PC Cheats Index - Cheats List

Game Cheats List Updated on
H2OCheat Codes1999-08-02
Habbo HotelCheat Codes, Hints2008-07-08
HackerCheat Codes1999-01-17
Hacker EvolutionCheat Codes, Trainer2010-05-22
Hacker Evolution: DualityTrainer2012-06-08
Hacker Evolution: UntoldTrainer2009-08-11
Hack, Slash, LootHints2012-05-17
HacXCheat Codes2010-11-28
HaegarCheat Codes1999-01-13
Hail to the King: DeathbatHints2015-01-05
Hairy HarryTrainer, Savegame2003-02-24
Half-LifeCheat Codes, Trainers, Walkthroughs, UHS Module2011-02-07
Half Life 1: Anthology2009-08-25
Half-Life 2Cheat Codes, Trainers, Cheats, UHS Module, Fixes, Hints, Guides2011-08-08
Half-Life 2: Episode OneCheat Codes, Trainers, Cheat Enabler, Walkthrough, UHS Module, Savegame, Hints2010-09-07
Half-Life 2: Episode TwoCheat Codes, Trainers, Hints2010-09-07
Half-Life: Battles of the MilleniumCheats2001-02-26
Half-Life: Blue ShiftCheat Codes, Trainers, FAQ2011-02-15
Half-Life: Counter-StrikeCheats, Trainers, Cheat scripts, and much, much more!2003-01-17
Half-Life: Day of DefeatGuide2002-09-06
Half-Life: Game of the Year EditionCheat Codes1999-07-15
Half-Life: Natural SelectionCheat Codes1999-06-25
Half-Life: Opposing ForceCheats, Save collection, Trainer, UHS Module2003-03-22
Half-Life: Poke646Cheat Codes1999-12-07
Half-Life: RedemptionCheat Codes, Hints1999-06-09
Half-Life: Science and IndustryCheat Codes1999-06-26
Half-Life: Team Fortress ClassicCheat Codes, Guide1999-02-21
Half-Life: They HungerHints1999-10-07
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