Last Battle Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
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Chapter select
When the message "Legend Of The Final Hero" appears after the story introduction, hold [A] + [B] + [C] and press [Start]. The screen will display "Chapter 1". Press [Up] or [Down] to cycle through the other available chapters. When the desired chapter is displayed, press [Start] to begin the game from there. Note: The chapter will start with the maximum possible life value for the beginning of that chapter. You can only select up to the highest chapter that you have played. For example, if you completed chapter 1, chapter 2 will be available, but not chapter 3. Aarzak will start with the minimum power bar amount for that chapter (at the white mark that was needed to complete the last chapter). Once the system is powered off, the chapter select data will be lost.
Increasing the power bar
Before Aarzak can move onto each individual chapter, the power bar must be flashing red and white (must reach the nearest white mark on the gauge). If not, you will find that when you reach the Chapter Boss, he cannot be defeated. The background may look slightly duller in color as an indication of this. When the power reaches the white mark, Aarzak will beef up and be able to use better punches and kicks (more rapid) as well as a completely new scissor kick. If the bar has not reached the white mark, go through the sections already explored again to defeat more enemies and earn power. Also, press [Up] when in front of a door in any of the labyrinth areas to face some standard guards with spears and earn more power. Defeating these labyrinth guards will also increase your life bar slightly each time one is defeated.

Finishing off Chapter Bosses
When you reach a Boss that is at the end (or very near the end) of a chapter and they have about a millimeter of life remaining, they can only be defeated by being hit by a punch ([A]). Note: To tell if you are facing a chapter Boss, their battle has different background music than a normal one-on-one fight. It is faster paced and only heard once per chapter, being there only one chapter Boss in each.

Defeating Hulk
Hulk can be found in chapter 1 in his area (check the map in the instruction manual). He is very easy to defeat, as he is the earliest Boss in the game. At the start of the fight, move towards Hulk (who also moves forward) and hit him with a punch or kick. Then, quickly move back as he will try and knock or kick you. Hulk will move towards you again, so do the same as before. After being hit the second time, Hulk will start to move back. This means he is ready to do his signature flying attack. As he is moving back, move towards him (keeping distance), then just before he flies at you, duck. He will fly over you. Next, move back as Hulk will be on the other side of you, leaving you vulnerable to a knock or kick. The entire pattern will start over again. Repeat this entire process of hitting him twice, then avoiding the flying move to send Hulk up in blisters and defeat him.

Defeating Butcher
Butcher is in chapter 1 in his area (check the map). Butcher has less life than Hulk. When you first walk forward to try and attack Butcher, he will use his breath (it can damage you). Be aware of this and the moment you hear it, back away. The main objective is to avoid the black spheres that he fires, then get close up to hit him with a punch/kick. Every time you hit Butcher he will use his breath, forcing you to back off. Once you back off, he will throw more spheres. Normally Butcher fires them in a straight line. These can be avoided by simply jumping over them (do forward jumps so as to get close to Butcher). However, be aware that he fires diagonal shots also. Wait to see which direction it goes before jumping. If they are going diagonally down, jump. But if they are shooting upwards it is best to duck, as even a standing position is too risky. Repeat avoiding the spheres this way and watch out for Butcher who will use his breath again after being hit a few times, as you walk up to him. Eventually Butcher will be reduced to a green slime and be defeated.

Defeating Syd
Syd is the chapter 1 Boss found at the Eternal Plain (check the map) and serves The Duke. At the start of the battle, you may wish to either move forward slightly or be stationary. Syd's hand will both glow and make a sound. This means he will fire an energy ball. To avoid this, do a super jump ([Up] + [C]), then start making your way over to Syd. Get close enough to him and hit him (preferably with a punch). Every time you hit Syd, he will respond with a quick jab. If you stay still after hitting him it is unlikely these punches will hit you. Now move forward slightly and hit him again. He will respond again, so stay still. Repeat this and eventually Syd's hand will glow again. Since you are at close range, he will deliver an energy blast (back off quickly). Repeat the process of punching and staying still before moving forward to hit him. If you move back too far he may launch an energy ball. Make sure to finish him off with the normal punch. A short dialog will commence followed by Syd glowing with his own radiation, before he explodes and is defeated.

Defeating "Masked Warrior"
This Boss is found at the end of the First Gate (which is the first area in chapter 2). The game does not specify his name, but he has the same build as Hulk and fights identically to him, except this enemy cannot use the flying attack. However, that arrows will be fired at Aarzak during this battle. The first arrow appears from the right, the next from the left, then right, etc. Use the same method of attacking as what was used for Hulk, except instead of ducking under flying attack (as this enemy cannot do it), try to duck or jump over the arrows (which are fired roughly every five seconds). This enemy, when defeated, will also blister and vaporize like Hulk.

Defeating Duke
As chapter 2 has the smallest number of total areas in the game, The Duke (the chapter 2 Boss) can be reached easily and is found at the Fourth Gate (the area furthest on the right). Duke is the protector of Sophia. His style is Tae-Kung-Fu. He has a greater range of moves than Syd to adapt to different situations, and at first glance his life bar can seem quite large. At the start of the battle get fairly close to Duke and deliver repeated scissor kicks ([C] + [Up/Forward] + [B]). Be warned that Duke may wish to put up a fight and may use some Tae-Kung-Fu moves. While executing the scissor kicks, you will find they deliver two hits of damage in one kick (provided you are close to Duke). Duke's life bar should quickly be down to the last increment. When this happens, try to just get in close and deliver the final punch without taking too much damage. Note that you still can have a hard time getting the last punch in if Duke is repeatedly knocking you back with either Tae-Kung-Fu kicks or short range Tae-Kung-Fu blasts. However, being the protector of Sophia (who is Alyssa's mother), Duke (when defeated) will be spared by Aarzak, and Duke will thank Aarzak.

Defeating Dare Devil
He is the Boss of the pirates found at the end of Pirate Ship 1 (first area of chapter 3). Dare Devil's most lethal weapon is his battering staff, and it can take large chunks out of Aarzaks life if he is hit on the head with it. At the start of the battle (before the Boss music starts), walk straight up to Dare Devil and hit him with standing punches. After receiving a few punches, Dare Devil should drop the stick. From this point Dare Devil will have reverted to using his coil arms. These arms spring out to attack Aarzak like punches, and are able to attack at mid, low and high range. Forget about avoiding them during the battle and try to punch Dare Devil before he can get those hits in (preferably with standing punches into the corner of the screen). He will be defeated (and will accept to steer Aarzak over the seas to the Savage Land).

Defeating "Mirror Man"
This is one of Gromm's henchmen (the game does not specify his name) who is found at the Dry River Bed. You do not have to fight this enemy and can avoid him, and some people consider him to be the most difficult-to-beat enemy in the game. However, he is not, due to a pattern of attacks that can be used against him. First, this tactic works better when Aarzak is actually not beefed up (not reached the white power marker). As this enemy advances across the river bed, make sure you are fairly near the left edge of the screen, or move back slightly from starting position (but leave some space). Next, turn away and always keep your back turned away from him until the very moment when he is close to you and misses a jab. Then, quickly turn round and attack with a punch. It is recommended that you back off by a few steps immediately after you have attacked him as he will throw a double jab. Attack him immediately after the double jab then keep your back turned. If he did not throw a double jab, he will back off slightly then come forward. Keep your back turned until he throws a close jab and misses again, then attack him. Back off from the double jab, then turn and hit him. Wait for him to miss another close jab, then attack, and he will probably double jab again. Avoid it then turn back around to attack. That is the pattern that must be learned, always keeping your back turned before hitting him. Repeat this until he cracks like a mirror and dissolves in defeat. If you get used to the pattern you should win the battle without taking any damage at all. Note: The reason why you must keep your back turned is because if you face him he will use his most deadly skill -- he will project a mirror image of himself off you and onto the other side. If this happens you must destroy the mirror image quickly and it will vanish, allowing you to continue the battle. Otherwise, the two enemies (the real and mirrored one) will hit you rapidly from either side (causing double damage which is hard to escape from) and destroy you.

Defeating Gromm
Gromm is the chapter 3 Boss (the third ranking General in the Savage Land) and can be found at the top of his castle (it is a labyrinth). He is fairly easy to defeat due to the easily recognizable pattern of moves he uses. At the start of the fight, move away from Gromm until he jumps in the air and a sound is heard (fire will appear on the ground at your feet). Move back further to avoid the fire, then move forward and hit Gromm. Move back again until he jumps back in the air, then move away from the fire before moving forward and hitting Gromm. Gromm is also able to attack with flying kicks and punches (but will not use these if you repeat the above tactics). Repeat as needed (and execute the final punch when Gromm is nearly finished) to defeat him and regain all your Life, ready for chapter 4. Note: You must visit Cynara in the Quiet Village (see map) to enter Gromm's labyrinth castle, otherwise the entrance will be blocked.

Defeating Gross
Gross is Aarzak's older brother (the second ranking general of the Savage Land), found in the East Mausoleum in the top right corner of the chapter 4 map. He is one of the most difficult to defeat Bosses in the game, mostly due to the fact that you have to go through several areas before you face him, bringing your Life bar down considerably. Gross also has literally a full life bar, reaching the maximum that it can take. As Gross is a very "random" fighter (with no true pattern to his attacks), this allows him to hit you several times and attack before you can fight back. He has rapid punches (like Aarzak in his beefed up condition) that can hit a standing or crouching opponent as well as the ability to do aerial punches. There are two particular special skills that Gross has. These are a tornado attack and thousand punches. The tornado attack envelopes Aarzak in a black tornado. If Aarzak remains stationary this will not cause damage. If he tries to fight back, this will restrain him and ebb away at his life. The thousand punches involves Gross rushing at Aarzak while punching incredibly fast. This knocks Aarzak further to the edge of the screen as well as taking several large chips out of his life. However Gross is only likely to use this once (and use the tornado attack twice, maximum). If Aarzak has two thirds to three quarters of his life to start in this battle, it will be an extremely close fight. The only sure way to damage Gross is with Aarzak's scissor kick (beefed up version). Do not forget to finish with the punch. If you defeat Gross, he will recover his memory and remember his brotherhood with Aarzak. Note: In order to encounter Gross at the East Mausoleum, you must have visited Garokk in the Garokk castle, and also have met Rob in the Village.

Defeating Garokk
Being the chapter 4 Boss, Garokk is Aarzak's last foe. He is the top general and ruler of the Savage Land. He resides at the Tombstone (at the very top of the map, surrounded by lava). In this last battle (from which the game takes its name), if you do not have much life, you are certain to lose. However, if you have nearly a maximum life bar, this should be somewhat easier than the fight with Gross. When you first encounter Garokk, he will jump into the air towards Aarzak to face him. At this point, his life bar is unimpressive (it will take only take a few hits to deplete). His fighting style is closest to Gross. His stance (and a small proportion of attacks) are similar to Duke. But despite this, his moves are comprised of heavyweight, powerful punches, stylish aerial side kicks, and Gross' special skills (though perhaps more damaging than Gross' versions). Garokk often has a habit of countering Aarzak's scissor kicks with his own, faster aerial kicks. If you are planning on using those kicks, you can damage Garokk by executing them with speed (pressing [B] immediately after jumping forward). Standing punches actually can do very well if timed correctly here. Once you have completely depleted Garokk's life bar, he will vanish, and the screen will go black. Then, he will return in his most powerful form -- a glowing red demon with an entirely full life bar. You will also notice that the background/foreground has changed, with the surrounding lava being replaced with splashing water, as well as notable changes in the background scene. In this very last battle, you and Garokk are likely to repeatedly exchange blows. Garokk will now use "heavier" punches which are still fairly fast, but they are more damaging and brightly glow (as do the aerial kicks). It is possible that the special skills he possesses are also now more enhanced. You must gain an advantage by not giving Garokk much room to move, and forcing him into a corner of the screen with continuous punches. Once this is accomplished, you should be winning the battle. Also, adapt to Garokk's position at all times during the battle (do not forget to finish with that final punch) and you should win, causing Garokk to return to his human form and accept his defeat. Note: If you only have half your life (or less) at the start of the battle, defeat will be almost certain. Make sure that when you enter the West Mausoleum to break the seal (see map) press [Up] at all doors to see if you can face guards and gain life. Once you have broken the seal, Garokk (who will not be dressed in the armor he was found in at his castle, therefore not invincible) will be found at Tombstone in fighting attire.

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