Armored Core: Nexus Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Armored Core: Nexus cheats and stay cool!
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Completion bonuses
Successfully complete the game in EVO mode to unlock the "Free Arena" and "Free Missions" options and Left Hand Karasawa when your cleared save game is loaded. Note: Three Free Missions will only appear by failing a certain mission, as follows.
Free Mission 4: Intentionally fail the Missile Efficiency Test mission then play the next Kisaragi mission.

Free Mission 5: Intentionally fail the first two Mirage missions, then play the next Mirage mission.

Free Mission 22: Intentionally fail the Remove Kisaragi Investigation Unit mission, then repeat that mission again.
First person view
Reach a 100% completion rating in the Revolution Disk. Then, press [Start] to pause game play, then hold [Select] and press [Start] to resume.

Bonus emblems
Earn an "A" rank in all missions in the indicated episode to unlock the corresponding emblem.
Crescent Moon: Episode 4
Danger: Episode 9
Dark Rider: Episode 12
Fefnir: Episode 8
Fenrir: Episode 5
Milicona: Episode 13
Necron: Episode 14
Nineball: Episode 2
Pink Cat: Episode 3
Rave: Episode 11
Tofuku-Go: Episode 6
Shadow: Episode 10
Silver Wolf: Episode 7
Sledge Hammer: Episode 15
Hidden part
Win the fight against Genobee to get the Finger (for barrel machine gun) for the right arm.

Eliminate Rogue Engineer mission: Hidden part
Go to where the majority of the MTs are located, then fly up onto the first "bridge". Go to the right side and press [Circle] to get the part. Note: You must be on a slightly lower elevation than the part in order to grab it.

Go past the MTs into the canyon. On the bridges above you will find the CR-WH98GL Arm unit R. It is a small grenade rifle that can be hangered.

Ruga Canyon: Destroy All Enemies mission: Hidden part
To get the CR-WH98GL (R arm small grenade rifle), go forward until you see the three MTs. You will also see two pipes above you. One of them has this part. A good booster AC is required.

Ruga Canyon: Destroy OAE Investigation Team mission: Hidden part
To get the CR-WR81R52 (R-arm rapid fire sniper rifle), go in the direction that the monorail is traveling. On the other side of the bridge (the one the monorail is on and the direction it is going; and it is also on the top part of the bridge), you will see the part.

Ravens Ark: Test With A Crest AC (Genobee) mission: Hidden part
To get the WHO3M-FINGER (R arm quad shot machine gun), defeat Genobee in 55 seconds or less.

Ravens Ark: Missile Test (Kisaragi) mission: Hidden part
To get the JITEN (L arm solid shield), dodge as many missiles as possible.

Ravens Ark: New Model MT Efficiency Test mission (Crest): Hidden part
To get the CR-WH69H (L arm pistol), survive the test with three minutes or more then let the MTs destroy you. Note: If you hide for three minutes it will not count. Use a mobile AC.

Abex Plain: Guard Mirage Aircraft mission: Hidden part
To get the HOHSHI (inside ECM part), on the other side of the aircraft you will see two piles of metal boxes. Destroy the one on the left and collect the part.

Abex Plain: Support OAE Invasion mission: Hidden part
To get the E0SMG-ROE2 (extension, ammo for right arm laser rifles, 24 ammo total), destroy the hangars (small black buildings) until you find it.

Bayload City: Remove Special Force mission: Hidden part
Note: This is the mission in which you meet Genobee. To get the CODON (optional part, increases turning speed), face northwest and look up. On the wall, you will see two doors. The one with white lights above it has the part

Bayload City: Eliminate Crest AC (Red Star) mission: Hidden part
To get the WB31B-PEGASUS (back boosters), destroy the AC in 50 seconds or less.

Bayload City: Secure Escape Route mission: Hidden part
To get the L arm, enhanced blade wave part, by the first pillar (the things that are like arches above the road), you will see two destroyed transports. Destroy the yellow one and get the part.

Bayload City: Infiltrate Warehouse mission: Hidden part
To get the A04-BABOON (good defense arms), successfully complete the mission.

Bayload City: Remove City Defense (In Sewer) mission: Hidden part
To get the IWATO (extension energy shields), successfully complete the mission, make sure Mirage points are low, and do not do a lot of Mirage mission up to this point.

Bayload City: Destroy Mirage Transports mission: Hidden part
To get the COWRY (wide and shallow FCS, good targeting but slow lock on time), do not let a single transport survive.

Bayload City: Eliminate Crest AC (Genobee) mission: Hidden part
To get the CR-WA91MSM (micro missile arms), defeat Genobee in 70 seconds or less.

Lectus Plain: Destroy OAE VIP mission: Hidden part
To get the CR-WR88RS3 (R arm, high power sniper rifle), complete the Attack Crest Supply Convoy mission, then you can do this mission. Make sure you have night vision.

Lectus Plain: Destroy Crest Rebels mission: Hidden part
To get the CR-A88FG (arms, lightest in existence), clear the mission. Make sure you have a strong AC and a lot of ammunition. You must face three ACs.

Lectus Plain: Defend Fuel Base mission: Hidden parts
To get the LNO1-SEAL (hover legs), make sure all the fuel tanks survive. Use an accurate and powerful weapon. To get CF-LF71 (small biped), you must have high Crest points.

Kolios Lake: Payback mission: Hidden part
Note: This is an Ark mission; destroying Mirage base after Mirage betrays you. To get the KUJAKU (generator, high heat, but good energy, and heavy), take out four missile launchers and ten enemies. The missile launchers are the black gun-like objects.

Marea Desert: ECM Phenomenon mission: Hidden part
To get the LN04-WALRUS2 (hover legs, enhanced seal legs), the AC must be there and clear the mission (which includes destroying the AC).

Nucleo Area: Destroy Power In Mining Facility mission: Hidden part
To get the CR-H9SEE (head, good radar, and light), when you destroy the first generator, find the room where the second one is located. When you enter the room, you will see a pile of boxes on a platform (the one beneath you as soon as you enter the room). Destroy the boxes and get the part.

Nucleo Area: Prevent Weapon Initiation mission: Hidden part
To get the WHO4HL-KRSW (L-arm Karasawa, high power laser rifle), defeat the Nineball AC/MT in 30 seconds or less. A mobile AC with power is required.

Revolution Disc hidden parts
Episode 1: Reverse Side
CR-194DD2 (inside decoy): Make sure non of your allies die.

Episode 2: Remake
CR-WR93RL (R-arm linear rifle, oracle uses this): None of the torpedoes can hit the submarine. A hover sniper AC is recommended.

Episode 2:Extend Side
YMH07-DRAGON (R-arm laser rifle, the first AC in the Lost Field in Another Age uses this, or Stinger): Successfully complete the mission.

Episode 2:Extend Side
CR-B8STP (CBT fleet equivalent, booster): Get under the platform. You will see it on one of the pipes.

Episode 3: Extend Side
WHO3M-FINGER (left arm quad shot machine gun): Destroy all bombs that are falling from the sky.

Episode 3: Reverse Side
KANGI (optional part, increases ECM counter): Make sure none of the gun emplacements are destroyed.

Episode 4: Extend Side
YWL03LB-TAROS (L-arm linear blade, the first Lost Field AC uses this in Another Age, or Stinger): Clear the mission as fast as possible.

Episode 4: Extend Side
ANANDA (good radiator): After entering the second room, turn left. In that room, the part is on the other side. It is near the pipes on floor.

Episode 5: Remake
WHO6PL-ORC (L arm small plasma rifle): Go to the last room. On the other end, there are two floors with a lot of explosive barrels. Destroy the ones on top to get the part.

Episode 5: Extend Side
WR28R-SIREN4 (heavy back radar): The transport cannot take any damage

Episode 6: Extend Side
YHO6-LADYB (head that the enemy AC is using): Destroy the enemy AC in 90 seconds or less.

Episode 6: Reverse Side:
FUNI (extension)-: Destroy the AC in 30 seconds or less.

Episode 7: Remake
CR-YH7OS2 (head that the enemy AC is using): Destroy the AC in 30 seconds or less.

Episode 7: Extend Side
(extension, missile confuser): At begging of mission, you will see three black towers in a row. Behind the middle one is the part.

Episode 8: Remake
CORAL (inside, improved flame rocket), go down to the two lowest pipes under the building. One of them has the part. This one is connecting the two buildings. There are four pipes in all.

Episode 8: Extend Side
YA10-LORIS (arms, the first Lost Field AC uses these in Another Age, or Stinger): Complete the mission as fast as possible.

Episode 9: Reverse Side
CR-LH79L (small biped legs, Shade in Silent Line uses these): Protect all four generators.

Episode 10: Remake
JIREN (extension): Turn around completely when you start the mission. Boost forward to the dead end. Look to left and you will see the part.

Episode 11: Extend Side
WHO4HL-KRSW (R arm, Karasawa, high power laser rifle): Destroy three or more units than the prototype.

Episode 11: Reverse Side:
KARURA (back 9 missile launch micro missile): When the mission begins, turn around and you will see a building to your left. Enter the building and get the part.

Episode 12: Remake
CR-LRJ84M (legs): Avoid destroying any of the generators in the facility.

Episode 12: Extend Side
MIROKU (FCS, wide and shallow): Destroy all enigmas and get the bombs before 1:00 to 1:25.

Episode 13: Remake
NIOH (R arm blade): After the elevator, go to the fourth or fifth room. In the room, you will see a large vent on the wall. Destroy it and you will enter a passageway leading to a large room. Boost up and you will see another vent. Destroy it, enter, and turn around completely. On the other side of the same large room, there is yet another vent. Destroy it, enter the passageway, and get the part.

Episode 13: Extend Side
YHO8-MANTIS (head used by the first Lost Field AC in Another Age, or Stinger): Clear the mission

Episode 13: Extend Side
YWH07-Dragon (L arm laser rifle, same one as AC is using, except left arm): Destroy the MTs in 20 seconds and destroy the AC (the Lost Field AC) in 45 seconds.

Episode 14: Remake
WL-MOONLIGHT (L-arm blade, most powerful): Clear the mission as fast as possible.

Episode 14: Extend Side
YLH11-VIXEN (legs, the first Lost Field AC in Another Age uses these, or Stinger):

Episode 15: Remake
(Extension, ammo for right arm rifles): Destroy massive MT in 30 seconds or less.

Episode 15: Extend Side
YCO7-CRONUS (core, the first Lost Field AC in Another Age uses this, or Stinger): Successfully complete the mission.

Episode 15: Extend Side
CR-YH85SR (head used by the AC): Defeat the AC in 30 seconds or less.
Special parts
HO9: SPIDER (heavy head): Get rank 1
MFO5: LIMPET: Get rank 10
CR: 083ES+: Get rank 20
CR: I79DD: Get rank 1 in the Arena (inside decoy)
CR: H9TXS: EYE (the head Genobee uses): High Crest mission success rate
Illusion Custom AC
Pilot name: Eidolan
Core: C98E2
Arms: A92X5
Legs: LH09-COUGAR2
Booster: BO3-VULTURE2
Generator: KONGOH
Radiator: CR-R92
Inside: 1050-MEQUSA
Extension: CR-E02RM3
Back Unit R: KINNARA
Back Unit L: CR-WB9ILGL
Arm Unit L: WLI4LB-ELF2

R: 130, G: 130, B: 130
R: 30, G: 30, B: 30
R: 0, G: 0, B: 0
R: 0, G: 110, B: 200
R: 80, G: 56, B: 0

Note: This AC can defeat anyone in the Arena and is very good at missions. However, for the last mission when you face Nine Ball again, use hit and hide tactics. A skilled pilot is recommended. Optional parts of our choice are recommended. This unit is made for mid- to long-range, but it can be used in close range if necessary.
Dragon Custom AC
Pilot name: Anateus
HII-QUEEN (70% weight, 30% ECM)
CR-C98E2 (100% weight)
CR-A92XSC (100% weight)
LHO0-COUGAR2 (100% max leg weight)
CR-B83TP (10% weight, 90% booster heat)
CR-G91(100% EN OUTPUT)
(no inside)

Optional parts

R: 10, G: 40, B: 27
R: 100, G: 100, B: 100
R: 0, G: 0, B: 0
R: 0, G: 120, B: 200
R: 10, G: 27, B: 65

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