Animal Crossing Cheats - GameCube

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Nov. 25, 2005
Nov. 25, 2005
Mr. Resetti
Reset the Gamecube during game play. Start the game again and Mr. Resetti will appear to complain. Repeat this to make him more angry.

If you reset the game enough, Mr. Resetti's older brother, Don, will take his place. He tells you that Mr. Resetti is not a bad and is just doing his job. He also apologizes for his brother's temper and language.

Mr. Resetti in backround
On Saturdays at exactly 8:45 p.m., talk to K.K. Slider (located at the train station). Ask him to play a song. It does not matter if you request it or just play it. During the credits, look in the background very closely to see Mr. Resetti.

Making Mr.Resetti madder
Reset the game until Mr .Resetti actually makes you write an apology. Rather than writing what he tells you, type "I hate you". This gets him even more frustrated.

Change item screen background
Get the piece of clothing you want as the background in your inventory. Grab it and drag it to the lower right space. From there, drag it one space down into a blank space, press [A], and you will have changed the background.

View credits
Talk to the dog next to the train station and type three key symbols.

Easy money
When bees appear from trees, take out your butterfly net and face the beehive. If you can catch a bee, you can sell it for $4500.

Place orange furniture to the north, green furniture to the south, yellow furniture to the west, and red furniture to the east part of your house. Note: The orange cone is actually red.

Note: This trick requires a Game Boy Advance and a link cable. Play the game with the Game Boy Advance attached. Collect as much fruit as possible and travel all the way to the south. Go the pier at the beach. A Kappa will be there and will to bring you to a new island to the south. Get to the new island and drop all of your fruit. Return to the Kappa and leave. Transfer the island to the Game Boy Advance. On the Game Boy Advance, knock on the door to the house of the island animal. After it appears, move a piece of fruit in front of the animal. It will eat it and become happy. Keep repeating this until the animal drops money bags. Feed all your fruit to the animal, then put your Game Boy Advance on standby. Resume the game on the Gamecube. Go back to town, then return and talk to the Kappa again. Your game will now be updated with the Game Boy Advance data. Travel back to the island and collect the money bags.

This trick requires a memory card that has your main file on it that can deposit money at the post office (in other words, you have paid off all of your house to Tom Nook already) and another memory card with at least 3 blocks of data free, and does not have Animal Crossing town data on it. Start the game with your main file memory card in slot A and the memory card with 3 blocks free and no town data in slot B. Put all of the money in your possession in the bank, all of your important items in your house, and the letters that you want to save at the post office. Next, talk to Porter (the monkey) at the train station and say that you are taking a trip. You will get on the train, and eventually you will go back to the main title screen. At the title screen, remove the memory card in slot B. Then, press [Start] and you will get the "Welcome back, who is this?" message. When you say who you are, the game will say similar to "Oh I thought you were out traveling and seeing the world. I can let you play, but you won't have any items/money with you, is that OK?". You will not lose anything because your money is in the bank and your items are in your house. Answer that it is okay. You will load up your town, and you will not have any bells, items, or letters with you. Your money is in the bank, your items are in your house, and your face is like a Gyroid. This is normal. Go to your post office, and take out all your money. Then, drop it on the ground somewhere. Go talk to your Gryoid and choose to save, then select save and quit. Once you are back at the main title screen, put the memory card that was taken out of slot B back in slot B and press [Start]. When asked if you want to use the data from slot B the game will prompt something similar to "Hey you already came back from traveling, and now you're coming back again? Do you want me to copy what you did on slot B to Slot A?" Answer yes. Once the game starts, your character will be back to normal, and your bank account will be as if you never took any Bells out of the bank. The money bags that you dropped will be where you left it. You have just doubled all your money.

Go around town with your shovel and hit every rock you can find. One of them should turn red when you hit it. Keep hitting it to get more money.

Every New Year your parents give you 10,000 bells. Change the system date on the Gamecube; or in the Animal Crossing options and change the date to the new year. Check the mail box and you will have 10,000 bells from your parents. Repeat the process, but change the year.

Dig for fossils every time you play. When the Museum fills up with fossils, you can make a mint at Nook's or trade with residents for good items with fossils. Skulls of dinosaurs seem to be worth the most, usually bringing in 4,000 to 6,000.

Get three fossils, then send them to the museum. Then, change the day to one day later. Check your fossils. If they are rare, continue playing. If they are not, reset the game until you get rare fossils. You can either keep them for H.R.A. points, sell them to Nook, or donate them to the museum.

Play the Stalk Market. Turnips do not seem like that much of a commodity, but its gold in the game. You can make a fortune buying Turnips and selling them at the right price.

If you have at least 10,000 Bells, on Sunday Joan the turnip seller will at your town every from 6 a.m. to 12 noon. Buy 100 turnips as many times you can. The next day, go to Nook's store and sell them all. It is possible to get 73,600 Bells just for 100 turnips.

As you know, Joan sells Turnips every Sunday until 12 Noon. Then, you have to wait until Monday to sell. However, the following trick makes things easier. Go to the Animal Crossing web site, scroll to the bottom, then write down the Universal code for 100 turnips. On a Monday through Saturday, check the prices until you see that Tom Nook is buying for at least 700 or more Bells. Use the Universal code and make sure that they actually work in your town (sometimes you will be a "contest loser"). When you sell them, you will definitely have a lot of Bells.

Note: This trick requires three memory cards, game A, game B, travel data, and a lot of Turnips. Spend the entire week saving up as much Bell as you can on Game A. On Sunday, find Joan and buy as many turnips as you can afford. Save your travel data on slot 2, then travel to Game B. Find out how much Tom is buying Turnips for. If he is not asking enough, save, then set the clock to the next day and ask again. Wait until a day when Tom is buying for over 1000 Bell, but do not set the clock more than a week ahead or the Turnips will spoil. Sell all your Turnips for the profit. Save and take the money back to Game A. Use the money to buy more turnips. Go back and sell them again. Because you are saving the travel data, it does not matter that the days do not match up. You can make over 30,000,000 Bell doing this.

Note: This trick requires two memory cards. If you have wasted all your days with your Turnips and they are about to become useless, you can switch towns then keep checking how much the price is. Once it is at a good price, return to your first town, take a trip there, and sell all your Turnips.

Try to fish, dig Bells, and work for people until the evening, when you would barely get anything. Go to the Animal Crossing Menu and change the time back to 4:00 when the best fish and bugs appear. It is better if it rains. Then, change to one day ahead to make a lot of money. This is also a good way to pay off the debt to Tom Nook and buy furniture for your house. Make sure that you pull weeds that you see to stop them from growing. Use the shovel to stop weeds from growing from a location permanently. When your ready, put your time and day back. You will always get new mail and offers from Tom Nook. This is another good way to get your home and Tom Nook's shop remodeled. Whatever you did in those days like make the shop larger, and will stay the way it was when you visited the future. You should make about 50,000 Bells in about five hours while in the future.

If you can change the date to a day when its raining, you can catch Coelacanth. Do not waste your time with the little fish such as Red Snappers or Barred Knifejaws. Coelacanth are worth 15,000 Bells each. The times that you can catch Coelacanths are 4 p.m. through 9 a.m. when it is raining in any month. The other big rare fish are too rare and not worth catching to make money. Note: Catching rare fish works better with the Golden Rod.

Use the following trick to get easy money and a lot of fossils. Find three fossils and mail them to the Museum. On the day that they arrive back in the mail, open them and see what you get, as usual. If the Museum needs it, give it to them. If not, sell it to Nook. Then, go back to your personal Gyroid Assistant and save the game. Reset the Gamecube with the cover open so the system menu appears. Set the date back one day, and start the game again. Check your mail, do whatever you want with the fossils, then save and restart the Gamecube again. Set the date back to the current day and restart the game. Do this until the Museum is full, or you no longer want to continue with the trick. Note: If you reset the game date by using the option the game provides (before you start your game), sometimes your fossils will not be sent to you in the mail and you will not find any for awhile. The game knows when you are cheating this way, and reflects this with less valuable items.

Take fruit from one town and sell it to Nook at another town. You will get paid five times as much for it. Note: This only works if each town has different fruits.

Get fruit other than the type that naturally grows in your town. Do this by visiting other towns or getting one from a person in your town when you talk to them. Bury them and they will grow into trees that give off three pieces of that fruit every few days. Each is worth 500 Bells. Do not crowd trees in too close. This usually causes them to not grow. You can set the clock forward to grow trees faster and to make the fruit reappear quicker. Fruit trees successfully grow almost all of the time.

Take several pieces of fruit and plant them on your island. When they grow into trees, do not shake the fruit off. Instead, let them stay there so that during the hours of 7 p.m. and 8 a.m., you can go to the island and catch beetles that are attracted to the fruit. Since there are only three to five trees for them to crawl on, the odds of a beetle appearing will increase significantly. Each beetle is worth at least 1350 Bells, except the Drone Beetle. You can catch thousands of Bells worth of beetles. However, if you shake the fruit off the trees, the beetles will not appear.

Plant a pear tree on the island. Let it grow then return with your net only after 5:30. Make sure it is not raining. Go to the pear tree and look for the Evening Cicada. It is worth 850 Bells. After you catch one, go to another panel and immediately go back. There will be another keep. Catching them until your inventory is full. You can make up to 70,000 Bells in one hour.

Get a fishing pole, and on a rainy day, go to the ocean and catch a fish that is worth 15,000 Bells. it takes time to see the big fish, but he will be there. You can also catch an orange fish worth 3,000 Bells, and a Barred Knife Jaws worth 5,000 Bells. If you catch a Sea Bass, throw it back, and keep fishing until you catch the good ones.

Another fish to catch is the Large Char. It is worth 10,000 Bells. You can catch those at the waterfall or at different places for different people. If you see a big shadow in the water, it is a fish worth 10,000 to 15,000 Bells.

Go down to the shore and start fishing. If you catch a Sea Bass, throw it back because it is worthless. If you catch the really big fish that sells for 15,000 Bells, give it to the Museum. This will increase the chances of you catching it again.

This trick requires a Game Boy Advance. Link your Game Boy Advance into the Gamecube and go to the island with only a fishing rod. Go there only to fish, and only keep Red Snappers, Knifejaws, and Coelacanths. Throw back all Sea Bass and put all the Boots you get in the beach house. It is possible to make 100,000 Bells in one hour.

Shake every tree that you can to get its items. If a bees nest falls out, take out your bug net. You can catch a single bee for 4,500 Bells

Try to get stung by a bee, then move around and shake some trees.100 Bells will fall out of almost every tree you shake. Repeat this method until you get the desired amount of Bells.

Play the game after it is dark and go to the waterfall. There will be a fish called a Large Char which sells for 10,000 Bells each. They are common to catch, and you can make about 100,000 Bells in about five hours.

If you look on your map, you will see a flashing, golden spot somewhere. If you can find the location, dig there to receive 1,000 Bells. If you do not dig there every day, the spot will disappear. Eventually, the spot will become a hole. Plant a money bag and eventually a Money Tree will grow from the golden spot. If you plant a shovel at the golden spot, eventually a Golden Shovel Tree will grow. The Golden Shovel Tree is the only way to acquire the Golden Shovel, which can be used (dig with it at the golden spot to receive more than 1,000 bells) or sold.

If you look around your town in every acre, you will eventually find a flashing golden spot in the ground. If you find the location, dig there to receive 1,000 Bells. If you have saved over 99,999 Bells in your town, you will get a separate bag filled with 30,000 bells so you can keep saving up to 99,999 Bells. Each time you get up to 99,999 Bells, you will get a separate bag of 30,000 bells which lowers your cash to about 70,000 Bells. Do not worry -- even when it shows the separate bag(s) your items screen states you only have 70,000 Bells, whenever you go back to Tom Nook's shop your money will be the 30,000 Bell bag(s) plus what the game says you have saved in your items screen. Now, instead of burying the 1,000 Bells, bury the 30,000 Bells. When the tree grows, there will be a total of three 30,000 Bell bags in it. Shake that tree. This will add to your total bells in the items screen. Note: If you save too much Bells, your item screen will fill up with the 30,000 Bell bags. You may want to store some of the bags inside your house. If you do not have 99,999 Bells saved, you can go to your items screen, put the hand to the money, and click it. Select 10,000, 1,000, or 100 bells and you can bury those also.

Find a rock that turns red when you hit it. Dig two holes in a "V" shape. Have the bottom point on the "V" as the rock and the two other points at the holes that you dig. The holes keep you from moving backwards from the recoil. You can hit the rock as fast as possible. It is possible to get about 13,000 Bells per day by doing this.

If you get your item screen with three pears, sell it to Tom Nook. He will give you 100 Bells for each one. With a total of 15, that is 1,500 Bells.

Collect all of the seashells on your shore and sell them. After that, save and quit the game. Reload your game and go by the sea shore. All of the seashells will be there again. You can make 30,000 bells in about an hour.

Set the clock to December 24 at 8:00 p.m. and make sure you have ten outfits (including what you are wearing). Find and talk to Jingle five times. On the fifth time, he will give you a present based on what your three answers were (foldable things are clothes, woven things is carpet, printed things is wallpaper, and big things is furniture). Immediately change clothes and talk to him again. Every time you change, he will give you a present. You can get up to ten presents that sell for 12,240 Bells each. Then, set the clock back to 7:59 p.m. and repeat the process. You can make up to 500,000 Bells in two hours.

Set the date and time to Thanksgiving at 3 p.m. and steal the silverware. Talk to a villager that did not go to the feast until they tell you a hint to Franklin's location. Give him the silverware to get a piece of the harvest series. Repeat until you have the whole set, including wallpaper and carpet, then sell the set to Tom Nook. You can get over 500,000 Bells by doing this. Store money bags in your house or bury it.

Get up early and start fishing near the Post Office. In about an hour or less, you will catch a fish that sells for 10,000 Bells in fresh water. Give it to the museum. The fish is now very common and you can pay off any debt to Tom Nook in a matter of weeks.

When on the beach, take only Coral and White Scallops. Then, go to Tom Nook's shop and sell them to him. He will buy 1 Coral for 300 Bells, and 1 White Scallop for 450 Bells.

When you dig up a fossil, mail it to the museum. When you get the bones, sell them and do not give them to the museum. You should get at least 700 Bells for it.

Go to the coast with an empty inventory except for perhaps a fishing pole to catch fish. Go shell hunting get every shell on the beach, then sell them at Nooks to get a lot of Bells.

On days when the fortune teller, Katrina, is in town, if you dig up money in a shining spot, it will be 30,000 Bells.
Gyroid sale
Do not dig up anything for a few weeks. After about a month, dig up everything in your town. Keep the Gyroids. Send in the fossils. Buy a lot of paper. Send a letter to everyone in the town and invite them to your house in one week. You may also send a small present. Also write a note on the bulletin board. If someone writes one over it, write another. You should now have a lot of Gyroids. You may need to store some of your furniture by burying it. Arrange all the Gyroids so that you can get next to each one. On the day of the sale, nobody will come. If you have another file they can come. You will not get much money. However the HRA will like it. You can keep it like that or sell them all. The point of sending the letters with presents is so that you can get things back. After you sell them all, you probably will have gotten 20,000 to 30,000 Bells and some new furniture.

Duplicate money and items
This trick requires two Game Boy Advances and a link cable. Connect Game Boy Advance #1 to the Gamecube using your link cable and turn it on. Go to your island (located on the dock at the edge of the ocean). When you finally get to the island, drop off the item or money that you wish to duplicate. Leave the island. When Kapp'n asks if you want to save your island to your Game Boy Advance, select "Yes". After it is done downloading to your Game Boy Advance, you can put it in sleep mode, disconnect it, and set it aside. When you get back to your town, attach Game Boy Advance #2 and turn it on. Leave that screen then immediately return to it. Talk to Kapp'n to go back to your island. After you start leaving you can turn Game Boy Advance #2 off. When you get to your island, pick up the item that you left there then leave the island again. This time when Kapp'n asks you to save your island to your Game Boy Advance, answer "No". When you get back to your town, disconnect Game Boy Advance #2 and connect Game Boy Advance #1 (make sure it is not in sleep mode). Leave the screen and return. Talk to Kapp'n once more. Your island should upload from your Game Boy Advance. When you get to your island, your item will be there again and you will already have it in your pockets. Pick up your item from the ground. You now have two of them. This will also work with multiple items.

This trick requires only one Game Boy Advance and a link cable. Connect the Game Boy Advance to the Gamecube using your link cable and turn it on. Go to your island (located on the dock at the edge of the ocean). When you finally get to the island, drop off the item or money that you wish to duplicate. Leave the island. When Kapp'n asks if you want to save your island to your Game Boy Advance, select "Yes". After it is done downloading, do not press anything on the Game Boy Advance. When you get back to your town, leave that screen, then immediately return to it. Talk to Kapp'n to go back to your island. He will ask what happened to the island in your Game Boy Advance. Chose to go to a different island. When you get to your island, pick up the item that you left there, then leave the island again. This time when Kapp'n asks you to save your island to your Game Boy Advance, answer "No". When you get back to your town press [A] on your Game Boy Advance. Leave the screen and return. Talk to Kapp'n once more. Your island should upload from your Game Boy Advance. When you get to your island, your item will be there again and you will already have it in your pockets. Pick up your item from the ground. You now have two of them. This will also work with multiple items.

Triplicate items
This trick requires two memory cards that both have town data on them. To do this, load the town from memory card A and then put the item you want to triplicate into your pocket. Travel to the town on memory card B. Put the item into the dump. Go back to town A then save and quit. Load town B and pick up the item. Take it to Tom Nook's store. Talk to him and choose "Other Things." Select "Hear Code" and make a note of Town A's name and your player in Town A. Give Tom the item and he will give you a code. Make a note of that code down, then save the game. Load town A and go to Tom Nook's store. Say the code to him and he will give you the item. Say the code again. He will give you the item again. Do this a third time You will have just triplicated your item. One item can be triplicated everyday.

No room for money
If you find money and have no room, try picking it up and select "Swap". Then, put it in you wallet instead.

No more garbage
Use the following trick if you are frustrated by digging or fishing and receiving garbage. It only requires you to have 1,500 Bells. Fill all your pockets with bags of Bells (each bag containing 100 Bells, more if desired). When your pockets are full, garbage will not appear. When you dig up something or catch a fish, the game will say that your pockets are full and ask you if you want to swap the item. Select "Swap" and place the item in your pocket (trading it for the bag of Bells). Then, drag the bag of bells you are holding to your wallet. You will never be bothered by garbage again.

More room for items
If your pockets are too full to carry any more items, attach extra items to your mail and retrieve them later when you have gotten rid of some other items. This allows you to carry up to ten additional items and is especially helpful when gathering and selling fruit from other towns.

Easy items
One of the best ways to get new items that you cannot buy is to do work for the residents, and do it often. Do their little chores and they will (more often than not) reward you with things that are hard to come by in Nook's store.

At the beginning of the game, at some point when you are working for Tim Nook he will allow you to do errands for the other townsfolk. At any other part of the game, you will have to wait a good while between errands for the same person. However, during this time you can do several errands in a row for the same person, allowing you to get some great items quickly.

Talk to people whenever you are near them. Sometimes they will ask you if you want to take a table or some clothes or other things off their hands. Also, do errands for people often. If there are no errands available you will only have to wait ten minutes.

Check the town bulletin board often. Check with Officer Cooper frequently to see when Wendel, Redd, or anyone else is in town.

Go to the dump on garbage day. There will be items there that you can take.

If you go to the Police Department, there will sometimes be lost items that you can take.

Quick item
To get something you ordered the day that you ordered it, save, continue, then reset the game. After you talk to Mr. Resetti, your items will be in the mail.

This trick requires two memory cards with saved game data on each one. If you ordered something through mail order at Tom Nook's store and want to get it immediately, travel to the other town on the other memory card then immediately travel back. The item you ordered should be in your mailbox.

Items on the ground
If you leave items on the ground for a long period of time, they might disappear and end up at the Police Station. If you want to save items and you do not have room in your house, bury the items in the ground for safe keeping.

Give items to the Wishing Well that you need to deliver
You normally cannott give the Wishing Well in your town items that you need to deliver to an animal (usually in another town) on the day you receive the item that is needed to be delivered. In this case, wait about three to four days and the Wishing Well should accept it.

Get mail quicker
Speak to your Gyroid, save, and quit. Let the game play through the opening title screen again. When you get back to your house, the item will be in your mail.

Getting NES games
Talk to the townspeople until they ask you when your birthday is. Most of them will say something similar to "How would you like a train set for your birthday?" Answer "Yes" and you will put in your birthday. On your birthday, one of the townsfolk will be outside your house. He or she will present you with a NES. For example, Virgos will get Donkey Kong .

Easy Gyroids
Three memory cards are required for this trick. One memory card needs to have your saved game in it. This will be card A. Use a second memory card for traveling data, as card B in slot B. When you travel to the new town you have to create, you will use this card. Note: This card will always remain in slot B. Put your third memory card (card C) in slot A, then create a new game and after your able to save, save the game. Then, put card A into slot A and start the game. Go to your Gyroid assistant then save and continue. Next, go to the train station and talk to Porter and say you want to take a trip. Wait until the title screen appears, then put card C into slot A and start playing. You will be in your saved game with your card A character. Then, look for all the treasures. There are eight total; three Gyroids and other items.

To get Gyroids very easily, get the Golden Shovel and find a hole in the ground (they resemble "X"s). Dig there for a 50% chance of getting a Gyroid.

Gyroid rhythm
Put together these Gyroids for an intesting rhythm: Use a Rythmoid, Mini, Mega and Regular Gongloids, and the Mini Bowtoid.

Gyroid face
If you want your character to have no facial expressions, for example, a face like the Gyroid next to your house, put all your money/items in your house. Travel to another town and once you get there, reset. Note: If you did not deposit your money/items in your house before doing this, you will lose them. When you reload the game, you will get a message that says "You were traveling. All money and items will be lost. Do you want to go to town anyway?" Answer "Sure!". When you reload, your character will have the face like a Gyroid. To change the face back, save your game and reload it.

This trick requires two memory cards. Create a person on both cards. Then, visit the other town. Allow the monkey to save, then turn off the Gamecube. Then, play again as the same person. The animal will warn you that you are on a trip and have nothing with you. Ignore them and continue. If you look at the person, you will see that they have no eyes or mouth and their face has pink spots. To restore your character, simply go back to the town you visited and return.

Free flowers
At the start of the game when Nook tells you to work part time for him, one of the jobs will be to plant flowers around his shop. When he gives you the flowers, you can plant them anywhere in the city. Note: You can also plant them around your house.

Indian Song (Gyroids)
Get a Tall Echoid, Tall Percoloid, Tall Strumboid, Mini Plinkoid, and a Mega Sproid.

Growing a money tree
First, find a glowing piece of earth. Dig it up and you get a money bag. Plant the money bag in the glowing hole and a seedling will sprout, which will grow in to a money tree.

For a super money try, get 30,000 Bells. Find a glowing spot and enter the item screen. Get the cursor and click on your amount of Bells. Choose 30,000, take it out, and plant it in the glowing spot. In a couple days it will be full grown and have three bags of 30,000 Bells.

Golden Axe
Get your town rating to be "Perfect" for two entire weeks. The Golden Axe is indestructible.

Golden Net
Catch all 40 types of bugs. Note: You will also get a metal butterfly for the side of your house.

Golden Rod
Catch all 40 types of fish. Note: You will also get a weathervane for your house.

Golden Shovel
First, buy two shovels. Find a piece of glowing earth and dig it up. Then, plant a shovel in the glowing earth.

Carry the Golden Shovel around with you at all times. There is a 25% chance you will dig up Bells at location in your town when you dig a hole. It is also indestructible.

When you upgrade to a two story house and pay off all your debt (798,000 Bells), Tom Nook will make a Golden Statue of you in front of the Train Station. It is very shiny, even in the winter.

Note: The second player to pay off their debts in that game will have a Silver Statue. The third player to do so will get a Bronze Statue. The fourth player will get a green statue.

On some days, you will see a balloon floating in the air with a present tied to it. Follow it until it gets stuck in a tree. If this happens, shake the tree to pop the balloon and the present will fall to the ground. Then, pick up the present. Note: Most of the time it is furniture

Note: A balloon with a present tied to it will not get caught in a tree with fruit in its branches.

Balloons show up unexpectedly, and mostly anywhere. However there are set days of the week and times they will show up. To catch any balloon, you need to learn where they show up, on what day, and at what time. Observe these patterns and plant a couple of trees in the routes where they move. The next time they appear, chase them until they knock into a tree and get stuck. Shake the tree and the present will drop to the ground. You can then pick it up and claim your prize (furniture). One area that a floating present appears is by the train station from about 7:00 to 9:00 on a Friday night. Make sure that some trees are planted coordinated to the south of the train station until the first cliff edge. Avoid talking to K.K. when you see the balloon.

Make sure you do not send more then three fossils to the Museum for identification. They will only identify the first three and you will have lost the fourth. Save that fossil for another day.

If you do not have any stationary, you cannot dig up fossils. If you do not like to spend money buying stationary to send in fossils, sell your stationary. You will never get a fossil again.

Send a letter to the Museum without anything in it. They will return the letter with a fossil.

When you send fossil to the Museum, you can send as much as you have space for in your mail box. You get three each day, but this does not mean that the other fossils are gone. After the first mail day, and the second mail day comes around, you will have three more fossils in the mail. If your house is filled with fossils, send them to the museum and you will get three every day.

Grab Bags
One November 28 Tom Nook has Brag Bags. They cost 2,003 Bells. They always contain a pinwheel, and may have furniture, flooring, clothing, or walls. The bags, however, take the place of flowers, trees, paper, and items such as bug nets and shovels.

When you first start a character, Nook will give you jobs to do for him before you can save the game. One of these jobs is to write a letter to one of the villagers. Nook will give you one piece of paper. Leave his shop then re-enter. Ask him for more paper. Continue to do this until you receive the desired amount of stationary.

Talk to Mail Bird
If you send letters and fill up all the places in the Post Office, leave quickly and you may can catch the Mail Bird before he takes off to deliver the letters. If you miss him, wait for a bit and you may be able to catch him stopping at your house and delivering letters to you or anyone else who may have occupied one of the four free houses.

Wait by the message board at 9 a.m. or 5 p.m. and Pete the mailman will fly by and tell you a little about his social life.

If you are not catching the fish you want to catch, move to another section of the map and fish there. Some fish are only found in certain areas.

When fishing, do not actually reel in the fish (press [A] ) until you see the bobber go under the water.

Fish at the ocean in the rain. You have a much greater chance of catching the Coelacanth. They sell for 15,000 Bells a fish. Also, you have a greater chance of catching the Barred Knifejaw and Red Snapper. They sell for 5,000 Bells and 3,000 Bells respectively. Generally, fishing in the rain is much easier, but in the ocean, for easy money. Also, its easier to fish at night.

When it is raining, you have better chance of catching a fish worth 15,000 Bells.

When you go fishing and a fish bites at the bait, it only bites five times. If it nips at it four times, press [A] on the fifth time automatically. Five times is always the maximum number of times they bite.

When you fish anywhere, there is a good chance that you will get a fish that is worthless. If you throw it back in, it will disappear. If you leave and fish somewhere else in the same area, it will pop up again. Most likely, you will catch it repeatedly.

To find a fish in a certain area, go to the designated acre. Walk to the side of the acre. Then, walk back and forth, switching acres. Do this about three to five times and a fish should appear in the acre you end up standing in.

Winning the Fishing Tourney
Catch a Bass as early as possible on one of the Fishing Tourney days. Bring it to Chip. If it is the largest so far, pause game play and allow it to idle until the Fishing Tourney is over.

You do not have to catch the fish you submit into the tourney on Sunday. You can catch them all week. Keep them in your house until Sunday, submit them to Chip.

Trading fish with friends
To easily trade fish with a friend, put the desired fish on your Gyroid and set it to give away. Then, have a friend travel to your town and pick it up.

Favorite fish
Every villager likes a certain type of fish and will trade you items, ask you to give it to them, or buy it from you. Tank's favorite is the Koi.

Arawona fish
The Arawona fish is worth 10,000 Bells if sold at Nook's Shop. To find it, set the date and time to 5:00 P.M. on July 1. Fish around Hambo's house. Sooner or later, you will find an Arawana fish. Their shadows are about as large as a Barbel Steed's.

Once you have donated the Piranha to the museum, go to the tank that contains it. Get as close as possible to the glass. The Piranha will bump into the glass, trying to get you.

Snakehead fish
Go fishing at night on a clear day in the Summer at the giant pond. There is a very good chance you will see a giant shadow. This shadow is almost as big as the Coelacanth. It will be the giant Snakehead.

The Stringfish is worth 15,000 Bells when sold to Nook.

The best time and place to catch the Stringfish is where the river first commences (by the train tracks) around 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. from December to February. Keep switching screens back and forth until you find to a huge shadow (about the size of a Coelacanth) then cast your line out. If you do not get it, keep trying by scaring away the smaller fish until you find it again. You can earn 45,000 Bells in just under an hour.

Fish prices
The following are fish prices that Mr. Nook gives you in Bells.
Barbel Steed 200 Bells
Barred Knifejaw 5,000 Bells
Bass 300 Bells
Bitterling 1,300 Bells
Blue Gill 120 Bells
Brook Trout 150 Bells
Carp 300 Bells
Cherry Salmon 1,300 Bells
Crucian Carp 120 Bells
Dace 200 Bells
Freshwater Goby 300 Bells
Giant Snakehead 6,500 Bells
Gold Fish 1,300 Bells
Guppy 1,300 Bells
Koi: 2,000 Bells
L. Bass 3,000 Bells
L. Char 10,000 Bells
Piranha 6,500 Bells
Plae Chub 200 Bells
Pond Smelt 300 Bells
Popeye Gold Fish 1,300 Bells
Rainbow Trout 650 Bells
Red Snapper 3,000 Bells
S. Bass 200 Bells
Sea Bass 120 Bells
Fish locations and times
River, Pond
Angelfish: May-October, 4 pm-9 am
Arapaima: July to first half of September, 4 pm to 9 am
Arowana: June to September, 4 am to 9 am
Barbel Steed: All year, all day
Bass: All year, all day
Bitterling: December to February, 4 am to 9 pm
Bluegill: All year, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Brook Trout: All year, all day
Carp: All year, all day
Catfish: All year, all day
Cherry Salmon: March to June, 4 am to 9 am
Crawfish: April to first half of September, all day
Crucian carp: All year, all day
Dace: All year, 4:00 pm to 9:00 am
Eel: July to Aug. 9 pm to 4 am
Freshwater Goby: All year, all day
Frog (holding pond): May to August, all day
Giant Catfish: June to August, 4 pm to 9 am
Giant Snakehead: July to August, 9 am to 4 pm
Goldfish: All year, all day
Guppy: April to November 9 am to 4 pm
Killifish (holding pond): April to August, all day
Koi: All year, all day
Large Bass: All year, all day
Large Char (waterfall): March to June, 4 am to 9 pm
Loach: May, 9 am to 4 pm
Pale Chub: All year, 9 am to 4 pm
Pirahna: June to September, 9 am to 4 pm
Pond Smelt: December to February, 4 am to 9 pm
Popeyed Goldfish: September, 9 am to 4 pm
Rainbow Trout: March to April; September to October, 4 am to 9 am
Salmon: September, all day
Small Bass: All year, all day
Stringfish: December to February, 4 pm to 9 am
Sweetfish: July to August, 4 am to 9 pm

Sea Bass: All year, all day
Coelacanth: (when raining) All year, 4 pm to 9 am
Jellyfish: Second half of August, all day
Red Snapper: April to June, 4 pm to 9 am and 12 am to 1 pm
Barred Knifejaw: March to November 4 am to 9 am and 12 am to 1 pm
Insect values and times
Ant: 80: All year, all day (attracted to candy or decayed turnips)
Bagworm: 250: October to March, all day (in trees)
Banded Dragonfly: 4,500: July to August, 8 am to 5 pm (anywhere)
Bee: 4,500: All year, all day (in trees)
Bell Cricket: 430: September to October, 5 pm to 8 am (in grass)
Brown Cicada: 200: July to August, 8 am to 5 pm (on trees)
Cockroach: 5: Mar. to Nov., all day (on trees, flowers, attracted to turnips)
Common Butterfly: 80: March to October, 8 am to 5 pm (anywhere)
Common Dragonfly: 130: May to July, 8 am to 5 pm (anywhere)
Cricket: 130: September to November, 5 pm to 8 am (in grass)
Darner Dragonfly: 200: June to August, 8 am to 5 pm (anywhere)
Drone Beetle: 80: July to August, all day (on trees)
Dynastid Beetle: 1,350: July to August, 7 pm to 8 am (on trees)
Evening Cicada: 850: July to August, 4 am to 8am, 4 pm to 7 pm (on trees)
Firefly: 250: June, 7 pm to 4 am (near water)
Flat Stag Beetle: 2,000: June to August, 7 pm to 8 am (on trees)
Giant Beetle: 10,000: July to August, 11 pm to 8 am (found on trees)
Grasshopper: 130: August to September, 8 am to 5 pm (in grass)
Jewel Beetle: 3,000: July to August, 8 am to 4 pm (on trees)
Ladybug: 130: March to July, October, 8 am to 5 pm (on flowers)
Long Locust: 200: August to November, 8 am to 5 pm (in grass)
Longhorn Beetle: 200: June to August, 8 am to 5 pm (anywhere)
Mantis: 430: August to September, 8 am to 5 pm (on flowers)
Migratory Locust: 1,350: September to November, 8 am to 7 pm (in grass)
Mole Cricket: 200: November to May, all day (underground; listen for them)
Mosquito: 130: May to September, 8 am to 11 pm (anywhere)
Mountain Beetle: 2,000: July to August, 7 pm to 8 am (on trees)
Pill Bug: 250: All year, all day (under rocks)
Pine Cricket: 100: September to October, 5 pm to 8 am (in grass)
Pondskater: 130: June to September, 8 am to 7 pm (in main pond and holding ponds)
Purple Butterfly: 2,000: June to August, 8 am to 5 pm (anywhere)
Red Dragonfly: September to October, 8 am to 7 pm (anywhere)
Robust Cicada: 300: July to August, 8 am to 5 pm (on trees)
Saw Stag Beetle: 2,000: July to August, 7 pm to 8 am (on trees)
Snail: 250: April to September, all day (on flowers when its raining)
Spider: 300: April to September, all day (in trees)
Spotted Ladybug: 200: March to July, October, 8 am to 5 pm (on flowers)
Tiger Butterfly 200 April to September, 8 am to 5 pm (anywhere)
Walker Cicada 400 July to September, 8 am to 5 pm (on trees)
Yellow Butterfly 80 March to October, 8 am to 5 pm (anywhere)
Gulliver's items and Tom Nook's purchasing prices
Arc de Triomphe: 2,300 Bells
Bottled Ship: 840 Bells
Chinese Lion: 1,200 Bells
Chinese Lioness: 1,800 Bells
Compass: 320 Bells
Fishing Bear: 680 Bells
Lady Liberty: 2,300 Bells
Manekin Pis: 1,300 Bells
Matryoshka: 980 Bells
Merlion: 2,300 Bells
Mermaid Statue: 1,900 Bells
Moai Statue: 1,900 Bells
Mouth of Truth: 1,900 Bells
Pagoda: 1,280 Bells
Plate Armor: 1,850 Bells
Shogi Piece: 1,250 Bells
Stone Coin: 1,400 Bells
Tiger Bobblehead: 580 Bells
Tokyo Tower: 1,150 Bells
Tower of Pisa: 2,300 Bells
Tribal Mask: 1,100 Bells
Shell prices
White Scallop: 450 Bells
Conch: 350 Bells
Coral: 250 Bells
Venus Comb: 150 Bells
Sand Dollar: 60 Bells
Lion's Paw: 40 Bells
Porcelleta: 30 Bells
Wentletrap: 20 Bells
Redd's items
These items can only be obtained at Redd's. Everything else you see at his tent is a normal item and can also be obtained at Tom Nook's:
Aiko Figurine
Amazing Painting
Backyard Pool
Balloon Fight (NES)
Basic Painting
Black Bishop
Black Knight
Black Rook
Blue Bed
Blue Table
Cabana Bed
Cabana Chair
Cabin Chair
Cabin Dresser
Classic Vanity
Classic Wardrobe
Clu Clu Land (NES)
Common Painting
Dainty Painting
Deer Scare
Dice Stereo
Ebony Piano
Exotic Bed
Exotic Table
Famous Painting
Flowery Painting
Frog Woman Pole
Golf (NES)
Green Dresser
Green Wardrobe
High-End Stereo
Judge's Bell
Kiddie Bed
Kiddie Clock
Lawn Mower
Letter Cubby
Lovely Armoire
Lovely End Table
Lovely Stereo
Luigi Trophy
Modern End Table
Modern Wardrobe
Moving Painting
NES Console
Pinball (NES)
Quaint Painting
Ranch Chair
Ranch Dresser
Red Corner
Regal Bed
Regal Chair
Saddle Fence
Scary Painting
Steam Roller
Super Toilet
Tanabata Palm
Tinpano Drum
White Bishop
White Knight
White Rook
Wide-Screen TV
Island NPCs
Rowan Yodel
Special NPCs
Bianca (faceless kitty cat)
Blathers (Museum supervisor)
Booker (Police officer: Lost property)
Chip (Fishing tournament judge)
Copper (Police officer and fitness fanatic)
Crazy Redd (Shady shop salesman)
Gracie (Fabulous fashion designer)
Gulliver (Shipwrecked sailor)
Jack (Halloween costume)
Jingle (Holiday reindeer)
Joan (Turnip saleswoman)
Kapp'n (Rowboat owner)
Katrina (Fortune-teller)
Mabel (Seamstress)
Mr. Racketti (Chilled out groundhog)
Mr. Resetti (Annoyed groundhog)
Pelly (Post office clerk)
Pete (Postal delivery worker)
Phyllis (Post office clerk: evenings)
Porter (Train conductor)
Rover (Train-riding cat)
Sable (Seamstress: The quiet one)
Saharah (Traveling carpet seller)
Snowman (Rotund ice sculpture)
Timmy Nookling (Tom's Nook's boy)
Tommy Nookling (Tom Nook's other boy)
Tortimer (Town mayor)
Totakeke/K.K. Slider (Musician)
Wendell (Traveling hungry wallpaper seller)
Whisp (Ghost)
All characters

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Wart Jr.









Little Bears





Sue E




Pecan Ricky


On different days, you can find a bird washed up on shore, unconscious on the beach. Talk to him and he will give you a piece of furniture you can find anywhere.

On the fourth Thursday in November, at 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Tortimer invites a turkey to town to be the main course. The turkey appears, and he will ask you to steal a pair of knives and forks. You must go to the wishing well and steal the pair of cutlery. You must give them back to him, and the villagers who are not at the feast will give you hints as to where he is located. For example, if they say "I saw this strange guy in Acre C, you'd better go check it out", search every acre in the row of Acre C. You can steal the knife and fork as many times as desired, and get as much Harvest Series Furniture as needed.

The best way to get full sets of furniture is to make sure all your debts are paid off then make sure you always have 10,000 Bells available at all times. Every day, go to Nook's and buy all the furniture you do not have. Then, sell it all back for a lower price. You may get down to about 6,000 Bells. Go fishing until you get to 10,000 Bells again. If you get more, deposit it in the bank (being the Post Office) then do the same thing the next day. Later, after you have done this frequently, look at your catalog and see what you have unlocked. Then, start ordering sets to increase your HRA rating.

Every day on your city, there is at least one piece of furniture hidden in a tree. It is usually always in a tree that is never shaken that often, in a corner, or in a place where it is a burden to walk there. When you shake trees, you have a chance to find all of four things: furniture (20%), 100 Bells (30%), bees (40%) and nothing (10%).

When there is snow on the ground, preferably in December, find a snowball roll it up very big. Then, go around and find another snowball. Roll it up slightly smaller than the first one. If you done correctly, the snowman will give you some furniture.

Use the following trick to get rare furniture. It is very time consuming and requires two memory cards, one with your town data and another that you can put a new town on. Go to any trading message board and see what people are trading. If you see something that you really want, create a town and character with exactly the same as the person receiving the good item. Once you do your chores for Tom Nook, tell him the code from earlier. You can send this item over to your main town using the password option. Now that you have the desired item in your possession, you can delete your second town if desired. Also, when you send it to yourself, you can keep telling Nook the code repeatedly, and you will keep getting the item (up to three, then you must save and quit to get any more). This also works with any other trading codes.

Use the following trick for an easy way to collect more furniture for your catalog. During the winter, various animals play games with you in the Igloo. One of the animals in your town (for example, Savannah) will play a chance game that involves her having five pieces of furniture. She will list one at a time and make you buy the fifth item if you did not like the previous four (which she could price at a few hundred Bells or a few thousand). Keep going in and out, buying whatever furniture you need to collect. When you have less than 2000 Bells available, she plays a different game with you. She will then offer to buy the furniture that is in your inventory (the furniture that you just bought from her). She will have four cards for you to pick from:
One card will be worth a lot of Bells (2,000 to 4,000)
One card will be 1,000 to 2,000 (the cost to purchase it from Tom Nook)
One card will be whatever Tom Nook would pay if you sold it
One card will be only 10 Bells and a random item (because she feels bad)
The worse card would be receiving only what Tom Nook would pay for it. The 10 Bell card comes with an item, so you can resell it to Savannah (or whomever) again. For the most part, you will get your Bells back and can buy more furniture from her. She always sells furniture for under 2,000 Bells; when she offers an expensive or rare piece, you get a better deal than buying it from Tom Nook. It appears that she charges 75% of all the money you have in your wallet if you pick the fifth piece of furniture (at worse, or it could only be 300 Bells). Try not to gamble on the fifth piece of furniture until you are around 3,000 Bells. Go fishing to earn more Bells to buy furniture from her. However, generally selling back the furniture lasts a long time. The only annoying thing about this process is talking to her repeatedly (they do not get mad about this in the Igloo) until she offers the game. You can obtain almost all of the furniture available in the game this way (except for Redd, special event items, etc.). Also, you can only get the Igloo Model, Snowboard, Chowder, Snow Bunny, Snowy Tree Model, Fireplace, Crab Stew and Sleigh from playing these Igloo games. For other seasons, you may only get the Campfire, Bonfire, Kayak, Backpack, Tent Model, Cooler, Mountain Bike, and Propane Stove in the Tents.

Every December 24, from 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., a reindeer named Jingle will appear and give gifts to the animals. Find him walking around your town four times and he will give you some kind of Jingle furniture. He only gives one item per year.

Use the following trick to get a variety of furniture: Go to tom Nook's and check your catalog. Order a lot of cheap furniture (for example, orange box, green econo chair, etc.), then save and quit the game. Resume the game and all of the furniture you ordered will be in your mailbox. Next, use a Game Boy Advance link cable. Travel to your tropical island with all of the furniture, a Golden Shovel, and lots of fruit. When you get there, bury all the furniture, drop all the fruit on the ground, and drop your Golden Shovel on the ground. Return to your town and save the island to your Game Boy Advance. On your Game Boy Advance, pick up a piece of fruit and drop it near your islander so that he eats it. Repeat the process until he is very happy. The game indicates this by speeding up the music, him throwing money on the ground, and giving him a happy face. Then, pick up the Golden Shovel (it looks like a blue basket) and drop it near him. Once he has it in his hands, go to every digging spot and tell him to dig there. He will keep the furniture he digs up and replace it with something else. If he is happy enough, it will be something better than before. If he ever stops being happy, give him more fruit. Once finished, tell him to drop the shovel, put the Game Boy Advance on standby, return to the island, and dig up all the furniture. Also grab your Golden Shovel if desired. Repeat the process as needed. You should have lots of different furniture. You can keep it or sell it for a sizable profit.

Leave a piece of candy sitting on the ground outside your house for a while. There will be ants crawling on the candy when you return, unless it is raining. Leave the candy on the ground and you can walk back and forth in and out of the screen. When you return, there will be more ants every time. You can scoop up an ant and donate it to the Museum or sell it at Nook's shop for 80 Bells each. Although this is not a lot, you can catch a lot of ants quickly, and they can add up.

Buy some turnips and let them spoil. You can do this by keeping them in your pocket for awhile or waiting for the week to end. Then, take them to the dump and leave them. Leave the screen, then return. There will be ants on them or a roach that you can catch and put in the museum. Do not sell the roach, as Nook will only give you 5 Bells for it.

Bag Worm
If you shake all the trees, you may find a bug that hangs down like a cocoon. Catch and donate it to the Museum. The bug is called a bag worm. It is fairly rare and hard to find. You will probably be stung trying this. When the bees chase you, turn in the opposite direction of them when they are approaching. When they get close, snap down your net and they will swing around you and go into the net. They are worth 4,500 Bells each.

Once you have donated a dragonfly to the Museum, go to the insect section of the Museum. Remain still by the dragonfly. It should land on your head. Stay still, or it will fly away. This may also work with a dragonfly outside.

Locate a hole where you normally find fossils. Instead of a fossil, sometimes you will get a Gyroid.

When you plant more that five flowers around your house, Ladybugs will appear and sit on them in the spring.

If you are having trouble catching locusts, sneak up behind it. Sell it at Nook's place for 1,250 Bells.

Mole Cricket
While you are walking, you may hear an odd buzzing sound. Dig immediately at that instant to have about a 50% chance of digging up the Mole Cricket. Donate it to Bathers at the local Museum. There is also a chance that this is a false alarm, in which chase you may dig up 100 Bells instead.

Every now and then when you walk around, you will hear a low pitched buzzing but will not be able to locate an insect. This is a Mole Cricket, which is buried somewhere in the acre. You need to dig all over the place to find it. Often, this can take a lot of work. However, if a villager is in the acre, sometimes they can help. Villagers will often stare at insects or fish when they are close to them. If you hear the buzzing and see a villager staring at a certain spot, dig there and you will find the Mole Cricket.

Usually a neighbor will chase insects or stare at fishes. Sometimes they will stare at the ground. Dig where they are looking and the Mole Cricket will pop out. This technique also works with the Pill Bug when they stare at a rock.

Sometimes when you hit a rock with your shovel, a little black dot will pop out. The dot is a Pillbug, which can be sold at Nook's for 250 Bells. You will have to change from your shovel to your net to catch it. However, it will be easy to catch because it does not run away.

If you do not play the game in a week or two, roaches will start appearing in your house.

The only way to get rid of them is to repeatedly move your furniture to get the roaches to come out, then squash them until no more appear.

Every night between 12 and 4, there is a ghost somewhere in town. You cannot see him until you will step where he is standing. He will ask you to catch five ghouls for him before 4 o'clock. If you do so, you can get a prize, roof painting, or he will remove all the weeds in your town.

This item is used to trick your friends that also live in your village. To use it, dig a hole with a shovel, and then bury the Pitfall. Whenever your friend moves around in the village and runs over it, they will fall in the hole. However, if your friend sees that there is an item there, they can also dig it up and use the same trick on you. Place this behind houses and trees where shortcuts are usually taken to increase the chance that your friend will fall in. Once someone falls in, the Pitfall is used and cannot be reused until found again.

To get a free Umbrella, design a pattern. Go to your patterns then select "Use" on the pattern you created. Select "Use On Umbrella" and your character will magically have an umbrella in his or her hand. Note: It disappears if you take it off.

Leave a spoiled onion outside and go back into your house. Go back outside with your net and there will be a bug there. Note: This may not during certain months.

Free patterns
This trick requires a Game Boy Advance and link cable. Do some chores for the residents to earn some items and sell them to Tom Nook. Do this until you have at least 5,000 Bells. Then, go to the tailors and talk to Mable. Select "Other Things" then choose "Download Tools". Next, draw your design on your Game Boy Advance and save it. It is a free pattern. Then, talk to Mable again and go to "Upload Pattern". Select the one you desire and transfer it. Close the screen and try your new outfit. You can do this as many times as desired.

Hear every song
Make sure you cannot carry anymore items when Totakeke gets to town on Saturday nights. Talk to him and he will play a song. Afterwards, he will notice that you do not have room for the Aircheck. He will tell you to return later. Talk to him again, and he will play a different song. Repeat this until you have heard a song that you like, then drop an item. Talk to him again and request the song you enjoyed.

Get more than one song per Saturday
This trick requires at least two memory cards. Have two towns saved, one on each card. At 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, get a song from Totakeke, then go to the other town and get one there. If desired, repeatedly delete the second town, make a new one on the second card, and get a new song each time.

Get more than one of K.K. Slider's songs
On Saturday from 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., visit another town and get a song from K.K. Slider. Leave that town, then repeat the process. You can over 30 songs in one night.

Secret K.K. Slider songs
There are four secret songs that Totakeke will not play unless you request them. They are: I Love You, K.K. Song, Two Days Ago, and Only Me.

The song called "K.K. Song" is actually the theme from the SNES game Mario Paint .

Get a special song from K.K. Slider. Advance the Gamecube's system time one day ahead. Repeat the previous steps until you have all three special songs.

Get songs quickly
Have four people living in your town and make each person get a new song from K.K. Make them all give each song to the person that you want to have all the K. K. songs. Also, you can use two memory cards with four people on the other one to get eight songs, three to get twelve new songs, etc.

K. K. Slider's songs

Aloha KKKK EtudeKK Song
Cafe KKKK FaireKK Soul
Comrade KKKK FolkKK Steppe
DJ KKKK FusionKK Swing
Go KK Rider!KK GumboKK Tango
I Love YouKK JazzKK Technopop
Imperial KKKK LamentKK Waltz
KK AriaKK Love SongKK Western
KK BalladKK LullabyLucky KK
KK BluesKK MamboMr. KK
KK BossaKK MarchOnly Me
KK CalypsoKK ParadeRockin' KK
KK CasbahKK RagtimeSenor KK
KK ChoraleKK ReggaeSurfin' KK
KK CondorKK RockThe K Funk
KK CountryKK SafariTwo Days Ago
KK Cruisin'KK Salsa
KK D & BKK Samba
KK DirgeKK Ska

Note: the "Rockin' K.K." song frequently plays clips from the SNES game, Stunt Race FX . It is on the menu screen.

Getting K.K. Slider songs faster
K.K. Slider has 55 songs. Since you only get them each Saturday (sometime

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