Beyond Oasis Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
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Hold [B] and press [Start] at the title screen.
Press [Forward] three times and Ali will do a "multi-stab attack".
Hold [B], sweep the D-Pad in a full circle and release [B] for a "round ground slash".
Press [Forward], [Back], [Forward] + [B] or [B], [B], [B] for a "jumping slash attack".
Sweep the D-Pad in a full circle then press [Forward], [B], [Forward] + [B], [B], [B] for the ultimate 3-slash super combo attack: Begin and end the D-Pad sweep in the direction you wish to attack the enemy. You can actually perform the entire move and walk forward a few steps before you press [B] to unleash the attack. Also try the move with a sword for another incredible attack.

Unlimited Omega Sword
This sword is located at the bottom of a 100-level pit, which you enter behind a tree in the forest of Zombies.

Unlimited Fire Bow
Unlimited Fire Bow is a one of five prizes awarded for racing your fire spirit against time in a special cave located near the muddy lake. Note: This is described in the solution as a source to get the water spirit in order to put out a flame to get to a high part to get to "the enemy courtyard". This part is accessible only after getting the fire spirit, which can then break an ice column blocking the way to the "muddy lake". You will see a crack on the face of the rock just underneath the "high ledge" that leads north to the next screen. Hit the crack until it explodes and enter. Once inside, call Efreet and have him rush forward into the racetrack. Do this by facing towards the entrance then pressing [A] two times. Efreet will move forward in the direction you are facing, so guide him through the race as best as you can. You must finish five laps in the shortest time possible to get the top prize, which is the weapon. If not, there are four other "consolation" prizes.

Unlimited Metal Bow
Find the waterfall on the map. You will need Shade to grab the stakes that he pulls you on. If you find it, you will be next to a big stone brick type of castle. Go to the right and enter the next screen. Continue to find a muddy lake. In the lake at the bottom of the screen is another stake in the ground with logs around it. Use Shade to pull yourself to it. Then put Shade back in the armlet in order to fall down the bottom of the screen. You will fall into a kind of cave. Walk down, by the force of the water, then look to get the Unlimited Metal Bow. If you do not obtain it the first time, try to get all the way to the right -- there are stairs you can run up to get back to the top. If not, you will have to go all the way up and around to the muddy lake.

Unlimited Atomic Bow
There is a beach down in the far left hand corner of the map. You will need Shade to do the Shade Walk to find a portal. Exit the Shade Walk and fire your "Armlet Summoner ball" at it to be sucked into a place with islands and . Go through it and do not get any chests, as they will all be empty. If you reach the "end" of this place without breaking any chests open, you will find two portals. Enter the portal on the right to be taken to a small island with another chest. If done correctly, it will contain the Atomic Bow.

Unlimited bomb
If you have gotten the large cube from underneath the castle, the there will be stairs to the right of the first village that you started out in. Go up there and continue up past all the castles. You will eventually reach Shade's Castle. Go through and pass it to the location with the old man. However, before you get to the old man, there is a small bridge and a platform with a shade crystal. Jump down towards the bottom of the screen you will reach the secret crags. From there, just complete the secret crags to find the unlimited bomb.

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