Pocket Frogs Cheats - iPhone

 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone
Check out these Pocket Frogs cheats and stay cool!
2 Bee Or Not 2 Bee - Collect 2 mature Golden Picea Partiri frogs in one habitat.
Asphalt Camoflage - Collect 8 mature Black Aurum Cesti frogs in one habitat.
Bacon Bits - Collect 8 mature Maroon Ceres Marmorea frogs in one habitat.
Banana Bunch - Collect a mature Golden Bruna Puncti, Golden Bruna Crustalli, and Golden Bruna Velatus in one habitat.
Breed Expert - Collect 100% of any breed in the Froggydex.
Breeding Machine - Collect 32 frogs at once.
Band Together - Collect a mature Black Callaina Cesti, Black Folium Cesti, Black Floris Cesti, and Black Carota Cesti in one habitat.
Black and White - Collect a mature White Picea Puncti, White Picea Roboris, and White Oicea Spinae in one habitat.
Black Widows - Collect 8 mature Black Tingo Viduo frogs in one habitat.
Brownies - Collect a mature Cocos Cafea Marmorea, Cocos Cafea Velatus, and Cocos Cafea Bovis in one habitat.
Cattle Drive - Collect 4 mature White Bruna Bovis and 4 White Picea Bovis frogs in one habitat.
CMYK - Collect a mature Azure, Violet, Yellow, and Black Picea Anura in one habitat.
Code Red - Collect a mature Red Ting Crustalli, Red Tingo Marmorea, and Red Tingo Zebrae in one habitat.
Citrus Mixtus - Collect a Lime Folium Mixtus, Yellow Aurum Mixtus, and Orange Carota Mixtus in one habitat.
Cloudback - Collect 8 mature Azure lbeo Spinae frogs in one habitat.
Diamondbacks - Collect 8 mature Beige Bruna Adamantis frogs in one habitat.
Dizzypads - Collect 8 mature Blue Folium Spinae frogs in one habitat.
Earth Day - Collect 8 mature Azure Folium Bovis frogs in one habitat.
Endangered 1 - Collect a mature Red Albeo Sagitta, and a Purple Carota Amfractus in one habitat.
Endangered 2 - Collect a mature Marine Picea Ornatus, and a Maroom Aurum Sol in one habitat.
Endangered 3 - Collect a mature Lime Caelus Lucus, and Black Floris Ligo in one habitat.
Endangered 4 - Collect a mature Violet Callaina Corona, and Cocos Folium Arbor in one habitat.
Feeling Blue - Collect a mature Blue Caelus Adamantis, Blue Caelus Viduo, and Blue Caelus Stellata in one habitat.
Frog Basics - Collect 10 frogs at once.
Frog Farmer - Collect 64 frogs at once.
Frog Fortune - Collect 100,000 coins.
Frog Friend - Collect 100 lifetime frogs.
Frog Soldiers - Collect a mature Olive Bruna, Beige Ceres, and Black Albeo Velatus in one habitat.
Froggydexter 1 - Collect 250 frogs in the Froggydex.
Froggydexter 2 - Collect 500 frogs in the Froggydex.
Froggydexter 3 - Collect 1,000 frogs in the Froggydex.
Froggydexter 4 - Collect 5,000 frogs in the Froggydex.
Frog-O-Lanterns - Collect 8 mature Tangelo Aurum Lanterna frogs in one habitat.
FROGAHOLIC - Collect 1,000 lifetime frogs.
Foul Line - Collect 8 mature Olvie Albeo Cesti frogs in one habitat.
Fruit Stripe - Collect an Emerald, Yellow, Red, and Orange Albeo Pariti in one habitat.
Gifted - Collect 2 pond presents in a single trip.
Gold Rush - Collect a mature Golden Aurum Spinae, Golden Aurum Cesti, and Golden Aurum Serpentis in one habitat.
Grapevine - Collect 8 mature Purple Folium Clunicula frogs in one habitat.
Greenbacks - Collect a mature Emerald Muscus Crustalli, Emerald Muscus Puncti, and Emerald Muscus Roboris in one habitat.
Guide to the Galaxy - Collect 8 mature Black Aurum Stellata frogs in one habitat.
I Choose You - Collect 8 mature Yellow Tingo Anura frogs in one habitat.
Jailbirds - Collect 8 mature Black Albeo Partiri or White Picea Partiri frogs in one habitat.
Ladybugs - Collect 8 mature Red Oicea Puncti frogs in one habitat.
Legendary 1 - Collect a mature Olvie Albeo Ocularis, and Violet Caelus Insero in one habitat.
Legendary 2 - Collect a mature Black Albeo Biplex, and Blue Albeo Pingo in one habitat.
Legendary 3 - Collect a mature Black Floris Calvaria, and Olive Folium Floresco in one habitat.
Legendary 4 - Collect a mature Yellow Pruni Magus, and Green Aurum Veru in one habitat.
Muddy Buddies - Collect 8 mature Cocos Cafea Crustall frogs in one habitat.
New Parent - Collect 24 frogs at once.
NimbleBits - Collect 8 mature Black Albeo Nimbillis frogs in one habitat.
Ninja Dojo - Collect a mature Black Picea Serpentis, Black Picea Partiri, and Black Picea Zebrae in one habitat.
Pretty In Pink - Collect a mature Royal Floris Roboris, Royal Floris Viduo, and Royal Floris Clunicula in one habitat.
Purple Pride - Collect a mature Purple Viola Puncti, Purple Viola Clunicula, and Purple Viola Bovis in one habitat.
Rattlefrogs - Collect 8 mature Cocos Ceres Serpentis frogs in one habitat.
Red China - Collect 8 mature Red Aurum Stellata frogs in one habitat.
River Rock - Collect 8 mature Black Caelus Cesti frogs in one habitat.
Safari - Collect 4 mature Beige Bruna Africanus and 4 mature Wjite Picea Zebrae frogs in one habitat.
Single Rainbow - Collect a mature Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, and Pink Albeo Anura in one habitat.
Orange Country - Collect a mature Orange Carota Partiri, Orange Carota Zebrae, and Orange Carota Marmorea in one habitat.
Peanut Butter Jelly Time - Collect 8 mature Beige Pruni Marmorea frogs in one habitat.
Piggy Bank - Collect 10,000 coins.
Polka Party - Collect a mture White Carota, White Viola, White Caelus, and White Muscus Puncti frogs in one habitat.
Snake Den - Collect 8 mature Olive Folium Serpentis frogs in one habitat.
Team America - Collect 3 Blue Albeo Stellata and 5 Maroon Albeo Partiri in one habitat.
Tiger Style - Collect 8 mature Tengelo Albeo Calyx frogs in one habitat.
Treasure Hunter - Collect 2 rare pond presents in a single trip.
Tree Hug - Collect a mature Cocos Folium Anura, Cocos Folium Nasus, and Cocos Folium Clunicula in one habitat.
Tribal - Collect 8 mature Black Floris Tribus frogs in one habitat.
Valentine - Collect 8 mature Violet Albeo Roboris frogs in one habitat.
Watermelon - Collect 8 mature Green Floris Nasus frogs in one habitat.
Yellow Fever - Collect a mature Yellow Aurum Zebrae, Yellow Aurum Crustalli, and Yellow Aurum Anura in one habitat.
Yin and Yang - Collect a mature Black Albeo Spinae and a White Picea Spinae in one habitat.

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