Dodonpachi Resurrection Cheats - iPhone

 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone | Xbox 360
Check out these Dodonpachi Resurrection cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Unlock Hibachi for iPhone Mode
On Ship Select for iPhone Hit [B] type once then [A], [B], [C], [A], [B], [C], [B], [C], [A], [B], [C], [A], [C], [A], [B], [C], [A], [B]. Hibachi will appear at the bottom to confirm the unlock. Alternatively, simply beat him normally in the game.
A Hidden battle for the Future - Discover the hidden route in Stage 5.
A Hidden world darkens - Discover the hidden route in Stage 4.
Aggressive Mathematics - Raise the Multiplier to 999 in iPhone Mode.
Arcade Mode Challenger - Start a game in Arcade Mode.
Baby Steps - Earn 100,000,000 points in Arcade Mode.
Blinking lights of a Hidden Future - Discover the hidden route in Stage 3.
Blissful Death - Get hit with your Hyper Gauge at MAX.
Bombaaaa! - Use a Bomb.
Bullet Canceling Maniac - Cancel a total of 100,000 bullets using the Hyper Counter or Hyper Cannon.
Dodonpachi Squadron New Recruit - Clear all modes with all ships.
Hidden 2008 Tokyo - Discover the hidden route in Stage 1.
Hidden 2008 Tokyo - Find the hidden route in Stage 1.
Hyper Activated - Use a Hyper Counter or a Hyper Cannon.
Hyper Cannon Power-Up - Fire a Hyper Cannon at Level 2.
I will face them full force - Enter a second loop.
Insect Collector - Collect 100 bee items.
iPhone Mode Challenger - Start a game in iPhone Mode.
Lamdbs for the Slaughter - Increase your S Gauge to MAX in Menace Mode.
Learning to chain - Earn 1,000,000,000 points in Arcade mode.
Merciless Huntress - Defeat Element Daughter Shooty.
Miss Bright and Cheerful - Defeat Element Daughter Perfect.
Multiplier X 3 - Connect 1,000 HITs in Arcade Mode.
Power and Endurance - Earn 100,000,000 in iPhone mode.
S and M Neophyte - Earn 50,000,000 points in iPhone Mode.
She Once Protected Us... - Defeat Element Daughter Ray'n.
So Many Stars - Collect 10,000 star items total.
Target for the weak point of f**... - Defeat "Golden Disaster".
Thank You For Your Support! - Start up the game on any mode.
The Conflicted Daughter - Defeat Element Daughter A.I.
The Hidden Road of Fate - Discover the hidden route in Stage 2.
To Change The Future - Defeat Element Daughter Next EXY.
TYPE-A: Arcade Mode Complete - Clear Arcade Mode using the TYPE-A ship.
TYPE-A: iPhone Mode Complete - Clear iPhone Mode using the TYPE-A ship.
TYPE-B: Arcade Mode Complete - Clear Arcade Mode using the TYPE-B ship.
TYPE-B: iPhone Mode Complete - Clear iPhone Mode using the TYPE-B ship.
TYPE-C: Arcade Mode Complete - Clear Arcade Mode using the TYPE-C ship.
TYPE-C: iPhone Mode Complete - Clear iPhone Mode using the TYPE-C ship.
Utter Destruction - Fire a hyper Cannon at Level 3.

Unlock Alternate Music Options
Beat the game once.

Unlock Alternate Stage 1 Music
DoDonPachi Dai-ondo - In Arcade mode, shake the device until a chime sounds.
DoDonPachi Dai-ondo Remix - In iPhone mode, shake the device until a chime sounds.

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