PC Cheats Index - Cheats List

Game Cheats List Updated on
Squad Battles: Eagles StrikeTrainers2007-08-22
Squad Battles: Pacific WarTrainers2007-08-22
Squad Battles: The Korean WarTrainers2007-08-22
Squad Battles: The Proud and the FewTrainers2007-08-22
Squad Battles: Tour of DutyTrainers2007-08-22
Squad Battles: VietnamTrainers2007-08-22
Squad LeaderStats Cheat2001-01-18
SR 2000Cheat Codes1999-04-18
S.R.A.C.S. Special Rescue Air Cav SquadTrainer, Savegame2007-12-30
Stable MastersHints1999-05-15
Stable Masters 2001Trainer2001-06-25
Stack MatesTrainer2002-06-19
Stalin vs. MartiansTrainers2009-10-10
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of PripyatTrainers, Tools2012-02-04
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear SkyCheat Codes, Trainers, Savegame, Mods, Tools, Hints2011-03-22
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of ChernobylCheat Codes, Trainers, Savegame, Weapon mod, Tools, Hints2012-02-09
Stand O'FoodSavegame2008-05-28
StarboundTrainers, Hints2017-01-26
Star Chronicles: Delta QuadrantHints2015-12-29
Star Command RevolutionCheat Codes1999-10-11
Star ConflictHints2013-03-07
Star Control 2Cheat Codes, Guide, UHS Module1999-09-11
Star Control 3UGE Module2000-11-08
StarcraftCheat Codes, Trainers, Savegame, Maps, Hints, Guides2012-01-01
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