Tilt to Live Cheats - iPhone

 All cheats for this game by platform: iPhone
Check out these Tilt to Live cheats and stay cool!
1337 H4X0RZ x1337 - Score a x1337 Combo.
AFK - Stay perfectly still for as long as possible.
Another Friday Night Alone - Score 5,000,000 points in Classic/Code Red.
Arbitrary Combo - Score a x213 Combo.
Arms Race - 1st Place - Trigger 50 nukes on one game.
Arms Race - 2nd Place - Trigger 30 nukes in one game.
Better Than That Guy - Survive three minutes in Gauntlet without losing a life.
C-C-C-Combo Maker! x40 - Build up a x40 multiplier in Frostbite.
Cold War(rior) - Score 50,000 points without triggering a single nuke.
Colder War(rior) - Score 100,000 points without triggering a single nuke.
Combo Mambo x500 - Score a x500 Combo.
Conscientious Objector - Don't attack for 50 seconds.
Coward! - Find the coward's path in Gauntlet.
Danger Is Also My First Name - Spend 5 minutes total in Gauntlet with your life bar in the red.
Danger Is My Middle Name - Restore your life bar from red to green in Gauntlet.
Dawn of the Red - Die with 100+ enemies onscreen.
Dot Popper - Score 250,000 points in Frostbite.
Ghenghis Khan-bo x700 - Score a x700 Combo.
God of Tilt - Score 1,000,000 points.
Happy Combo-Centennial X100 - Score a x100 Combo.
Highest Combo - Score a x5 Combo.
In Cold Blood - Shatter 200 frozen enemies in a single game.
Masochist - Die 50 times total.
Millenni-ambo - Score a x1,000 Combo.
Minute Man - Survive one minute in Gauntlet without losing a life.
Multiplier Multiplier x20 - Build up a x20 multiplier in Frostbite.
Nobel Peace Prize - Don't attack for a minute and 15 seconds.
Omnipotent Gangster - Score 200,000 using on the 3 original weapons.
Original Gangster - Score 100,000 using only the 3 original weapons.
Our Pity - Die within 5 seconds.
Overachiever - Collect 25 sonsecutive time pickups.
Quit Blowing Bubbles - Hang on to your bubble shield for 60 seconds.
Serpentine! - Survive 4 minutes in Classic/Code Red.
Sleep With the Fishies - Spend 15 seconds underwaer in Frostbite.
That's Gonna Bite - Earn 20 points.
That's Gonna Help - Earn 40 points.
That's Gonna Suck - Earn 70 points.
That's Gonna Hurt - Earn 90 points.
That's Gonna Sting - Earn 120 points.
That's Gonna Burn - Earn 240 points.
The Gauntleteer - Survive ten minutes in Gauntlet.
The Human Pinball - Bounce between the left and right walls 10 times in Code Red.
The Iceman Pwneth - Score 500,000 points in Frostbite.
The Meaning of Life - Score a x42 Combo.
The Superhuman - Bounce between the left anf right walls 20 times in Code Red.
Tonight We Dine In Heck - Score a x300 Combo.
Warm Reception - Plow through 50 dots with the burnicade's boost.
We Lied X20 - Score a x20 Combo.
Weary Traveler - Travel 240,000 pixels.
Weeeeeee! - Trigger 6 power-ups in 6 seconds.
You Shall Not Pass! - Don't let any dots reach the water for 2 minutes in Frostbite.

Unlock Bonus Weapons
Bubble Shield - Attain the That's Gonna Help Achievement.
Electricity - Attain the That's Gonna Sting Achievement.
Fire Burnicade - Attain the That's Gonna Burn Achievement.
Ice Blast - Attain the That's Gonna Bite Achievement.
Spike Shield - Attain the That's Gonna Hurt Achievement.
Vortex - Attain the That's Gonna Suck Achievement.

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