
According to the official guide, it is possible to get all Pokemon in the game in an alternate color. However, the chances of seeing an alternate color Pokemon is so low you may have to play for hundreds of hours to see any, except for the red Gyarados at the Lake Of Rage. The alternate color Pokemon do not have better stats. Any difference in the stats is due to the trainer, and not the color.

All three starter Pokemon
This trick requires Pokemon Gold or Silver to do this. First, start a new game on Pokemon Gold or Silver. Then, choose any starter (Cyndaquil, Tododile, or Chikorita). Go to the first Pokemon Center that you can find, then trade one of the starter Pokemon for another. You can repeat this as many times as desired.

Breeding partners
Magby: Two Magmars
Pichu: Two Pikachus
Igglybuff: Two Jigglypuffs
Ceffa: Two Clefairies
Tyrongue: Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee with a Ditto
Shiny Magikarp: Gyrados with a Shiny Gyrados
Steps required for breeding
When you leave Pokemon at the Day Care Center and are trying to get them to breed, it does not take a set amount of time. Instead, the game requires a certain amount of steps. Getting the Pokemon to lay an egg requires a couple hundred steps. It varies on how long it takes the egg to hatch.
1000 Steps: Magikarp
2500 Steps: Cleffa, Igglypuff, Pichu, Togepi
4000 Steps: Caterpie, Geodude, Hoothoot, Ledyba, Pidgey, Rattata, Sentret, Spearow, Spinarak, Weedle, Zubat
6500 Steps: Elekid, Heracross, Magby, Mantine, Misdreavous, Mr. Mime, Onix, Pinsir, Scyther, Skarmory, Smoochum, Tyrogue
7500 Steps: Kabuto, Omanyte
9000 Steps: Eevee, Aerodactyl
10000 Steps: Chansey, Dratini, Lapras, Larvitar, Snorlax
All others take about 5000 steps.
Breeding tips
Tameness is a large factor. The longer you keep a Pokemon in a box, the harder and less chance it has of producing an egg. If it is injured and you do not heal it, the Pokemon will get upset and often fail to produce eggs. If Pokemon have the same miniature icons (select the Pokemon option on your menu), they will prefer each other more than other Pokemon. Finally, do not breed family members with each other. For example, if you breed an Eevee with a Ditto, that Eevee will not breed with the new Eevee. They will refuse to breed and get upset.

Quick restore
When far away from a Pokemon Center, go to a location with a PC. Deposit the weak Pokemon, then withdraw it.

Increasing happiness
Buy 30 each of Carbos, Protein, Iron, and Calcium. Give as many of the Carbos, Protein, Iron, and Calcium to your Pokemon as possible. Then, take your Pokemon to the groomers and have it groomed twice. Then, take it to the Happiness rater to see how much it likes you. After that, raise it up a level and it should evolve. This is best used with Togepi to Togetic, Eevee to Espeon, Eevee to Umbreon, and Chansey to Blissey.

Happiness evolution
In order to get the Pokemon that evolve with happiness, such as Eevee into Unbreon or Espeon, you need to raise their happiness level to a certain number. Using an emulator, the number you need to get to is approximately 225 points. Once your Pokemon has reached 225 points, it will evolve after it gains a level. Using the following guide, you can calculate the approximate happiness stat of your Pokemon. When you catch/receive a Pokemon the starting happiness stat is as below:
When Pokemon is captured by a Friend Ball: 200 points
When Pokemon is captured by any other ball : 70 points
When Pokemon is given/traded/received as a gift: 70 points
Note that if you have a Pokemon whose happiness is 200 and you trade it, the happiness level becomes 70. The following are things that increase happiness levels and how much they increase it by:
For every 520 steps you take with the Pokemon in your party: +1 point
For every status increasing item used on the Pokemon (like Carbos, HP UP): +2 points
For every level gained by the Pokemon: either +3 or +5 points
For every time Blue's sister grooms the Pokemon: +3 points
The Hair Cut Brothers, located in the Goldenrod Underground, can also increase your Pokemon's happiness stat. How much it increases depends on the saying you get after the grooming is finished. Here is a list of how much the happiness status is increased by each brother.
For The Older Brother ($500)
If it says "looks a little happier": +1 point
If it says "looks happy": +3 points
If it says "looks delighted": +5 points

For The Younger Brother ($300)
If it says "look a little happier": +1 point
If it says "looks happy": +3 points
If it says "looks delighted": +10 points
The happiness stat can also be decreased. The following things decrease the happiness stat.
If the Pokemon faints: -1 point
If Heal Powder is used on the Pokemon: -5 points
If Energy Powder is used on the Pokemon: -5 points
If Energy Root is used on the Pokemon: -10 points
If Revival Herb is used on the Pokemon: -10 points
Also, the following do not affect the happiness stat of a Pokemon either way:
If the Pokemon is holding items
If the Pokemon wins any battle
If the Pokemon HP falls to critical<red> (not fainting)
If the Pokemon is put in the PC
If the Pokemon is poisoned, stunned, confused, burned, frozen, or asleep
Evolve by trading
Machoke, Kadabra, Haunter, and Graveler will evolve by trading via a game link cable.

Celadon City: Under Game Corner
Every Saturday or Sunday morning, you can press the switch under the Game Corner. It looks different and has new music under Game Corner.

Celadon City: Lucky slot machine:
In the Celadon City Game Corner in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow, the slot machine below the fisherman was out of order. If you walked down three from that machine (or the bottom slot machine), there would have been a lucky one. The broken machine has been repaired, but the lucky machine is still there. Use it for a better chance to get three 7s lined up.

Celadon City: Sliph Scope
On Saturday and Sunday morning at 6 or 7 o'clock, go to Kanto. Go to Celadon City and go to Game Corner. Find and press the two green switches to reveal a secret stairway. Go in, go right, go down, then go to any arrow bolt. Find the trainer that battles you, and he give you the Sliph Scope. Note: The arrow bolt locations are difficult to find.

Cerulean City Cape: Bills Grandpa
In Cerulean City Cape, there is a little house. Go inside and he will say that his son mentioned something about a Pokemon with a long tongue, which is Lickitung. Bring one to him and he gives you an Everstone to look at. Next, he tells you of another Pokemon. When you bring that to him, he gives you a Leaf Stone. Soon you will have the Leaf, Thunder, Hard, and Fire Stones.

Cherrygrove City: Easy Pokemon catching at start of game
After you get your Pokemon from Professor Elm, go to Cherrygrove City and heal your Pokemon. Go to Mr. Pokemon's house. As you are traveling to his house, try to run from every battle you can and do the same thing on the way back as well. After you get Pokeballs, you can catch Pokemon more easily without worrying about killing them first.

Cherrygrove City: Experience Share
After you get the Red Scale from the red Gyarados you defeated or captured, Fly to Cherrygrove City. Go up into Route 30 and stay on the right side of the screen. You will see Mr. Pokemon's house. There is a berry slightly to the left. Take it and go inside. He will ask you to trade your Red Scale for his Exp. Share. Answer "Yes" and walk outside, anywhere. Attach Exp. Share to the Pokemon you want to train. It will get double experience. Note: If your Pokemon has the Pokerus infection, it will get four times the experience.

Cianwood City: Information for evolving by tameness
When you talk to the Night Trainer on Route 39, she tells you that because she caught her Meowth there, she can level it up easier and it becomes more tame. This is also true for your Pokemon. Visit the Pokemon Seer in Cianwood and she will tell you when and where you caught your Pokemon . Go there at that time and fight Pokemon. Your Pokemon will level up quicker, and if it evolves by tameness it will evolve quicker.

Cianwood City: Fly HM02
To get this HM, go to the Cianwood City Pharmacy sign (but do not go in). Then, go all the way to the left until you reach the side of a cave. Go up a short distance and you should see a woman. Talk to her, and she will give you the Fly HM.

Goldenrod City: Move Tutor
Every Wednesday and Saturday after you defeat the Elite Four, a person will appear in front of the Goldenrod City Game Corner. If you have 4,000 coins to pay, then he will teach one of your Pokemon one of three moves: Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, or Flamethrower.

Goldenrod City: Free TM
Go to the fifth floor of the Department Mart. A girl gives you any TM by the counter every Sunday. A girl will give you better a TM at 11:30 p.m..

On Saturday nights, a man will be standing in front of the Game Corner. For 5,000 Game Corner Coins, he will teach any one of your Pokemon a TM move.

Goldenrod City: Items
Turn the radio to 10.5 (one notch right of 10) and read the password given. Go to the Goldenrod radio station at any time. Go up one floor to find a broadcasting booth. Talk to the woman closer to you and tell her the password, then talk to the woman below her. She will give you a blue card and a point. When you have more points, talk to the second woman again to get a prize such the Ultra ball or HP Up.

The Underground path in Goldenrod City contains a few hidden items. Use the Item Finder to locate them.

At Goldenrod radio tower, play the lucky number game. If you get all five numbers you will win another Master Ball. The odds of this are extremely low.

Note: The more Pokemon you trade, the more ID numbers you get, which gives better chances at winning the lucky numbers game.

Tune into your radio after 6:00. Listen to all the shows until you find one that is saying Pokemon or items. Remember the code and go to the radio tower. Find a girl with blue hair. Tell her the code and she will give you a point. There is another girl in the room. If you collect enough points, you can buy a Rare Candy from her. Do this throughout the game.

Goldenrod City: Pokedoll crane game
Go to the floor six of department store. Go up the staircase to reach the roof. Over to your left is a fat man. Next to him is the Pokedoll crane game.

Goldenrod City: Odd Egg
When you visit the Daycare Center below Goldenrod City for the first time, the man will give you an Odd Egg. It takes up a Pokemon slot just like a real egg. It canhatch into one of seven Pokemon: Tyrogue, Igglybuff, Pichu, Cleffa, Magby, Elekid, or Smoochum. Whatever the Pokemon is, it will have Dizzy Punch. There are only two ways it can go in terms of stats. It will either be shiny with bad Attack, or it will be 0000 for DVs. This means that even if the Pokemon have their personal best, you will be 30 points off maximum. Also, you have got about a 14% chance of scoring a shiny. To ensure that the Pokemon will go the way you want, save before you get the Egg then do not save again until it hatches. When it does, check the Pokemon. If it is shiny, and is the baby you want, keep it.

Goldenrod City: Trade for Machop
Go to the Pokemart and find Mike on the fifth floor. He wants to trade an Abra for a Machop.

Goldenrod City: See your house
Go to the roof of the Pokemart and look in the binoculars at the top right. You will say "These binoculars let me see far away. Maybe I can see my own house. Is it the one with the green house?"

Ice caves
The Ice Caves or Ice Path is located between Mahogany Town and Blackthorn City.

Lake Of Rage: Rare Candy
There is a Rare Candy hidden under where Wesley Blackbelt on Wednesday stands. He is located beside the hidden house on left side. Use the Item Finder.

Lake Of Rage: Elixir
Go to the Fishing Guru's house and read the sign that is outside to learn that he wants a record size Magikarp. Catch one and show it to him. If it is of record size, he will give you an Elixir. If it is too small, try again.

Lake Of Rage: Full Restore
You can find Full Restore with the Item Finder near the secret house at the Lake Of Rage.

Lake Of Rage: Rare Candy
Go to where Wesley is standing. On any day other than Wednesday, you will find a Rare Candy.

Mahogany Town: Secret music
In Mahogany Town, before you defeat Team Rocket, tune into the radio on the last channel. You should see five question marks (?????). You will hear secret music that is not available after you beat Team Rocket. The secret music is about the Lake Of Rage. The radio thing is what Team Rocket is using to evolve Magikarp.

Mt. Mortar: Karate King
Enter Mt. Mortar by using the middle entrance. Do not go down the ladder. Surf left, up, and right and use Waterfall. When you go up the whirlpool, follow the path. Use Rock Smash on the rock blocking the path. Then ,Surf all the way up and make another left. Follow the path again and go down the ladder. Explore that part of the cave and you will eventually find Karate King. Battle him to get a Tyrouge. Note: Have at least ten Max Repels with you.

Olivine City: Battle Tower
In Olivine City you will find the Pokemon Battle Tower that is somewhat like a Pokemon Stadium 2 tournament battle.

The first battle room that you can go into is the level 10 battle room. You will have to fight seven trainers each, with a team of three Pokemon using three of your level 10 Pokemon. The rules are simple -- you cannot enter Pokemon that are a higher or lower level then the level the room you are entering. For example, if your Pokemon is at level 11 and you want to go into the level 10 room he cannot enter. You also cannot have two of the same species of Pokemon, and you cannot have two Pokemon holding the same item.

Olivine City: Iron
Take the S.S Aqua boat from Olivine City. Battle everyone, then exit the boat. Surf to the right. In the water by the pole is an Iron. You cannot get this item from the other side once you pass the ticket man. It is on the ship side -- face the pole in the water and use Item Finder.

Olivine City: Trade for Voltorb
Go to the small house above the lighthouse and find Tim. He wants to trade a Krabby for a Voltorb.

Pewter City: Silver Wing
You can get the Silver Wing from the old man walking left and right near the market to capture Lugia. Note: Both Ho-oh and Lugia are at level 60.

Route 27: Star Piece
Bird Keeper Jose will give you a Star Piece each time his Far'fetched finds one. You will need Whirlpool to reach him.

Route 31: Free berries
Wade the Bugcatcher will give you free berries that he finds in the grass if you register your phone number with him.

Route 32: Hidden item
There is a hidden item under where Frieda on Friday stands above the Pokecenter. You can only get it when she is not there. Use the Item Finder.

Route 34: Finding sales
Battle Camper Todd then talk to him after the battle. He will ask you if you would like to register his phone number. Answer "Yes" and he will call you when the Goldenrod City department store is going to have big sales on top of the roof.

Route 34: Items
Battle Picnicker Gina then talk to her after the battle. She will then ask you if you would like to register her phone number. Answer "Yes" and she will call you if she picks up any items she finds off the floor and give them to you.

On Route 34 north of Goldenrod, swim across a little creek to the west and get a Mystery Berry, then keep swimming south and get a Nugget, and keep swimming south and battle three female Cool Trainers. The last one will give you Soft Sand if you defeat all of them.

Route 34: Rare Candy
Once you get the Item Finder, go to the station between Ilex Forest and Goldenrod. Exit the station, go left (into the grass), and use the Item Finder. You should hear a ping. Look over the fence and remember that location. Keep going up until you can Surf. Surf to the small place (with the item, which is not the Rare Candy) and go to the very bottom. You should see two trees. Look at the left tree, then press [A] to get a Rare Candy.

Route 35: Free Nuggets
This trick requires a Marill. Go to the National Park at any time. Enter from Route 35. Go straight up and talk to the first person (a woman) that you see in the grass. She will talk about how cute your Marill is. She will give you her number. She will call you when she finds any Nuggets.

Route 36: Free items
Battle Schoolboy Alin on Route 36, then get his phone number. He will call you if he has any items. Note: You may get stones.

Route 38: Free items
Talk to a girl on Route 38 (Lass Dana). After you battle her, she will say that she will share an item with you when a boy (not you) gives her an item. Register her phone number and she will call you if she has any items she wants to share. Note: You may get rare stones.

Route 38: Gold Nugget
A Gold Nugget us located behind a cow at the Dairy Farm on Route 38. Use the Item Finder.

Route 38: Moo Moo Milk
Go to the house above the Moo Moo farm and you will find a injured Miltank. Give to it a lot of berries and it will feel better. Go to the house next to the house that you are in. A man will now sell you Moo Moo Milk for only 100 Pokemoney. The Moo Moo Milk will restore your Pokemon HP up by 300 points of health.

Routes 40 and 41
Before going to Routes 40 and 41, pick up Magnamite on Routes 38 and 39. Even better, pick up the Spearow early in the game and have it now at level 35 with Peck. Make sure that you carry lots of Antidotes and the Bitter Berries that cure Confusion. There will be lots of Tentacools and Tentacruels. They know both Poison Sting and Super Sonic.

Route 44: Free Pokeballs
Battle Fisher Wilton on Route 44. He will call you if he snags an item.

Route 44: Hidden item
Between Mahogany City and the Ice Cave is a small island. Surf over to it and use the Item Finder to get a hidden item.

Between Mahogany City and the Ice Cave is a small island. Surf over to it at night and have a Pokemon that knows Thief. Use Thief on the Polliwhirls. One could be holding a King's Rock. Make sure you do not have a very high level Pokemon, where Thief will knock it out. Levels 25 to 40 should work.

Route 45: Iron
Battle Hiker Parry and win each battle. He will give you an Iron to continue your Pokemon journey for both of you.

Route: 45: PP Up
Kenji Black Belt on Route 45 will give you a PP Up if you call him when he is taking a lunch break. Visit him. He does not battle. He will not call to remind you, which makes it even harder. Call every day in the morning. He will say he is too busy training. When he says he is going to take a lunch break at noon, call him at noon and fly over and visit him on Route 45 on the right side of path. He will thank you for stopping by and give you a PP Up. The days he take a lunch break are random, so you have to call every day and remember to visit at lunch time. He will Continue giving these out if you visit him when he takes breaks.

There is a PP Up hidden where the Mystery Berry Tree and a small lake is located. Use the Item Finder. The item is in the water.

Route 46: Get good Pokemon early
When you start catching Pokemon on Route 29 do not forget to make a side trip to Route 46 through the north building. You can only go a short distance, but you can catch low level Spearow that starts with Peck, Geodude, and in the morning you can catch a level 2 Phanpy. Phanpy is rare and you only have a 5% chance of catching him. He is not out at all in the day or night, so try early. A Phanpy raised from level 2 will evolve into a even stronger than usual Donphan.

Ruins Of Alph: Mysterious Channel 13.5
Use your radio in the Ruins of Alph to tune into Channel 13.5. You will hear mysterious sounds made by the Annon (Unown).

Ruins Of Alph: Secret of the Unown
Go to the Ruins Of Alph and enter a cave. Go to the counter and solve the puzzle. You will drop to another room. Catch three different Unown to get the Unowndex. Return to the puzzle room and read the top wall. It will say ESCAPE in Unown letters. That is your clue. Use an escape rope and you can go back outside. Go back in the cave and the back wall will have broken. Enter it to find four items and another hole. Go through it and a story will be written in Unown letters. There are other rooms like this but you need a waterstone, Ho-oh, and Surf to get in them.

Room one says "Escape"; use an Escape Rope. Room two says "Light"; use Flash. Room three says "Water"; have a water stone in your items. Room four says "Ho Oh"; put Ho-Oh in your first Pokemon slot.

Ruins Of Alph: Easy attacks
If you have a weak Pokemon with weak attacks, take it to the Ruins of Alph and train there. The Unknown are very weak. Train until it evolves, and cancel the evolution until your Pokemon is at level 20. Then, let it evolve. You should have had one attack come quicker than when it is evolved.

Saffron City: Rail Pass
Find a house that has an upstairs and two people on the first floor. Talk to the man on the first floor. Then, go upstairs to talk to his daughter. She will tell you she is missing her Clefairy. When she asks you if you could help, answer "Yes". Go to Vermilion City. Enter the Pokefan building. Walk towards a fat man and talk to him. He will give you the doll. Return to Saffron City and give Copycat the doll. In return, she will give you the Rail Pass.

Underground Warehouse: Amulet Coin
In the Underground Warehouse, look for a staircase. Climb it, and you will be on a new floor and see an Item Ball. Pick it up to get the Amulet Coin. Give it to one of your Pokemon. If you use the Pokemon holding it anytime during a battle, you will get twice as much money from the trainer. For example, if the Pokemon holding it can defeat any one of Lance's Pokemon, you will earn 10000P instead of 5000P.

Vermilion City: Rare Candy
After defeating the Elite Four and the Champion, you will get a call from Professor Elm to get a ticket to go to Kanto. You will end up at Vermilion City, where Lt.Surge is located. There is a Rare Candy up on the left, near water.

Violet City: Hidden items
There are three hidden items in Violet City. You will need Surf and Cut. There is a Rare Candy by Earl's Pokemon Academy. Chop down a tree to get to it. You cannot see it; go one space away from the bushes and press [A]. A message stating that you got a Rare Candy will appear. There are two bodies of water in Violet City. Surf in them until you get to a piece of land. One lake has a Hyper Potion and the other has a PP Up.

Violet City: Trade for Onyx
Go to the small house to the left of the Pokemon Center. Find Kyle and he will want to trade a Bellsprout for an Onyx.

Buena: Phone number
To get Buena's phone number, you need to get 30 points on your blue card.

Erin: Calciums
Add Picnicker Erin to your phone list. Battle her every time she calls and she will give you a Calcium.

Eusine: Defeating him
Note: The following trick is for the Japanese version of the game. In order to fight the Suicune admirer, catch the legendary water dog, Suicune, then head back to the platform where the three legendary dogs were located. Use an Escape Rope, and you will end up on the roof. There is a ladder in the left hand side in order to get down, or you can jump through the broken roof. Navigate through the labyrinth of holes to find a ladder to the basement. Climb down, and you will see Eusine. Please note, he is not an easy opponent. He uses the three starters at L50, a Level 60 Blissey, a Level 65 Crobat, and then a Level 45 Celebi. If you defeat him, you earn 15,602 Pokemoney, and he will give you the Itemscope, which makes invisible items visible. Examine the pillar next to him to learn that he used it to find the GS Ball with Celebi.

Eusine: Find him again
If you want to see Eusine again, go to the Pokemon Center in Celedon City in Kanto. He will be there and say that he is visiting his hometown and wants you to catch Entei and Raikou.

Kurt: More special Pokeballs
In Pokemon Gold and Silver, Kurt could only make one special Pokeball at a time. Now that his granddaughter is helping him, he now can make up to 99 of the same special Pokeball in one day. Of course, you would have to have 99 of that specific Apricorn.

Lance: Defeating him
Catch Suicune and train it to level 46. When it tries to learn Aurora Beam at level 41, erase Leer, then teach it Icy Wind from the Mahogany Gym Leader. Now that it has Bubble Beam, Aurora Beam, Icy Wind, And Gust, go to battle Lance. Use Bubble Beam on Charizard, and Icy Wind and Aurora Beam for the rest.

Morty: Get him into his gym
Morty is out studying. The only way to get him back is to defeat the Kimono girls. Then, go to burned tower. Go left, up, right, down, and left to get to your rival. Defeat him and you will fall in a pit. You will see the Three Legendary Dogs. They will run away. Go down and up the ladder. Exit the tower and Morty will be at his gym.

Elite Four: Defeating them
Train an Alakasam to level 55 and teach it Psychic, Thunder, Fire, and Ice Punch. Train a Gyrados to at least level 40 and teach it Surf and Hydro Pump. Train a Machamp to level 35 and have it learn Vital Throw. Use Alakasam against everyone except Houndoom (use Gyrados) and Umbreon (use Machamp).Your Alakasam should be able to defeat all in one or two moves.

Get Typhlosion to level 100. Use Flame Wheel on all the opponents up to Bruno. When you get to Lance, Use Flamethrower on all his Pokemon for a one hit knockout.

Use a Typhlosion at level 100 that knows-Hyperbeam, Flamethrower, Earthquake, and Thunder Punch. Make sure to max the PP of Flamethrower and get Thunder Punch and Earthquake's Pp up as high as you can. Typhlosion can now take out the Elite Four by itself.
Red: Pokemon team
Red uses the following Pokemon.
Pikachu (level 81)
Snorlax (level 70)
Charizard (level 75)
Venasaur (level 75)
Blastoise (level 75)
Espeon (level 70)
TM Lady
Every Sunday a lady will appear and give away a TM.

Vance: Carbs
Add Bird Keeper Vance to your phone list. Battle him every time he calls and he will give you a Carb.

You can get the PokeRus infection from a Yanma at Route 35, below bug catcher Arnie. Go up and down the grassy area. Add Bug Catcher Arnie to your list he will call you if he sees these rare Pokemon. You will know when you have the PokeRus because Professor Elm will call you and give you information about it (and tell you not to worry). Look at the stats on your Pokemon and you will see a shiny dot at the bottom right side (like a shiny Pokemon) and see the word PokeRus. It lasts two to four days and will spread to the other Pokemon in your party. Infect some and store them to keep the PokeRus going. Trade an infected Pokemon to the Pokemon Gold or Silver only -- it will not work on other versions. Take the infected Pokemon to a Pokecenter and heal. The nurse will say that your Pokemon has tiny bugs all over it -- but they do not seem to be harming them. The PokeRus virus is good, not bad. Pokemon that have it will gain twice as much experience after a battle. Getting the virus is extremely rare. You have a 3 in 65536 chance of getting it after a battle. The virus will wear off (healing at a PokéCenter will not end it). Once the virus is gone the Pokemon will be immune to future infections, and cannot infect other Pokemon. You will see a tiny dot in the corner. You can group infected Pokemon using Pokemon Stadium 2.

Slot machines
Sometimes you will get lucky and the following things may happen. Four to six Golems will fall down, moving the slots up by one at a time. If there is one "7" on the winning line and you stop the second reel, the second reel may change to a "7". The last reel will spin a couple of times. Also if your very lucky, after you get two "7"s a Chansey may appear, toss one of its eggs, and you will magically have three "7"s. The odds of seeing Chansey are extremely low.

Some slot machines (when you hit the button) are faster or slower than others. There are two 7s on row one. However three other symbols are in between, so you cannot get two 7s showing in line 1. Use three coins when playing to have a better chance of winning. You will get spins, better Gravelers, and more advantages.

Use the following trick to get all 7s on the slots. Pay two coins and get one 7. The other will pop up when you press [A]. Then, a Chansey will throw eggs until the last 7 pops up.

Easy Bug Catching Contest win
Raise an Oddish to level 21 and have it evolve into Gloom. Teach Gloom Sweet Scent. Enter the Bug Catching Contest on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays. Take your Gloom to level 25 to 35 and knows Absorb and Sweet Scent. Find a spot in the park and use Sweet Scent repeatedly. Random Pokemon will attack you. Your best bet is a level 16 and over Butterfree, Venonat, Beedrill, Scyther, or Pinser.

Eon Mail
Note: This trick requires the Pokemon Pikachu 2 handheld game. To get free Eon Mail, go to "Mystery Gift" and send "000 Watts" from Pokemon Pikachu 2. Once you have done that, continue your game and pick it up on the second floor at any Pokemon Center.

Mystery Gifts
Note: This trick requires the Pokemon Pikachu 2 handheld game. Send Watts to your Game Boy Color by using the IR port. Note: You must first talk to the girl on fifth floor of the Department Store in Goldenrod City.

Rainbow Wing
In order to get the Rainbow Wing, you must have all three legendary Pokemon (Suicine, Raikou, and Entei).

TM list
TM 01 Dynamicpunch
TM 02 Headbutt
TM 03 Curse
TM 04 Rollout
TM 05 Roar
TM 06 Toxic
TM 07 Zap Cannon
TM 08 Rock Smash
TM 09 Psych Up
TM 10 Hidden Power
TM 11 Sunny Day
TM 12 Sweet Scent
TM 13 Snore
TM 14 Blizzard
TM 15 Hyperbeam
TM 16 Icywind
TM 17 Protect
TM 18 Rain Dance
TM 19 Giga Dradin
TM 20 Endure
TM 21 Frustration
TM 22 Solarbeam
TM 23 Inron Tail
TM 24 Dragonbreath
TM 25 Thunder
TM 26 Earthquake
TM 27 Return
TM 28 Dig
TM 29 Psychic
TM 30 Shadow Ball
TM 31 Mud-Slap
TM 32 Double-Team
TM 33 Ice Punch
TM 34 Swagger
TM 35 Sleeptalk
TM 36 Sludgebomb
TM 37 Sandstorm
TM 38 Fireblast
TM 39 Swift
TM 40 Defense Curl
TM 41 Thunderpunch
TM 42 Dream Eater
TM 43 Detect
TM 44 Rest
TM 45 Attract
TM 46 Theif
TM 47 Steel Wing
TM 48 Fire Punch
TM 49 Fury Cutter
TM 50 Nightmare
HM list
HM 01 Cut
HM 02 Fly
HM 03 Surf
HM 04 Strength
HM 05 Flash
HM 06 Whirlpool
HM 07 Waterfall
Hidden items
Antidote: Goldenrod Underground
Berserk Gene: North of Cerulean
Calcium: Route 13
Carbos: Tin Tower 5F, Ice Cave B2
Dire Hit: Route 28
Elixir: Route 44, Dark Cave, Route 12
Ether: Ilex Forest, Route 37, Burned Tower, Route 9
Full Heal: Azalea Town, Ilex Forest, National Park, Team Rocket HQ B2, Champion Road, Vermilion City, Route 2
Full Restore: Tin Tower 5F, Lake of Rage, Whirl Islands, Mt. Mortar, Route 2, Mt. Silver
Great Ball: Route 32
Hyper Potion: Violet City, Ecruteak City, Olivine City, Route 40, Mt. Mortar
Ice Heal: Ice Cave
Leftovers: Celadon City Restaurant Trash Can (Item Finder will not beep)
Max Elixir: Dragon's Den, Route 17
Max Ether: Cianwood Isle, Whirl Islands, Route 17, Route 2
Max Potion: Tin Tower 4F, Route 42, Lake of Rage, Ice Cave/ Dragon's Den, Champion Road, Rock Tunnel
Max Repel: Mt. Mortar
Max Revive: Mt. Mortar, Digletts Cave
Nugget: Route 39
Paralyze Heal: Goldenrod Underground
Potion: Route 30
PP UP: Route 34, Route 45, Celadon City, Lake of Rage, Whirl Islands
Revive: Cianwood Isle, Dragon's Den, Route 11, Route 2
Super Potion: Ilex Forest, Route 32, Route 34, Goldenrod Underground
Ultra Ball: Burned Tower, Whirl Islands, Route 4, Mt. Silver
X Accuracy: Rock Tunnel
X Defend: Rock Tunnel
Pokemon with items
Some Pokemon hold items when they are caught. These items may be rare or common. Other Pokemon may hold various items such as Nuggets and Berries.
Snorlax: Leftovers
Chansey: Lucky Egg
Farfetch'd: Stick
Marowak: Thick Club
Sneasel: Quick Claw
Ho-oh: Sacred Ash
Doduo: Sharp Beak
Dodrio: Sharp Beak
Butterfree: Silver Powder
Beedrill: Poison Barb
Horsea: Dragon Fang
Seadra: Dragon Fang
Dratini: Dragon Fang
Dragonair: Dragon Fang
Slowbro: King's Rock
Slowpoke: King's Rock
Poliwhirl: King's Rock
Entei: King's Rock
Magnmeite: Metal Coat
Miltank: Moo Moo Milk
Staryu: Stardust
Shellder: Pearl
Growlithe: Burnt Berry
Fearow: Sharp Beak
Some Pokemon may carry items when imported from Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow. These items are mainly Berries and Bitter Berries, but sometimes are Big Pearls or Star Pieces. Pokemon Stadium Pokemon won that you trade over also carry decorations for your room.
Abra: TM 09
Krabby: TM 33
Goldeen: TMM 33
Horsea: TM 33
Staryu: TM 33 (Star Piece/Star Dust)
Nidoran M or F: TM 43
Chansey: Lucky Punch
Ditto: Metal Powder
Jigglypuff: Dotted Bow (upgrade of Pink Bow)
Snorlax: Left Overs
Mewtwo: Bright Powder
Zapdos: Bright Powder
Articuno: Bright Powder
Moltres: Bright Power
Pikachu: Light Ball (only from Pokemon Yellow)
Kadabra: Bent Spoon (only from Pokemon Yellow)
Machop: Brick Piece
Using Thief to get items
Kings Rock: Polliwhirl on Route 44 (you only can get one from this Pokemon)
Stardust: Staryu in Cianawood, use Super Rod.
Spelltag: Misdreavus in Ice Cave.
Burnt Berry: Magmar in Silver Cave.
MooMoo Milk: Milktank on Route 38.
Sharp Beak: Fearow on Route 42.
Burnt Berry: Growlithe on Route 35.
Pearl: Shellder in Newbark Town, use Super Rod.
Kings Rock: Slowbro; Surf in Slowpoke well. You only get one from a Slowbro.
Tiny Mushroom: Parasect in Silver Cave.
Berrys: Top level of boat with two Pokefans in room. All Meowth, Sentrets, and furret hold a Berry.
Gifts from people
The following people will give you items that power-up moves, such as Magnet (power-up electric moves), Sharp Beak (power-up flying moves), etc.
On Monday, in Route 40 you will find MonicaOn Tuesday, in Route 29 you will find TuscanyOn Wednesday, in Lake Of Rage you will find WesleyOn Thursday, in Route 36 you will find ArthurOn Friday, in Route 32 you will find FriedaOn Saturday, in Blackthorn City you will find SantosOn Sunday, in Route 37 you will find Sunny
Easy gifts and battles
Obtain several phone numbers, then go to your house and tell your mom to switch on or off daylight savings. Your phone friends will give you calls almost immediately, and you will get to fight them or receive gifts.

Easy money
Get a Pokemon that knows Pay Day. Battle any wild Pokemon and only use Pay Day. Each hit from pay day results in $40. The more you hit the Pokemon with pay day the more money you will get. Note: This does not work in trainer battles, and you must defeat the Pokemon to get the money.

Use the following trick to win three hundred coins almost every time on slot machines. In Golden Rod City's Game Corner, play the slot machines. Line two 7's up on the first two rows then press [A] and hold for the third row. Hold [A] and the slot will move until it hits the third 7, resulting in 300 coins.

Fast bike
Get a bike, walk out, then press [Select]. You will get on the bike and go faster.

Different flying pictures
To get a different bird picture when you fly, make the Pokemon you fly with a Ho-Oh, Lugia, or a Pokemon with a different party picture.

Get rid of grass
Get HM02 and teach it to a Plant Pokemon. Get in front of some grass and use Cut. Note: The grass only disappears temporarily.

Avoid Confusion
Whenever your Pokemon is confused, hold [A] for about three seconds and you will get a move in.

Countering Protect
When your opponent uses Protect there is only one move that you should use; Surf.

Combo moves
There are many "combo moves" that can be used during battle, for example Swagger and Psych Up. Swagger will confuse your opponent and make his attack power rise greatly. You can use Psych Up to copy the attack power and not get confused. Another great combo is Curse and Agility. Curse will make your attack and defense rise, but t makes your speed fall (note that Ghost types use Curse differently than this way). You can use Agility to boost your speed two levels so that all around, you have better stats in two turns.

Use Sunny Day, and Solarbeam does not have to charge up one turn. Use Defense Curl, and Rollout becomes stronger. Use Rain Dance, and Thunder will never miss. Using Sunny Day will make it miss all the time. If the opponent used Minimize, Stomp will do more damage.

Catch Pokemon easil

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