Doom 64 Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Features menu
Enter "?TJL BDFW BFGV JVVB" as a password. The game will begin on level one. Pause game play to access a new "Features" menu that allows level selection, invulnerability, map mode, health boost, and weapons/ammunition. You can also access the "warp to fun" levels 25, 26, and 27. Once enabled, the health boost and weapons/ammunition options may not be disabled. The invulnerability option will be disabled on level 32. Once enabled, the features menu will appear when any saved game is paused until the Nintendo 64 is powered off or reset.

Secret levels for special keys
Level 4 has a secret entrance to level 29.
Level 12 has a secret entrance to level 30.
Level 18 has a secret entrance to level 31.
Destroy all the barrels on Level 1 to access Level 32. The warp is in a secret room behind the starting location of the level. Save the first barrel to be destroyed last.

Death messages
Do not immediately resume game play after losing a life. Random messages will appear at the top of the screen for several seconds at one minute intervals.

Super status
Enter "W93M 7H20 BCY0 PSVB" as a password. The game will begin on the last level with 100 health, 200 armor, all weapons, full ammunitions, the backpack, and levels 29 to 31 completed. The inventory will contain three pentagram items that power-up the laser to be three times as powerful as the BFG9000 and activate the three switches in the last level to close the gates that spawn the monsters.

Level 32 (Hectic) demo
Enter "RVNH 3CT1 CD3M 0???" as a password. A demo of level 32 will appear as the fourth demonstration sequence.

<CENTER>Level</CENTER>Be gentle!Bring it on!I own Doom!Watch me die!
<CENTER>2</CENTER>cdp8 9bj2 68zt svk? cjpr 9bj1 68z? qvk? cnn8 9bj0 680t nvk? csnr 9bjz 680? lvk?
<CENTER>3</CENTER>cxm8 9bjy 681t jvk? c1mr 9bjx 681? gvk? c5l8 9bjw 682t dvk? c9lr 9bjv 682? bvk?
<CENTER>4</CENTER>ddk8 9bjt 683s 9vk? djkr 9bjs 6839 7vk? dnj8 9bjr 684s 5vk? dsjr 9bjq 6849 3vk?
<CENTER>5</CENTER>dxh8 9bjp 685s 1vk? d1hr 9bjn 6859 zvk? d5g8 9bjm 686s xvk? d9gr 9bjl 6869 vvk?
<CENTER>6</CENTER>fdf8 9bjk 687s svk? fjfr 9bjj 6879 qvk? fnd8 9bjh 688s nvk? fsdr 9bjg 6889 lvk?
<CENTER>7</CENTER>fxc8 9bjf 689s jvk? f1cr 9bjd 6899 gvk? f5b8 9bjc 68?s dvk? f9br 9bjb 68?9 bvk?
<CENTER>8</CENTER>gd?8 9bc? 69br ?bk? gj?r 9bc9 69b8 8bk? gn98 9bc8 69cr 6bk? gs9r 9bc7 69c8 4bk?
<CENTER>9</CENTER>gx88 9bc6 69dr 2bk? g18r 9bc5 69d8 0bk? g578 9bc4 69fr ybk? g97r 9bc3 69f8 wbk?
<CENTER>10</CENTER>hd68 9bc2 69gr tbk? hj6r 9bc1 69g8 rbk? hn58 9bc0 69hr pbk? hs5r 9bcz 69h8 mbk?
<CENTER>11</CENTER>hx48 9bcy 69jr kbk? h14r 9bcx 69j8 hbk? h538 9bcw 69kr fbk? h93r 9bcv 69k8 cbk?
<CENTER>12</CENTER>jd28 9bct 69lq ?bk? jj2r 9bcs 69l7 8bk? jn18 9bcr 69mq 6bk? js1r 9bcq 69m7 4bk?
<CENTER>13</CENTER>jx08 9bcp 69nq 2bk? j10r 9bcn 69n7 0bk? j5z8 9bcm 69pq ybk? j9zr 9bcl 69p7 wbk?
<CENTER>14</CENTER>kdy8 9bck 69qq tbk? kjyr 9bcj 69q7 rbk? knx8 9bch 69rq pbk? ksxr 9bcg 69r7 mbk?
<CENTER>15</CENTER>kxw8 9bcf 69sq kbk? k1wr 9bcd 69s7 hbk? k5v8 9bcc 69tq fbk? k9vr 9bcb 69t7 cbk?
<CENTER>16</CENTER>lft8 9bb? 69vp ?vk? lktr 9bb9 69v6 8vk? lps8 9bb8 69wp 6vk? ltsr 9bb7 69w6 4vk?
<CENTER>17</CENTER>lyr8 9bb6 69xp 2vk? l2rr 9bb5 69x6 0vk? l6q8 9bb4 69yp yvk? l?qr 9bb3 69y6 wvk?
<CENTER>18</CENTER>mfp8 9bb2 69zp tvk? mkpr 9bb1 69z6 rvk? mpn8 9bb0 690p pvk? mtnr 9bbz 6906 mvk?
<CENTER>19</CENTER>mym8 9bby 691p kvk? m2mr 9bbx 6916 hvk? m6l8 9bbw 692p fvk? m?lr 9bbv 6926 cvk?
<CENTER>20</CENTER>nfk8 9bbt 693n ?vk? nkkr 9bbs 6935 8vk? npj8 9bbr 694n 6vk? ntjr 9bbq 6945 4vk?
<CENTER>21</CENTER>nyh8 9bbp 695n 2vk? n2hr 9bbn 6955 0vk? n6g8 9bbm 696n yvk? n?gr 9bbl 6965 wvk?
<CENTER>22</CENTER>pff8 9bbk 697n tvk? pkfr 9bbj 6975 rvk? ppd8 9bbh 698n pvk? ptdr 9bbg 6985 mvk?
<CENTER>23</CENTER>pyc8 9bbf 699n kvk? p2cr 9bbd 6995 hvk? p6b8 9bbc 69?n fvk? p?br 9bbb 69?5 cvk?
<CENTER>24</CENTER>qf?8 9bf? 6?bm ?bk? qk?r 9bf9 6?b4 8bk? qp98 9bf8 6?cm 6bk? qt9r 9bf7 6?c4 4bk?
<CENTER>25</CENTER>qy88 9bf6 6?dm 2bk? q28r 9bf5 6?d4 0bk? q678 9bf4 6?fm ybk? q?7r 9bf3 6?f4 wbk?
<CENTER>26</CENTER>rf68 9bf2 6?gm tbk? rk6r 9bf1 6?g4 rbk? rp58 9bf0 6?hm pbk? rt5r 9bfz 6?h4 mbk?
<CENTER>27</CENTER>ry48 9bfy 6?jm kbk? r24r 9bfx 6?j4 hbk? r638 9bfw 6?km fbk? r?3r 9bfv 6?k4 cbk?
<CENTER>28</CENTER>sf28 9bft 6?ll ?bk? sk2r 9bfs 6?l3 8bk? sp18 9bfr 6?ml 6bk? st1r 9bfq 6?m3 4bk?
<CENTER>29</CENTER>sy08 9bfp 6?nl 2bk? s20r 9bfn 6?n3 0bk? s6z8 9bfm 6?pl ybk? s?zr 9bfl 6?p3 wbk?
<CENTER>30</CENTER>tfy8 9bfk 6?ql tbk? tkyr 9bfj 6?q3 rbk? tpx8 9bfh 6?rl pbk? ttxr 9bfg 6?r3 mbk?
<CENTER>31</CENTER>tyw8 9bff 6?sl kbk? t2wr 9bfd 6?s3 hbk? t6v8 9bfc 6?tl fbk? t?vr 9bfb 6?t3 cbk?
<CENTER>32</CENTER>vbt8 9bd? 6?vk 9vk?vgtr 9bd9 6?v2 7vk? vls8 9bd8 6?wk 5vk? vqsr 9bd7 6?w2 3vk?
Former Soldiers: They resemble your old friends, but now they just fire pistols at you. They drop clips for the chaingun and pistol when killed.

Former Sergeants: Meaner and tougher. They carry shotguns and do more damage then soldiers. They drop shotguns when killed.

Imp: This creature throws fireballs and takes more bullets to kill.

Demon: Appear in most areas and can rip your head off if you are not careful. If you see more of them, use the chaingun.

Cacodemon: These creatures are ugly and have one big mouth. If they see you, they will fire lightning balls from their mouth. Use your rockets.

Mancubus: You have to use more then a chaingun to kill them. Use ammo with caution.

Arachnotron: Fires plasma energy at you. Use your rifle.

Spider Demon: The ultimate enemy. Has a super chaingun mounted on her body. Use your plasma rifle or rocket launcher.
Outpost Omega
Use the following steps to access level 28, Outpost Omega. On level 4, when you reach the part where there are four pillars, go to the stairs. You will see four switches. Activate the one second closest to the blue door, then the switch closest to the stairs, then the switch to right of you, and then the switch closest to the door. All the pillars will be straight, and will lead to another exit. Note: Each time you activate the correct switch, the pillars will move up or down.

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