Excitebike 64 Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Check out these Excitebike 64 cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Excitebike 64 Cheats
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Nov. 25, 2005
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat code screen
Hold [L] + [C-Right] + [C-Down] (in order) and press [A] at the main menu to display the cheat code screen.

Debug mode
Enter "IMGOINGNOW" as a code at the cheat screen.

Enter "MOWER" as a code at the cheat screen.

Big head mode
Enter "BLAHBLAH" as a code at the cheat screen.

Small head mode
Enter "PINHEAD" as a code at the cheat screen.

Stunt bonus
Enter "SHOWOFF" as a code at the cheat screen.

Mirror mode
Enter "YADAYADA" as a code at the cheat screen.

Night mode
Enter "MIDNIGHT" as a code at the cheat screen.

Unlock all stunts
Enter "TRICKSTER" as a code at the cheat screen.

Beat This! mode
Enter "PATWELLS" as a code at the cheat screen.

Downhill mode
Enter "WHEEEEEEEE" as a code at the cheat screen.

Invisible riders
Enter "INVISRIDER" as a code at the cheat screen.

Transparent rider
Enter "XLURIDER" as a code at the cheat screen.

Strange colors
Enter "ROTCOLS" as a code at the cheat screen.

Developer team photo
Enter "UGLYMUGS" as a code at the cheat screen. Then enter the credits screen from the options menu.

Classic Excitebike mini-game
Successfully complete tutorial mode to play the NES version of Excitebike under "Special Tracks".

Soccer mode
Get first place in the silver round of the novice season to unlock soccer mode with two or four players.

Hill climb mode
Get first place in the gold round of the amateur season.

Excite 3D mode
Get first place in the challenge round of the pro season.
Quick start
When the timer starts, hold the wheelie and the turbo button. When you start, begin to pull in front of your opponents. Note: If you go down a hill or touch another person or the side, you will crash. You will also crash if you go above 50 mph.

Select a mode that is two player compatible. When the race starts, do a wheelie until you fall off your bike. You will then start the race in first place. Note: This only works on some tracks.

Turbo boost
When you are just about ready to go off a jump, press [Analog-stick Down] and press "Turbo". If done correctly, you should hear a noise. You can do this an unlimited number of times.

Hint. Faster, sharper, and quicker U-turns
Hold [Brake] and use the "sharp turn" technique. Hold [R] while turning. This works well if you need to slow down and turn quicker and faster on an oncoming U-turn.

Sharper air turns
Attempt an air turn, and while turning in air, hold [Brake]. Alternately, use the "sharp turn" trick while in the air. This works best if you have jumped a little too far on an oncoming U-turn, and you need to turn sharply in the air.

More air
Hold [R] + [Left] or [Right] off a jump. You will get a lot more air and additional time to land.

High and quick jumping
Pop a wheelie, then hold "Turbo". Release "Turbo" just before the top of the jump, then tap "Turbo" at the top while still maintaining the wheelie. This works well if you have crashed just before a steep jump and you need to speed up to complete the jump. For the highest jumping in the game, use this trick on "The Gravel Pit".

Ride around after race
Hold [Z] + [A] to pull a wheelie in training mode just before you cross the finish line. Release [Z] to slow down, then fall off the bike. You can now ride around the entire track.

Temporary invincibility
Pop a wheelie immediately after the race begins and fall off your bike. The CPU will reset your biker, giving you temporary invincibility.

Avoid overheating
You will begin to overheat while using turbo when racing. To get your temperature gauge back down, just wreck one of the other racers by clipping their front tire with your back tire. Your gauge will go down to nothing.

Custom course win
Place a landing ramp in the middle of the track, with no jump in front of it so that the steep slant of the landing ramp functions as a jump. Each time you pass the ramp, at least one of the CPU riders will fall off their bike. Tricks and air turns are unhindered.

Crowd takes pictures
To watch the crowd take pictures go off a jump and crash in any stadium course. Look at the stands, and sometimes the crowd will take pictures.

Train whistle
In the gravel pit on the Golden level, go over the train towards the end at the shortcut. Do a trick while you are over the train, and you will hear its horn.

Hit the ceiling
Go to the stunt course and get a lot of speed. Go towards the first two ramps that enter the tunnel. You should go up the sides to go straight up. If you get enough air, you will hit the ceiling. Note: Try to do a trick when you go up. It may help you get higher.

Note: To prepare for these tricks, try pushing the Analog-stick the opposite direction, then move it in the correct way in the air. This will not work for rotating moves and some others.
Lazyboy: Hold [C-Down] and rotate the Analog-stick counterclockwise from [Up] to [Down].

Barhop: Hold [C-Down] and rotate the Analog-stick clockwise from [Down] to [Right].

Nac Nac: Hold [C-Down] and rotate the Analog-stick counterclockwise from [Left] to [Down].

Nothing: Press [Down], [Up] + [R] + [C-Down].

No Hander: Press [Down], [Up] + [C-Down].

Fender Grab: Hold [C-Down] + [R] and rotate the Analog-stick counterclockwise from [Down] to [Up].

Cordova: Hold [C-Down] + [R] and rotate the Analog-stick counterclockwise from [Up] to [Down].

Saran Wrap: Press [Right], [Left] + [C-Down].

Kobe: Hold [C-Down] and rotate the Analog-stick counterclockwise in a full circle starting at [Down] before going airborne.

Superman: Hold [C-Down] and rotate the Analog-stick counterclockwise from [Up] to [Down].

Double Can Can: Press [Right], [Left] + [R] + [C-Down].

Fender Kiss: Press [Up], [Down] + [C-Down].

Heel Clicker: Hold [C-Down] + and rotate the Analog-stick counterclockwise from [Down] to [Up].

Cliff Hanger: Hold [C-Down] + [R] + and rotate the Analog-stick clockwise from [Down] to [Up].

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