Cheat menu
Slowly press [L1], [R1], [L1], [R1],
[Up], [Down], [Up], [Down] at the title screen.
Bill the Rooster
Slowly press [R1], [R2], [L1]x2, [Triangle],
[Square] at the title screen.
Buck the Duck
Slowly press [L1], [Down], [Up]x3,
[L1] at the title screen.
Frank the Bull
Slowly press [L1], [L2], [Square], [Triangle]x2,
[L2] at the title screen.
Joey the Donkey
Slowly press [L2], [L1]x2, [Triangle]x3
at the title screen.
Sheaty the Fly
Slowly press [L1]x2, [R1]x2, [Up],
[Triangle] at the title screen.
Stingy the Rat
Slowly press [R1]x2, [L1], [Square]x3
at the title screen.
Kofmunship level
Slowly press [Triangle], [L1]x2, [R1]x2
at the title screen.
Pamela level
Slowly press [Square], [Triangle], [Square],
[Triangle], [R1] at the title screen.
Jail level
Slowly press [R1]x2, [Square], [Triangle],
[R1] at the title screen.
Gladiator level
Slowly press [Triangle], [Square], [L1]x3
at the title screen.