WWF War Zone Cheats - Nintendo 64

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Check out these WWF War Zone cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable WWF War Zone Cheats
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Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Nov. 29, 2006
Primary Collection of Cheats
View unlocked cheats
Press [L] + [R] in the elevator to list the hidden features and modes that have been successfully unlocked as described below. Note: When unlocking the cheats, do not change difficulty settings during the challenge.

Play as Cactus and Dude feature
Win WWF title in challenge mode with Mankind under the medium or hard difficulty level. Cactus Jack and Dude Love will now be available on the character selection screen.

Play as Trainer feature
Enter training mode and select "Custom" followed by "Trainer" at the character selection screen.

Play as Sue feature
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with Bret Hart or Own Hart under the medium or hard difficulty level. Sue the ring girl will now be available as a custom wrestler.

New Duds feature
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with the Kane under the hard difficulty level. Additional shirts, jackets, masks, pants, and more clothes will be available in creation mode.

Extra Gold feature
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with Goldust under the medium or hard difficulty levels. The MarilynDust and DustyDust costumes will be selectable.

Extra Cold feature
Win the WWF title with Stone Cold under the hard difficulty level. Then, highlight Stone Cold on the character selection screen and press [C-Down], [C-Right], or [C-Up] for additional costumes (black vest and jeans; Austin 3:16 t-shirt and jeans)

RattleSnake feature
Complete Versus, Tag, Cage, and Weapons mode on the hard difficulty level with a created wrestler. Then use your created wrestler to win the title in challenge mode under the hard difficulty level. A pumped-up Steve Austin may now be selected as a custom character.

Ladies night feature
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with HHH or Shawn Michaels under the medium or hard difficulty levels. The "Female" body type may now be selected under creation mode.

Polished mode
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with any wrestler under the medium or hard difficulty level.

No meters mode
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with the Undertaker under the medium or hard difficulty level.

Big head mode
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with British Bulldog or The Rock under the medium or hard difficulty level.

No wimps mode
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with Ken Shamrock or Farooq under the medium or hard difficulty level. Blocking is disabled when this mode is active.

Bean mode
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with Mosh or Thrasher under the medium or hard difficulty level. Belching and farting is enabled with this mode.

Ego mode
Win the WWF title in challenge mode with Ahmed Johnson under the medium or hard difficulty level. Crowd cheers will increase the size of the wrestler's head, while boos will make it shrink.

Alternate costume colors
Hold [C-Left] + [C-Right] + [C-Up] + [C-Down] and press [A] at the character selection screen under the medium of hard difficulty level.

Random wrestler
Hold [Up] and press "Block" at the character selection screen.

Dizzy wrestler
Hold [L] or [R] at the Create-a-wrestler or Biographies screen.

Angry crowd
Start a match with no CPU players and just leave the wrestlers standing without moving or wrestling. The crowd will get extremely angry, and J.R. and Vince will add some funny commentary.

Easy ring out
When the match begins simply climb down from the ring. Your opponent will always follow. Get your opponent to follow your wrestler around outside of the ring to run the timer down. Do not get too far away or your opponent will climb back into the ring. Once the timer reaches 4 or 5 seconds quickly hit your opponent repeatedly until he becomes stunned. Jump back on the mat with only a second or two to spare and your character should win by ring out.

Easy attribute points
Earn attribute points for a created character in the usual way. Choose to edit your custom character and save. Load the created character again, then leave the "Create A Wrestler" screen. Immediately enter the "Create A Wrestler" screen again, choose to make a character. The new character should have the same amount of attribute points as the saved character. Save the new character under a different file.

Continue wrestling after match ends
Call another wrestler for help while in a match. Allow the called-in wrestler to defeat your opponent. Leave the ring just when your opponent is about to be pinned. Your wrestler will be able to hit your opponent from the floor as long as desired. Walk on the apron or return to the ring to end the match.

Quick match
Set the time limit down to five minutes so that your opponents life bar will get to the red faster.

Have partner in the ring without being counted out
Use the following trick to call out your partner into the ring and keep him there in tag team mode. Call in your partner, then fight with your opponent outside of the ring. As long as your partner stays in the ring and you stay out, your partner's number will stay green, which indicates that he is not being counted out.

Get the 3 count without interference from your opponent partner
To pin your opponent without your opponent's partner coming in, get your opponent's life bar in the red. Then, knock him out, knock his partner off the ring, then immediately turn around and go for the cover. Your opponent's partner will not get into the ring in time.

Easy ways to toss opponents
Stun them so they are on their feet, or stun them and pick them up. Then, push them to the ropes, while making sure that they are facing you. Push [Left]x2, [C-Down] to pick them up and toss them out of the ring.

Reverse attacks
Press "Block" during any throw attack. This must be done very quickly at the beginning of the attack,

Increase the damage from moves
Make sure you and your opponent are outside of the ring. As long as you are outside of the ring, all the moves you do on your opponent will be increased and vice versa.

Ahmed Johnson: Breaking the rules
Select Ahmed and get your opponent in the turnbuckles. Press [Left]x2, [A]. Ahmed will lift your opponent up and send him crashing down on the top rope turnbuckle.

Ahmed Johnson: Flying Shoulder Block
Get on the turnbuckle, then press [Left], [Right], [Up], [Kick] + "Block". Instead of doing his Pearl River special move, he will do a Flying Shoulder Block. It will take as much damage out of your opponent as a regular special move.

Owen Hart: Extra Hurrican-Ranna
When running quickly, press [B] and [C-Down] when very close to your opponent. Owen will jump on his or her shoulders and give out a hurrican-ranna.

Shawn Michaels: Extra taunt
Choose HBK for a character in any game mode. Then, walk very close to the ropes and press [A] + [C-Left]. He should jump on the ropes and say, "I'm gonna dance all over your face".

Each wrestler can taunt his opponent or show off during a match with the following:
Taunt 1
Press [Punch] + "Block"

Taunt 2
Press "Tie Up" + [Kick]
Taunts on the turnbuckle or apron
In order to do a taunt on the apron, you have to get your opponent out of the ring and get on the apron. Face him and then press [Punch] + "Block" buttons.

Taunt with weapon still in your hand
Start a weapons match and pick up any weapon. Press [Punch] + "Block" or [Kick] + "Tie Up" to see your wrestler taunt his foe with the weapon he picked up in his hand. Also try this trick when your wrestler is on the apron and your opponent is outside the ring. The only draw back is if you you can only take weapons that you do not carry above your head with both of your hands onto the apron with you.

Flying moves off apron with a weapon
Start a weapons and make sure your opponent is outside of the ring. Next, pick up a weapon that you do not carry above you with both hands. Go onto the apron with your weapon in hand and, while still on the apron, walk to where your opponent is outside. Try using a move such as the Axe Handle Smash. If done correctly, your wrestler should deliver the move with the weapon still in his hand. Try this trick with other types of moves off the apron, such as the Missile Dropkick, Driving Elbow, etc.

Hell ya announcement
Create a player and give him Steve Austin's moves Hell Ya. An announcer will say "Hell Ya".

Finishing moves
To execute a finishing move, your opponent's energy bar must be in the red.
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Stone Cold Stunner: [Right], [Right], "Tie Up
"Situation: Tied Up

Kick Then Stunner: [Left], [Left], [Up], "Tie Up" + "Block
"Situation: Both standing

Stone Cold Kick Stunner: [Right], [Right], [Up], "Block" + "Tie Up
"Situation: Both standing

"Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels
Sweet Chin Music: [Right], [Down], [Up], [Kick] + "Block
"Situation: Both Standing

"Triple H" Hunter Hearst Helmsley
The Pedigree: [Right], [Down], [Left], [Punch] + "Tie Up
"Situation: Both Standing

The Undertaker
Tombstone Piledriver: [Down], [Down], [Down], [Punch] + "Tie Up
"Situation: Both Standing

Tombstone Piledriver (faster): [Up], [Down], "Tie Up".
Situation: Tied Up

Tombstone Piledriver: [Down], [Down], [Down], [Punch] + "Tie Up
"Situation: Both Standing

Tombstone Piledriver (faster): [Up], [Down], "Tie Up".
Situation: Tied Up

"The Black Hart" Owen Hart
The Sharpshooter: [Left], [Left], [Up], [Kick] + "Block
"Situation: Standing At The Feet Of A Fallen Opponent

"The Rock" Rocky Maivia
The Rock Bottom: [Right], [Right], [Up], [Punch] + "Tie Up
"Situation: Both Standing

The Dominator: [Up], [Up], [Up], "Tie Up" + "Block
"Situation: Both Standing

Mankind/Cactus Jack/Dude Love
Mandible Claw (Mankind): [Right], [Left], [Up], "Tie Up" + "Block
"Alternatively, press "Tie Up", [Left], [Right], "Tie Up
"Situation: Both Standing, or Standing At The Head Of A Fallen Opponent

Curtain Call: [Left], [Down], [Down], "Tie Up" + "Block
"Situation: Behind Opponent

Ken Shamrock
Ankle Lock Submission: [Left], [Right], [Up], [Kick], "Tie Up.
"Situation: Standing at the Feet of a Fallen Opponent

Bret "Hitman" Hart
The Sharpshooter: [Left], [Left], [Up], [Kick] + "Block
"Situation: Standing at the Feet of a Fallen Opponent

"The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith
Running Powerslam: [Up], [Down], "Tie Up
"Situation: Tied Up

Ahmed Johnson
Pearl River Plunge: [Right], [Left], [Up], [Kick] + "Block
"Situation: Both Standing

Headbanger Mosh
Mosh Pit: [Left], [Right], [Up], "Tie Up" + "Block
"Situation: Opponent Standing, Player Standing on Top Turnbuckle

Headbanger Thrasher
Stage Dive: [Right], [Up], [Up], [Punch] + "Kick
"Situation: Opponent On Ground, Player Standing on Top Turnbuckle

Dude Love/Cactus Jack
Double Arm DDT: [Right], [Left], [Up], "Tie Up" + "Block
"Situation: Both Standing
Extra attribute points for created wrestlers
Win the following matches as indicated in one player mode to earn the extra attribute points.

ChallengeWin the WWF Title on Hard<CENTER>4</CENTER>
Royal rumbleWin a Rumble on Medium<CENTER>2</CENTER>
Royal rumbleWin a Rumble on Hard<CENTER>3</CENTER>
GauntletWin a match on Medium or Hard<CENTER>2</CENTER>
VersusWin a match on Hard<CENTER>1</CENTER>
TagWin a match on Medium or Hard<CENTER>1</CENTER>
CageWin a match on Medium or Hard<CENTER>1</CENTER>
WeaponsWin a match on Hard<CENTER>1</CENTER>

Smash opponent's head into cage
Select a cage match, then press [Left]x2, [B] to smash your opponent's head into the cage.

Call for help
Press [L] + [R] + [Z] while in the ring and losing a tag team match. Most of the time, it is a good idea to call him out when your opponent's partner steps into the ring and wants to make it a 2 on 1 match. Your partner will return to the ring apron when his number reads 0. Note: You cannot call him in if his number reads 0, and it is a better idea to call him out when his number reads 5.

Call another wrestler
Enter one of the following codes during a match to summon the corresponding wrestler. Note: The game mode will automatically switch to a handicap match and you will lose by disqualification after the match. This may only be done in a 1-on-1 match in either vs. or challenge mode.

Ahmed JohnsonL + R + Z + Up + Block
Bret HartL + R + Z + Left + TieUp
FaarooqL + R + Z + Up + Punch
GoldustL + R + Z + Right + Punch
KaneL + R + Z + Down + Punch
Ken ShamrockL + R + Z + Down + Kick
MankindL + R + Z + Up + TieUp
MoshL + R + Z + Down + Block
Owen HartL + R + Z + Left + Block
Shawn MichaelsL + R + Z + Left + Punch
Steve AustinL + R + Z + Up + Kick
The British BulldogL + R + Z + Left + Kick
The RockL + R + Z + Right + Kick
The UndertakerL + R + Z + Right + Block
ThrasherL + R + Z + Down + TieUp
Triple HL + R + Z + Right + TieUp

More moves
Hurrican Rana (The Rock or Ken Shamrock)
[Left], [Right], [Up], [A] while standing up or on the turnbuckle.

Hurrican Rana (The Rock, HBK, or Ken Shamrock)
Run at your opponent and press [Punch] + "Tie Up".

Hurrican Rana (HBK)
Press [Up] + [A] while your opponent is running towards your wrestler.

Extra moonsault (HBK)
While climbing the turn-buckle push [C-Down] while still facing backwards.

Crucifix (Bret Hart, Bulldog, Trainer)
Run at your opponent and press [Punch] + "Tie Up".

Kick Stunner (Steve Austin)
[Right], [Right], [Up], "Tie Up" + "Block".

Layin' the Smack Down (The Rock)
[Left], [Right], [Up], [Punch] while standing up.

Shooting Star (HBK, Owen Hart, either Headbanger)
Go to the top rope and press [Up], [Up], [Kick] + "Tie Up".

German Suplex from behind (HBK, Bret Hart)
Press [Right], [Right], [Up], "Tie Up".

Flying Headbutt from the top rope (Bret Hart)
Press [Right], [Right], [Kick] + [Punch].

Figure four at feet of fallen opponent (Triple H)
Press [Left], [Up], [Left], [Kick].

Moonsault (Shawn Michaels)
Hold "Block" while climbing up the turnbuckle.

Standing Moonsault (Shawn Michaels)
When the opponent is dazed on the ground, stand to the side of their body and press [Up] + [Punch].

Hurrican Rana (Owen Hart)
Press [Punch] + "Block" when running at an opponent.

Hurricanranna (Owen Hart)
Press [Left], [Right], [Left], [Up], [Kick].
Situation: Both standing

Top Rope Hurricanrana (Owen Hart or HBK)
Press [Left], [Right], [Up], [Kick].
Situation: Opponent is stunned in the turnbuckle.

Figure four at feet of fallen opponent (HBK)
Press [Left], [Up], [Left], [Kick] + "Tie Up".

Press Slam (Faarooq)
Press [Down], "Down ", [Right], "Tie Up".
Situation: Both standing

Choke Slam for (Ahmed Johnson and Faarooq)
Press [Right], [Right], [Up], [Punch].
Situation: Both standing

Top Rope Choke Slam (Undertaker and Kane)
Press [Up], [Up], "Tie Up".
Situation: Opponent on turnbuckle

Driving Elbow (Undertaker)
Press [Right], [Left], "Tie Up" + [Kick].
Situation: Player on turnbuckle, opponent on ground.

Flying Forearm Smash (Undertaker)
Press [Right], [Left], "Tie Up" + "Kick
"Situation: Player on turnbuckle, opponent standing.

Press Slam (British Bulldog)
Press [Down], [Down], [Up], "Tie Up".
Situation: Both standing
Glitch: Trainer
Go to the training room, then train with trainer on turnbukle. When he is climbing, punch him off.

Glitch: Cactus Jack biography
Go to biographies and get to Cactus Jack. Then, quickly press [Z], then exit. If done correctly, the music will still be playing. After you leave, the wall will close, and the game must be reset.

Glitch: Two upper body tattoos
Enter Create A Wrestler mode and give your creation the "Thorns" upper body tattoo. Then, change the gender to female, go back to Upper Body tattoos and change it to "Bug". The new tattoo will appear, but the thorns will stay. Change the gender back to male and you can change the thorns tattoo with out removing the bug tattoo.

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