Unlock Hidden Items
Enter the following codes at the title screen (the numbers correspond to the Pop'n controller's buttons from left to right):
64273861 - Biiter Sweet Pop, Hoken Rap, Japanese Reggae, Ouenka, Disco Fever
36766327 - Gradius II, Broken Bang Beats, Pop Desco, Psychadelic Trance
76238762 - Chibikko Idol, Electro Pop, Yuru Pop, VS Sound
43217893 - Funk Fever, Cosmo Pop, Kids Course, Hell Course
16382976 - Cyber Flamenco, Kenka Drum, Enzetsu, Progressive Baroque, Fever Robo, Unmei Course
26261349 - Disco A GoGo, Fever Hero, Neo Classical Heavy Metal, Fever Hero Ending
67677879 - Taikyokuken, Bulgarian Rhythm, Battle Dance, Carnival, Sanctity
NOTE: The unlocked items will be available for the current session only, and won't be saved when you save the game.