Atlanta Attack team
Win the Champions Cup as Brazil under the professional
difficulty level.
Finding Ronaldo
Ronaldo may be found in the game as Calcio on the Inter
Milan team. Alternately, Ronaldo can be found on the Monaco team
from France.
Big players
Select Canada as a team and enter the player edit screen.
Enter "Joe" as the first player's name. Start a friendly
game to get large players with alternate colors.
Booing crowd
Repeatedly press [B] during the intermission sequence
after the opposing team scores a goal.
No goalie
Press [Start] to pause a match against the CPU,
select the controllers option and gain control of the opposing
team. Wait until your original team gains possession of the ball,
then hold [R] to have the original CPU goalie run after the
ball. Keep [R] held and press [Start]. Use the controllers
option to gain control of your original team. The CPU goalie will
not return to the goal area, allowing easy scoring. Note: This
trick must be repeated after halftime.