Risk: Global Domination Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Risk: Global Domination cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
African Uniform
Defeat Shaka Zulu to win the game.

Bone Dice
After one turn, conquer two continents. Note: You must not have control of any territory on either continent at the start of that turn.

Brooklyn Announcer
Defeat all five default generals.

Cross Of Storms Medal
Eliminate all five opponents from a game personally.

Crown of Augustus Medal
Defeat all eleven generals to win a game.

European 2 Uniform
Defeat Napoleon Bonaparte to win the game.

Fall of the Lady
Defeat Catherine the Great to win the game.

Fist of Tamerlane
Conquer thirty territories in one turn.

Five Against Thebes
Given in honor of defeating five unlockable generals with home field advantage. You must defeat all five generals personally.

Gemstone Dice
Win a territory in each of the six continents in one turn.

Gold Cannon Medallion
Given in honor of a players 1,500th career kill.

Heart of Genghis Medal
Defeat three opponents in one turn.

Heavy Metal Dice
Eliminate all five opponents from a game personally.

Indian Uniform
Defeat Lakshmi Bai to win the game.

Indonesian Uniform
Defeat Pangeran Diponegoro to win the game.

Iron Stonewall
Force a retreat of an attacker with five or more armies. You must have less than five armies. This unlocks the original map.

Jade Mongoose Medal
Defeat Lakshmi Bai to win the game.

Lion of Bolivia Medal
Defeat Simon Bolivar to win the game.

Majesty Announcer
Conquer twenty-five continents in your career.

Medal of Aenean Merit
Get fifty wins in your career.

Medal of Cincinnatus
Defeat George Washington to win the game.

Medal of Jasonic Merit
Get ten wins in your career.

Medal of Manado
Defeat Pangeran Diponegoro to win the game.

Medal of Orestes
Conquer two continents in a turn. Note: You must not have control of any territory on either continent at the start of that turn.

Medal of Pentheus
Defeat King Ferdinand VII to win the game.

Medal of Ulyssean
Get twenty five wins in your career.

Native American Uniform
Defeat Pontiac to win the game.

Order of the Philosopher King
Conferred upon a player after conquering his or her 200th career continent.

Order of San Dimas Medal
Defeat Napoleon Bonaparte to win the game.

Order of Steel Medal
Defeat all five default generals.

Order of the Boer Medallion
Defeat Shaka Zulu to win the game.

Order of the Conqeror Medallion
Conquer twenty five continents in your career.

Order of the Eagle
Win a territory in each of the six continents in one turn.

Order of the Liberator
Conquer one hundred continents in your career.

Oust of Africa Medal
Defeat Charles Gordon to win the game.

Parchment Map
Get twenty five wins in your career.

Play as Lakshmi Bai
Defeat Robert Clive to win the game.

Play as Napoleon Bonaparte
Defeat Catharine The Great to win the game.

Play as Pangeran Diponegoro
Conquer one hundred territories in your career.

Play as Pontiac
Defeat George Washington to win the game.

Play as Shaka Zulu
Defeat Charles Gordon to win the game.

Play as Simon Bolivar
Defeat King Ferdinand VII to win the game.

Precious Metal Dice
Defeat three opponents in one turn.

Realistic Map
Get ten wins in your career.

Reunification Medallion
Conquer one hundred territories in your career.

Revolt of the Bengal Medal
Defeat Robert Clive to win the game

Silver Sword Medallion
Get five hundred victories in your career.

South American Uniform
Defeat Simon Bolivar to win the game.

Spiky Dice
Defeat all eleven generals to win a game.

Sun Tzu's Cross
Conquer five hundred territories in your career.

The Firebird Medal
Defeat Pontiac to win the game.

Wooden Dice
Get five hundred victories in your career.

Glitch: Unlimited reinforcements
Get three Risk Cards that can be used to get reinforcements. Press [Start] to pause game play, then select the "Risk Cards" option. Choose the three reinforcement cards, then press [Triangle] to return to the pause menu. Note: Do not return to the board. Select the ''Risk Cards'' option again, then select the same three reinforcement cards again. Press [Triangle] to return to the pause menu. This can be repeated as many times as desired. Resume game play and you will have as many reinforcements as for the number of times you repeated the glitch.

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