Rygar: The Legendary Adventure Cheats - PlayStation 2

 All cheats for this game by platform: PlayStation 2
Check out these Rygar: The Legendary Adventure cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
In-game reset
Hold [Start] + [Select] during game play.

Easy mode
Die three times under the normal difficulty setting to unlock easy mode.

Hard mode
Successfully complete the game (including Necromandio Cave) under the normal difficulty setting to unlock hard mode.

Legendary mode
Successfully complete the game (including Necromandio Cave) under the hard difficulty setting to unlock hard mode.

Successfully complete the game (including level 30 of Necromandio Cave) under the normal difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the game (including level 30 of Necromandio Cave) under the hard difficulty setting with an "A" rank.

Successfully complete the game (including Necromandio Cave) under the easy or higher difficulty setting to unlock armor shaped like a pizza.

Successfully complete the game (including Necromandio Cave) under the hard difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the game (including level 30 of Necromandio Cave) under the legendary difficulty setting with an "A" rank.

Successfully complete the game (including Necromandio Cave) under the legendary difficulty setting.

One World mode
Successfully complete the game (including Necromandio Cave) under the easy or higher difficulty setting.

Replay bonus
Successfully complete the game and save it. Start a new game under any difficulty setting to begin with the same attack and defense statistics and Mystic Stones from your previous attempt.
Defeating Icarus
When you face Icarus the second time (on the floating island), note the color of the lightning around him. If it is red, use any weapon besides the Hades. If it is yellow, use any weapon besides the Haven. If it is blue, use any weapon other than the Sea. If you use the same color as him, you will not do any damage.

Defeating Typhon
Make sure you have a Omphalos. If your Icol is low, use it to bring up your magic before the battle. Cast the highest level of magic you have for Siren (level 3 suggested).This should bring his health down to about half. Cast this as many times as you can. Then, take out your Hades Diskarmor. You can jump in front of him and throw your Diskarmor for some quick damage. When his heads go into the lava, get to the end close to the sealed door, and defend with R1. Wait like this until his heads surface. When the fireballs are shot, quickly slide by pressing [R1] + [X] to dodge them. When his head gets level with you to swing, get as close to the body as possible and defend. He should swing over you. He will pause after he swings. This is your chance to do a combo at his head as long as you can. Eventually, one after one of his heads will fall back and die. When only three are remaining, he will start to throw lava balls faster and throw a type of lava wall at you. The best way to dodge this to once again slide as he throws them. When two are remaining, one swings his head and spit a wave of fire. This is easily dodged by jumping, but the other head is still throwing lava balls. Just jump and hit them. Finally, when there is one remaining he does not do any thing special. Just repeat the steps of jumping and attacking. He will soon die.

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