King Arthur Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these King Arthur cheats and stay cool!
Cavalry campaign: Break open the gates easier
Use your charge to break it open.

Archery development
Upgrade the archery skill first to be able to shoot two arrows at one time. This makes it easier to take out archers and weaker units.

Defeating Saxon Shieldmen
Use the following trick to defeat the Saxon shieldmen in the last chapter. When using Arthur on foot, simply power attack a shieldman three times. He will be knocked to the ground. Finally, use your finishing attack. When using Lancelot on foot, use the [X]x2, [Circle] combo to destroy the shield. If the enemy does not die, attack him by pressing [Circle]. When using Bors on foot, always use the Knight's Wrath [X]x2, [Circle] combo. When using Tristan on foot, use Pagan's Head when using a bow or his [X]x2, [Circle] combo. When using Guinevere on foot, she moves very slow with melee attacks. Use Pagan's Head. When your characters are on a horse, simply concentrate on one enemy then try to run over him. That enemy will fall to the ground. Press [L2] to use the finishing attack. You can attack with your sword while doing your finishing move on a horse.

Defeating The Shaman
Equip Gwen with one healing item (such as Bloodring). Have Arthur kill any weak enemies. Then, have him go around the corner where he is safe and let The Shaman shoot a meteor. Remember to dodge. Finally, get behind the black circle and shoot. Because you are beyond his range, he cannot hit you. If he teleports, just let him shoot a meteor and continue from there.

Defeating Cerdic
Use the following trick to defeat Cerdic in the Vengeance level. First, pick a character (Arthur recommended). When you get to the part where Cerdic is using his shield, keep firing strong arrows to him by holding [A] and releasing. When another enemy arrives (especially the men with the long spears), start running around while charging the special upgrade "Pagan's Head", where your arrow explodes, then fire at the enemy, and not Cerdic. Then keep doing the "Strong Arrow" technique until Cerdic's shield breaks. The next part is difficult. Cerdic now has a double-sided axe. Be careful when shooting arrows because he blocks almost every single shot you take. Cerdic is sometimes weak at power attacks. First, shoot the fence at the left-hand corner with your "Pagan's Head" so that you have more room to run around the place. If you are skilled at using bows, do the following. Run around the room and wait for your teammate to hit Cerdic without your partner's attack being blocked. When Cerdic gets hit, shoot as many arrows as you can before he gets close to you. Eventually, Cerdic will get hit. Keep doing this until Cerdic's life goes to half. Also, while Cerdic is far away from you, keep shooting as many arrows as you can by using the ability "Double Arrows" or "Arrow Storm". Cerdic will be too busy blocking your arrows that he will not see your teammate attacking from behind. When you are done shooting arrows at Cerdic and the next part starts, you should not have lost any health. However, doing this is very slow. If you want to do it faster and like using melee attacks, do the following. Run around the room and wait for Cerdic to attack your partner. While you are standing behind him, he cannot see you. Do a power attack behind him, or the [X]x2, [Circle] combo. Do this behind his back. Eventually he will start chasing you; run around the room. Then, hit him with a power attack. Most of the time he cannot block it. Keep doing this until his health runs low. Note: make sure you do not get hit by Cerdic's attack that hits you with both sides of his axe. The last part is easy. If you are low on health, hit the two barrels near the right-hand corner with an ignited arrow. There is a potion and a secret XP. If the potion is still not enough, there is another barrel at the left-hand corner with a potion. Cerdic usually now focuses on your teammate. If Cerdic goes after you, keep running while charging your "Pagan's Head". You will soon run into another enemy; fire your bow at him. Keep doing the power attack technique until Cerdic dies.

Horse kick
When someone is behind you on horseback, press Circle to have your horse kick backwards. This can break the shields or enemies.

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