Smuggler's Run Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Smuggler's Run cheats and stay cool!
Primary Collection of Cheats
Pause game play, then press [R1], [L1]x2, [R2], [L1]x2, [L2]. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat this code to disable its effect.

Lighter cars
Pause game play, then press [L1], [R1]x2, [L2], [R2]x2. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat this code to disable its effect.

No gravity
Pause game play, then press [R1], [R2], [R1], [R2], [Up]x3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat this code to disable its effect.

Increase time warp
Pause game play, then press [R1], [L1], [L2], [R2], [Right]x3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. This can be repeated up to three times to increase the effect.

Decrease time warp
Pause game play, then press [R2], [L2], [L1], [R1], [Left]x3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. This can be repeated up to three times to increase the effect.

Pause game play then quickly enter the "Increase time warp" code three times. Note: This only works on joyride mode and only on certain cars of a certain team and on certain levels for each car.
Make traffic fly
Enable the "No gravity" and "Lighter cars" code. Tap or slam into a car. Depending on how hard it was hit, the car will slowly or very quickly beginto "fly" into the air.

Dancing cars
Jump over a very big hill and hold [Circle] while rotating the Left Analog-stick. If done correctly, your the car will be in a spinning position with the back two wheels on the ground and the front two wheels in the air. Once you achieve this, stop rotating the Left Analog-stick but continue holding [Circle].

Waterfall tunnel
Start the game in Joyridin' (two player) and go to the Forest. When game play begins, a river should in front of you. Go to the right and follow the river until you reach a waterfall. There is a path to the left, when you are looking directly at the waterfall. Follow the path. When you reach the top, keep going until you get to the end of what looks like a forest half pipe. Turn to the left. You will then see two bridges. Go to the second one, that has no roof over it. Go across the bridge, but stop when you get to the end of it. To your upper left-hand side should be a medium sized hill. The tunnel is directly on the other side of it. When in the tunnel, you will start to go down, then up, and do a few turns/ However at the end, you will shoot out of a waterfall. For best effect, have one player watch the front of the waterfall while the other player goes through the tunnel --suddenly a car will shoot out of the waterfall from nowhere.

Select Joyridin' mode. At the start point, turn right and cross the large pipe. Follow the road to the first aid station. About 100 feet past the first aid station, you will see tire tracks in sand on your left. About 20 feet down the road past the tire tracks is quicksand on your left.

Drive to the highest point of the Desert
Go to Joyridin', select the Desert level, and a military vehicle. From where you start, drive over the hills where you see the windmills Go over the hills and you will see a road. Follow the road towards the border check point. Follow the road as it passes the post office and a couple of backpackers. Follow the road until it ends and take a right. Drive through the dried up pond until you see a tunnel. Drive through the tunnel and you will end up in a "valley". Follow the dirt tracks until you get to another tunnel but do not go into it. Instead, take a right up a steep hill. Once you are at the top, go under the boulders and follow the road that leads to a "pit". Drive off into the pit and you will see a tunnel. Drive through the tunnel and you will end up in another "pit". Drive into the pit and you will notice another tunnel. You can go into the tunnel and take a serious dive right over the post office that you passed on your way here or you can stay in the "pit". This is where you can climb the side to get to the "top" of the desert mountains. Use a car that is strong, such as the Hummer to get to the top. Once you are up there you will notice a black wall. That is the end of the map. There are a lot of traps up there, so be careful.

Small pond in the Forest level
Go to Joyridin', select the Forest level, and a strong vehicle. From where you start, go straight and follow the road over the bridge.Stay on the road until you see a chain of mountains. The road starts to turn here, parallel with the mountains. You will see a white boulder directly off the right side of the road. Park next to it so that you are on the right side of it, facing the mountain. To the right is a green patch of grass on the mountain. That is where you need to drive up. When you get to the top, you will see another small mountain ridge. Go right and follow the green grass that leads you down and couple of feet into a flat area. Drive straight ahead. Notice the green grass that goes all the way to the top. That is your path to the top where the "pond" is located. Once you are on the top, take a left and follow the "black wall" (towards the sunset) -- you cannot fall off. You will see some jagged rocks. Right over the rocks is the pond. If you want, keep following the black border and see how far you get -- be careful or you will have to start all over again.

Highest point in Snow level
Go to Joyridin', select the Snow level, and the rally car. From the start, go to the ice then follow the river. When you reach the split, take the right side. When you reach the dock before the bridge, make top speed. When you reach the steep wall you will see two dark stripes on the sides. Go towards the left one and drive up the hill about three feet away from the dark stripe. When you get to the top and go airborne, level out the car and go to the right at the top. Follow up the hill to get to the highest point of the level.

Waterfall jump
Choose the Forest or Snow level in Joyridin' mode with any car. At your starting point, go straight towards the road in front of you, then turn right towards the "Daves' Flowers" sign. Follow this road until you see a waterfall on your left in the distance. Get off the road and drive towards the waterfall. Once you are in front of and facing it, turn left between the two big boulders. Drive until you hit a dirt road, then turn right. Follow that road to a big road and turn right. Stay on that road until you reach a bridge. Turn right into the river. Follow the river and you will reach the waterfall. Run off it and use the emergency brake trick to flip uncontrollably. You can also go behind the waterfall. Note: The Snow level works best, however you cannot go behind the waterfall in that level because it will be frozen.

Steer in mid-air
You can use the emergency brake in mid air to steer the car in any direction. You can also rock it back and fourth, or even spin on end:

Get to a flat surface (snow also recommended), then hold [X] + [Circle] + [Left] or [Right]. You can also hold [Triangle] + [Circle] + [Left] or [Right].

Defeating the O'Gradys
When racing against the O'Gradys, choose the SUV. As you start, the two buggys in front of you will take the lead. As you approach a corner, both buggys will swerve on to a grass verge. Do not follow them. Instead, continue along the road as you turn the corner. The buggy in second place will land in front of you. Ram him and he should go flying, putting you in second place. To over take the buggy in front of you, floor it as you enter the town. If done correctly, you should fly past him and be in first place at the last check point.

Career mode
When in career mode, use buggy even though it is the second-fastest vehicle. The rally car has good speed but it is not meant for off-road.

Flying car show
Start joyride with one player. At the beginning, stop the car you see first buy crashing it until black smoke appears. Do this to as many cars close by (I2 cars are fine) as possible. Group them together by pushing them next to each other. Then, enable the "No gravity" code. Sometimes the cars will fly off automatically. If not, tap it lightly.

Glitch: Break dancing cars
Note: This works best with the "No gravity" code enabled. Accelerate up a very steep hill until the car starts to wheel spin and rolls back down. As the car starts to roll onto its side, turn the steering hard the way the car is falling just before it hits the ground. This will send the car in to an uncontrollable spin on its nose as it tries to correct itself.

Glitch: Drive over 1000 mph
Go to Joyridin', select the Desert, then choose the SUV. Once started, head west (with the top of the map designated north) until you reach the mountain range at the edge of the map. Find the telephone wires. Now head south up the trail behind the telephone wires. Just before the trail curves slightly to the left, track straight up the side of the hill on the right. You have to hit it at an angle driving at least 60 mph. Once on top, head to the right to the top of a narrow ridge. Proceed slowly, as it is very narrow. Try to stay to the right on the ridge, then head straight up the hill at the end of the ridge. This will probably take several tries before you learn the correct angle of attack required to scale this hill. The SUV is the only vehicle that can climb this, and it can be done. Once on top of this hill, head to right and follow the edge of the landscape north to the corner. Watch out for the big holes, as they are extremely difficult to climb out of. Once at the corner, head east along the edge and fall into the first hole you reach. You will fall through the graphics into a void, where your speedometer will eventually climb to 1,118 mph.

Use the massive truck, slow down the Time Warp to the slowest setting, and select no gravity. Use the emergency brake trick to make you car spin on end -- keep the acceleration floored and steer to the left. If done correctly, your car will slowly rise up and the mph will keep increasing. It will eventually stop at 1,118 mph. Release, and wait for a long time before you car hits the ground and flies around the course uncontrollably at a very high speed. Note: This may take more than one attempt.

Glitch: Pass through graphics
Go to Joyridin' on the snow level and select the Dune Buggy. Go to the lake, keep to the left, and go under the bridge. Follow the frozen water and when there is a fork in the water, take a right. Keep going in this direction until the water ends at a big hill. You will need to be driving about 115 mph or more to make it up the hill. Once you are on the hill, take a right. Follow the edge of the graphics and when it forms a corner with a ramp, go over the ramp to will fall into the graphics. Sometimes you will just spin there. At other times you will hit the ground and be able to drive off.

To travel over the large hill after the ice, enable the "Lighter cars" and "No gravity: codes. You will not have to reach the maximum speed, and making it to the top is much easier. Try to stay in a straight line, and you should fly up into the air, and coast over the top.

This also can be done with the Military Vehicle at the same location if it is going about 119mph.

Go to desert and chose the rally car. Go to the side of the level and climb it. Push against the side and follow it around the level until you find a ditch that appears towards the black. You will fall down and the surroundings will turn black.

Glitch: Flying car
Select joyride mode, choose the forest level and the Rally car. Enable the "Low gravity" and "Lighter car" codes. Drive right and follow the road by the river. Once the road starts to curve right then left and you pass a green sign, you should see a tall hill that jumps over a small trail with logs. If done at the right angle and speed you sometimes can start flying to the left, right, down, or in some cases up, where you can look down an see the land. If done correctly your speed will increase up to 1,118 mph.

Glitch: Hole in the ice
Drive to the waterfall in the snow and fall off. If you drive in the left corner, there is a hole in the ice but it looks as if you were driving on regular ice.

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