Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheats - Sega Genesis

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Check out these Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
Desperation attack
When fighting as April O'Neil or Casey Jones, watch your life bar. When it begins to blink press [Left], [Down/Left], [Down], [Down/Right], [Forward] + [C] when close to your opponent.

Easy victory
Note: This trick requires two controllers. Select one player at the main menu as usual and begin game play. Once in the battle arena and you see your opponent, press [Start] on controller two. A message stating that a new challenger has arrived will appear. Select the opponent you were about to fight. Proceed to easily defeat player two (your uncontrolled opponent)to complete the level. Note: This trick may only be used up to the first Boss.

Secret rooms
Begin game play in April or Casey's stage. Slam an enemy twice with April or Casey and they will fall into different room.

Press [C] to have one of the following characters say their taunt.
April and Clone April: "Come on baby"
Casey and Clone Casey: "So long loser"
Raphael says: "I got you now"
Leonardo says: "Come-on and fight"
Donattello says: "Hey, come and get me"
Michaelangelo says: "That's a laugh"
Sisyphus says: "Crazy punks"
Ray says: "You stink, dirtbag
Alternate ending sequence
Successfully complete the game under the highest difficulty setting.
Fight as Clone Leo
At the main menu, choose versus mode. Then, have both players choose Leonardo as their character with both Speed and Attack to eight. Then, have both player one and player two choose Bio Planet as their stage. Player two's Leonardo will be Clone Leo. Note: Clone Leo is for player two only. When you play as Clone Leo, he does not say "Give me ya best shot", neither do the other clone turtles you play as.

Fight as Clone Don
At the main menu, choose versus mode. Then, have both players chose Donatello as their character with both Speed and Attack to eight. Then, have both player one and player two choose Futuristic City Planet as their stage. Player two's Donatello will be Clone Don. Note: Clone Don is for player two only.

Fight as Clone Mike
At the main menu, choose versus mode. Then, have both players choose Michalangelo as their character with both Speed and Attack to eight. Then, have both player one and player two choose Mirage Planet as their stage. Player two's Michalangelo will be Clone Mike. Note: Clone Mike is for player two only.

Fight as Clone Raph
At the main menu, choose versus mode. Then, have both players chose Raphael as their character with both Speed and Attack to eight. Then, have both player one and player two choose Magma Ocean Planet as their stage. Player two's Raphael will be Clone Raph. Note: Clone Raph is for player two only.

Fight as Clone Ray
At the main menu, choose versus mode. Then, have both players choose Ray Fillet as their character with both Speed and Attack to eight. Then, have both player one and player two choose Ocean Planet as their stage. Player two's Ray Fillet will be Clone Ray. Note: Clone Ray is for player two only.

Fight as Clone Casey
At the main menu, chose versus mode. Then, have both players choose Casey Jones as their character with both Speed and Attack to eight. Then, have both player one and player two choose Ice Planet as their stage. Player two's Casey Jones will be Clone Casey. Note: Clone Casey is for player two only.

Fight as Clone Sisy
At the main menu, chose versus mode. Then, have both players choose Sisyphus as their character with both Speed and Attack to eight. Then, have both player one and player two choose Jungle Planet as their stage. Player two's Sisyphus will be Sisyphus. Note: Clone Sisy is for player two only.

Fight as Clone April
At the main menu, choose versus mode. Then, have both players choose April O Neil as their character with both Speed and Attack to eight. Then, have both player one and player two choose Spaceship as their stage. Player two's April O Neil will be April. Note: Clone April is for player two only.

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