World Series Baseball '96 Cheats - Sega Genesis

 All cheats for this game by platform: Sega Genesis
Check out these World Series Baseball '96 cheats and stay cool!
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Cheat mode
Hold [A] + [B] + [C] at the title screen. Keep those buttons held, then press [Start] as the title screen fades. Then, press [Start]x2 at the Bluesky logo. From top to bottom, set the options to 3, 1, 3. Then, hold [A] + [B] + [C] + [Start] until the screen fades. The Bluesky logo will appear again. Press [Start]x2 and the Bluesky option will be unlocked. Turn that option on to view the programmers. Press [Start] to use the team in exhibition mode.

Cycle through scoreboard animations
When the scoreboard shows an animation (homeruns, strikeout swinging, strikeout looking, pitcher change, etc.) push [Start] before it ends. Then, go to "Instant Replay", and watch the play you just made. When the replay is complete, the will appear again. Press the D-Pad to cycle through the animations.

Glitch: Thrown out on a walk
Walk the batter, then have the pitcher throw the ball to first base as he is walking to the base. The batter will be called out if the ball reaches first base before he does. Note: This may freeze the game.

Glitch: Thrown out after a single
After the CPU gets a single, throw the ball to the catcher then go to first base and throw it to the first baseman. The runner will be out.

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