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SAVEGAME FOR US VERSION Jun. 02, 2010 | 21KB |
Ehud Ben Zohar: Successfully complete all objectives in the Yemen 1 and 2 missions.Bonus missions
Gabe Logan: Successfully complete all objectives in the Montenegro and Ukraine missions.
Gary Stoneman: Successfully complete all objectives in the Italy, Belarus1, and Belarus 2 missions.
Gray Imani: Successfully complete all objectives in the Carthage 1, 2, and 3 missions.
Lawrence Mujari: Successfully complete all objectives in the Chechnya and Lorelei missions.
Lian Xing: Successfully complete all objectives in the Kyrgystan, Tokyo, and Myanmar missions.
Maggie Powers: Successfully complete all objectives in the Minsk mission.
Teresa Lipan: Successfully complete all objectives in the Zurich mission.
Budva: Successfully complete the solo Lorelei, Tokyo, Myanmar, and Zurich missions under the goal time.Medals
Chechnya: Successfully complete the solo Yemen and Minsk missions under the goal time.
Italy: Successfully complete the solo Carthage missions under the goal time.
Kyrgystan: Successfully complete the solo Belarus missions under the goal time.
Agency Medal Of Valor: Get all Agency ratings, Special Agency ratings, all commendations, all other medals, and the highest rank.Specialist ratings
Alima Karkadann's Unicorn Charm: Complete all objectives in the Yemen 1 and 2 missions. In the Ukraine mission, get Alima Haddad to safety.
Carthage Exemplary Service Tribute Medal: In the Carthage 1 and 2 missions, protect the CHA officers. In the Carthage 2 mission, eliminate all four ALA death squad assassins. In the Carthage 3 mission, rescue the injured SWAT officers.
Ellison Warner Award: In the Belarus 2 mission, destroy the SCUD missile. In the Yemen 2 mission, destroy the SCUD firing mechanism. In the Myanmar mission, recover the flight recorder.
Great Lakes Service Medal: Complete all objectives in the Carthage 1, 2, and 3 missions. In the Yemen 1 mission, photograph Fadhil's files. In the Zurich mission, obtain ALA financial records.
Homeland Security Citation: Get the Carthage Exemplary Service Tribute Medal and the President's Official Liberty Award. In the Zurich misison, obtain the Birchim files.
Kinishi Kuncho: Order of the Golden Dragon Medal: Get the Republic of Korea Service Award. Complete all objectives in the Kyrgyszstan, Tokyo, and Myanmar missions.
Medal of Distinction: Complete the single player mission deadline in all missions
Mossad Friend To Peace Medal: Get the Karkadann and Alima's Unicorn Charm. In the Kyrgystan mission, eliminate Zayed Al Dhahiri.
President's Official Liberty Award: In the Carthage 3 mission, complete the DPE order on Masson. In the Italy mission, assassinate Dimitri by the bell tower at 3:00 p.m. In the Belarus 1 mission, eliminate Zhidkov. In the Kyrgyzstan mission, poison Saydahmat's water chalice. In the Myanmar mission, eliminate Than Muang.
Republic of Korea Service Award: In the Kyrgystan mission, find Yuschenko's papers. In the Yemen 1 mission, obtain Thae-bok Jon's credentials. In the Tokyo mission, upload the computer data. In the Myanmar mission, find Yong-jun Kim's briefcase.
South African Freedom Medal: Do not have any collateral damage in any mission. Get Stone's Medal of Courage and the Carthage Exemplary Service Tribute. In the Belarus 1 mission, get all workers to safety. In the Lorelei mission, rescue the Level 5 salvage personnel.
Stone's Medal Of Courage: Rescue Stone Ukraine, and provide cover fire for Stone.
The Golden Cross of Russia Medal: Complete all objectives in the Belarus 1, 2, Kyrgyzstan, Minsk, and Ukraine missions. In the Yemen 1 mission, photograph Fadhil's files. In the Montenegro mission, find evidence linking Niculescu to Syphon Filter.
United Nations Peace Award: Cure the Omega Strain, In the Carthage 1 mission, scan the tissue sample. In the Carthage 2 mission, obtain Mujari's recorder. In the Belarus 1 mission, take the tissue sample from the cow carcass and the mill documents from the safe. In the Belarus 2 mission, obtain the sewage sample. In the Yemen 2 mission, obtain Yushchenko's viral container. In the Minsk mission, acquire the Omega Strain serum. In the Lorelei mission, collect the original virus sample. In the Tokyo mission, obtain the sample. In the Ukraine mission, find the Omega Strain DNA code.
Bio-Data Retrieval Expert: In the Carthage 1 mission, collect five water samples and perform a field autopsy. In the Belarus 1 mission, take a tissue sample from a cow carcass. From the Belarus 2 mission, obtain a sewage sample. In the Minsk mission, deploy viral sniffers at the marked locations. In the Chechnya mission, collect a tissue sample from a villager's body.Weapons and items
Bio-Data Retrieval Expert: Maintain stealth during the Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Yemen 1, Minsk, Chechnya, Lorelei, Tokyo, Zurich, and Montenegro missions.
Computer Information Expert: Retrieve Broussard's laptop (Team), In the Minsk mission, download MetaGloabal's records. In the Tokyo mission, upload the computer data. In the Zurich mission, access the mainframe computer. In the Ukraine mission, find the Omega Strain DNA code.
Elite Combat Expert: Earn the Elite Combat Specialist, Elite Combat Knife Specialist, Combat Sharp Shooter, Non-Lethal Force Specialist, Tactical Explosives Specialist, Elite Team Efficiency Specialist, and Discrete Personnel Elimination Expert ratings.
Elite Discrete Personnel Elimination Expert: In the Kyrgyszstan mission, poison Saydahmat's water chalice. In the Yemen 1 mission, eliminate Yushchenko. In the Tokyo mission, eliminate HNT leader Matsua.
Field Efficiency Expert: Beat the single player mission deadlines in all missions.
Military Tactics Expert: In the Belarus 1 mission, eliminate Zhidkov. In the Belarus 2 mission, destroy the communications truck, destroy the power substation, shut down the gas main, and destroy the bridge to stop the tank (Team). In the Yemen 1 mission, destroy the communications equipment. In the Yemen 2 mission, destroy the SCUD firing mechanism (Team). In the Lorelei mission, plant four nukes on the lower levels. In the Tokyo mission, plant C-4 charges on the lab floor. In the Myanmar mission, plant four claymores along the path, C-4 on each log bridge, and C-4 on the foot bridge. Complete all objectives in the Ukraine mission.
Survival Tactics Expert: Have no player deaths in all missions.
93R: Get the Gray Imani commendation.
ACR: Get a Combat Sharp Shooter Expert (750 headshots) rating.
Air Pistol: Get a Non-Lethal Force Specialist Expert (200 kills) rating.
AU300 H-BAR: Reach the Deputy Chief of Operations rank.
AU300 Mod-R: Get a Combat Sharp Shooter Advanced (450 headshots) rating.
AU300 Mod-SMG: Reach the Field Officer rank.
C11: Get the United Nations Peace Award.
C8 rifle: Get a Combat Specialist Elite (1300 kills) rating.
China type 56: Get the Republic of Korea Service Award.
China type 67: Get the Lian Xing commendation.
Combat shotgun: Reach the Intelligence Agent rank.
CZ Mach-9: Get the Maggie Powers commendation.
Desert Eliminator .357: Get Alima Karkadann's Unicorn Charm.
Desert Express.50: Get the Gabe Logan commendation.
Desert Sniper .44: Get the Ehud Ben Zohar commendation.
DormaGen Gas Grenades: Get a Non-Lethal Force Specialist Advanced (100 kills) rating.
Dragunov: Get a Combat Sharp Shooter Intermediate (200 headshots) rating.
DSC-1: Get the President's Official Liberty Award.
E.D.T.: Get a Non-Lethal Force Specialist Intermediate (50 kills) rating.
E.P.D.D.: Get a Non-Lethal Force Specialist Elite (300 kills) rating.
FAL SG-1: Get the Homeland Security Citation.
FAL: Get a Combat Specialist Expert (900 kills) rating.
FA-MAS: Get a Combat Specialist Advanced (600 kills) rating.
G-17: Reach the Investigative Agent rank.
G33E: Get a Combat Specialist Intermediate (300 kills) rating.
Galil SG-1: Get the Mossad Friend To Peace Medal.
GAWS 12 ga.: Reach the Chief of Operations rank.
Gewehr G 53: Get the Teresa Lipan commendation.
Headshot Lock: Get a Elite Discrete Personnel Elimination Expert specialist rating.
Incendiary Grenade: Get a Tactical Explosives Specialist Advanced (200 grenade kills) rating.
Increased Flak Jacket: Get a Bio-Data Retrieval Expert specialist rating.
Increased Health: Get a Survival Tactics Expert specialist rating.
IPCA Commando: Get a Combat Knife Specialist Expert (250 kills) rating.
Jerico-41: Reach the Field Research Specialist rank.
M1 Super 90: Get a Team Efficiency Specialist Intermediate (2 multi-player deadline times) rating.
M16 A1: Reach the Investigative Officer rank.
M16 A2: Reach the Intelligence Supervisor rank.
M-16k : Get a Team Efficiency Specialist Elite (9 multi-player deadline times) rating.
M1911 A1: Reach the Intelligence Officer rank.
M-249 SAW: Get the Agency Medal Of Valor.
M4 carbine: Reach the Investigative Supervisor rank.
M4: Reach the Investigative Operations Commander rank.
M61 Frag Grenade: Get a Tactical Explosives Specialist Intermediate (100 grenade kills) rating.
M79: Get a Tactical Explosives Specialist Elite (500 grenade kills) rating.
M82 BFG: Get a Combat Sharp Shooter Elite (1100 headshots) rating.
MAK-10 10mm: Reach the Investigative Research Specialist rank.
Mark 23 SD: Reach the Commander in Chief rank.
Mark 23: Reach the Field Supervisor rank.
MDS-7: Reach the Intelligence Research Specialist rank.
MDSA3: Get a Team Efficiency Specialist Expert (6 multi-player deadline times) rating.
MDS-k PDW: Get the Great Lakes Service Medal.
MGL: Get a Field Efficiency Expert specialist rating.
MGL: Get a Military Tactics Expert specialist rating.
Riot Shotgun: Get the Lawrence Mujari commendation.
Sarin nerve agent: Get a Tactical Explosives Specialist Expert (350 grenade kills) rating.
Shot Defender: Get a Team Efficiency Specialist Advanced (4 multi-player deadline times) rating.
ShotHammer: Reach the Field Operations Commander rank.
Shuriken: Get a Combat Knife Specialist Advanced (100 kills) rating.
Slug Defender: Reach the Field Analyst Specialist rank.
SlugHammer: Reach the Assistant Chief of Operations rank.
SP-57: Reach the Intelligence Analyst Specialist rank.
SPA-12 shotgun: Get the Kinishi Kuncho: Order of the Golden Dragon Medal.
SPA-15 Shotgun: Get Stone's Medal Of Courage.
Spectre: Get the Carthage Exemplary Service Tribute Medal.
SR-15: Get the Gary Stoneman commendation.
SSG 550: Reach the Investigative Analyst Specialist rank.
SSP 90: Get a Elite Combat Expert specialist rating.
Stavva M70 B1: Reach the Intelligence Operation Commander rank.
Stiletto: Get a Combat Knife Specialist Intermediate (50 kills) rating.
Sweeper 12 gauge: Get the South African Freedom Medal.
Tec 45: Get the Ellison Warner Award.
TH3 Blaster: Get the The Golden Cross of Russia Medal.
UNP 45: Get a Computer Information Expert specialist rating.
US M60 E3: Get the Medal of Distinction.
VibroBlade: Get a Combat Knife Specialist Elite (450 kills) rating.
VSS-DU: Get a Bio-Data Retrieval Expert specialist rating.