cheat description | size | |
SAVEGAME FOR US VERSION Mar. 30, 2013 | 64KB |
"Hide" iconBar mini-game
Press "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Blue", "Red", "Green" for hidden mode. When the bars get to the middle/top area, they disappear making it very hard to hit them correctly. Alternately, press [L2], [Right], [L1], [Right], [L2], [L1] on a standard controller.
"FF" icon
Press "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pick"(2) for fast forward mode. This makes the bars scroll faster. Alternately, press [L2], [L1], [Right], [Circle]x2 on a standard controller.
"SFF" icon
Press "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pick"(2), "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Pick"(2). The bars will scroll even faster. Alternately, press [L2], [L1], [Right], [Circle]x2, [L2], [L1], [Right], [Circle]x2 on a standard controller.
"Random" icon
Press "Blue", "Green"(2), "Red", "Green", "Pick" for random mode. Some notes will be randomized. Alternately, press [Right], [L1], [L1], [L2], [L1], [Circle] on a standard controller.
"SUD" icon
Press "Green", "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Blue", "Red", "Pick" at the mode selection screen. Notes will appear closer to the play line. Alternately, press [L1], [L2], [Right], [L1], [Right], [L2], [Circle] on a standard controller.
"Little" icon
Press "Red"(3), "Green"(2), "Blue"(3), "Pick" at the mode selection screen. This mode only allows two chords. Alternately, press [L2]x3, [L1]x2, [Right]x3 on a standard controller.
"E" icon
Press "Red", "Blue", "Pick", "Green", "Red", "Blue", "Pick", "Green" at the mode selection screen. This makes the songs very hard. Alternately, press [L2], [Right], [Circle], [L1], [L2], [Right], [Circle], [L1] on a standard controller.
Clear all icons
Press "Pick"(10) at the mode selection screen.