Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams Cheats - GameBoy Color

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameBoy Color
Check out these Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Fight against Akuma
Select arcade mode. Hold [A] + [B] while selecting either the "Manual" or "Auto" option for your fighter. Keep the buttons held until the match begins.

Fight against M.Bison
Select arcade mode. Hold [A] + [B] + [Select] while selecting either the "Manual" or "Auto" option for your fighter. Keep the buttons held until the match begins.

Fight as Akuma
Highlight the random box at the character selection screen, then press [Left],(3), [Down]x3, [A] + [B].

Fight as Dan
Highlight the random box at the character selection screen, then press [Left]x2, [Down], [Left], [Down], [Left], [A] + [B].

Fight as M. Bison
Highlight the random box at the character selection screen, press [Left]x2, [Down]x2, [Left], [Down]x2, [A] + [B].

Dancing Sagat
Start a new game and select Charlie as a fighter and intentionally lose the match. Choose to continue and defeat your next opponent. Lose to your next opponent, then continue. Keep alternating losses and wins until you have been defeated by all the fighters in the game. After losing to M. Bison, continue a new game, and select Adon as your character. A dancing Sagat will appear.
Easy super
Select "Auto". When your super bar goes to the maximum, press [A] + [B]. Note: This only does one super and it only reaches level 1.

Akuma: Raging Demon
Get your super bar to level 3, then press [B]x2, [Forward], [A].

Akuma: Super Shot
Get your super bar to level 3, then press [Forward], "Down/Forward", [Down], "Down/Back", [Back], [Forward], "Down/Forward", [Down], [Back], [Forward] then quickly press "Punch".

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