Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence cheats and stay cool!
Downloadable Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence Cheats
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Jul. 25, 2011
Primary Collection of Cheats
Cheat Mode
Type in this code in the menu on the map screen to see the location of The End during your battle with him. This code will have to be inputed every time you leave the map screen and come back to the map screen:

[Up] [Up] [Down] [Down] [Left] [Right] [Left] [Right] [Square] [Triangle] - Makes the location of The End show up on your map during the battle with him.

Play around with the music video
During the music video "Snake Eater", pressing different buttons will slightly change what appears on screen:

[L3] (press the left analouge stick) - Change the language of the credits
[R1] - Make the singer interupt the song to say "Snake Eater"
Move the left analouge stick - The snakes will move in the same direction

Play With The Title Screen
You can mess around with the animation and background at the title screen by pressing different buttons:

[L3] - Changes the background design.
[L1] - Changes the color of Snake and the soldier.
[L2] - Changes the color of Snake and the soldier.
[R3] - Changes the screen's color.
[R2] - Slows down the Snake vs. soldier animation.
[R1] - Speeds up the Snake vs. soldier animation.
[Triangle] - Turns the background black so that you can only see Snake fighting the soldier.
Just choose which MGS game you like at the beginning of the game for the following unlockables:

Demo Theatre - Pick I like MG3 on a new file and save it
European Extreme - Choose: I LIKE MGS3!
Raiden Mask in beginning - Pick I like MGS 2 on a new file and save it
Secret Theatre - Pick I like MG3 on a new file and save it
Unlock Duel Mode on Disc 2 - Pick I like MG3 on a new file and save it

Mosin Nagant
Beat The End through stamina depletion to unlock the Mosin Nagant, The End's tranquilizer-dart-equipped sniper rifle. After the cutscene where The End dies, it is just to the left of Snake's position, in a centralized clearing in Sokrovenno North. It will not appear if The End is killed by setting the PS2 clock forward, nor will it appear if he was killed outside the Ponizovje warehouse.

Original Metal Gear Boss Time Trial
Beat the original Metal Gear for the MSX and make a Clear Data file. When you are returned to the main menu for Metal Gear, the boss time trial will be selectable.

Unlock Bandana for the MSX Metal Gear games
Beat Metal Gear 1 or 2 to unlock the bandana for that game. The Bandana, when equipped, will give you unlimited ammunition for all weapons.

Unlock Boss Survival Mode in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
Once you have successfully beaten the game on Easy or Original, save it and you should find Boss Survival on the main menu of MG2.

American Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
Animals - Defeat Ocelot by stamina depletion
AUSCOM Desert (Australian camouflage desert) fatigue - Beat Snake Eater once
Banana Camouflage - Get the 1st record time in every stage of Snake vs. Monkey Mode
Brown face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
Cold War - Defeat Volgin by stamina depletion
Desert Tiger camouflage fatigue - Beat Snake Eater once
DPM Camouflage - Beat Special Duel Mode(Disk 2) with 1st place score
English Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
EZ Gun - Playing the game on Very Easy mode
EZ Gun (Modes above Very Easy) - Capture all 48 types of edible plants and animals
Fire - Defeat The Fury by stamina depletion
Flectar camouflage fatigue - Beat Snake Eater once
French Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
German Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
Green Face Paint - Beat Normal Duel Mode (Disc 2) with 1st place score
Hornet Stripe - Defeat The Pain by stamina depletion
Infinity Face Paint (Alternate) - Catch a Tsuchinoko (alive) can only be caught using mousetraps. Best place to find Graniny Gorki South (Where you fight The Fear)
Infinity Face Paint (Ininite ammo) - Beat the game with the rank Foxhound
Italian Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
Japanese Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
Monkey Mask - Complete all Snake vs. Monkey Mode
Moss - Hold up The End
Patriot (The Boss's gun) - Complete the game once
Single Action Army (Revlover) - Choose the SAA on the right during final duel
Snake - Defeat The Boss by stamina depletion
Soviet Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
Spanish Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
Spider - Defeat The Fear by stamina depletion
Spirit Camo (Footsteps cannot be heard) - Walk all the way to the end during boss fight against The Sorrow
Stealth Camo - Beat game with no alerts
Stealth Camo (alternate) - Shoot all the green frogs in every area of the game
Swedish Flag face paint - Beat Snake Eater once
Tuxedo (Camo) - Complete the game once

Unlocking Rumble Roses characters
To unlock these characters as playable character, simply play enough to obtain an animal ranking and next time you host a game, you can select the Reiko Hinomoto/ Rowdy Reiko option to appear or do not appear.

Easter Egg: Motion Capture Actors
During a cut scene, if you see the name of the character, the name in the parentheses is the voice actor. If you hit O, the name will change to the name of the character's motion capture actor.

See ghostly images of the developers during the fight with the Sorrow.

Using the camera, take pictures of the bosses you've killed as they walk towards you as ghosts. Sometimes you'll see the faces of the developers on the pictures you've taken.

Title Screen Change
After beating the game once, Snake will have an eyepatch on during the CQC fights he has with the Russian guard at the title screen.

Glitch: No Damage Through Torture
Hold [L2] during the entire torture sequence to not recieve any damage when Volgin punches you. It must remain held down until cutscene where he leaves otherwise any damage that would have been done is still dealt.

Bats in Cave
In the cave, bats attack you if you run. But if you use the active sonar and send out a 'ping', the bats will stop coming after you. That is because bats use sonar to see, they attack the strange noises snake is making and using the sonar tricks them into thinking you are just another bat.

Dazing a Guard
Whenever the '!' or '?' icon appears above an enemy's head, and you shoot it, (this is tricky) the the guard appear to be intoxicated and have some white bubbles floating from his head, giving you a few seconds to either run away, or to attack the dazed guard.

Defeat The End easily
When you enter the fighting area for the first time, save your game and quit. Go into the clock settings of your PS2 hardware and set the clock forward a couple of years. Load up the game and you will find that The End has died from old age!!

Distract Voligin
Before you fight Volgin be sure to capture a living tree frog. When you are fighting him equip the tree frog as a weapon and throw it somewhere where volgin will see it. After he sees it he should say something then jump back he will then be vulnerable for a few seconds(until he kills the frog) allowing you time to get a few cheap shots in.

Easily deplete The Fear's stamina
While fighting The Fear, his main tactic is to jump from tree to tree in order to get the best shot possible on you. However, this depletes his stamina rather quickly, and like Snake, he needs to eat in order to keep himself going strong. As The Fear's stamina gauge decreases, he'll stop trying to attack you and begin using his crossbow to hunt for food instead. If he manages to catch enough of the local food sources, he will regenerate his stamina gauge; if you're a fan of scoring stamina kills on the bosses in order to get the secret uniforms in the game, The Fear's eating habits make it very difficult to deplete his stamina gauge in an honorable manner.

Thankfully, there is a cheap way to bypass the entire process. As soon as the battle starts, take poisoned pieces of food you have on stock and throw it into the middle of the area, then proceed to go on with the battle as you would normally. When The Fear's stamina gets low, he will cease to hunt for food and will instead go right for the food you threw out for him! Not only does this prevent The Fear's stamina from increasing, but it will actually decrease his stamina as well. Even better is that he'll stand there puking his guts up, which gives you all sorts of time to blast him with shots from your tranquilizer gun.

It should be noted that the best place to harvest poisoned food is in the very area in which you fight The Fear himself; you have to go through it en route to the science lab before fighting The Fear on the way back. The area is full of poison frogs and poison mushrooms, so make sure to stock up in advance. The more poisoned food you throw out at the beginning of the fight, the easier a time you'll have.

Find Secret Codec Frequency to Call Off Alerts
If you enter alert mode, capture any nearby guard and interrogate him. Sometimes, the guard will tell you a Codec frequency that can be contacted to call off the alert. These frequencies change after they are first used, but there will always be a new one available whenever you trigger alert mode.

Free Rations/Ammo in Original Metal Gear
If you die and choose "continue" too many times (approx 5- 10), you'll be given max ammo (only for weapons you have obtained) and full rations. Your maximum capacity for weapons and rations increases as your rank increases, which you increase by finding hostages.

Anger Volgin
When fighting Volgin the first time you can wear the Ivan's(Raiden's) mask and he will think you are the major and hesitate from attacking you. You will have a chance to shoot him a few times without him attacking. He will realize who you are after a while and become angry and attack more frequently.

Parrot to your advantage
During your battle with The End, if you capture his parrot (use a tranquilizer pistol) and then set it free, the parrot will squawk and circle over The End's head; revealing his sniper position and allowing you to shoot him. After you shoot him, The End will then relocate and you can recapture the parrot and repeat this method until The End is defeated. If you find it difficult to recapture the parrot, move to another Sokrovenno area and then return and the parrot should be perched at one of its usual spots. If you find it difficult to spot the parrot circling over The End, use your directional microphone and listen for The End scolding his [loud mouth] parrot.

Secret Gametype for Online: HEAD SHOTS
When making a room online type HEAD SHOTS as the title of the room to play a secret gametype. In this gametype you must get headshots on your opponents or your character will blow up.

Skip The End boss battle
After caves and after the river with the guards on the hovercrafts, enter the next area and a cutscene will begin. As soon as the cutscene ends pull out your SVD sniper rifle and aim it at The End in his wheelchair. Before he gets taken away, shoot the guard in the head, then shoot The End in the head a few times. If done corectly The End will say something and explode. Later in the game when you get to the jungle where the fight was supposed to be, you wont have to fight him and the jungle will be filled with guards from the Ocelot unit.

Snake's dream
When Snake gets puts in the jail cell. Save the game and turn the system off. Turn it back on and go to your saved game file. Load it and you will see a mini-game were you are this Zombie hunter guy and you can go around and kill zombies.

Starving and poorly equipped enemies
Throughout the game, you will find several storehouses of food (Where you'll find items like Instant Noodles and Calorie Mates) and ammunition (Often where you find new weapons). If you have some TNT in your inventory, plant a piece inside a storehouse, stand back, and detonate it. You'll know the trick worked if the room becomes charred and black. If you do this to a food storehouse, enemies in the nearby screens will complain about their hunger, helping you detect them easily. If you destroy an ammo warehouse, guards will have only one clip of AK ammo, then they will switch to a pistol, and eventually they will have to use a knife.

Volgin's lightning
When fighting Col. Volgin throw a Russian glow cap and it will absorb his lightning attacks for a little bit.

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