Bonus Mercedes Off Road vehicle
Enter "MERCEDEZ" as a name.
Low Gravity
Enter "LOWGRAVY" as a name.
Super fast flips and spin in air
Enter "KAHNDAWG" as a name.
Climb most hills without slow down
Enter "DNOMAID" as a name.
Add one lap to already set number of laps
Enter "1LAPS1" as a name.
Add two laps to already set number of laps
Enter "2LAPS2" as a name.
Double time on Blitz races
Enter "DBLTIME" as a name.
Unlimited retries
Enter "FREEPLAY" as a name.
All opponents driving the monster truck
Enter "MONSTRUS" as a name.
All tracks and cars
Press [Right]x2, [Left], [Square],
[Up], [L2]x2, [R1] at the main menu.
Pro class trucks
Successfully complete the first nine tracks in single
race mode.
Unlimited class trucks
Successfully complete the first twenty seven tracks
in single race mode.
Monster truck
Successfully complete the all twenty seven tracks in
single race mode in first place. Note: Try using Moon Buggy or
the Rod Hall Hummer after they are unlocked.
Finish in first place in the first three seasons of
career mode in all divisions.
Shelby Dodge Durango
Finish in first place in season four of career mode
in the speed division.
Dodge T-Rex
Finish in first place in season four of career mode
in the power division.
Rod Hall Hummer
Finish in first place in all divisions in career mode.
The Rod Hall Hummer is good for speed. It handles poorly and is
average in climbing. It can be a power vehicle if needed. It works
well for single race on the blitz races.
Moon level and Moon Buggy
Collect all nine Blue Moon cafe signs in free roam
or career mode. There are three signs in each level. The Moon
Buggy is the best all around vehicle and is able to reach speeds
of 132 mph. It is the vehicle to use on all the other races in
single race.