Terminator: Dawn of Fate Cheats - PlayStation 2

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Check out these Terminator: Dawn of Fate cheats and stay cool!
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Control introduction sequence
During the opening screens, press [L1] and [R1] to zoom in the image in the background.

Use the Right Analog-stick to move your view.
Turret gun zoom
When you get to use a turret gun in certain parts of a level, press [L3] to zoom in 3x. This will help you see what you are shooting at, and result in better aim.

Weapon zoom
On most weapons, you can zoom in by 3x pressing [R1].

Easy Skynet Tech points
While zoomed in, aim for the neck of most enemies and their heads will pop off. Each head is worth Skynet Tech points.

When you are using the R-6 handheld rocket launcher and destroy an enemy, pick up its head to collect Skynet Tech points.

HK Recon Threat Data
Get four medals to get the HK Recon threat data option.

T800 Threat Data
Get four medals on level 3. This can be quite difficult because your character gets hit all the time and it is hard to dodge the enemies. Go to "Awards" to check what medals you received. Note: This was the cyborg from in T2: Judgement Day and The Terminator.

T400 Threat data
Finish all the training missions under the time limit, then press [L1] at the mission complete screen to see what you have unlocked.

Game Intro option
Successfully complete the level 1 under the medium difficulty setting to unlock the "Game Intro" in the "Bonus Material" screen.

Easy kills
Aim for a terminator's head while in battle. If you shoot its head, it will pop off, and you will get a lot of Skynet Tech points. Sometimes when you shoot its head off, it will run around shooting its gun in the air and then explode.

Adrenaline combos
Use the following trick for adrenaline combos using little adrenaline. When you are about to attack with your electric baton, turn on your adrenaline and start to attack. When you land the first hit, turn off adrenaline and continue to attack. You will notice that you attacked with your adrenaline combos.

Defeating Endos
Hold [R1] to lock on to an Endo. Then, hold [L1] to switch to first-person mode. Your target will move from the torso to the head, requiring fewer hits to kill. Then, pick up the head for Skytech Points. This will not work well if the Endo is moving.

Defeating SkyNet
On level 10, after placing C4 in the core room you will see an intermission sequence featuring the T-800 going through time, and your friends will be trapped. Grab their ammo and go to a room with a big elevator. Turn left on the screen. You will see a guardian. Dodge it and hit it with the "eternal" stungun. You will meet another one. When you get to the top, you will be assaulted by everything. Destroy SkyNet's generators. SkyNet is the red-eyed cone in the center. Keep hitting it until it is obliterated. Exit where you came in to complete the mission.

Defeating humanoids
On level 6, you will meet anti-human humans. They are like T500s, but explode. They only fast way to kill them is with the shotgun. Using the R6 is a waste of ammunition.

On the level were you have to rescue people stuck inside the train, run into one of the trains by shooting the door off. Once you have spoken to the people inside, some humanoids will be waiting for you. Instead of running out of the train, manually aim your gun (shotgun recommended) and shoot the windows. Then, while still manually aiming, shoot the humanoids outside in the head. This can also be used to shoot the flying things. Note: If the enemy is far away do not use your shotgun, as it will miss.

Defeating the Terminator
Keep moving side to side in the hallway and fire, trying your best to dodge the bullets. If you want to try to inflict some damage with the baton, you can, as this will save ammunition but you will risk being hit or grabbed. Once you defeat him he will return, but without the gun. This time, you move around the hallways. In a few rooms there will be health, armor, and ammunition. Keep blasting him. When he puts his arms up, he is bulletproof. Only fire when his arms are down. Once he is defeated he will return again, crawling around the ground. Keep blasting him and moving backwards. However, if you hit the end of the hallway, run back and roll past him. Then, just keep firing. If you run out of ammunition there is more in the next room.

Destroying the Loader
In level 5, you find yourself in a large room with a huge robot. If you have plenty of health and armor, run to the back corner behind the stacks of boxes. If not, you can risk going up the stairs on the walkway and grabbing the armor and health. Then, grab the C4 on the edge of the stack of boxes and hide again behind the stack. You will notice that his shield drops just before it fires. Drop a few blocks of C4 (you will have to keep re-selecting the C4) in front of the conveyer belt closest to you. Then, run back behind the boxes. Wait for the Loader to go to that conveyer belt, pick up the box, and drop the shield, then blow up the C4. Keep doing this until it is destroyed. The C4 respawns in case you run out.

Alternately, place the C4 onto the blocks of platinum that the loader picks up. It will shoot you, but so long as you have enough strength it should not be a problem.

Destroying Skynet Tanks
If you encounter a Skynet Tank, do not waste rockets on its powerful armor. Instead, use this trick to take out all the parts. Your best chance is to take out its guns first, then searchlights. Then, find C4 to blow up the tracks to destroy them. Be careful where you place it -- the tank can burn you with its flame gun.

Destroying Skynet Planes
This is one of the toughest enemies to hit. Destroy the plane by firing a R6 rocket at one of its weak spots. Do this by dodging the rapid lasers, then hit the engines that allows it to fly in the air. Repeat this process until the plane has been shot down. Watch out for more cyborgs dropping from the plane

Weapon damage
Twin machine guns: Low
PL: High
AP15: Medium
Shotgun: Medium
R6: High
Level 9 bazooka: High
Level 10 multi stun gun: Depends on how long held down
Grenade Launcher: Medium (useful in the T-800 fight)
Level 9 Endo Tager: Low (very useful in brawls)
Prod: Medium (endoes and humanoids only)
Glitch: Electric ball
In some parts of the game when you use your electric fighting prod and put it away to use a gun, the game will think you still have it out. When you leave the spot you are standing in, the electric ball at the end of the prod will float in the air. It will stay there until you leave that room.

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