Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Cheats - GameCube

 All cheats for this game by platform: GameCube
Check out these Sonic Adventure 2 Battle cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Full pause screen
Pause game play then hold [Y] + [X].

In-game reset
Hold [X] + [B] + [Start] during game play.

Zoom in tutorial
While in the tutorial subscreen, press [Y] button to zoom in on the picture.

Freeze camera
To keep the camera still in the Chao Garden or in an action stage where you can stand still, hold [L] + [R].

Sonic Team announcement
Allow the game to idle at the "Press Start" screen. After several demos, the Sonic Team logo will appear again and Tails will say "Sonic Team!".

Go to options menu and select the "Menu Screen Theme" option. Change the theme to anything desired. then, press [B] and return to the starting screen. Wait until several demos are shown, then you should hear the character that you selected say "Sonic Team".

Character comments
Start any mission, and keep your character idle for about twenty seconds. They will comment about the mission. They will say something different when you continue to wait until forty seconds.
Boss time attack mode
Successfully complete either side story to see all the scenes from the side of the story that you chose or you can play the Bosses that you fought in a time attack mode. To get both the Hero and the Dark modes you have to complete both sides of the game.

Last stage
Successfully complete both Hero and Dark side story modes. Enter story mode to access the "Last Stage?" option.

Extra Island level
To get an extra Island level, you must get all the Emblems, including Kart, Timed Boss, and the emblems for all A rating. Once you have them all, which should total 180, the island next to the Green Forest level will have the face of Sonic on it. The new level is a 3D version of the Green Hills Zone, from Sonic The Hedgehog . This level has no missions, is very simple, and has many varying routes.

Extra costumes
Get "A" ranks on every mission with the character you wish to get the costume for in two-player mode.

Duplicate money
This trick requires two memory cards. The Chao Garden and the adventure mode are stored as two separate files. You spend the money in the Chao Garden, but the money tracked on the adventures file. To duplicate money, copy the adventures file from memory card one to memory card two. Then, play the game. Use all the money to raise your Chaos. Once you have run out, delete the adventures file from memory card one and copy the file from memory card two. All the money you spent will be back, and everything you have done in the garden will still be present. For easy money, spend all the money on the most expensive items you can obtain and throw them into a Garden. Delete the adventures file from memory card one and copy the adventures file from memory card two to memory card one. Play the game, go to the Chao Garden, and sell all the items.

Duplicating Chao
This trick requires two memory cards (with another Sonic Adventure 2 Battle file on the second card), a link cable, and a Game Boy Advance. Put the Chao to be duplicated onto the Chao Transporter. Drop off your Chao to the Game Boy Advance. Then, go to "Move" on the Chao Transporter and transfer your real Chao (not the one in the Game Boy Advance) to a Sonic Adventure 2 Battle file on the second memory card. Next, pick up your Chao copy from the Game Boy Advance and transfer it to the Gamecube. You can now move back your real Chao from the other memory card to the first file you were working with.

This trick requires two memory cards. To get two free normal Chaos at one time, put two memory cards in the slots. Transfer all your Chao into one memory card (through the GBA Station). Erase Chao data on the first memory card, transfer the Chaos back, and then you will find two Chao eggs. Note: If you have acquired the Dark and Hero gardens, they will be lost. You have to earn them back again with babies. Also, If all your Chao do not fit on the memory card, either get another memory card, or you will lose them.

Use the following trick to copying a Chao with two memory cards and no Game Boy Advance. Put two memory cards into the Gamecube. Next, copy your Sonic Adventure Battle 2 file from the first memory card over to the second memory card. This will delete your Sonic Adventure Battle 2 file on the second memory card if you had one. Next, go to the Chao Garden (it does not matter which one, on which card) and go to the transporter (the big Game Boy Advance), select "Move Chao", and transfer whichever Chao you want from the second memory card to the first. If you do not want the file on the second, delete it. You can do this as many times as needed.

This trick requires two memory cards and a Game Boy Advance with link cable. Take a Chao to the Chao transporter. Drop off the Chao in the Game Boy Advance. Then, go back in and pick it up. Immediately after you select "pick up", disconnect the link cable. If done correctly, you will have the Chao both in the Game Boy Advance and the Chao Garden. Move the Chao in the garden to the other memory card. Then, move the one in the Game Boy Advance to the first memory card. Note: If you do not move the one in the first memory card to the second memory card and try to pick up the Chao on the Game Boy Advance, it will erase the Chao in the garden, leaving only one Chao.

To copy a Chao with only one memory card, you need a Game Boy Advance and a link cable. First, put a copy of the desired Chao into the Game Boy Advance and unplug it. Save the game and turn off the Game Cube. Remove the memory card and plug in the Game Boy Advance. Then, go to the Chao Garden by entering the Emblem Results screen and selecting either "Chao Race" or "Chao Karate". Pick up your Chao, then insert the memory card into slot B. Then, simply move the Chao into the memory card.

This trick requires two memory cards. Enter the Chao garden then, pick up the Chao to be duplicated. Remove your memory card. Walk to the Chao Transporter and select "Move". Then, try to move the Chao you wish to duplicate to the other memory card. The message "No memory card detected in slot 1. Continue without saving?" will appear. Select "Yes". Once it has transferred, turn off the Gamecube. You should now have the Chao on two memory cards. Note: If you try to move one of the duplicated Chaos to another memory card with the same Chao already on it, there is a chance it will delete that Chao. This will also work with eggs.

Hero Garden for Chao
Take a Chao and raise it with a Hero so that it will resemble a Hero. Wait until it cocoons into an angel-like Chao (it will have a halo). Then, take the stairs going up at the Chao Lobby to reach the Hero Garden.

Go to Pumpkin Hill and find the Skeleton Dog. Exit and do it again until you have maxed the line. Go to the Garden with a Hero character. The dogs should still be in there. Keep doing this.

Dark Garden for Chao
Take a Chao and raise it with a Dark character. Feed and train it until it cocoons. After it evolves, stairs will appear at the Chao Lobby. Follow them to reach the Dark Garden.

Go to Pumpkin Hill and find the Skeleton Dog. Exit and do it again until you have maxed the line. Go to the Garden with Knuckles and drop off the Dogs. Exit the garden than go back in with a Dark character. The dogs should still be in there. Keep doing this.

Chao expressions
Your Chao's expressions depend on how many seconds you shake the egg before it hatches. About six seconds results in the V face and ten seconds for no expression face. To get the very wide smile you may have to experiment.

Preview evolved Chao
Get an already evolved Chao. Next, collect the animal you want to use (Dragons, Bears, etc.). Then, feed them to your evolved Chao. This will show you what your Choa will look like when evolved.

Soon to evolve Chao
Your Chao is close to transforming if it starts to sleep often. If you have another transformed Chao, bring the sleeping Chao to the Hero Garden and it will transform.

Determining Chao's gender
Give a ram to a Chao. If the horns are yellow, the Chao is male. If the horns are pink, the Chao is female.

Advanced evolutions
Note: the first stat is the type you should make it and the second is the stat that you should raise very high after it evolves. This works best with Spotted Egg Chao.
Full Red Chao: Power + Power
Hydralisk Chao: Power + Swim
Volcano Chao: Power + Fly
Can Opener Chao: Power + Run
Sumo Chao: Swim + Power
Slicing Chao: Swim + Swim
Sea Monster Chao: Swim + Fly
Scorpion Chao: Fly + Power
Armor Chao: Fly + Swim
Nights Chao: Fly + Fly
Ram Chao: Fly + Run
Boxing Chao: Run + Power
Life Form Chao: Run + Swim
Elf Chao: Run + Fly
Sonic Chao: Run + Run
Tough Curl Chao: Stamina + Power
Shark Chao: Stamina + Swim
Tall Chao: Stamina + Stamina
Different Chao types
You can make your Chao different types (for example, Running, Power, etc.) by giving your Chao a large amount of the same colored Chaos Drives. Pet your Chao with the either a Hero or Dark character. If you give your Chao green Chao Drives, then it will be a Running type. If yellow, it will be a Swimming type. If red, it will be a Power type. If purple, it will be a Flying type.

Different Chao head
Go to the Black Market and buy a Red Apple or Cardboard Box. Take it to your Chao. When it is mature enough, give it the Apple or Cardboard Box to your Chao. It will be confused at first, then a "!" will appear above its head. It will put it on its head. If u do not want it on its head anymore, throw or punch it and it will pop off.

If you want your Chao to have an item on his head, such as a skull or a pumpkin, get a Skeleton Dog (small animal) which can be found on Church Mountain in Pumpkin Hill, as well as some other levels. Go to the Chao Garden and give a Chao the Skeleton Dog. Then, give it the item you want placed on his head. Skulls can be found by digging with Knuckles or Rouge in the Dark Garden; Pumpkins can be found by digging in the Chao or Hero gardens; and other items such as a Cardboard Box can be purchased in the Black Market in the Chao Kindergarten.

Free pumpkins for Chao
Go to any Chao Garden as Knuckles and dig in the ground. You will find pumpkins if you dig enough. Give them to your Chao, and if it is powerful enough, it will put it on its head.

Free toys for Chao
Take your Chao to school. Whatever the lesson is, they should bring something related back. For example, if the lesson is tambourine they will bring one back with a star on it; if the lesson is flute, they will bring one back.

Free fruits for Chao
Note: Sonic Advance and the Game Boy Advance link cable are required for this trick. Buy the fruits on Sonic Advance . Go to any Chao Garden and enter the Chao Transporter. Link to Sonic Advance and transfer the fruits for free.

Finding items in Chao Gardens
You can find items such as pumpkins (regular and Hero Garden) and skulls (Dark Garden). As Knuckles or Rouge, go into the Chao world. When you enter the gardens, there are plants that have big green leaves that are usually in corners or against the wall. If you dig in all of them, you should find an item worth 50 coins. Note: This does not work all the time -- wait or return another time and they should be there.

Kill yourself in the Hero Garden
Go to the Hero Garden as Tails. Jump into the water and go to the deepest part. After a short time, you will hear the "danger" music and then die.

Chao swimming or flying
To get your Chao to swim, give it lots of animals that can swim. To make them fly, give them some flying type animals and bring them to the tallest cliff. Set it by the edge and he/she will walk off and start flying. Note: It may not fly the first time -- keep trying.

For a swimming type, give a Chao a lot of animals that can swim and yellow Chaos Drives. Note: Swim type animals may decrease other abilities, such as running, power, or flying. Set your Chao in the water for each level it goes up in swimming. You will soon notice that your Chao swims on its belly.

Chao band or choir
When one Chao starts to play an instrument or sing, pick up other Chaos and put them next to the singing/playing Chao. It will also start playing. Continue doing this and you will have a band/choir. Note: This works with all activities except for drawing. Some Chao may just sit down to watch and shake their heads to the beat.

Chaos Chao
In order to acquire the immortal Chaos Chao transform a Chao at least two times. This means that your Chao must create a tear-shaped cocoon around it self twice. After this has been accomplished, give your Chao (hero, neutral, or dark) one of each animal. On the third transformation, your Chao will become a Chaos Chao. Note: This will not work if your Chao dislikes you.

Raise your Chao's stamina to about level 7 to 15 to send him through his first metamorphosis. Leave the Gamecube on overnight while you are in the garden. It is recommended that the Chao be alone in the garden. Then, check your game and he should be a baby which is good. After that, repeat the first metamorphosis process. Once evolved again, leave it on overnight once more. Now that your Chao is a baby again (for the third time), give it one of every animal. Finally give it a Hero Fruit for Hero Chaos Chao, a Dark Fruit for Dark Chaos Chao, and a Chao Fruit for a Light Chaos Chao. Wait for awhile for your well earned Chaos Chao.

Start abusing your Chao with the type of storyline you do not want your Chao to grow up to be. It will transform eventually. Repeat this until it has transformed three times. As you begin the rest of the game, give your Chao each small animal you find and that one Chao. It will turn into a Chaos Chao.

Get a fresh egg (white and blue only). Feed it only Chao Fruits and train it nicely with both sides, Hero and Dark, until it evolves once. It will create a cocoon in the shape of the Chao's head. If done correctly, it will be a baby blue Chao again. Repeat the last step until it evolves for the second time. After it has evolved twice (it should still be blue), give it one of every animal. Then, give it a Chao Fruit for a Neutral Chaos Chao, a Dark Fruit for an Evil Chaos Chao, or a Hero Fruit for an Angel Chaos Chao.

Chaos 0 Chao
This trick requires a Game Boy Advance, Sonic Advance, and a link cable. Play the first stage on Sonic Advance until you have 14,000 rings. Then, buy an aquamarine egg. Transfer it to the Gamecube. Do the same as you would for a light chaos Chao. When it evolves, it will look like Chaos 0 from Sonic.

This trick requires a Game Boy Advance, Sonic Advance, and a link cable. Go to the Tiny Chao Garden on Sonic Advance and buy an aquamarine egg. Transfer it to the GameCube, and hatch it. Next, give it Yellow Drives with both Hero and Dark characters. Finally, feed it some nuts and it will make a blue cocoon. If done correctly, you should have a Neutral Swimming type that looks a lot like Chaos 0.

This trick requires a Game Boy Advance, Sonic Advance, and a link cable. Play Sonic Advance and buy an Aquamarine Jewel egg. Import it into Sonic Adventure 2: Battle . Hatch the egg and feed it only Coconuts until it evolves. Then, either wait until it is breeding season for that Chao or buy two Heart fruits and feed one to the Aquamarine Chao and the other to the Shiny Chao that is an adult that you bought from Black Market (not from the Tiny Chao Garden). It cannot be a Shiny Grey, Shiny Yellow, or Shiny Pink Chao. Mate both of the Chao that have eaten the Heart fruit until you get the Transparent Aquamarine Chao. Once you get it, feed it only Green Chaos Drives and Coconuts with Dark characters only until it evolves into the basic Shadow Chao. Once it evolves, feed it a Heart fruit or wait until it is mating season for that Chao. After mating season, keep feeding it Red Chaos Drives until its spikes are shaped like Chaos from Sonic Adventure:DX .

Black Chao
To make a black Chao, grab it and keep throwing it to the ground or the walls.

Keep throwing the Chao when it is black and it will turn blue again. It will then turn white. You can keep throwing and it will go blue, then black, and can be repeated as many times as desired.

Black and blue Chao
Note: This trick requires have Sonic Adventure DX with Amy's missions completed, a Game Boy Advance, and link cable. First go to the Egg Carrier with Amy. Go to the prison she was locked in and where the scene with E-102 and her took place. Go to the cage next to where Amy was and pick up the egg. Take the egg to a Chao Garden and hatch it. Send the Chao to the Sonic Advance or Sonic Advance 2 Tiny Chao Garden. From there, put it in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle . Go to the Chao Garden to retrieve your new black and blue Chao from the Game Boy Advance.

Cream the rabbit Chao
Get an orange Chao then transform it into a water Hero. Do this repeatedly until its ears are long. When it is an adult, give it about five Rabbits, or until it is a full rabbit. Then, give it Skeleton Dogs until the ears are gone, and all that remains are the arms, legs, and tail. If you can get a two-toned orange and yellow Chao, use it instead.

Devil Chao
Pet any Chao that is a baby with Shadow until its ball is pink, then only raise it with Shadow, Eggman, or Rouge. Note: Do not abuse it.

Dragon Chao
Buy a purple Chao from the Black Market and feed it plenty of Dragon animals.

Ghost Chao
Get a transparent Chao of any color. Breed it with a shiny white Chao. Save the shiny white's egg shell. The Chao should appear from the egg invisible. If it is invisible (except for the eyes, mouth, wings, and ball), give it some Skele-Dogs and put the egg shell from the shiny white on its head. Then, give it bats so that its wings disappear and use only Chao Drives to make it fly (recommended that it be higher than the rest), swim (needs at least 100 experience to learn), and walk (needs at least 50 experience to learn). , Make the fly stat very high. When done with the stats, give it some Half-Fishes to make its ball a flame. You now have a ghost Chao that floats and flies around your garden.

Hero Chao
Pet any Chao that is a baby with Sonic until its ball is blue, then only raise it with Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles Note: Do not abuse it.

Ultimate Light and Dark Chaos
Once you have transformed your Hero or Dark Chao into a Chaos Chao, give it every animal. Wait a long time. Eventually it will start cocooning. Once it is out of its cocoon, if its an Ultimate Dark Chao it will have a blue flame above its head, horns, and huge wings. If its the Ultimate Light Chao, it will have a bright gold glowing halo over its head, pink glowing legs and arms.

To get the ultimate Light, Angel, and Devil Chao, you must first make sure you Chao has just rebirthed for its second time. Make sure you have not given it any animals yet. Then, give it one of all the twenty one animals to play with in no particular order (Boar, Cheetah, Bunny, Otter, Seal, Penguin, Gorilla, Tiger, Bear, Condor, Parrot, Peacock, Sheep, Racoon, Skunk, Half Fish, Skeleton Dog, Bat, Unicorn, Dragon, Phoenix). For an Angel Chao, use Sonic, Knuckles, or Tails to give all the animals. For a Devil Chao use Dr. Eggman, Shadow, or Rouge to give all the animals. For a Light Chao, use a combination of all the characters to give all the animals. Remember, if you want your Chao to rebirth you must not throw him or her. Pet them and feed them frequently. To get the best color for your Devil, Light, or Angel Chao, use the eggs that you get when you first entered the Garden. They are white with blue and yellow spots.

Getting the Hero and Dark Chao easier
To get a Hero Chao easier, hatch one and jump on it with a Dark character. It will start turning white and the ball on its head will turn blue and its wings will turn to angel wings. Feed it Hero fruits with a Dark character. To get a Dark Chao easier, hatch one and jump on it with a Hero character. After awhile it will turn black and the ball on its head will turn red and its wings will turn to bat wings. Feed it Dark fruit with a Hero character.

Use the following trick to get a Dark Chao easier. First, give a Baby Chao a fruit. Then, take the food away. You will see it is a shade darker. Keep doing this until it evolves. Your Chao may rub its eyes or shed tears. Do not give that Chao any food at all. It may get hungry, but still do not feed it. After you have done all of this, wait for it to evolve and it will be a Dark Chao.

Shiny colorful Chao
Enter the Tiny Chao Garden in Sonic Advance . Press [L] to buy an egg to get to the shop. Transfer the egg to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle . When the egg comes out, it should be a different color than it was before the transfer.

Sonic Chao
Buy a Blue Egg at Black Market. Hatch a Blue Egg and feed this Chao nothing but green animals/chaos drives and some fruits with a Hero and Dark character so you will have a neutral Chao. When the Chao evolves, you will have a Sonic Chao. After it evolves, feed it more green animals/chaos drive with Sonic only to make the spikes more like him.

Metal Sonic Chao
Buy a Shiny Blue Egg at Black Market. Hatch a Shiny Blue Egg and feed this Chao nothing but green animals/chaos drives and some fruits with Hero and Dark characters so you will have a neutral Chao. When the Chao evolves, you will have a Metal Sonic Chao. After it evolves, feed it more green animals/chaos drives with Sonic only to make the spikes more like him.

Metal Super Sonic Chao
Get a Gold (sparkly gold preferred) Chao. Raise it with both sides. Give it lots of Green Chao Drives with both sides nicely and it will eventually evolve.

Metal Shadow Chao
Get a Shiny Black Chao. Raise it with both sides and give it lots of Green Chao Drives. Eventually it will evolve.

Midnight Chao
When you are in the Chao Garden, you will start with two neutral, normal eggs. Hatch one of them by throwing it against the wall with Sonic. When the egg breaks, abuse the chao (throw it, bounce attack on it, etc.) and it will start to turn black. It will have reddish-to-yellow feet tips and hand tips, and the same color on their devil tail and spike on their head. The Chao's floating ball should be reddish now, and an upside-down red crescent moon will be on its chest. Feed it one Chao fruit from the Black Market as Sonic. Note: Your Chao may not like you after this abuse. Then, keep on giving it Green Chaos Drives (run type) as Sonic and it will begin to walk around Run level 5. Next, feed it normal fruits and pet it, but throw it a little when it gets too happy. Then, use Dr. Eggman and give it a lot (about ten) of Green Chaos Drives and pet it until it is happy and loves you. Its dot will be a heart when you pick it up. Then, keep feeding it normal fruits until the following happens over the next few visits: red dot to light magenta dot to dark purple dot to blue dot to dark dusky blue dot and reddish hands and feet to yellowish hands & feet to pale yellow hands and feet to blue hands and feet As this process occurs, the red crescent moon will disappear, and two spikes should form on either side of the point where the ball floats over. For the final step play as Rouge and give the Chao Green Chaos Drives again. Then return as Sonic and feed it one last Chao fruit. It should metamorphose and come out as a black, dark allegiance Chao with neon blue bottoms on its feet, neon blue stripes up its arms, a neon blue spiky dot, and the crescent moon marking will be back (but will be neon blue also).

Mate a neutral Dark Chao with a white neutral Dark Chao. Note: It may not always be a midnight Chao; sometimes it will be white.

Phoenix Chao
Buy a yellow (preferably shiny yellow) egg and hatch it. If possible, you want the "No-Mouthed Chao." Raise its Stamina and Flying a lot with Tails until it evolves into a Flying Hero. Then for its second evolution, raise its flying a lot and feed it a lot of Phoenixes with Sonic. After its second evolution, it should look somewhat like a Phoenix-like Chao. Continue raising its Flying very high for better effects. For another Phoenix Chao, do the evolution as follows: 1. Hero Running, then Flying with Phoenixes; 2. Neutral Flying with Phoenixes for a Phoenix-like Dragon Chao. Try to combine Phoenixes and Dragons so it has the horns and antenna, but the Phoenix's other attributes. Make sure it evolves Power, then Flying.

Red, white, and blue Chao
Buy a purple egg (the non-shiny one) and only go in with Shadow. Feed it only fruits that grow in the garden. Once changes into the blue-shaped cocoon, get a normal chao (from the blue and yellow spotted ones) and give it only yellow Chaos Drives and Sea Otters until its swim is at level 25. Then, only feed it the fruits that grow in the garden. When it goes into the blue cocoon, go to the Black Market and buy two Heart fruits. Drop them off in the Dark Garden. Then, take both of them to the Dark Garden. Give the one that came from the spotted egg one of the Heart fruits. Once it is completely done eating it and has flowers around itself, give the other fruit to the purple Chao. Once it is done eating, bring the one from the spotted egg next to the purple one. You should then hear romantic music and the two Chao should be kissing. Once they have an egg, pick it up and throw it a few times, alternating throwing and rocking. Be careful not to throw it against the wall. After that, whistle a couple times and it will hatch.

Rouge Chao
Buy a white Chao egg from the Black Market and give it lots of Purple Chaos Drives with Rouge only. When it transforms, it will be a Rouge Chao. Give it more Chaos Drives to make things like its ears to look like Rouge's.

Shining Knuckles Chao
Buy a garnet or shiny red egg and never give it any animals. When it goes into a pink cocoon, hatch the egg that comes out. Repeat that same process. Once it is a baby for its third time, give it only one of each animal, then feed it only Hero fruits until it evolves. When it evolves, it should look just like Knuckles without the gloves, shoes, and nose.

Hyper Shadow Chao
Collect 500 Rings on Sonic Advance and go to the Tiny Chao Garden and get a Silver Chao egg. Use a transfer cable to transport it to the Gamecube. Hatch the egg and raise it with Shadow. Get Green Chao Drives with Dr. Eggman at his first level. Go to the Chao Garden and give the Chao Drives to your Silver Chao. Continue this until running is around level 20 and higher than everything else. Then, raise stamina until it evolves. When it becomes a Dark Chao, it will have three spikes on the back of its head and will resemble Shadow in super form when fighting the Final Hazard.

Super Sonic Chao
Buy a Shiny Yellow Egg at Black Market. Hatch a Shiny Yellow Egg and feed this Chao nothing but green animals/chaos drives and some fruits with Hero and Dark characters so you will have a neutral Chao. When the Chao evolves, you will have a Super Sonic Chao. After it evolves, feed it more green animals/chaos drives with Sonic only to make the spikes more like him.

Buy a Gold Egg from the Game Boy Advance Tiny Chao Garden, transfer it to the Neutral Chao Garden, and hatch it there. Raise it to be a Neutral/Running/Running Chao. To do this, give it a lot of green Chaos Drives or animals that increase running stats. If you are planning on making this an Immortal Chaos Chao, you might try the fruits in the Tiny Chao Garden which raise the stats. Once it turns Neutral/Running, wait until it reincarnates and do the process again until it turns Neutral/Running/Running. After this happens, you will see that your Chao has grown big dreadlocks and little shoes like Sonic. If you bought the Gold Egg at the beginning, it should look almost the same as Super Sonic.

Mate A Yellow Chao with a Shiny White Chao until the offspring is a Shiny Yellow Chao. Then, make it a Dark Running Chao. Yellow is better than Gold because it looks more like Super Sonic. You make it Dark because the tips of the Chao's head point up just like Super Sonic.

Sparkly normal Chao
At the Black Market, buy a white sparkly Egg. Buy two Chao Fruits. Give the Chao Fruits to the sparkly Chao and any kind of non-sparkly adult Chao about the same time. As soon as they have an egg, throw it against the wall to hatch it. Note: This trick will only work rarely. It should be born white with blue patches. It looks even better if you evolve it Dark.

Platinum Chao
To get a cheap platinum Chao without a Game Boy Advance, buy a shiny yellow egg and a shiny white egg. Raise them to adults and breed them until you get a shiny green egg. Note: It will be almost lime green. Then, raise it dark.

Rainbow Chao
Go to Chao Karate and select "Expert". Once you get to the semifinal, you will see a Chao named Rainbow. If you wish to have a Chao like Rainbow, raise a Chao from a blue and yellow egg as a Dark character. Give it red Chaos Drives until its power is at level 4. Next, give your Chao some nuts until it makes a blue cocoon. When the cocoon disappears, it should look like Rainbow.

Flame head Chao
To get a blue flame Chao, raise a red Chao with Knuckles until it grows two spikes on it head. Then, go into Chao World and pet that Chao repeatedly for a long time. It should grow two ears on the top of its head. After that, pet it again repeatedly. A blue flame will appear on top of its head.

To get a blue flame Chao, go to the Black Market with a hero character and buy a lime green egg (requires 125 or more emblems). Bring the egg into the Hero garden and hatch it by rocking it (pick it up and hold [B] ). Once hatched, feed it a Sea Monster (from the Hidden Base maze). Then, go back into the Black Market and buy a Chao Fruit. Feed it the fruit, then feed it a Hero Chao Nut. After it finishes, the ball above its head should be a blue and orange flame.

To get any type of flame head Chao, raise your Chao to be a Hero, Dark, or Neutral type. When it evolves into one, give it three Green Lagoon Monsters, which can be found as Tails when you have to infiltrate Eggman's base.

Give a Chao at least three Half Fish or a sea monster. You can find them in the Jungle level as Sonic.

Unicorn Chao
Buy a White Egg from the Black Market. Raise it with both Hero and Dark characters. Pick up the egg and nudge it for a while. Note: If you throw the egg against the wall to hatch it, this trick will not work. Once it hatches, feed it coconuts until its stamina reaches level 4. Then, give it two Unicorns to play with. Keep petting it with both Hero and Dark characters so the ball above its head stays the same color, but the Chao gets happier. Soon it will start cocooning. When it gets out, it will be a unicorn Chao. If you abuse the chao in any way this will not work.

Chaos with items on their head
Give your Chao a skeleton dog. Then, give your Chao a skull, trash bag, pumpkin, etc. After a little while, a "!" will appear above its head and it will put it on. To take it off, attack or jump on your Chao.

Chao with rainbow wings
Keep giving a Chao all different color Chao Drives. Do this for a while and your Chao should grow either rainbow wings or rainbow arms. If this does not happen, keep trying.

Fire-breathing Chao
Give a Chao a lot of Dragons. After that, it sometimes will blow fire out of its mouth. Watch closely, as the Chao will not do it very often.

Galactic Chao
Get two egg fertility, a normal Chao, and a shiny white Chao. Make sure that both Chao are grown. Then, give the normal Chao one of the egg fertilities .When flowers appear around that Chao, give the shiny white Chao the other egg fertility and put it next to the normal Chao. An egg will appear. Hatch the egg, Then, train it to be a Dark Chao if it is normal and shiny. Note: The Chao inside the egg may turn out as a normal or shiny white.

Purple diamond Chao
Get a normal baby Chao (from a spotted egg) and give it Warthogs (can be found in Radical Highway). Pet/love it with Rouge and grow its fly level to 30 or higher. Wait for it to grow up. Then, give it Skull Dogs to take off the Warthog and you will have a purple diamond Chao.

Chao with red and black stripes
Buy a red Chao. When it is an adult, breed it with a normal devil Chao. It will make a burgundy Chao. Then, give it Red Chao Drives with a dark character. It will become a Chao with red and black stripes.

Gold Chao
Link the game with Sonic Advance on the Game Boy Advance. Go to the Tiny Chao Garden. Press [L] and if you are lucky, you will be able to buy a gold egg for 1000 rings.

Trade a yellow jewel from Sonic Advanced to Sonic Adventure 2: Battle . Buy a normal brown Chao from the Black Market. Buy two Heart Fruits. Give it to them. When they lay an egg, hatch it. It should be a gold Chao.

Sparkly Gold Chao
Buy a sparkly yellow or brown egg from the Black Market. If you buy a sparkly yellow egg, buy two Heart Fruits and give one to the sparkly Chao and one to a normal brown Chao. If you buy a sparkly brown egg, buy two Heart Fruits and give one to the sparkly brown Chao and one to a normal yellow Chao. When they lay an egg, hatch it. It should be a sparkly Gold Chao.

Silver Chao
Link the game with Sonic Advance on the Game Boy Advance. Go to the Tiny Chao Garden. Press [L] and if you are lucky, you will be able to buy a gold egg for 500 rings.

Get a white metallic Chao and raise it with a Dark character (Shadow, Rouge, Eggman) and it will turn silver.

Shadow Chao
Keep giving a Chao Green Chaos Drives. When it evolves, it will have green stripes on its head just like Shadow. This works best with the normal Chaos that hatch from the white and blue eggs.

To make a Shadow Chao, keep feeding it Green Chaos Drives and care for it with Dr. Egg-Man.

Knuckles Chao
Only feed your Chao Red Fruits, and Red Chaos Drives. Do not give your Chao any animals. Your Chao must be a Hero Chao for this to work. Your Chao will have a stem on its head, but when it transforms its sixth time, its head will look like Knuckles.

Green Sonic Chao
Get a blue egg from the Black Market. Give that Chao at least 15 Green Chaos Drives. As Sonic or Shadow, keep petting the Chao. Give that Chao the hog at least two times. You can also get a regular color Chao and give the 15 Green Chaos Drives. Then, when it evolves, spend a lot of time with the Chao as Sonic and it will be blue.

Super Sonic Chao
Raise a Gold Chao from Sonic Advanced or Sonic Adventure 2 Battle with Shadow. Do not give anything to the Chao besides fruits (Hero, Dark, Round, etc.). When your Chao transforms it, will be a Super Sonic Chao.

Hyper Shadow Chao
Raise a Silver Chao with Shadow. Feed it only fruit and chaos drives (red recommended). When it transforms, it will be a Hyper Shadow Chao.

Tails Chao
Note: This trick requires a link cable, a Game Boy Advance, Sonic Advance, and a memory card with a saved game from Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 And 2 . To get a real Tails Chao, play Phantasy Star Online Episode 1 And 2 . Go to the Hunters guild. Select the mission "Fake In Yellow". If it is not there the first time, then play some missions to unlock it. Find the Rappy that used to be a human. Talk to it, and it will make a Telepipe. Enter the Telepipe. You will go to the city. Re-enter the Telepipe. You will see 3 Rappys staring at something. Talk to all three of them and walk over to place they where staring at. A Chao will appear. It will talk to you and give you the Key item "Chao Key". Get off Regol. In the city, by the Hunters guild, you will see a GBA machine similar to the one in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle's Chao Garden. Step on it and transport the data to the Game Boy Advance. A Chao will appear in the Game Boy Advance's Tiny Chao Garden. The Chao's name will be Tails with a ??? under it (its type is unknown). Transport the Chao to the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Chao Garden. You will now have a Chao that resembles Tails with two tails, his ears, and the hair.

Tails-like Chao
Get a Purple Chao and raise it with Eggman until it gets a Dragon head (pet it frequently). Then, give it nothing except Purple Chaos Drives and only feed it five Fruits.

Dark Chao
Get every animal two times with a Dark character. It can be either be Rouge, Shadow, or Dr. Eggman. Give every animal two times to the Chao, and when his stamina level is at 7, put him on the flowers. The Chao should be in a Chao head-like cocoon and in a few seconds it should hatch into a Dark Chao.

Crazy Chao
Have a Dark Chao. When in the Dark Garden give it five Dark Fruits. After that, your Chao will sleep once you whistle. When he gets up, he will have a strange smile and start running around. He will hit other Chaos and knock them down.

Magic Chao
When you enter Chao Karate, if you go to Expert you will see a Chao named Magic. First, pet a Chao frequently with Sonic, then get one of each animal and give it to the Chao. Then, get about eight Skeleton Dogs and give it to the Chao. All the animals should be gone. If not, keep giving him the Skeleton Dog then give it lots of Green Chaos Drives. This requires patience -- it should evolve when its level reaches 32. Note. If you leave the Gamecube on overnight, the spike on its head will get longer.

Chappy Chao
If you enter Chao Karate expert mode you will see either a Choa named Magic or a Chao named Chappy. To get a Chappy Chao, get a blue spotted egg. The ones from Sonic Advanced are recommended. As Shadow, feed a Chao all normal coconuts (the ones from the neutral Chao Garden) and one of their favorite fruits (Triangle recommended). Make sure it is not asleep for a long period of time. When it evolves, give it a Skeleton Dog, then a Cardboard Box. It should put it on its head.

Ghost Chao
To make your Chao a ghost, feed it lots of Bats.

Transparent Chao
Breed a Shiny Chao with a Jewel Chao. Jewel chaos are the ones from Sonic Advanced . The normal egg is not a Jewel Chao, but silver and gold Chao eggs are. When the egg hatches, it will be light green and transparent. Try using the egg that costs 5000 rings and the shiny red Chao.

Get a Sapphire Chao from Sonic Advance and mate it with a Shiny White Chao. When the new Chao hatches, it will be a Clear Normal Chao. Note: When you change it Dark, it will be a Clear Black Chao, and Hero, it will be a White Clear Chao.

To get a totally transparent Chao, breed a clear Chao (mate a Jewel from Sonic Advance and a Shiny) and a Shiny Lime Green. If you do not get it, reset and try again. You will only be able see its wings, face, and the ball on its head.

Get higher Chao ranks
Get the required Animal or Chaos Drive for the type of Chao you want. For example, the Yellow drive or Sea Otter for swim. Then, give them mostly that color of Drive or Animal. Eventually they will evolve into an adult. When this happens, if you gave them mostly yellow for example, the adult Chao will be a swimming type and if your rank in swim was, for example an "A" rank, it will go up to "S". To improve the letter rank in Stamina, make the Chao a normal type.

An ability rank are the letters S, A, B, C, D, or E (from best to worse) next to your Chao's ability when you see the doctor in the Health Center in the Chao Kindergarten. To raise the letter up one rank, have your Chao evolve into the type of ability you would like to raise. For example, if the ability rank in flying was A, raise your Chao until it evolves into a Flying Type and the A will turn into an S.

Get a stat increasing item (animals or colored vials). Pick one up and stand directly in front of your Chao, but not so close that he takes it. Drop the item in front of him. He should grab it and get the stats, but the item can be reused.

Faster Chao leveling
Note: This trick requires a turbo controller. Walk up to the Chao that you want to level up. Set the turbo feature to [B] and you will start to pet it. Keep that button pressed and allow the game to idle like that.

Get two Chaos to breed easily
Get two heart fruits. Give one to each of the Chaos and flowers will instantly bloom around them. Grab one and put it right next to the other. Note: To breed baby Chao, you need five to ten heart fruits.

Rock Chao
When you pick up your Chao, immediately hold the Analog-stick in one direction while still holding [B]. You can release [B] when your Chao starts to rock.

Chao status
If your Chao has already evolved and has another tear shaped cocoon around it, it is either being reborn or going to die. If the tear shaped cocoon is gray, the Chao is going to die. If the cocoon is pink, your Chao will be reborn and all stats will be divided by 10.

Fast light or dark Chao
Hatch an egg in the garden with any desired character. Use a Hero character for a light Chao or a Dark character for a dark Chao.. Pet the Chao so that it becomes either black or white. Keep feeding the Chao nuts. Once its stamina is at level 7 to 15, it will go into a blue cocoon and evolve.

Change Chao color to white or black with normal egg
After your normal egg hatches, decide if you want the Chao to be white or black. If you want it to be black, get either Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles and use that character to abuse your Chao. It will eventually turn black. If you want it to be white, use Rouge, Shadow, or Eggman and abuse it. Note: Chao will be extremely sad, scream, and run.

Get a Chao Garden through abuse
If you want a special Chao Garden but do not want to spend a long time petting your Chao, just abuse it. For example, if you want your Chao to be a Hero and get the Hero Garden, use Dr. Eggman, Shadow, or Rouge in the Chao Garden and abuse your Chao with that character. If you attack a Chao enough times with a character, the Chao will become the opposite of what your character is. In the example, your Chao will turn very white and become a Hero. If you abuse your Chao with Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles, it will turn black and become a dark Chao. Note: It will take awhile for them to cocoon themselves.

Open Chao egg easily
Throw a Chao egg against a wall.

Wake up Chao
If you go to the Chao Garden and your Chao is asleep, pick it up and bring it to the doctor within fifteen seconds from picking it up. Get the doctor to examine him. When you get back, he will be alert.

Keep Chao from going in the water
In the Hero Garden, put a Chao behind the first fallen pillar to the left where you entered. It should stay there because it will have a question mark above its head, turn around, and keep on thinking and turning around. This is very useful if you have Chaos that cannot swim and you want to leave the game on overnight. Note: This trick will not work if you put the Chao too far back from the pillar. You must put the Chao behind it so that it is almost touching the pillar. It works best if the Chao is in the center.

Chao life cycle
Be nice -> Cocoon (pink) -> Reborn
Child -> Cocoon (blue) -> adult ->
Abuse it always -> Cocoon(gray) -> Dies
If the Chao is an adult and you treat it nicely, it will remember you, turn into a pink cocoon, and appear as an egg. The Chao starts off at level 00 again, but still has its stats. However, if you treat your Chao badly as an adult, it will become a gray cocoon and disappear forever.

Chao aging
Chaos age about one year every four hours you spend in the garden that they are in. If you were in a garden for 24 hours, every chao would have become a baby for its second time (if it was already an adult).

Chao that never die
This trick requires two or more Gardens. When your Chao begin to transform, if it has a gray cocoon, exit the Garden, not the Chao World, then enter again. Look for your Chao, and if it has a pink cocoon, then it is safe. If not, reenter and look for your Chao quickly, and choose it (try this with Sonic or Shadow) and put it down. Then, pet it faster until your Chao has a heart when you pick it. Put it again until it creates a pink cocoon. If it still has a gray cocoon, reenter the Garden and pick it quickly. Exit that garden with your Chao in hand and enter another garden. Put it down and pet it, and it will create a pink cocoon. If this does not work, keep trying the last step until it does. Note: This does not work all the time, so keep trying.

If your Chao forms a gray cocoon, reset the game and put your Chao in Kindergarten. Then, go to the Chao Garden and get all of the coconuts in one place. Next, go to the Hero Garden and get all the coconuts in one place there as well. Then, get you Chao, go to the Chao Garden, and put it down where all the coconuts are locted. Quickly give it all the coconuts. Then, pick it up and bring it to the Hero Garden. Make it eat the coconuts there, then wait. It will make a pink cocoon. Note: This will not work if your Chao dislikes you.

Name Chao yourself
Go to the fortune teller with your Chao. When she offers a name for your Chao and asks whether you like it, answer "No". She will make another suggestion. Answer "No" again. She will then ask if you would like to name the Chao yourself. Answer "Yes".

Delete animal characteristics from Chao
If you have a Chao with strange animal characteristics, simply give it a few Skeleton Dogs. Your Chao will return to normal. If you want to give it an animal and you do not like the outcome, repeat the process again.

Regular teenage Chao
To keep your Chao from becoming a Dark or Hero Chao before it evolves, alternate between Hero and dark Characters every visit. If the colors of your chao start to change, simply pet the Chao with the other side until it returns to normal.

Unlimited Chaos
Use a link cable and connect a Game Boy Advance to the Gamecube. Get Sonic Advance and enter the Tiny Chao Garden. Keep transferring Chaos to the big Chao Garden for a free unlimited supply.

Faster Chao growth
Transfer the Chao that you want to level up to the Tiny Chao Garden in Sonic Advance. Keep giving it fruits until it is at a good enough level and it will grow faster than in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle . Note: Your Chao will not age in the Tiny Chao Garden.

Avoid Chao race losses
If you are racing your Chao and know you will lose, press [Start] and select "Exit" and it will not be recorded as a loss.

Waking Chao up
Sleeping Chao are annoying because you cannot feed them. To wake them up, stand next to it and whistle. You do not have to anger them by picking them up during a little nap.

Gliding Chao
In the Chao Garden, pick up your Chao and carry it on top on the entrance of Chao Karate and Race. Leave your Chao there, then go in front of the water, facing your Chao that is on top. Whistle, and it will fall and glide towards you.

Not worrying about Chao aging
Note: This trick requires a Game Boy Advance, Sonic Advance, and a link cable. If you raise your Chao on the Game Boy Advance, you do not have to worry about it aging. If you are trying to save time, the Chao does not age at all. This is a good way to level up your Chao if it is at its third life (two transformations).

Chao sleeping sitting up
Let a Chao run up to get a fruit. As soon as you hear the sound of it grabbing the fruit, take the fruit away. The Chao should still be eating and after a while a fruit will appear.

Chao in a cage
In the Dark Garden, keep throwing a Chao at the cage and it will eventually go in.

Alternately, jump on the tombstone to the left, then jump into the cage from there. To put a Chao in it, you have to be at the very edge of the cage.

Alternate view in Chao Lobby
Enter the Hero Garden then go back out. Walk off the side and control your fall so it looks like you are under the entrance when you land. You can go to the Kindergarten and Dark Garden, but the camera will remain on top of the stairs.

Land in cage
As Shadow, enter the Dark Garden and go to the big tree on the right. A cage is hanging on the side that is facing the pool of blood. Jump up and you will land inside it.

Eggman in a cage
Go to the Dark Chao Garden with Eggman and stand on the tomb near the small cage hanging on a tree. From the tomb, jump into the cage and Eggman will be caged. If you then jump, his head will be a skull.

Quick Chao transformation
Keep petting your Chao and it will eventually transform.

To do this trick, you must not care if you abuse your Chao. To get a Hero Chao, abuse your Chao with a Villain. To get a Dark Chao abuse, your Chao with a Hero. You can tell if your Chao is turning good if it is mostly white and has a blue ball over its head. You will know its turning bad when it is black and most likely has a red collar or a point on its tail. Get the stamina to level 7. Note: If you are transforming a different color Chao (for example, blue, red, shiny blue), its body may not change color, so look at its wings (bat or not), tail (pointed or not), and the ball (red or blue) on its head.

For your Chao to evolve fairly quickly, you must feed it Coconuts until its stamina is above level 10. For a Dark Chao or Hero or Neutral Chao with their head on fire, just give them only Half Fishes. For a Chao with a drill-like head, give it lots of Gorillas and Tigers. For a Dark Jester Chao, give it mostly Peacocks and Condors. For a Shark Chao, give it only Sea Otters, Half Fishes, and Seals. For a Chao with green streaks such as Shadow, mostly raise it on Cheetahs and Unicorns. After its head starts to part differently, feed it until its stamina is at level 11 or higher. Note: If you are looking for a Chao that is good in races, raise a Dark Running Chao with mostly Cheetahs and Unicorns. For a Chao that is good in Power Karate, raise a Chao heavily on Gorillas and Tigers. Robotnik's first level, Iron Gate, is the best place to raise a Power Chao.

If you have the Dark Chao Garden, throw a newly hatched Chao into the blood-like water. Watch it for a while and it will transform. If your Chao comes out, throw it back in.

Evolve at least one Chao to make it a hero (in the Hero Garden).Then, take a "baby Chao" that has only a few stats (for example, level 1 for swim, level 3 for flying, level 0 for power) and has a hearty appetite (or is hungry). Pick up the Chao and bring it to the Hero Garden. The white pillar on the left hand side of the garden is knocked down. Take the chao and put it directly next to the pillar on the side that is facing the rock wall. If you placed it correctly, it cannot leave that space, can only be behind the pillar. Get a fruit and feed it to the hungry Chao. If it eats it all, it may evolve. This may not happen, and the process may need to be repeated. Make sure you hear the "grum grum" sound that they make when they are hungry and eating a fruit. Watch and they might evolve. Your Chao may need to be out of its egg for a little while before you do this.

Transformation signs
The following signs indicate that your Chao is close to transforming. If you have a Dark Chao, it will sleep a lot and have a spear-like tail. If you have a Hero Chao, it turns white (if not already white).

Hidden Chao transportation
Walk up to the Chao Kindergarten when an item is in your hands and your Chao is at a classroom. When selecting "Pick-Up Chao", if you still have the item in your hands, your Chao will not be in your hands. It will be in the Chao Garden (if your cocoon has hatched -- go to either the Hero or Dark garden).

Hatching your Chao
If you are having trouble hatching your Chao, hold it for about ten seconds then whistle. It should pop out.

For a quick hatching Chao, pick up a Chao egg and throw it against the wall. Note: This may affect your Chao's appearance.

Raise Chao's stamina
To raise your Chao's stamina easily, when you feed your Chao a fruit, stand behind it. When your Chao throws it, you can pick it up and bring it back. You can do this repeatedly.

Use the following trick to get a powerful, young Chao. Either use Chaos Drives, Small Animals, or Chao Fruits. When you raise them, only go in the Chao Garden when you want to raise the Chao and not to play with it. If you still want to play with your other Chaos, put the one you are raising in a separate garden, all by itself. By following this, it is possible to have a two year old Chao with all its stats at level 99 (the highest level).

Getting your Chao to like you more
Treat your Chao with respect. Learn your Chao's personality, favorite food, and how well it does things. Give it a lot of Chaos Drives and any small animals. Let it compete in races and karate matches frequently. This should make your Chao your best friend.

Double Chao petting
In any Chao garden, put two Chaos next to each other. Start petting one of them and they will both have hearts on their head.

Chaos Drive colors
Yellow: Swim
Green: Run
Red: Power
Purple: Fly
Reuse Chaos Drive or animal
Get a Chaos Drive or animal and go to your garden. Take either one and bring it to your Chao, but do not give it to them. Drop it directly in front of them, very close. They will get the points but they will leave it there to use over and over. Try giving it fruit, then do it so its not moving around.

Note: This is very difficult to do. Make sure that you have your Chao secure (do not let it move). Back up slightly away from the Chao you selected and do not let it get the Chao Drive. Put it down and the Chao should not absorb it. Once the Chao gets it, it will then bounce further back.

Unlimited Chaos Drives/Animals
This trick is used to get several Chaos Drives or Animals of the same type. Go to the stage selection screen and choose the second mission (collect 100 Rings) with any character. Collect one ring at the start of the level. Collecting more is not necessary; you must have less than 100 Rings. If you are looking for Chao Drives, kill the enemies searching for the desired color. Leave one enemy at the end of the level. Let it hit you. You will lose all of your Rings. Pick up a Ring and kill the enemy. At the end of the level there will be a Ring that reads "Back". When you touch this Ring, you will be back at the start of the level, but you will still have your Chao Drives. Repeat this until your inventory is full of the desired Chaos Drive. Note: The "Back" ring for Knuckles' and Rouge's stages is at the starting point. If you are looking for Animals, go through the level, searching for the desired Animal (avoiding enemies if possible, if you are not also looking for Chaos Drives). Once you find the Animals you want, remember where they are located. Then, let an enemy hit you. This causes you to lose your Rings. Pick up a Ring and kill the enemy. At the end of the level (or starting point for Knuckles and Rouge) there will be a ring that reads "Back". When you touch this ring, you will start the level over, but still have your Animals. Repeat this until your inventory is full of the desired Animal. Note: This trick works best in Knuckles' or Rouge's level.

Make a Chao follow you
If a Chao is in its flowers, pick it up and it will follow you for a while. Also, if you whistle now, it comes to you.

Animal stats
The following is all the animal stats for the Chao Garden.

AnimalSwimFly Run Power
Penguin +36+12+8-24
Sea otter+44-4+8-16
Half fish +320+8+24
Skeleton dog +8+8+32+16

Big The Cat picture
Go to the Chao Garden and take any Chao to school. If they are learning drawing, leave your Chao there. When the Chao is done, take it back to the garden and wait until he draws. If he draws Big, it will not be a very good picture but can be recognized as Big The Cat.

Big The Cat appearance
When watching the mini-intermission sequence that appears on before The Biolizard, you can see Big The Cat run by Amy twice. You will only be able to see his feet and the tip of his fishing pole.

Sonic picture
Go to the Chao Kindergarten. Then, go between the Black Market and Bulletin Board. On the little picture, you can see Sonic running, saving two lost Chao from nothing.

Blinking statue
Go to the Chao Garden as any character. Enter the Kindergarten and go into the principal's office. Look at the statue behind the principal for awhile and you will see it blink.

Extra Chao Karate mode
Note: You either have to complete Hard mode, or all three original modes (Beginner, Intermediate, and Hard). Doing this will unlock the fourth difficulty mode, Super. The Super mode is very hard if your Chao is not strong enough. The order of the Super matches are as follows:
Round 1: Crunchy, a Light Green child Chao with a watermelon on its head
Round 2: Wacky, a psycho Light Green child Chao with dragon horns.
Round 3: Crystal, a Gold Hero Chaos Chao
Round 4: Angel, an Aquamarine Dark Chaos Chao
Round 5: Flash, an Onyx Neutral Chaos Chao (very difficult)
Winning in Chao Karate
Your Chao's power has to be higher than 75. It can now punch and kick harder in Chao Karate. This help can knock Chao(s) off the edge easier.

Give your Chao Animals and Chao Drives until every ability is at level 1. Go with your Chao to the Kindergarten, then go to the Health Center. If your Chao has Power in rank B or higher, continue giving it Chao Drives and Animals until it is at level 99 in everything. If not, try it with another Chao.

Chao Crates
In each stage, the contents of a Chao Crate depends on the number of Chao Crates you have already broken: The first crate you break will have a Chao Key. The second will have about three to five assorted animals. The last crate will have a special animal (for example, a Unicorn, Dragon, etc.)

Beach balls for your Chao
Go to the Chao Garden and then go to the Chao Race Lobby. If you want the ball for the Chao Garden, then win the first four challenges in challenge race. To get the ball for the Hero Garden, go to the Dark race and win the first two challenges. To get the ball for the Dark Garden, go to the Hero race and win the first two challenges. When you get them, you must wait for your Chao to play with them. When they do, they will run at the ball and kick it. Note: To get the balls, you must have all three gardens or you will not have the other races. Also, you cannot take the balls to other Gardens.

Jewel Chao prices
Normal: 0
Silver (gray): 500
Gold (yellow): 1000
Ruby (pink): 5000
Sapphire (dark blue): 7000
Amethyst (purple): 8000
Emerald (dark green): 10000
Garnet (brownish red): 12000
Aquamarine (light green): 14000
Peridot (light green): 16000
Topaz (orange): 18000
Onyx (black): 20000
Rock climbing
When you enter the Neutral Chao Garden, you can climb the mountains to your left. Jump up there and you can get very high in the area.

Plant trees
Win all the Beginner Chao races. You will receive a shovel and water pail for winning the third race in two of them. Go to Chao Kindergarten and press [B] on the black locker, opening the Chao black market. Buy a seed of any kind of tree you wish to grow. Return to your Chao garden. Once there, give your Chao the seed and in about 30 seconds or so a "!" will appear above its head. It will start digging, watering, then dancing. After a couple of visits to the garden you can give your Chao the kind of fruit that falls from the tree. You can grow five to six trees in the garden.

Watch seedling grow
When you first plant a seed, walk away until you get a zoomed in view. You can now watch it grow slowly.

Easy rings
Go to any Chao Garden and go near one of the trees. When the coconut or fruit falls off, you can sell it at the Black Market. It does not sell for much, but is worth something. You will get 10 rings for the coconuts.

If you need a more rings for something on the Black Market, sell a nut. There are three trees that never die and will just keep producing nuts. The nuts from these trees sell for 10 rings each. You can also sell egg shells (only the tops) and any other accessories for your Chao.

Buy a box, bag, pot, or any other expensive item in the Kindergarten. Then, save the Chao data, then re-enter Chao World. Sell the item, and when the "ca-ching" noise ends, reset your Gamecube. When you enter Chao World. you will have both the item and the rings. Note: You have to save the Chao data after you buy the item, but before you sell it. This works best if you sell expensive items, such as the 50,000 ring gray mask.

Go to the Chao Garden. After your Chao has hatched, take the egg and go to the Black Market. Sell your egg shell for the following prices.
Normal egg: 50 rings
White: 100 rings, shiny: 1000 rings
Red: 120 rings, shiny: 1200 rings
Sky Blue: 150 rings, shiny: 1500 rings
Green: 120 rings, shiny: 1200 rings
Blue: 150 rings, shiny: 1500 rings
Brown: 200 rings, shiny: 2000 rings
Grey: 250 rings, shiny: 2500 rings
Black: 500 rings, shiny: 5000 rings; you must have 180 emblems to buy this egg.
Purple: 150 rings, shiny: 1500 rings
Yellow: 150 rings, shiny: 1500 rings
Lime Green: 450 rings, shiny: 4500 rings
Orange: 200 rings, shiny: 2000 rings
Get the Light Dash ability and go to Metal Harbor. Whenever the large rows of rings are ahead of you, use the Light Dash move. This is a very f

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