Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Dead Or Alive 2: Hardcore Cheats
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Mar. 30, 2013
Feb. 21, 2011
Primary Collection of Cheats
Increased jubbling
Go to the options menu, and choose the game setting that allows you to set your age between 13 and 99. Increase your age to see more jubbling.

Extra options
Press [Start] to pause game play, then press [Triangle] + [X].

Fight as Bayman
Successfully complete the game with all original characters. Bayman can only be used where the two extra slots are for hidden characters; Survival, Time Attack, etc.

Fight as Tengu
Collect 10 stars in survival mode. Play as any combination of characters more than 200 times.

Expanded credits
Successfully complete the game with all the characters under the very hard difficulty setting.

CG Gallery
Win team mode with five characters.

Alternate hairstyles
When selecting Kasumi, press [Circle] to select her hair as a loose ponytail or [X] to select her hair as a braid. Note: This works with any costume. Also, her hair will always appear as a loose ponytail when you select her, but during the actual fight it will change to your choice.

When selecting Helena, press [X] to make her hair its original, long, length or [Circle] to make it slightly shorter. Note: This will work with any costume, and the difference will only be appear during the actual fight.

Alternate stage time
Press [Circle] when choosing the Aerial Garden or Iron Hell at the stage selection screen to change when the match occurs.

Alternate stage positions
Press Square when choosing White Storm, Demon's Church, Crimson, Burai Zenin, or Dragon Hills at the stage selection screen to change the starting position in those locations.

Alternate costumes
Highlight any fighter at the character selection screen in any mode. You can view how may costumes your character can have to the side. If your character us in the first row, press [Analog-stick Up] to select the costume. For the second row, press [Analog-stick Down] . Some characters may have two, three, or four costumes. The costumes can be enabled in any mode .

To unlock costumes easier, go into the options menu and set Team Battle (not Tag Team) to Very Hard, 30 seconds, and life gauges at the smallest. Then, go into the controls and disable the X button (set it for "Not Use"). Start a 1 on 1 team battle, and choose the character that you want the costumes for. Then, either set [X] for turbo or just keep tapping it. You will be defeated every time, and automatically select "Again". Do this 200 times with a UPS file to unlock all of the costumes.

Change winning pose view
Press [Triangle] during your fighter's victory pose. Use the D-Pad to change the camera angle, press [Square] to zoom in, or [Circle] to zoom out.

Random tag mode opponents
Highlight "Tag mode" and press [Start] to randomize the CPU's tag team members and costumes.
Extra tag team moves
For some extra tag team battle moves, use two characters that do not go together (for example, Jann Lee and Ein). With your combination of characters, complete tag team battle mode. When you complete it, you will get an extra tag throw. E.g., instead of just using the [Left], [F] + [P] + [K], you will get a [Right]x2, [F] + [P] + [K] move.

Ayane: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Complete story mode with Ayane on any setting.

Costume 4: Complete story mode with Ayane without continuing on the default setting or higher. Alternately, complete story mode using Ayane five times on any setting.

Costume 5: Earn 1.5 million points with Ayane in survival mode on the default settings or higher. Alternately, play as Ayane more than 25 times.

Costume 6: Successfully complete more than 50 stages with Ayane in survival mode on any setting. Alternately, play as Ayane more than 50 times.

Costume 7: Complete time attack mode with Ayane and in less than 4:15 on any setting. Alternately, play as Ayane more than 100 times.

Costume 8: Get the "Tiara" item with Ayane in survival mode on any setting. Alternately, play as Ayane more than 200 times.
Bass: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, use Bass five times (continues count).

Costume 5: Grab the Champion Belt in Survival Mode under any difficulty setting. Alternately, use Bass more than 50 times.
Bass: Running Clothesline
Do Bass's taunt ([Down] + [Punch] + [Kick]), then immediately press [Punch] and [Kick] to him perform his running clothesline.

Bayman: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Play as Bayman more than ten times.

Costume 4: Get Bayman's Missile in survival mode under any difficulty setting.
Ein: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode five times (continues count).

Costume 5: Grab the Scrolls in survival mode under any difficulty setting. Alternately, use Ein more than 50 times.
Gen Fu: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode with Gen Fu five times (continues count).

Costume 5: Score 1 million points in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, use Gen Fu more than 30 times.

Costume 6: Finish 48 stages in survival mode under any setting or use Gen Fu more than 75 times.

Costume 7: Grab the Mahjong Counter in survival mode under any setting. Alternately, use Gen Fu more than 150 times.
Helena: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete Story Mode with Helena five times (continues count).

Costume 5: Score 2 million points in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, use Helena more than 30 times.

Costume 6: Successfully complete time attack mode in under 4:15. Alternately, use Helena more than 75 times.

Costume 7: Grab the Rocket in survival mode under any setting. Alternately, use Helena more than 150 times.
Helena: 12 hit combo
Press [Down/Forward] + [Punch], [Forward] + [Punch], [Punch], [Punch], [Punch], "Down/Up" + [Kick], [Punch], [Punch], [Back] + [Punch], [Punch], [Punch], [Punch].

Kasumi: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode three times (continues count)..

Costume 5: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, Successfully complete story mode five times (continues count).

Costume 6: Score 2 million points in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, use Kasumi more than 50 times.

Costume 7: Finish over 50 stages in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, use Kasumi more than 100 times.

Costume 8: Grab the Cherry in survival mode under any setting. Alternately, use Kasumi more than 200 times.
Jann Lee: alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode with Jann Lee five times (continues count).

Costume 5: Score 1 million points in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, use Jann Lee more than 50 times.

Costume 6: Grab the Dragon in survival mode under any setting. Alternately, use Jann Lee more than 100 times.
Lei Fang: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode three times (continues count).

Costume 5: Score 1 million points in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode 5 times.

Costume 6: Successfully complete tag battle with Lei in her Costume 5 and Jann Lee wearing his Costume 5. Alternately, use Lei Fang more than 50 times.

Costume 7: Successfully complete time attack mode in less than 4:15 under the default difficulty setting. Alternately, use Lei Fang more than 100 times.

Costume 8: Grab the Decoration Cake in survival mode under any setting. Alternately, use Lei Fang more than 200 times.
Leon: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, Successfully complete story mode 5 times (continues count).

Costume 5: Grab the Missile in Survival Mode under any setting. Alternately, use Leon more than 50 times.
Ryu Hayabusa: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode 5 times (continues count).

Costume 5: Score 1 million points in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, use Ryu more than 50 times.

Costume 6: Grab the Green Tea in Survival Mode on any setting. Alternately, use Ryu more than 100 times.
Tina: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode five times (continues count).

Costume 5: Score 1.5 million points in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, use Tina more than 30 times.

Costume 6: Successfully complete time attack mode in less than 4:15 under the default difficulty setting. Alternately, use Tina more than 75 times.

Costume 7: Grab the Roast Chicken in Survival Mode under any setting. Alternately, use Tina more than 100 times.
Zack: Flaming symbol
Select Zack's fifth costume and taunt ([Left], [Right], [Left], [F] + [P] + [K]). The symbol on his chest and his eyes will ignite with a blue flame. Taunting again extinguishes the flame.

Zack: Glowing antenna
Select Zack's third costume and taunt ([Left], [Right], [Left], [F] + [P] + [K]). The antenna on his head will begin to glow. Taunting again will turn this off.

Zack: Alternate costumes
Costume 3: Successfully complete story mode.

Costume 4: Successfully complete story mode without continuing under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately, successfully complete story mode six times (continues count).

Costume 5: Score 1 million Points in survival mode under the default or higher difficulty setting. Alternately use Zack more than 50 times.

Costume 6: Grab the Parfait in Survival Mode under any setting. Alternately, use Zack more than 100 times.
Surviving survival mode
Once you have knocked the your opponent down, press [Up] + [Punch] + [Kick] to jump onto them. If done correctly, they will leave bonus points and food.

After survival mode loads, remove the game disc. Continue to beat on your opponent. When he dies, get him flat on the floor and then do your down moves. For every hit an item comes out of him. Do this repeatedly and you will get as many points as needed. When you are ready to continue, replace the disc and wait for it to load. Allow your opponent to defeat you, then add your name.

This is an easy way to get 50 wins on survival mode. Fight the CPU as normal with anyone, but as soon as you are about to die have player two press [Start]. You will then enter versus mode with the second player. Defeat him quickly, then choose CPU battle after the match. You will resume survival mode with the same number of kills as you had before, but with increased life. Note: You should set the versus options to one bout with smallest life to go the fastest, and survival mode with smallest life and easiest.

When playing survival mode, eject the game disc. When you defeat your opponent, the game will try to load up the opponent, but cannot. Use this time to stomp on your opponent as much as needed. When you want to resume, reinsert the disc. It takes about 5 seconds to load up again, and the music will also resume.

To get the items in survival mode easier, pick survival mode with any character. When the game starts, push the eject button on your PlayStation 2 console. Defeat your opponent. The timer should stay at 40 seconds and your opponent will be lying on the ground. Pick the item up and jump on them ([Up] + [Triangle] + [Circle]) to keep getting items. To go to the next opponent, push the eject button again.

Story mode
If you are having trouble defeating the last opponent in your character's story in mode (the big bird), use the following trick. Notice that whenever the bird turns around (its back is facing you), it unleashes dust that makes the ground shake and you get bowled over. However, you are too far away to attack him, so he does it again. However, if you get knocked over by the dust, and you can tell he is going to perform the attack again, stay down and do not press any buttons. If he performs that attack again while you are lying on the ground, he will not be able to hurt you. Note that your character gets up after awhile, so you cannot stay there all the time.

In story mode, when the Tengu uses his dust-like attack, press [Square] to block it. He will probably do it repeatedly, so hold [Square].

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